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Me too
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Bruh. 🤣😂😅
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old pewds and  jack  meet the new pewds and jack 
he was a fanboy  XD 
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2015 -> 2017
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... dude.. did u think all people who ship ereri is pedophile? u know what, you do you man. whenever i try to explain to anti(s) about how people ship ereri in another universe which their age gap isn't big or just think their personalities matched together nicely, they will always shut me down. just don't tag ur bashing ships' post on the tag, thanks.
Honestly, the only reason I don’t ship ereri is because 1) I find it hard to ship yaoi ships 2) eren is my senpai 3) I can only see them as brothers. Also, you are assuming stuff and I think you should have asked me and seen my answer before going to cuss me off.
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Every time someone interrupts me with some stupid shit
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Wish there was a bag with eren-senpai on it though
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I respect you. Took the words out of my mouth
Pewdiepie apologized, his show got cancelled, and the media is still bashing him. I fully realize that he said some very hurtful words, but I also realize that he made an honest mistake in judging how far he could push his jokes. As far as I’m concerned, if you continue to kick someone when they’re down and begging for forgiveness, you are a piece of shit, and can unfollow me right now. I don’t want anything in my inbox trying to change my views or calling me names, just unfollow me, and keep scrolling. I am so done with 2017 being the year everyone is a fucking criminal.
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Texting fire. This nalu fanfic is hilarious and amazing
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I hate how the media is attacking pewds - he doesn’t deserve it. For doing YouTube around 6 years ,raising millions for charity this is what Felix gets in return? I’m ashamed of them, no- I’m appalled that people believes these lies about Felix and they think this is how he is. He isn’t racist and he isn’t Hitler or a nazi- he’s just Felix. I’ll support him all the way. #istandwithpewdiepie
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They look so cool in this
Please reblog this if you’re a pewds supporter because i need to follow you >w<
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Pewdiepie vs the media
I just watched Felix’s new video. Let me just say this-the media is actually taking everything he says out of context remember the sign ‘death to all Jews one ’? Even though he apologised the media went on the uk metro(a newspaper) and accused him of being racist. I am ashamed of the media right now.
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To be honest I found the joke funny, I might get hate I'm sorry, he even appeared on the British metro ,newspaper,yesterday saying how he was racist
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My Response
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I was reading a nalu fanfic on the stairs and I fangirled to much I hit my head on the stair handle thing. My head hurts
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The person complaining doesn't have to be in the anti-ereri section anyway and don't have to be looking at your account when the name is specifically anti-ereri-blog-blog
You are honestly hilarious. If you're going to hate, why do this? You're only making people feel bad and well.. That's messed up. You don't have any reason to do this but hurt other people. If you have a rude opinion on something, you can just keep it to yourself instead of making people feel bad.
Yep. i’m messed up
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One Last Time (A Nalu Fanfic)
This is my first fanfic on tumblr, I hope you like it.
A blonde haired girl opened her eyes, she was on the ground. Where was she? She looked around looking for any signs of life- none to be seen for miles. It was a waste land. Looking down, she examined her clothes- they were tattered, ripped to shreds and barely covering her. She was confused. What had happened to her? She couldn’t remember anything that had happened in the last 24 hours. If she remembered correctly her name was Lucy Heartfilia. Lucy got up , dusting the dirt from her skirt, that was barely there. Determined to figure out where she was, Lucy walked. She didn’t know where she was going or what she was doing. Then in the distance, she saw something shimmer. What was it? Lucy walked up to the object and inspected the item. A heart shaped locket - what was it doing here? The writing N&L was inscribed on it.Picking it up and puting it in her shirt pocket- a sharp pain shot through her head.
A Boy with salmon hair, dark onyx eyes, tanned skin and a toothy grin. A scaly scarf wrapped around his neck , a vest and tracksuit bottoms worn with a pair of slippers. Hand stretched out.
Who was that? Natsu Dragneel, a voice answered in her head. Lucy swivelled her head around frantically searching for where the voice had come from. Shrugging, she carried on her journey to look for answers.
Up in the clouds the same boy with salmon hair, tanned skin and dark onyx eyed boy looked down on Lucy with his arms crossed. When was she going to remember. He needed her- without her his existence was like a broken pencil, it was pointless.He didn’t want to pass on to the afterlife without her. He sighed. He’d just have to drop some hints.
Down below, Lucy had come across a river. Putting her hand in the river to feel the current, Lucy felt at peace.Peering over, she looked at her reflection in the river.A bloodied girl with tears running down her face looked back at her. She screamed. Another sharp pain shot through her head- a flow of memories infiltrated her mind. She remembered everything.
She was the oldest sibling,aged 12, out of the four. One day her parents had brought over a guest, Natsu Dragneel- at first she was only supposed to tutor him but it soon bloomed into a romantic relationship. After a year of dating Natsu, which her family whole heartedly supported, her parents had to go grocery shopping leaving her and Nastu in charge. A little while after her parents left, a window smashed and in filed 5 big men with smug grins. They were robbers. Natsu scared for our safety, attempted to fight them off, he failed and they stabbed him right through the heart killing him. It broke her heart seeing the one she loved get killed right in front of her. Rushing over to Natsu’s body that they just flung to the side, Lucy grieved- and then she remembered. Her siblings! Lucy turned to see her siblings tied up.
“Where does your parents keep their money?” They demanded
“ I don’t know they don’t tell me things like that!” I cried at them
“Go find something in the house that we can get a lot of money for. It better be something that we like, if we don’t we’ll kill one of your precious siblings. For every 10 minutes you don’t bring us something we’ll kill one anyway!” They bellowed ending with a vile laugh.
Lucy was shocked - were they really that sick and disgusting. She had already lost someone special to her, she couldn’t afford to live with anyone else leaving her- so she followed their order.
For 20 minutes she couldn’t find anything even though she frantically looked. Dried tear streaks were on her face as she had heard the screams of terror of her siblings; Eve and Mavis- they had died because she couldn’t find anything. Their was only one of her siblings left her favourite one- Sting. Lucy had called the police 5 minutes ago and the police said they would come in 15 minutes. That was too late, by then Sting would have died. She needed something valuable. Lucy’s eyes landed on the 6 foot tall vase. She tried to pick it up, it was heavy. ‘It’s heavy so it must be valuable right?’ she thought. Unfortunately, the vase was held on the second floor so she would have go down the stairs. On her way down- she slipped. Her eyes widened in shock , she felt as if time slowed down as she watched the vase leave her hand and shatter on the floor. Her only chance of saving Sting had failed. Lucy felt ashamed as a sister. It was a minute left until Sting died. She cried and cried as one of the men shouted ‘times up’ and then the ear piercing, eerie scream she heard next by Sting shook her to the bone. Then the door busted down showing the police. Lucy was questioned and taken by the police. Her parents rushed in and took her saying that they needed to speak to her in private despite the police’s demand not to leave the crime scene.
Her parents were jerks. They drove off into a wasteland and left her there to die. Their last words to Lucy- ‘how did I end up with a daughter like you’.
Lucy cried. She had given up hope there was nothing else to live for after everything that happened to her. Lucy felt as if it was her fault everyone died and abandoned her so, she jumped into the river and gave up her life. That was the last breath she had taken.
Lucy opened her eyes, where was she? She thought she had killed herself. De ja vu. Then she saw a boy with salmon hair, dark onyx eyes, tanned skin and a toothy grin.A scaly scarf wrapped around his neck , a vest and tracksuit bottoms worn with a pair of slippers. Hand stretched out.
“We can now live free of this nightmare and meet your siblings again. It wasn’t your fault.” Natsu said.
Lucy took his hand tears streaming down her face ,
“I’m glad I could see you one more time…”
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