chaiyote ¡ 10 months
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My little Bast alter 😌🫶
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
weird opinion but christians aren't religious.
ok so like, jews generally follow god's rules, muslims follow allah's rules, hindus probably follow their gods rules, so on and so forth. and overall they do it out of faith; they do it because they want to honor the deity who loves them rather than because society forces them to.
granted the zionists and the radical extremists and the zealots do exist but as loud minorities and thus are statistical outliers & don't matter.
christians are... a different breed.
"if you aren't x branch and dont obey y rules you'll go to hell so we'll fucking murder you" is pretty much the main driving force behind a significant portion of christianity in history. the catholics, the protestants, the orthodoxy, all are built on a foundation of fear, anger, and hatred. it's shaped the way society developed; in the 4 nations that did the most genocidal imperialist colonialism- England, France, Spain, and Italy- a combination of convenient coastal locations, naval prowess, military tendency, christianity, and ultranationalism lead them down a path of missionaries, holding bibles in one hand and bloodstained knives in the other. the religion is inseparable from the culture and inseparable from the horrible things done in the name of their god, and the resulting cancers of society we feel today from the campaigns of slaughter. xenophobia. capitalism. savage barbarism via sensationalized capitol punishment. misogyny. queerphobia. gender fascism. classism. racism. all of these issues in the "civilized world" stem predominantly from those four nations and the disease ridden pestilent filth some call pilgrims.
here's something interesting:
there are less than 1 million rastafari in the world.
there are less than 5 million shinto in the world.
there are less than 25 million jews in the world.
there are less than 30 million sikhs in the world.
there are roughly 100 million african cultural religious adherents in the world.
there are less than 400 million chinese cultural religious adherents in the world.
there are about 500 million buddhists in the world.
there are about 1.1 billion hindus in the world.
there are about 1.2 billion nonreligious people in the world.
there are 1.6 billion muslims in the world.
and one final statistic
there are over 2.1 billion christians in the world.
the jewish count is a highball, rounded up, and includes several different definitions of jewish including people who are only one quarter. so for every single person who is even remotely jewish, there are more than 8 christians. for every hindu, there are 4 christians. for every atheist, agnostic, or "other", 2 christians. this frightening statistic should set off warning bells for everyone who is involved in a discussion about religion. and anyone who knows BASIC world history and can correlate data at all can probably piece together what I'm putting down.
now, I may be slightly biased here considering my eclectic religious beliefs. now, I personally believe that there is some primary force of energy that may or may not manifest itself as a humanoid being, that engineered the most basic laws of physics in the universe: atomic magnetism. as can be inferred by planck's constant and its implications, our universe is digital, written in binary. an electron either moves or doesn't move. there are no other options. so I genuinely believe in some form of intelligent design; whether it's a bearded guy on a cloud, some dude with six arms and an elephant for a face, just a big swirling pool of ectoplasm, or a big ol' plate of spaghetti and meatballs, something is out there that we are physically incapable of contacting from our plane of existence, just as a drawing on a piece of paper cannot reach out to interact with the world: a gif will move on its own but it will never acknowledge our existence, even if it could think by itself. and all the different mythologies of the world- egyptian, greek, norse, shinto, whatever- very well could be the agents of that unknown "god". perhaps anubis, ra, and bastet are just angels with animal heads that all of the peoples of ancient egypt saw and were like oh I guess this must be a god. maybe zeus and loki were the same person with a magic dick who fucked a bunch of animals in both greece and the scandinavian countries and spawned all of the horrible half-animal monstrosities that, idk, made vishnu think "well I have to kill that" and caused the biblical flood or something. maybe the jewish god gifted wisdom to siddhartha for sitting under a fig tree for 6 years through the angel pomona [roman goddess of fruit, had to google that one], so buddha gets his wisdom from demeter and is in nirvana right now right a step up from hades on yggdrasil the world tree keeping an eye on his charge persephone. any theory could theoretically be true but we ants of humans will never fucking know because we can't just point a telescope at the magellanic clouds and say "look, there's amaterasu with russell's teapot, and she's having tea with... *rubs eyes* lemmy kilmister??? wow I guess gods are real after all!" it's impossible to know the secrets of our universe because of the very restrictive nature of the universe itself. is it a circle? is it a donut? WE DONT FUCKIN KNOW.
we cannot know what religion is truthful.
""anyone who says that any one religion is more or less true than any other is a fucking moron, and if they're suggesting that White Western European Colonial Imperialist Protestantism is the one true faith, they're probably a fucking racist colonizer who beats his wife/sister and burns gays at the stake. and considering how that exact demographic is typically the one that murdered people for not converting to their religion, I don't think they have the intellectual non-deranged ability to make those logical connections.
again, I'm not saying that there AREN'T a lot of people of every religion who are evil assholes who contributed to mass genocide. israelites killed palestinians. shiites killed sunnis. hutus killed tutsis. danes killed geats. turks killed armenians. the ottoman empire has as much blood on its hands as the holy roman empire. germans who called themselves aryans but weren't actually aryan killed jews. but all of these tragedies were isolated incidents rather than repeated patterns over the course of two thousand years. not like christianity was and is.
just look at the United States, Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong, South Africa, Australia, & India's British Raj. Britain, France, Spain, and Italy, by extension Protestantism and Catholicism, are the shared factor between the long and bloody history fraught with massacring indigenous populations who wouldn't convert religions. native americans, indigenous canadians, latin americans but predominantly mexicans, the eastern chinese, coastal africans, aborigine aussies, indians- coastal coastal coastal. true the western chinese and the mongols/hunnu and xinjiang muslims haven't exactly been on civil terms and the silk road has always been a battleground and the middle east was already tenuous before murrica bombed them for oil but those happened in such a spread out area among asia which is FUCKING HUGE, MIND YOU! but also that's three high traffic places with massive diversity, it's human nature to have conflict, but not nearly to the same level as all of the shit christianity has done to the world. it's impossible to separate the religion from the cultures; victorian england without protestantism is just dirty people who die at 15 from having their 3rd child. italy without the catholicism is just grass and cheese. france and spain without religion are just kingdoms that fought wars with england for forever and now just make food that's one part delicious and three parts horrifying. religion is directly responsible for a significant portion of the evils those countries committed. one religion in particular.
they don't practice religion the same way as the rest do. they aren't faithful to their god. they don't follow his rules out of love but out of fear. they execute dissenters without a second thought, heresy they cry. they execute women and little girls for being free thinking or having sickness associated with mercury poisoning in the water, witch they cry. they slaughter men women and kids alike in the name of cramming their beliefs down the natives throats, we're chasing out the snakes they cry, we're bringing god to your godless people they cry, we're just civilizing you they cry. they shit in the streets and proudly display rotting corpses and leave the impoverished disabled and starving to die alone and whip their slaves and rape teenage girls and scrap in the streets while sopping wet with spilled ale over insignificant insults and stab people to death in the night and never even fucking BATHE, and they have the nerve to say the natives were uncivilized. the nerve. because hey. they read a magic book they stole from a culture who stole from another culture who stole from another culture, mistranslating each time from hebrew to greek to italian to english, and they think they're better because their skin is white.
christians never evolved. their mentalities have stayed the same. all thatms advanced has been technology. that's it. they're still the same evil disgusting degenerate bastards they always were. they just have the money they stole to buy stained glass windows, rosary beads, giant tacky metal statues, bigass robes, leather, and printing presses. and as time passed they used the money they continued to steal to buy cars and websites and radio stations and commit felony tax evasion and secretly molest children and line the pockets of the politicians.
all of their holidays are stolen from pagans anyway.
so fuck christmas. fuck easter. fuck lent. fuck the golden calf christian holidays that the tiny minded fragile snowflake conservatives lose their collective shit over because the pandemic response common sense stipulations won't let them buy the shit they can't afford with money they shouldn't have for people they don't even LIKE, all in the name of tradition, tradition! the rituals that worship something so much worse than satan or baphomet or pan or whatever: the dollar. they buy all the new shiny shit they can, at the expense of the chinese kids that the corporate pigs outsource to, buy the pine trees and the coca cola vunderbar and the fake mint corn syrup Js and watch the same shitty cookie cutter white supremacist hallmark fash movies and stuff their kids full of enough sugar to go into a goddamn coma when the african slaves who pick the cocoa beans will never get to know what actually being a kid will ever feel like because they're gonna die from falling into a combine harvester and be eternally forgotten to history and no christian will ever give a shit because they don't fucking care about what they don't see on their safe space news or hear on their safe space radio or read on their safe space social media. they think their worst sin is eating cheeseburgers so instead they'll go eat a mcchicken or chick fil a or an arby's chicken sandwich instead but not at popeyes because "that place is sketchy" and by that they mean they don't wanna eat where black people eat, that's why cracker barrel was so popular for so many white christians for so long because it had racially segregated seating until barely 20 years ago.
they don't love jesus. they love a paper doll they shove into their back pockets until every other sunday where they go to a fucking mall with a baptism waterslide and raise their hands like a bunch of dumbass weirdos and away to adult contemporary indie schlock with the word jesus pasted into a boring-ass hetero romance song, pat themselves on the back, then go to starbucks to scream slurs and misgenderings at 14 year old starbucks baristas who give them a cappamochalattechino instead of a fucking carmamochalattechino because you mumbled under the mask you didn't even fucking cover your nose with because you don't give a shit about the virus beyond how it inconveniences you.
they are horrible people who pretend to be good. until you suggest the slightest infinitely small inconvenience to them that would alter their holiday plans even the littlest smidge. then they would kill you if not for the police. don't get me started on them because you know by now what I'd say about those fuckers. but they'll gladly wear shirts about how they'll kill you. how they'll go back 200 years. how they'll murder you and watch you slowly suffer because their primate brains shoot a million endorphins when they watch things die by their hands because they never evolved a sense of empathy, compassion, or morality beyond how wearing a cross necklace will remove any of the consequences they will face in their afterlife.
they are horrible people who pretend to be good. unless you're gay or black or trans or Not Christian™ or mexican or disagree with them about politics economics sociology science technology music or movies. assimilate or die. assimilate or die. assimilate or die.
they don't deserve special treatment for their false idols.
they aren't better than jews or muslims.
they're worse.
so much worse.
and they should be stopped.""
-Nightingale Quietioca
save as draft arch draft bookmark draft where did I put my keys contra code kontra kode I need to remember this and copy it buzzwords keywords find it later please god tumblr don't bork on me this is good stream of consciousness repackage repackage change the words this is a great character study if I do say so myself thanks 3am me you're welcome 3am me
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
🌞Bastet Oil🌞
Always test oils before applying to your skin, some may cause reactions. Please be careful! ✨
Here is a recipe I have conjured up. This lasts on average 5-7 months. A smell test can indicate if the oil has gone bad. :)
✨Amber oil, 1 drop ✨Frankincense essential oil, 2 drops ✨Rose essential oil or any flower oil of your choice, 2 drops ✨Myrrh essential oil, 1 drop
✨ Jasmine flowers, ¼ tablespoon
✨Catnip herb, ½ tablespoon
✨Rose hips, 1/3 tablespoon
✨A few tigers eye and carnelian stone chips
✨Olive oil or any other preferred carrier, 6 tablespoons
**Don’t use cinnamon at all, as a soap maker I’ve tested this. it’s not very safe to put cinnamon on one’s skin, it does burn!~
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
As a kitten begins its life with eyes closed and must move through the world blind for a time, so too must you. Do kittens rush the journey to sight? Of course not. Your eyes opened at the proper time and now you can explore your world with a new sense.
- Bast with an important reminder that we come to our paths at the proper time, no matter how long it takes.
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
I don’t know if you have already done these two but I have been interested in learning more about Medusa and Bastet. When you get a chance, can you please do a post about Medusa and a post about Bastet?
Ways of honouring and Worshipping Bast/Bastet
(Medusa coming soon)
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Associated plants/herbs: persea tree, alabaster,
Cat imagery
Cat claws and whiskers (ethically sourced)
Lioness and cobra imagery
Get a housecat (If you can)
Or alternatively donate to rescue shelters
Do protection magic in her honour!
Keep cat statues out front of your house as protectors
Help pregnant folks!
Donate to organisations that support women in need
But from women owned businesses
Support women just generally
Citrine, sunstone, carnelian and Rose quartz
Learn first aid or take up work in a medical field
Learn her other names such as "eye of Ra / eye of Atum", "she of the ointment jar", "perfumed protcetor"
Wear perfume
Put bottle of perfume on her altar or spray it around her altar
Eye imagery
Art and craftsmanship
Research her and her sister/counterpart, Sekhmet (protector of upper Egypt), one of the other 5 goddess who share in the name "Eye of Ra"
Research Wadjet, another Goddess who has gone by the name "Eye of Ra", she was also the Patron Goddess of lower Egypt, therefore entwining her with Bast, the protector of lower Egypt
Drink alcohol or leave it as an offering
Frankincense and Myrrh incense
Play or purchase a sistrum (available on amazon)
Spend time in the sun! Sunbathe like a cat
Learn who you are! Explore your gender and sexuality and then own it!
Practice your intuition
Keep a dream journal
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A prayer to Bast/Bastet
Lady Bast beloved of the Gods (Mau Bast Merit Netcheru) we call to you Mighty Lady of the East, Right eye of Ra.
Thank you Beloved daughter of Ra for the blessings you bestow on all of us everyday.
Thank you for your love, most Powerful Mother. Thank you for the Peace and Protection you bring into our homes, to the temples and Sanctuaries; to the people and your Beloved Animals!
We are renewed by your Blessings each day, you are the rekindler of new life, Beloved Lady of Bubastis, who grants your creation, from the first occasion. [The world was said to have emerged from an infinite, lifeless sea when the sun rose for the first time, in a distant period known as Zep Tepi, or the First Occasion.]
Goddess, you are the Concealed One who shows us love and affection and who grants us pleasure to experience the deepest fulfillment of life. Our hearts rejoice in your presence like the Lotus praises Ra at each new day.
Lady of Blossoming you bring us joy and we thank you for bestowing this upon all of us! You have our love, oh beautiful Bast, Powerful One, Soul of Isis.
Offerings we make to you, flame of the Sun, Great Protectoress, Daughter of Delight, Infinite Fulfillment Made Manifest. Most honored Bast!
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
🐱🌃 Nighttime Prayer to Bastet 🌃🐱
Hail Queen of Felines and Families! May your golden eyes look upon me in favor while I prepare for slumber.
Beautiful Bastet, Protector and Guide, Guard my bedside in the same manner that you guard my footsteps in the shadows of night.
Mother Goddess, Giver of Limitless Joy, Gently shut my eyes and let me feel your soft caress that which encourages the mind to drift and dream.
Mother Bastet, keep watch over me as I slumber and as I wake in good spirits. Hail to you, Protective Mother Queen!
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
🧅 Chewing Onions for Bast 🧅
**I’ve seen a lot of information on this but depending on where you look the info varies and there is no sources used to validate the information. Since Bubastis is destroyed we can’t receive an accurate answer on how exactly this was celebrated. So that being said, I went thru a lot of documents, blogs, books, and posts to generalize what exactly this is so you wouldn’t have too! Enjoy~ 
“The bundles of onions to be chewed are present in the ritual of this festival of Bastet. It is the time of the mature onions, which are consumed on the night of Pharmuti 4th (February 5th). The onions mature in the ground in an obscure and gritty environment, evoking the domain of Sokar in the Duat. The festival of Bastet, the real end of the Sokarian cycle, became an “anti-snake” festival. The ophidians, the snake-like spirit, who hibernated in soil by the power of the onions leaves, menaced the ascension of the summery light, just as Apophis threatens the progress of the solar barque in the Duat at the time of the nocturnal journey of the sun. Bastet, one of the feline goddesses who personified the burning eye of Re in the myth of the lion-like goddess, became then the protector of the burning sun of summer (osirisnet.net).”
So onions were a major crop in ancient Egypt, an interesting fact is Pyramid builders were actually paid onions, beer and bread for their work. Though the most important aspect was onions were used as snake repellent. Which this is the given reason it is connected to Bast (the story of Apep and Bast). Below is how to celebrate this holiday to honor and respect the goddess!
🧅 Onion day is usually on March 4 (Kemetic calendars can validate the actual date, usually it takes place in the Spring)
🧅 Prepare an onion dish (if you don’t like onions there are many different types to try and consider. As well many dishes with onions exist and in some onions are not the most dominant ingredient. *Allergies* If you happen to have an allergy to onions, there is alternatives like making paper onions for example.
Here is a recipe for French Onion soup as an example for a dish:
Âź cup unsalted butter
3 pounds (about 5 medium) sweet onions, sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/3 cup dry white wine
6 cups beef stock
4 sprigs fresh thyme
2 bay leaves
2 teaspoons white wine vinegar
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
12 (ž-inch-thick) French baguette slices
1 cup shredded Swiss cheese
1 cup shredded Gruyère cheese
Melt butter in a large stockpot or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onions, and cook, stirring often, until deep golden brown and caramelized, about 30-40 minutes.* Stir in garlic until fragrant, about 1 minute.
Stir in wine, scraping any browned bits from the bottom of the stockpot.
Stir in beef stock, thyme and bay leaves. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until slightly reduced, about 15-20 minutes. Remove and discard thyme sprigs and bay leaves.
Stir in white wine vinegar; season with salt and pepper, to taste.
Preheat oven to broil.
Place baguette slices onto a baking sheet. Place into oven and broil until golden brown on both sides, about 1-2 minutes per side; set aside.
Divide soup into ramekins or ovenproof bowls. Place onto a baking sheet. Top with baguette slices to cover the surface of the soup completely; sprinkle with cheeses. Place into oven and broil until golden brown and cheeses have melted; about 2 minutes.
Serve immediately.
Remember to honor Bastet on this day. Give her your food offering of whatever dish you prepare. Most importantly, have fun! Onions can be very metaphoric, when I cut onions I obviously tear up. This reminds me that in order to get thru to a reward we must work and sometimes it isn’t the most wonderful experience. Onions are symbolic and depending on culture, their symbolism varies. They usually however are used to capture negativity and evil.
**Chives and garlic are two alternatives**
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
Bast things
Often these things don’t get mentioned to people new to working with her so I’m going to disclose some of my UPG.
- Yes, she is motherly to a fault. You gotta take the good with the bad. She will love you and listen to you.
- That being said, she will absolutely not hesitate to clap in your face about self care.
- ESPECIALLY about moisturising.
- Offering her things you’re about to put in a bath is a 100% viable offering. Especially if it contains flowers, honey, milk or all 3.
- Remember those resources you read about her loving red or white candles? Guess what red and white makes. That’s right, she also loves pink candles.
- “Womens truths”. Think about it, she favours lesbians/wlw.
- Cats can and will appear everywhere, particularly if she wants to reach you.
- At some point you’ll bring something home that you won’t even know she likes. Suddenly you’re at her shrine and it is hers.
- Of all the deities I’ve worshipped, she is the one that pops in and out the most as she pleases. Including during offerings. It’s not that she doesn’t love you, that’s just how she is.
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Best of luck contacting her, I hope this helps 🖤💛.
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
An Easy Bastet Offering
If you want to honor the Goddess Bast(et) carry some dry cat food [in a Ziploc bag] in your purse, car, pocket etc.
So when you see a stray/feral cat you can feed it!
Bastet prefers you to help her children rather than buying her a $60 statue. ;)
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
Ways to Honor Bast (Child Edition)
If you are a parent and you see your child wanting to be involved in the worship of Bast- this is the list for you! Feel free to add anymore ideas! :)
-Have your child do art projects for Bast (like paintings, crayon art, clay or even paint some rocks).
-If your child is nervous or concerned about something have them write Bastet a letter (spelling errors does not matter).
-If you have a feline, have your child give them a treat as their offering to Bast (make sure the cat treats are healthy).
-Play some music and let your child dance (after all Bastet was the goddess of dance).
-Bake/cook a meal and have your child help and use it as an offering for Bast (fish, poultry and beef or onion dishes are a good start).
-If you have a local feral cat colony let your child help you feed them.
-If you have a sistrum teach your child how to play it for Bast.
-Let them help you rearrange or assemble a Bastet altar.
-Foster a cat or kittens, learn your child how fostering helps out the homeless cats to find a forever home!
If parents can involve kids in church activities- us pagans can teach our children about the old gods/goddess’ 
As always blessed be
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
How to Worship or Honor Bastet- The Complete Guide
Altar Etiquette:
Bast prefers an altar that is clean and organized. Statues or pictures can be included. 
To awaken her, pour boiling water over her stone statue. DO NOT attempt this if the statue is made of any other material. Rather evoke her presence or consecrate the statue with her blessings and energy.
Items For Her Altar:
Peacock feathers
Cat statues
Gold jewelry
Offering bowls/plates
A bottle of sand
Images/representation of the sun
Perfume bottles
Plants [catnip or succulents]
Crystals [tigers eye, carnelian, red jasper, obsidian, and sun stone]
Offerings (Food):
Meat [raw or cooked]
Fresh catnip
Offerings (Drinks):
Blue lotus
Morning Glory
Lemon Balm
Star Anise
Misc. Offerings:
Self love
Volunteering at a cat rescue
Feeding stray/feral cats
Creating art
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chaiyote ¡ 2 years
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❤️ www.angelprovisions.com // IG ❤️
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chaiyote ¡ 3 years
Icewing Headcanons
I know I said I’d do Sandwings next but inspiration struck me for these guys so here we are, with Icewing headcanons!
-Icewings have rich sounding voices that are uniquely suited for singing, as well as mimicking voices and noises! They can do scarily good impressions. 
-There’s an intricate code of animal sounds (fox yips and barks, wolf calls, and bear grunts to name a few) that Icewings use to communicate across the flat ice
-Icewing traditional music is divided into a few categories: orchestra, traditional singing, and drum/chanting music
-Orchestra music is exactly what you’d expect, almost string orchestra (think standard classical music)
-Because of the wood for the instruments, it must be played in very specific, warmer rooms and is considered the most sophisticated form of music by Icewings
-It also effectively safeguards middle class Icewings from learning to play, as instruments are hard to acquire, and harder to learn to play without the right practice space.
-Traditional singing originates closer to the middle/bottom of the Ice kingdom, and is seen as the “acceptable” piece of music to preserve
-It’s in the style of Northern European (Lithuanian in the example I use) singing groups, being overlapping harmonies sung by multiple women typically, and often in duets (an example I found for a duet is here! look into more music like it if the song appeals to you)
-Music is a big part of Icewing tradition, and as such it’s expected any future queen knows her stuff.
-As such younger princes/princesses put on shows for the other royal icewings, meaning Winter/Icicle/Hailstorm were forced into a lot of concerts together, with Icicle as the main show, while Winter and Hailstorm provided singing and musical accompaniment respectively
-Winter is actually better at singing than hailstorm, and was made to do the harmony to Icicle for years due to the lack of other princesses
-Winter can still play violin very well though, he’s just a little insecure about it (Hailstorm can drum and play cello)
-The two other pieces of Icewing music are work songs and drumming, which come from the shores of the Ice Kingdom. They’re thought of as being particularly lower class, and aren’t as well documented as the other two forms, though no less impressive
-Drums are made in part with seal skin, it involves a circle of Icewings with drums, each playing a specific part. This is accompanied by call-and-response chants (don’t have a good example for this right now, sorry!! I’ll edit it in if I find any)
-Icewing music and art techniques are a very closely guarded secret though, and almost never taught outside of the Ice kingdom
~~We’ve already seen a lot of how Icewing royalty is, so this is mostly going to be around “common” Icewings~~
-A large portion of the Icewing diet and livelihood is fish and whales. Much of this is also traded with the Sea, Mud, and Sky Kingdom. 
-The Ice Kingdom is pretty merciless to dragons without the ability to fly, and dragonets who might not know how are guarded relentlessly by the village until they can safely fly. 
-Most towns and villages are build up relatively high as a result, on spires or along cliffs or just tall points in the snow and ice- both to provide safety, and a good vantage point
-A common superstition is Icewings stranded/left for dead or otherwise downed on the sea ice eventually become polar bears.
-Some Icewings refuse to eat polar bear because of that, and leave out fish for them at shrines for those lost at sea or on the ice.
-There was one Icewing though with malformed wings who became famous for her ability to hunt under the sea ice, holding her breath for long periods of time and memorizing where breathing spots were. Aptly, she was recognized mostly under the name Polar Bear, though her original name is unknown
-Icewings are stereotyped as grumpy and unfriendly, and while that’s not entirely untrue, it comes from a misunderstanding about how Icewings show affection.
-The icewing attitude is very much one of “protect your own”, which covers your immediate neighbors and, when out of the kingdom, any other Icewing.
-However, outright asking for help is considered a weakness or a sign of desperation/slipping on the asker’s part.
-This leads to really intense communities where every Icewing is hyper-aware of each other, for better or for worse.
-If one family is down on their luck, other dragons will chip in to provide adequate food and supplies as gifts.
-There’s also specific rituals for given gifts to other dragons, where the recipient denies the gift around three times, and the giver explains what their gift is for and attempts to convince them to take it.
-Accepting a gift when first given is considered desperate and/or greedy, and pushing back too much is considered proud and/or spoiled.
-This makes the scene where Moon tries to offer to cook meat for Winter especially funny, c’mon Moon he’s just being polite by Icewing standards why’d you have to actually take him on his word.
-Gifts from family members/partners don’t need to follow this pattern super strictly though, it’s mostly for people outside your immediate family but still in your social circle.
-Genuinely not accepting a gift is completely unheard of, no matter how unwanted the gift is or any personal feelings between the gift-giver and the recipient.
-It’s beyond rude, especially with how harsh Icewing life is, gifts are given with a very specific weight of “I am sparing what I might not have to give to you for free.”
-There is one major exception, that being gifts given to a dragon above your circle or your class. They can choose whether or not to accept or decline gifts.
-Similarly to earlier, pawning your trash off on another Icewing under the guise of a gift is extremely trashy and rude, and a good way to sink your reputation.
-The expectation isn’t that you’ll pay these gifts back in equal weight, but rather that if then that family is down on their luck, you’ll chip in to help them like they did for you.
-Icewings show their affection in quality time too, an Icewing’s attention isn’t given lightly and it’s expected that you’ll always make time for your loved ones
-By Icewing standards here Winter is basically whipped for his winglet (Qibli especially), which is hella funny to me
-Icewing communities are very insular though, and newcomers are viewed with a healthy mixture of wariness and suspicion from afar. 
-This doesn’t extend to dragonets though, no matter where the dragonet comes from, or even the tribe, all Icewings watch out for younger dragons and make sure they stay safe and protected. 
That’s all I got so far, I hope I did these dumb spiky boys justice. I think this is the longest I’ve made one of these lol, what can I say the inspiration hit hard. As always, feel free to add your own headcanons/pitch in your thoughts in the comments or reblogs ^^.
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chaiyote ¡ 3 years
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100 ways to incorporate magick in your daily life. 
I understand that these are not exactly all witchy but this is about intergreting your everyday life in your practice and appreciating as well as finding magick in the most mundane and simple things that we often miss out on. ♡
1. When you wake up, before grabbing your phone or getting out of bed, take a few seconds to breathe, and stretch all your limbs.
2. Say ‘’thank you’’ to your god/goddess/deity, or simply to acknowledge how lucky you are to live another day.
3. Open the window regardless of the weather and take a big breath of fresh air. This will not only cleanse the room but also your body. 
4. If it’s raining outside or snowing, take a minute to admire the beauty of it. 
5. Pick wildflowers (please don’t pick any endangered flowers or toxic ones, do your research).
6. Dry said wildflowers and put them in your Book of Shadows or any book or journal you are using.
7. Go for a walk in nature during the day and during the night as well. 
8. Sunbathe.
9. Moonbathe.
10. Light lots of candles.
11. If your room needs a cleaning, try to make your own household products naturally using your favorite scents and clean your room with them. 
12. Change your bed sheets and pillowcases.
13. If you have a clothing line, hang your clothes, blankets, sheets, comforters, pillowcases, underwear outside. Visualize the wind cleansing them. 
14. Grow your own favorite herbs. 
15. Buy a succulent. 
16. Dry your herbs and save them for bath magick, spells, teas or rituals. 
17. Sweep the floor and visualize yourself sweeping off all negativity out of the room. 
18. Sprinkle sea salt over areas that you feel have a negative energy to purify them.
19. Make your own purifying/cleansing spray. 
20. Take a hot, soothing bath. I am a sea witch so I find this particularly helpful when I miss the ocean/the beach. (Don’t forget to add herbs, essential oils, sea salt, flowers, crystals, or anything that has magickal properties for a magickal bath)
21. Sip a cup of your favorite herbal tea.
22. For kitchen witches, try brewing your own tea, and cooking meals with intention and magickal ingredients.
23. Make charm bags. 
24. Water your herb garden by hand. 
25. Show the people you love that you love them.
26. Show some love to your pets and spend a few extra minutes with them. 
27. Light up your favorite incense.
28. Keep a small bag of your favorite herb (for example: lavender) in a drawer, so when you feel stressed, just pop the bag open for a deep breath of calming aromatherapy. 
29. When you take a shower, visualize the water neutralizing your energy and washing off all the bad stuff. 
30. Bless your morning coffee or tea.
31. Keep a daily journal, whether it’s a Book of Shadows, a daily planner/organizer or a dream journal. 
32. If you wanna be low-key and discrete about your craft, draw small sigils all over everything. Your school notebooks, pencil cases, journals, shoes, etc. 
33. Read lots of books about magick and form your own opinion/path/views/beliefs.
34. If you read fictional stories, allow yourself to get lost in them and let your mind wander and escape. 
35. Put on your favorite clothes, makeup, shoes, or whatever little thing that makes you feel fabulous, even if you’re staying in. 
36. Be proud of your body.
37. Practice self-care.
38. Take time to unplug and spend time with yourself. (that includes smartphones, iPads, laptops, tablets, desktops, and all electronics/little gadgets we lug around on a daily basis.)
39. Go to the beach
40. Go to the forest.
41. Go to the desert. 
42. Go to the mountains. 
43. If it’s warm outside, make a bonfire and admire the flames. If it’s winter and you have a fireplace, light it up. 
44. Go somewhere you’ve never visited before. 
45. Go camping if you can, by yourself or with friends. 
46. Stargaze.
47. Breathe.
48. Dance.
49. Dance in the rain.
50. Sing.
51. Go outside in a snowstorm (but don’t drive and most importantly know if it’s safe or not. Be careful.)
52. Plant a vegetable garden, even if it’s just a pot of tomatoes. 
53. Walk barefoot and feel the earth under your feet.
54. Pull weeds.
55. Adopt an animal from the shelter.
56. Practice yoga.
57. Eat healthy, but if you wanna eat that last piece of cake, do it. Life is short.
58. Exercise.
59. Start a new hobby.
60. Mix your own perfume.
61.Make your own candle.
62. Make your own essential oil.
63. Make your own soap. 
64. Lay down and listen to your favorite music. (Mine is video game music, it’s just soothing for me.
65. Take a day just for you without answering the phone.
66. Pick dandelions and make a wish.
67. Carry crystals/stones with your in your pocket. 
68. Learn how to do tarot readings.
69. Collect rain, sun, snow water.
70. Plant lavender or rosemary for protection and luck. 
71. Bless your kitchen utensils, such as spatulas and wooden spoons, that all the food you make with them will promote healing and love. 
72. Charge your crystals under the full moon. 
73. Have tantric sex with a loving partner. 
74. Carve sigils into the sand at the beach and let the tides release them into the universe.
75. Re-arrange your altar. 
76. Keep track of your sleep and menstrual cycles and moods to see how the moon phases affect you.
77. Be open minded to the retrogrades.
78. Go outside on any phase of the moon and take in all its beauty. 
79. Keep your pendulum with you as a necklace so you’re always ready to do a little scrying. 
80. Burn sage or cedar first thing in the morning to start your day off fresh.
81. Look for constellations and learn them. 
82. Paint sigils on your mailbox.
83. Hang wood chimes, or a silver bell on your front door knob for luck.
84. Tuck a sprig of lavender under your pillow before bed to promote peaceful sleep. 
85. Watch a meteor shower with someone you care about.
86. Buy new candles. 
87. Water your plants in your garden counterclockwise to banish negativity from the space.
88. Paint your nails a color associated with the intention of your spell or ritual before you begin so that your hands become your wand. 
89. Plant red geraniums by your front door as this is a traditional sign of witches.
90. Bless more than water and crystals on the night of the full moon: set out your essential oils, nail polish, or a special bottle of champagne too. 
91. Dry your vegetables or plants and incorporate them into a charm bag. 
92. Wash your windows with moon water for extra clarity.
93. Use sun water when you brew tea for a magickal experience. 
94. Stir sugar into your tea or coffee with intention, willing sweetness into your day and life. 
95. Draw sigils or write a brief protection spell on the inside of your dog or cat’s collar.
96. Soak in a milk bath (or just soak your fingers in a bowl of warm milk) on the full moon to embrace the feminine energy. Plus you’ll come away with silky, soft skin. 
97.Hang up palmistry and astrology charts in your home for easy reference and pretty, witchy decor. 
98. Line your windowsills with protective crystals. 
99. Make censing sticks for the seasons, using chamomile buds for spring, lavender for summer, sage for fall and pine for winter. 
100. Just be you and love yourself. Don’t forget you are made of stardust. You are magickal and amazing.
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chaiyote ¡ 3 years
I drink tea for EVERYTHING
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Tea Magick!
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chaiyote ¡ 3 years
I love seeing historic graveyards, but I hate seeing people disrespect the spirits inside of it. CHECK. YO. ETIQUETTE
When visiting a graveyard
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- make sure to ward yourself before entering, maybe keep a protective crystal in your pocket or wear an enchanted jacket or necklace
- if you are an empath or otherwise prone to absorbing emotions/vibes/energies, maybe do an extra one. I like to tie my hair together to keep my thoughts in and others out, and tp get a straight mind. You can also wear a hat or earrings that you've enchanted, or wear a hoodie!
- pay respect before you enter, at the gate. Be aware you are entering a private place that belongs to the dead and those grieving
- make sure to close the gate, always
- do not leave the paved ways. The pavement is where you are supposed to be, where you are allowed to be. Ask permission if you want to leave them, and strenghten your ward. Look out for old, hidden graves, you do not want to step on them!!!
- if you feel something making contact, asking you to stay, wanting to keep you, politely recline and have a reason in mind why you have to go back home. Maybe an appointment, maybe watering the plants or feeding a pet. Have a reason not to stay
- when you visit you may look at the graves and the writings, but do not stare, it is unpolite
- if moss or other plants are growing over the gravestone and hide the names, do not try to read them, do not touch or take from the plants
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- thank the trees growing on graveyards, they protect us. From all the feelings, from the spirits, from the grief.
- do not touch any gravestone, ever. Exceptions may be made if you knew the person in real life. If it's from a stranger, even if they allow it, do not touch it.
- things you find on the pavements are yours to take, but should be cleansed depending on what you use them for
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- if you see something else you like, (if it is not part of a grave! ) ask permission before you take it. Only pick things up when no one is watching you!
- be quiet and tread slowly, you don't want to stir anything up
- humming a song to the trees is appreciated, but only if no one else is around!
- try not to take the same way too many times, you may get too comfortable
- it's time to leave if the trees are getting loud
- it's time to leave when breathing gets hard
- it's time to leave when you or your companion (s) get the urge to talk or tell story's
- when you leave make sure you only take things you really wanted. Do check you pockets for stuff you didn't pick up intentionally.
- as you step out of the gate, imagine walking through a wall. Imagine all emotions, all energies, everything clinging to you staying inside of the graveyard, only you may pass the gate
- Give thanks for being protected and l Close. The. Gate.
These are things I keep in mind when entering a graveyard. Feel free to add to this post!
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