chaexicy · 7 months
I don't know what I am doing
To be honest I don't know what I am doing. I feel like I am failing everything. Am I even making the right choices?
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chaexicy · 8 months
Never work with family!!
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chaexicy · 9 months
Sometimes I feel like whatever I do, it’s never enough…
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chaexicy · 9 months
You would think that when someone is older, they would honestly not act so childish. Well not the case for certain people, but what can we do. It's just so annoying that I am constantly running after them for nothing in return and they can just get angry whenever and about whatever. Well what can we do about it.
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chaexicy · 9 months
I just cried so hard because of a movie. It just reminded me so much of the struggles of my parents, it also gave me intens motivation for school because it’s a reminder of why I’m doing what I’m doing.
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chaexicy · 9 months
There is a guy… he is in my eyes very beautiful, but I don’t think it’s meant to be. But we’ll see…
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chaexicy · 9 months
Sometimes I feel like I am doing nothing in my life and the next I am doing so much. Yet I always feel like I am nothing compared to certain people in my family.
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chaexicy · 9 months
A joke...
sometimes I feel like I am the oldest, even though I am the youngest. My siblings always think that everything they do and say is okay. While their kids and themselves break things, ruin things and say what they want about anything.
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chaexicy · 9 months
Why is it still so hard to get over my anxiety, it’s like just when you think it’s gone it comes right back.
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chaexicy · 1 year
When I found out you were gonna be there, I was scared. I was afraid you were gonna see that I couldn't live without you, but when I came there and held my head up high. I felt as though nothing could hold me back. Seeing you didn't hurt me, didn't make me feel weak. I gave me closure and made me realize I did it. I survived.
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chaexicy · 1 year
Having to act a certain way, that is so opposite to how you really are kind screws with you. But it kinda opens up new doors.
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chaexicy · 1 year
It’s finally summer break, but it feels so weird not having to study.
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chaexicy · 1 year
I just realized how much I have grown as a person, it’s insane.
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chaexicy · 1 year
I am so stressed for these finals, because now it’s really make or break and I am really scared. I have worked hard and if I don’t pass I don’t know what I am gonna do.
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chaexicy · 1 year
I am so frustrated, we have this group project and of my friends who is also in the group keeps not doing her tasks right which means the rest of us have to clean her stuff up. She messed up everyones study schedule and we all want to submit it tonight, so I had to remake her part that she kept messing up and that she finds confusing after everyone explains it to her and after I finished HER part she had the audacity to get mad at me and tell me to change things. My blood is boiling right now, I hope she sees in what she did was not okay.
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chaexicy · 1 year
Life feels like a lot of things right now, it feels unfair yet very blessed? I am just as confused trust me. I feel like when I feel like good things are happening something always happens that is awful and when things are bad there is always a little good somewhere. Just sometimes not in the context you want haha... I feel like I just have to keep going but you know that hard sometimes too, but non the less I am still gonna move forward.
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chaexicy · 1 year
So I'm back, I just feel so overwhelmed again. College sucks and on top of that my friends and family keep having these expectations of me, it’s unfair like I am barely passing as is I don't need that extra pressure. Also my parents won’t let me change majors because the other major is in a different city and it's too far for comfort for them. I am just so upset and no one to turn too. I love my friends but I feel like I can’t talk to them about it because they have their own stuff to deal with. I just need a break from everything and everyone. 
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