ccxyuna · 7 years
Milky Beard
Yuna sat in a cafe, sipping her coffee, enjoying some cake. It was a peaceful day, aka her favourite kind of day. No heroes to fight, no cards to fight, no one trying to capture her either – what more could a card, almost constantly tired of everything want? Well, admittedly, Yura was more on the constantly tired side than Yuna, but she had her days as well.
And to her surprise the day got even better. A bit away from her, sat a young man with an – in her opinion – utterly hilarious milk beard and he seemed to not be aware of it at all, at least that's what she thought. At first Yuna only glanced into his direction, trying to stifle her giggles. She had to bite her lip for that.
It didn't help for long, though and she took out her phone. People weren't supposed to film strangers... but she wasn't exactly human, so did that still apply to her? And even I it would have, she wouldn't have cared for it much.
The girl started the camera of her phone and tried to film him as unnoticeably as possible, though her chuckles could possibly give her away.
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ccxjeongguk · 7 years
fight FIGHT
fight — write a drabble of my character fighting with/against yours.
     “you suck dick at every game we play.”
     ricky’s eyebrows knit together in irritation, fist clenching in his lap as his other hand holds his controller tightly.
     “you cheat during every game we play,” he bites back, and sombra only rolls his eyes at the accusation even though they both know it’s true.
     they continue on like this, sombra denying the hero’s words with short phrases that range from “i don’t remember that happening” to “just admit you suck already.” he can see ricky’s anger rising by the second, watchful eyes taking in the way the other picks at the fabric of the couch and grits his teeth together — most likely to keep from yelling and throwing a punch.
     ( passively, sombra thinks he could end the entire situation right here and now. if only he was in the mood for that. )
     the controller is what gets thrown first, slamming onto the ground with a loud ‘thud’. the pillow follows suit, hitting sombra square in the face. the card reaches to toss it to the ground, ready to set ricky with an unamused look when he feels the couch dip and the fabric of the pillowcase press against his face.
     “ricky, you fucking— get off, for fuck’s sake,” his complaint is muffled, and as soon as the words leave his mouth he’s met with even more force (yes, it makes air hard to come by, but he isn’t one to give the redhead satisfaction for anything).
     “can’t hear you through all the bullshit,” ricky pauses upon noticing the card’s hand rise, a bright, purple light just barely beginning to form at the tip of his long nails. he grabs sombra’s wrist swiftly, yanking the boy’s hands away from whatever holographic-hack-shit he was about to try and smirking triumphantly before finishing, “sombra.”
     the hero’s smirk only lasts for a few short moments, dissipating at a sharp pain in his groin that draws a yelp from him. he shrinks back enough for sombra to scramble to sit up, pillow tossed to the ground and forgotten. he stays away for a while, hands preoccupied pressing gently around the cruelly kicked area though eyes shooting a glare that says ‘this isn’t over yet.’
     “you lose, go home,” sombra almost groans after the tense silence gets to be too much, the words effectively landing him a lost place on the couch as he hits the ground with the same ‘thud’ as the controller from earlier. the card rolls over onto his stomach, throwing up a middle finger as he hides an only somewhat amused grin, finishing mockingly, “ricky.”
     “you’re gonna get your ass beat,” the hero mumbles, and as soon as he recovers he’s sitting on the younger’s back.
     “keep telling yourself that. you’re the one with a throbbing dick.”
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ccxmichael-blog · 7 years
“motherfuck,” michael sees a young mother, eyes wide in horror, cover a small child’s ears and hurry away. he’s always had a loud voice and a poor sense of censorship; he blames a childhood in new jersey where literally no one gave a shit and his own mother had a mouth on her like a sailor. obviously he picked up quite the colorful vocabulary, but he forgets to watch himself now that he lives in a much more conservative culture.
the earbud had been uncomfortable when he dug it out of his skull, staring at the tiny device and wondering where it had started failing him when it had always been worn comfortably before. then he sees it. a hairline of a crack right down one of the plastic seams and the tiny chip missing there. had he dropped it too many times at home? michael couldn’t be sure, but he did know that the dumb thing pinched something terrible whenever he tried to put it back in his ear canal. fearing for the safety of his ear, he leaves it out.
the flaw in the plan, though, is that he can no longer understand any word spoken around him. he relied on the loxo buds, having only been in this country for barely a month. he knows he needs to get it fixed or replaced as soon as possible, so he bites the bullet. he approaches a young man, hoping that the other speaks more english than he knows korean, and shows off the broken earpiece first.
“hey, do you know where i can take this? the nearest place to here?”
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ccxeunji-blog · 7 years
Eunji was almost impressed with how well Ricky listened to her, his brow frowned in focus as he carefully seasoned the sauce following her instructions. With her hands on her hip, she gave a small laugh.
“Looks like you’re a natural.” she teased, “You’ll be making pasta like a pro in no time.” 
The smile he sent her way was enough to warm her heart; truly she was proud. Ricky was someone she saw as family; a younger sibling. 
She checked the water for the noodles before nodding to herself, “It’s about done.” her lips formed a smile as she raised a hand to ruffle the others hair. “We’ll see how it tastes.” 
Eunji was sure it would be perfect.
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ccjisoo-blog · 7 years
&&*  angelic
she had never had much of a passion for dolls, not even when she was a child. of course, she had them - and a lot of them, at that - but jisoo owned a lot of things she did not like. that was the power of money; you could buy all you wanted, and then whatever was left.
the angelic layer dolls, though, were definitely something else. they just went ahead and kicked ass while looking fabulous  - just like jisoo would often do - and it was certainly something that had caught her eye. the girl was also pretty good at certain video games, and that angelic layer was no different. as she’d normally call others, ‘nerd’ was still not in any way applied to her. the girl was no greasy, computer addict, and her face was better than that of any loser you could find lost on the webs.
her expensive shoes made a loud sound whenever she stepped, circling the dolls just like a predator walking around its prey. her eyes looking somewhere different from where she was walking towards forced her to bump into someone who dared be in her way. jisoo was quick to furrow her brows and stare at the other being as if she wasn’t at fault. the facts were she was never wrong, and you simply had to accept it. the red that reached her eyes was no new image, though, but it only seemed to keep her eyebrows together. “what do you want, richard? i know my pretty face attracts people but you can just look at it through your phone.”
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ccxleon-blog · 7 years
nightmare !!!
from this meme ! nightmare —write my character having a nightmare about yours, or vice versa.
tw: light gore i think?? idk but just in case? it’s moreso a nightmare about Himself ft. ricky very briefly being there for some reason
it’s been a few days since that weird encounter with ricky, the bright-haired hero from special class; leon has never really bothered talking to him one-on-one since then ( not that they talked much before that point, either – different social circles. if one could say leon even has a social circle... ) but that strange expression still comes to mind once or twice a day. why did he look so -- what’s the right word here. upset? sad? distraught? pitying? he has no idea what the look meant, really.  leon is used to people giving him looks of disappointment but not looks that are that level of just plain sad, as if leon had run over his dog or something. or, more accurately, that someone had run over leon’s dog.
but he brushed it off for the most part. maybe ricky was having a weird day. it happens; sometimes your day is just going so shitty that you can’t help but stare down everyone you see with a hopeless expression on your face. he’s sure it’s something that can be easily explained – and it isn’t until he shows up in leon’s literal dreams that he really starts freaking out.
the dream starts off fairly normal, and he’s unaware that it’s a dream at first. he’s fighting off a familiar. in real life, he probably doesn’t have the knowledge or the skills to try to fight one of these things – he doesn’t seem to be aware of this though, deflecting different projectiles thrown at him and running up at the monster, swinging at whatever he can reach.
it doesn’t start to get really weird until he starts seeing sights he recognizes in the calamity; among the smoke and swirling colours that make up the familiar’s realm he starts seeing faces. both of people he recognizes and people he doesn’t. he sees his colleagues from the league, random other heroes that he doesn’t know, as well as old friends and family from the past. he sees haneul – but she vanishes just as quickly as he registers seeing her face.
physically, he starts to feel strange as well. heart thumping much harder than normal, slamming too painfully against his ribcage for him to focus properly, his attacks slow down and eventually stop, and leon is forced to take a knee as he tries to control his breathing. he’s never had such an adverse phsyical reaction to a fight like this – and it brings him to a panic as he realizes that if he can’t get up, he’s probably going to die.
it’s when he looks up again that he realizes something’s not right. the familiar isn’t attacking him. the movements of the familiar seem to be frozen. there’s someone standing there, and it takes a second for him to recognize himself. well – his past self. well, this is weird. he sees the wide-eyed, black-haired version of himself two years ago, staring at something in his hands. leon, head swimming, squints to try and make out what it is– but he only sees something red, and then he notices the blood on the other leon’s hands – and the big wound dripping red in his chest.
it’s a heart. he’s holding a human heart. what the hell–
but when leon realizes this, the vision vanishes. suddenly, he’s standing up again though he doesn’t remember getting up, and the pain in his chest has disappeared – and though the other faces are gone, the rest of the familiar’s realm looks the same.
leon feels compelled to turn around, spinning on his heels. and he sees one more person he recognizes. ricky, in full hero garb, staring at him. just staring, with that strange look from the parking garage. “what do you want?” leon yells, but he feels as though his voice is taken away from him. “stop looking at me like that!” ricky doesn’t budge. leon is more and more frustrated.
he takes a step toward ricky – but as soon as he moves, the dream is over. 
leon wakes up with a start, breathing fairly heavily.after a moment, he groans, bringing his hand to his forehead, drawing his sweaty bangs away from his face. “fuck…” what was that? not only was it freaky that he’d even see ricky in his dreams in the first place, but the whole thing just felt.. off. leon swears he can feel a shadow of that pain in his chest. he wonders if the pain he felt was somehow connected to the vision of himself.. with a heart in his hands?
he doesn’t really want to think about it. he isn’t one to analyze dreams in the first place, and this is one he can probably just chalk up to a combination of stress and … bad dieting habits, or something.
he really needs to quit drinking before bed.
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ccjaebum-blog · 7 years
💫 tough love
star light, shine bright for @cctaehyung
The sound of bullets hitting targets echoes in the empty training grounds but it’s far too late into the night for it to actually cause a disturbance. Jaebum leans against the wall, hidden in the shadows as he watches the scene in front of him unfold on its own. Eyes skim through every moment with an observant gaze and making sure to take everything in great detail, not wanting to miss out on anything. 
“Lower your dominant arm a fourth of an inch and raise your other arm by half an inch.” He says, finally breaking the silence but refusing to step into the light. Not just yet. “If you hold the gun with both your arms at the same level, it’ll be more difficult for you to hit targets that aren’t facing you head on.” 
His voice sounds stern but also tinged with care and concern - almost like a parent guiding a child. But who is to say that he isn’t a father and the young man standing in front of him isn’t his son? They might not be related by blood but something even stronger bonds them together. “It’s late. Why are you still here, Ricky-pooh?” 
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captorsgossip · 7 years
omg come on danny's eyeliner isn't /THAT/ bad
But here you are, admitting that it’s still some form of bad. I find your need to defend your younger brother quite honorable, even if it’s preventing you from looking at truth to its face. 
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cclucky-blog1 · 7 years
* bro
a random starter for @cctaehyung, who sent a prompt to this post ! 
on days where minhyun brings kenta to hero training, he often finds himself a bit bored -- though watching the heroes run around and spar is interesting for a while, he gets antsy when sitting by himself on the sidelines. on days where the practise gets really long or especially boring, he'll get up and wander around, visiting some of the other heroes he recognizes ( and minhyun's normally okay with it as long as he stays within eyesight. )
today, minhyun has been paired up with one of the dummies, and though he does look pretty cool ( which kenta makes sure to tell him, clapping and cheering ) he gets bored watching after a while. he looks around the area, and, in the distance, spots a familiar red head of hair -- he stands up, making sure minhyun catches his eye before he waves, then heads off across the gym floor. 
"hey, ricky!" 
he smiles when he sees the other turn around. though he and ricky have mostly only gotten closer because kenta knows his brother, the luck card has known his name for a fairly long time. kenta has always thought he was one of the most impressive heroes in the league, at least out of the ones he's been introduced to. he remembers minhyun and dongho once mentioning that he's something called a... super class? special class? or something along those lines; but either way, kenta thinks he's pretty cool. 
"i got kinda bored watching minhyun kick that dummy around, so i wanted to come say hi... um, if you're not busy anyway--"
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ccxsejeong · 7 years
` oh, it’s you
&. @cctaehyung
sejeong was always hesitant on visiting her brothers’ home, only because she didn’t want to try and intrude and yet she finds herself walking towards the place with slow steps, but anything to get out of the hell that was their childhood home which she still lived in. she still remembered where the key was hidden whenever there was an emergency yet today wasn’t exactly that or at least she didn’t think so.
she’s looking for danny, hoping he was actually home for her to talk to him about something she thought was important for him to know. she planned on knocking this time but goes to pick up the keys anyway, placing it inside the lock and gently opening the door to refrain from making noise.
she steps into the living room afterwards, standing in silence before she called him even looking inside his room. “danny, are you here?” she calls him again, tightening her ponytail but comes to the conclusion that her older brother was possibly busy elsewhere. before taking out her phone just to send a simple text message, she’s caught off guard after seeing a speck of red at the corner of her eyes. she didn’t want it to be him but unfortunately it was, the older brother that she didn’t really want to speak to or to see due to the distance between them.
sejeong couldn’t say that she missed him and not right at this moment due to her ill feelings towards taehyung and their strained relationship. “oh, it’s you. i was about to leave but i didn’t expect to see you. you don't happen to know where danny is, do you?" her expression is indifferent but the tone within her words still tried to remain polite.
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ccxliv-blog1 · 7 years
Rookie Mistake
Giving the punching bag another kick with her right foot Liv decided on calling her training quits for now. She’d been kicking and punching the bag for about an hour now, mostly to get rid of her smoldering frustration about being in Busan, and thus it had become time for her to train in a different manner and take a break. Panting lightly with sweat travelling down her temples she headed over to her bag on the bench. Picking up her towel she gently pressed it against her forehead and entire face as she wiped away the traces of her work-out. Discarding the towel again, she picked up her water bottle to take tiny but multiple sips form it. She didn’t want to upset her stomach with taking in too much water at once.
Looking around the training room meanwhile, her eyes fell on the wooden swords it provided the rookies with. Huffing at the sight of them, since it had been ages she’d last trained with a wooden sword, Liv carefully put her water bottle back down on the bench. Curiosity being sparked, Liv headed over to the rack with swords where she gave all of them a scrutinizing look. The swords all looked rather used but none of them looked too bad. Picking the sword which mostly resembled a katana out of the rack, she first measured the weight in her hand. Flicking her wrist to feel if the wooden thing would have any balance, to her surprise she found that it wasn’t a badly made wooden sword either.
Walking backwards away from the rack her eyes kept focused on the sword in hand. It also had been used quite often, which was a good thing because that meant at least some rookies here already knew what a good sword was and what not. Heading over to a clear place in the room so she could practice some sets of moves with her sword Liv started out slowly. To anyone who might look at her it looked more like she was dancing with the wooden sword than actually training for a real fight. Gracefully moving the sword in the air and from one hand to the other she took steps to the right or left accordingly. Swishing the sword through the air she also stabbed it whenever that move came up in her practiced drill.
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ccjongin-blog · 7 years
talk shit, get hit.
( @cctaehyung ) 
it’s still sickening –– everything. sometimes jongin thinks it’s better not to remember, at least that way he doesn’t have to live with this constant guilt digging at his chest. it’s even worse when he’s here and he’s reminded of the fact that these people (at least, some of them) know him as a killer in a different life.
he sits by the coach, and his mind is a mess. he closes his eyes, coffee in his hand in an attempt to calm down but all he ever sees whenever his eyes are shut is red. blood, the look of despair –– betrayal. 
“shit,” he mumbles under his breath, quickly sipping on his drink. he needs more rest. in actuality, he knows that he needs to get away from this place, it brings back too much. yet for some reason he just can’t. there’s this odd feel of unfinished business that still settles on his chest.
leaning against the couch he peels his eyes away from the cup of coffee at hand only to see a familiar red head approaching him. it doesn’t take long for his mood to go from tired to annoyed.
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ccyoongi-blog · 7 years
( sms ; moonlight 🌙💕 ) hello~ (*・ω・)ノ ( sms ; moonlight 🌙💕 ) i'm your anonymous sunshine ducky!! ☀️🐣 QUACK!! ( sms ; moonlight 🌙💕 ) i am here to send you love and nice messages to make sure you're in a good mood (๑>◡
( sms: unknown ) oh omg( sms: unknown ) you may have the wrong number for these texts..( sms: unknown ) this is min yoongi( sms: unknown ) i’m a little confused..?? ^^;; 
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ccnayeon-blog · 7 years
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jihyocc-blog · 7 years
SNOW !!!!!
From here: @cctaehyung​snow —  write a drabble of our characters having a snow ball fight. 
All Ji Hyo wanted was to simply go home and rest. The day had been long and tiring and she could feel tiredness and soreness in her bones and she simply wanted to take a warm bath and curl up in bed.
Of course, as fate would have it though, a simple wish as this wasn’t going to happen so easily. All off a sudden, she felt something cold hit her cheek, causing her freeze and blink for a moment as she processed what on earth had just happened. 
“I’m sorry, that wasn’t supposed to hit you, that was meant for someone else!” a voice called out and she turned to the source to see a boy before her. It then registered that it was a snowball and she looked around, but she didn’t see anyone else around. 
“How was that meant for someone else when I’m the only one here?” she asked, and didn’t wait for a response as she quickly made a snowball and threw it back at him. “That was really cold! How dare you!” Of course, the boy could have not been lying and whoever it had been aimed at could have scurried off and hid before she saw them, but she was too tired to think clearly right now.
“I should teach you a thing or two about your aim!” she said, making more snowballs and throwing them rapid fire towards the boy. “How does it feel?!”
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ccseonho-blog · 7 years
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yoo seonho’s private instagram 
— ft. @ccminhyun, @cclucky, @cctaehyung, @ccguanlin, @ccxjoy, and @ccfamine.
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