ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 months
rb this and tell me what animal your fursona is i want my notes to be full of animals like a zoo
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 5 years
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Me: Guys I just got a horrible idea.
Friends: Go on…
Me: Timeskip on second day of adventure, years have passed, Lancer got unironically hot.
Friends: That’s awful… draw it.
I present to you, the Knave of Spades.
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 6 years
hey go vote unless you’re gonna go vote for a republican in which case stay home you racist dong
“oh but i don’t agree with the republican party’s opinion on race/homophobia/women’s rights it’s just about the economy for me” cool take dawg neat glad money is worth more to you than human dignity, decency, or empathy go eat a trashcan of pubes and centipedes, shitheel
everyone else go vote if you can thx
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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for the perpetually grotty among us
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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Custom Colt Delta Elite, 10mm.
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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Schools cancelled, you have a video game to test.
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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GTI Drift 2.0 by Marcelo Meijome
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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Made you some fanart on your AU!
(( Thank you so so so much Shish! Also everyone go check out Shish! They’re a swell fella and they’re also the brains behind iwasborninthe-usa )) !
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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"Look, I know it sounds stupid, but I've seen you here before. A lot of times before. And what happens next..."
Sans - Informant for the RUPD, Washed out Junkie
Once a bright mind, and, arguably somewhere in there still remains that SOUL, Sans is an addict to whatever he can get his hands on. Trading whatever he can for drugs, his Brother Papyrus tries very hard to keep him safe. Papyrus has set him up as an Informant to the RUPD as a part of the RUPD's new Vice Division, and is Sans's handler. Sans on the other hand is a wreck of a person, talking about things that may or may not have happened with regularity, seeming to step between mental timelines as he walks along. Twitchy and scared, He's rarely if ever off his various "medications," and he's always on edge. A sorry sack of a motherfucker desperately waiting for His Frisk to come. He knows they're coming of course, because, to him - he's seen it all, every timeline all at once. 
The Drugs just help him escape the insanity of his mind.
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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Jr. Detective Papyrus, Newest Member of the RUPD Vice Division.
As the youngest and the least experienced member of the Vice Division, Papyrus is mostly stuck with desk duty. This is not something that bothers him though, as he fantasizes (and draws) about being a great detective and police officer, just like in all of those shows that Sans collects for him when he’s down at Waterfall’s Dockyards. He is aware of his brother’s Drug problem, and does his best to try and help him, and coach him to be better, but not much helps. Sans seems very firmly rooted in his problems, so Papyrus just does his best to keep him active and busy when he can. He does love his brother, and makes great efforts to make him paella! Sans loves it, of course.
FRISK’s arrival (well, the opening of the Door to the RUINS) is the first major case that Papyrus is placed upon, and he is extremely nervous and excited to prove that he can really stand as tall as the other Officers on the force.
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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“You must understand. . . I do all this with a heavy heart. But I must, for my people to be free.”
Mayor and Governor Asgore Dreemurr.
The only feeling worse than one of loss is loss coupled with failure. Asgore bowed to the pressure of groups withing the Sprawling Metropolis of the Underground, NEW HOME, and moved towards a more representative system for the City than his single albeit gentle hand. Since the change over, the city’s governance has arguably gotten worse, but Asgore has become more shielded from criticism as monsters have their own councilmen and women and those inbetween or outside of said binaries to blame. This has made it a touch easier to Asgore to focus on his primary goal, as was stated upon the tragic death of Chara and Asriel: To collect 7 human souls and declare on humanity once more, in revenge for what they had taken from monsterkind. Of course, this has become less of a focus as the drug crisis has spread across New Home and the outlying boroughs of Hotland, Waterfall and Snowdin.
Asgore is tired, sad, and oftentimes melancholic, spending great deals of time either dipping his head in books (especially poetry), or in his garden, cultivating wildflowers whose seeds have fallen from the surface. His favorite is tickweed, a golden yellow flower. . .
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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“Reports of My Death have been...Greatly Exaggerated.”
- First Lady Toriel Dreemurr, Presumed Dead since 19XX
The Goatmom herself, Toriel Dreemurr. The more caring and monster-oriented of the Dreemurrs Senior, She was the wife of Mayor Asgore Dreemurr. She is a very warm and kind SOUL, caring greatly for others. She was initially worried for Asriel’s emotional health upon the introduction of Chara, but quickly warmed up once it was clear that Asriel was far better for having a ‘sibling’. The apparent poisoning Death of Chara and then death of Asriel at the hands of what could have only been a platoon of armed gunmen (Of what sort is unknown, though presumed to be police) absolutely devastated the mother. While initially reluctant to turn her back on her husband in a time of obvious crisis for them both, her inability to cope with even the concept of committing further filicide in retribution for their own loss drove her to disappear one day. Asgore sent out search parties, but, with no meaningful discoveries after a month, declared her dead, and sworoe upon her grave as well that the HUMANS would pay for what they had done to MONSTERS.
Toriel currently lives in the ruins of the original home, destroyed long ago in conflict barely remembered. She oversees the ruins as the “caretaker,”self stylised to something of a Historian. She tries to keep things in order, but even the Ruins aren’t able to escape the effects of drugs and the conflicts it brings. An uneasy peace exists between the various petty gangs that exist in the Ruins as long as Toriel is around.
drawn by NOA Gazen.
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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1080p Creative Commons visual:  https://vimeo.com/165286507 Cinema4D project files:  http://beeple-crap.com/resources.php
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
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Look, You know the story already: humans and monsters fought, monsters lost and were sealed away in the mount that is Ebbot, people go missing, fucking Rinse and Repeat. What’s important here is the difference, y'know? And there is a big difference. Y'see, our timeline…it ain’t pretty. Drugs, Violence, Overcrowding, squalor, urban blight… it all trickles down, like one big mess that seems to follow us MONSTERS, y'dig? So like. When the drugs started comin’ down, when people started seein’ the ghettos of Snowdin or Waterfall’s Seaport District (that’s a FUNNY JOKE, ASGORE) Fill up to the gills with magic and gun violence. When the Royal Guard becomes the Royal Underground Police Department and declares Martial Law, Shit is BAD, y'know? So. We’re waitin’ for some sorta Hero, like in those movies from the human world… Maybe someone who can pull us out of this mess. Let’s hope to God one comes.
Flowey: A Tickseed Flower, like the many that Grow in the Underground.
Toriel: lives in the ruins as the ex-first-lady. Self Exiled in protest of her husband’s plans to institute Martial Law and round up humans and execute them to attempt to break the barrier and declare war on humanity for their continued suffering.
Sans: a druggie and informant for the RUPD who lives from meager government paycheck to paycheck, and feels immensely guilty for burdening Papyrus with his barely capable and drug addicted self. Is in constant pain when he’s not high off of whatever he can get his hands on.
Papyrus: Junior Detective, only just joined the RUPD in a non-“combat” role under the good graces of Undyne. Excited about the idea of being on the SWAT team - Undyne keeps putting it off because Paps is such a good sweet guy and what the SWAT team does isn’t good sweet or pretty.
Undyne: the fabled Captain of the RUPD’s SWAT team. A powerful, well trained officer, second only to Commissioner Gerson in experience. Overall, a nice person to friends, but her hot head has gotten her in trouble before Asgore Instituted Martial Law.
Mettaton: An aspiring Music Artist seeking fame and stardom. He is particularly well known for his Exercise videos, something that has made him a great deal of money - Enough to run the MTT Resort-Casino through dry-spells.
Alphys: a Government Scientist that’s publicly supposed to studying a way to combat the drug problem after the barrier project was canned due to the PR nightmare of the death of Gaster when he was thrown into the Core.
Asgore: the Mayor of the Underground. He’s unwilling to call himself a King when the underground is literally just one big sprawling city, and especially so now that he’s instituted martial law over the city.
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ceejay-doesnt-exist ¡ 8 years
I know this ain’t for the setting, but, but this is very much what I imagine miamitale Sans to look / act like.
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