Manifesto of mind & mysticism:
Where spirituality meets empirical science.
I traverse the collective unconscious.
I share musings on the magical; metaphysical & mystical
I have been practicing daily ceremonial ritual magick for more than 8 years and am a lifelong psychic, trained in Kardec Spiritism and Mediumship from childhood.
As a daughter of high ranking freemasonic/secret societies of both “LHP/RHP” rites, lodges & paths. . That’s the beginning of my authentic and real line of ancestors.
(I can prove all I speak of).
I consider myself a spiritual dichotomy.
But I’m still a real, raw & passionate being of energy in motion (emotion).
So to commune these lost ancestral traditions & revive them into reality. Is imperative. I aim to revive lost currents that can help humanity heal.
Growing up as a young woman carrying ancestral trauma I found spirituality was a never ending constant that kept me alive. I was always psychic but my daily practice of initiatio based ceremonial magick started in 2013. As a method to heal, help, protect & bring my higher self & manifest my great work in the world.
I’ve had a various disposition of unique experiences I want to share.
i am been blessed to be aligned to the teachings of a current that is strongly tied to old indo european Witch cults & germanic / Teutonic shamanism. (Ancestral too). I’m also the pedigree moonchild eugenic mixed blood creation that carries a strong spiritual bloodline
And that’s a result of human slave trade, pedigree eugenics & cultural genocide.
I belong to a temple that stands up against tyranny & fights for freedom & liberty.
All things pertaining to: astrology, alchemy, ancestor veneration; ceremonial magick; herbalism, mentalism, magick & shamanism/plant medicine. I was a born & bred psychic; intuitive empath; healer, medicine woman/seer/sage/shaman & witch.
My bloodline is a powerhouse in the spiritual diversity I carry as one woman. Yes I break generational curses, slay evil, & live in the world of what many humans today ignore.
I harness my ancestors powerhouse of many various methods to revive the authentic lineage into the modern world. Ancient Druid; indo-European & Teutonic line Witch Cults will rise against the genocide & human slavery of millenia
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