ccjbj · 5 years
Happy New Year!
  Happy New Year!
Thank you for all the love and support you have given me this year. It has been a fantastic journey, Thank you.
Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with Love, Happiness, Health and Prosperity.
Giangi and Christy
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ccjbj · 5 years
7 Reasons To Buy Before The End of 2019
7 Reasons To Buy Before The End of 2019
If you’ve been thinking about buying a home, taking the plunge before year-end could save you money, give you extra negotiating power and potentially even increase your future take-home pay.
1. Low interest rates
Interest Rate
 and Government Loans
30-Year Fixed Rate
30-Year Fixed-Rate VA
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ccjbj · 5 years
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! May your family be blessed with the Love and Peace that is Christmas. With Love and Gratitude,
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ccjbj · 5 years
Ham and Cheese Puff Pastry Nibbles
Ham and Cheese Puff Pastry Nibbles
Ham and Cheese Puff Pastry Nibbles
With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season gatherings making something fast, easy and super delicious is usually a gargantuan task.
However, here I have for you a fantastic recipe that will make your guest oh and ah over them: Ham and Cheese Puff Pastry Nibbles.
  Beware of the little one’s around this dish, they have tendency to make them disappear fast,…
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ccjbj · 5 years
Purchasing or Selling in Phoenix?
Purchasing or Selling in Phoenix?
We need homes to sell. If you take a quick look at the numbers, the one that jumps out is the 24.4% reduction in inventory year-over-year. This a tremendous reduction, and coupled with an increase of 12.1% in Listings Under Contract, the market is starving for inventory as we head into 2020.
Rates are still historically low, and people are on the…
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ccjbj · 5 years
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Do What You Can… “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt xoxo Giangi & Christy
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ccjbj · 5 years
Brown Sugar Cookies
Brown Sugar Cookies. My favorite time of the year bring in baking. I just love spending hours upon hours making wonderful little morsels of heaven for my family. With each year I try to add a new recipe to my repertoire of desserts. This year I actually introduced three new recipes on my cooking blog, Giangi’s Kitchen. 
Brown sugar cookies are when sugar meets butter and this powerful…
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ccjbj · 5 years
20 Home Design Trends to Watch in 2020
20 Home Design Trends to Watch in 2020
Much like fashion, home design trends vary from coast to coast—with some markets on the cusp of up-and-coming trends and others veering more traditional. As the beginning of a new decade approaches, Taylor Morrison, one of the nation’s largest homebuilders and developers, surveyed its in-house design experts from across the country to learn what trends will…
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ccjbj · 5 years
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Be Who You Are... “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Bernard M. Baruch xoxo Christy and Giangi
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ccjbj · 5 years
5 Favorite Holiday Cookies
I was having a great time assembling my 5 Favorite Holiday Cookies.  I am not a baker by any stretch of the imagination. Love cooking, playing with flavors therefore I can let my imagination go. I make a mistake I can correct it. However, in baking… Well that is an art form that has no mercy and you must be accurate or you can go from a soft as an angel hair cake to an hockey puck in within…
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ccjbj · 5 years
Be There In 5 Minutes!
Be there in 5 minutes! The biggest lie ever told…
The infamous last words, and I could not agree more. Yes, it is the biggest lie ever told.
My first encounter with those 5 words was around thirty some years ago.  As I was waiting for someone who was late already thirty minutes,  they had the audacity to call me to let me know that they were going to be there in 5 minutes. I am still fuming.
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ccjbj · 5 years
Bucket List
Bucket list is a wonderful thing. It keeps you striving to reach your goals.   Adding excitement to your life. May it be travel, spending time with loved one, reading that classical book collection, learning a new language… it all gives you a glimpse of happiness. It opens the door to adventures.
How do I measure the value of the life I have lived and am currently living; the collection…
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ccjbj · 5 years
Enjoy This Memorial Day
Celebrate ~ Honor ~ Remember
Wishing you a peaceful, safe and blessed Memorial Day weekend.
In memory of many.
In honor of all, Thank you.
Christy and Giangi
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ccjbj · 5 years
Do not Make Someone a Priority
“Do not make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”
~Maya Angelou
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ccjbj · 5 years
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother’s Day!
May your day be as special as you are.
Christy and Giangi
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ccjbj · 5 years
What Does It Mean To Be A Mom?
What does it mean to be a mom?
Boy Mom
30 months in the womb with my dearest close to my heart 300 pounds of body weight fluctuation 42 hours of labor 1 cord wrapped around the neck 2 underdeveloped lungs 5 days in the hospital 45 months of breastfeeding 60 fingers and toes to kiss 6 blue eyes that all look like a perfect shade of green with the right shirt 3 vivacious voices 3 brilliant minds 3…
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ccjbj · 5 years
I realized your beauty as I sat next to you for the first time in a coffee shop. Despite myself, I fell for your humble confidence, half smile, and sweet laugh.    
The second time we met my heart fluttered in an unanticipated way.  My hands trembled a bit as I went to take hold of the glass containing my drink.  My mind raced with questions and emotions.  Then you looked deep into my eyes and the whole world stopped. 
Over time, I saw the depths of your genuinely pure self.  Your kind and loving personality was intoxicating. 
 I wanted your heart. Not just part of it, I wanted all of it.    
Then i fell for you, how could I not; our broken pieces fit comfortably together.  The parts of me that had been long lost, found their way back to me in you.  
I love YOU
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