chaosduckies · 10 hours
Sterling Household-Acorns
The Borrowfield family huddled in the cozy confines of their wall. Milton's voice was low but animated as he outlined the afternoon's mission to his attentive brood.
“We will be gathering acorns for Emma," Milton said, his brow furrowed in determination. "She was kind to share her knowledge and supplies with us. Now, we repay her generosity."
"Remember, we move together, and we watch out for one another," Cassia added, her maternal eyes scanning each of her children, from the responsible Agnes to the wide-eyed Finn. The siblings nodded, understanding their task's importance and its dangers.
As they ventured into the backyard, the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. 
Milton led the way, spear at the ready, his sharp eyes scanning for threats. Cassia mirrored his vigilance on the flank, her own weapon poised. Acorns lay scattered across the grass like treasures waiting to be claimed, their brown shells gleaming in the soft light. To the Borrowfields, these were not mere seeds but sustenance, the size of small melons that promised nourishment.
"Look, there's a cluster over there!" Pippin whispered eagerly, pointing towards a bounty beneath an oak’s sprawling roots.
"Quietly now," Milton reminded him, even as he shared his son's excitement.
Agnes and Lila moved gracefully, their small hands working deftly to gather the acorns. They synchronized their efforts when they rolled the heavy nuts one by one toward the bag. Finn, his little legs struggling to keep up, pushed with all his might, his face screwed up in determination.
"Good job, Finn!" Lila encouraged, her gentle voice bolstering her brother's spirits.
"Into the bag, carefully now," Cassia directed as she helped hoist an acorn over the rim. The big bag slowly swelled with their foraged goods.
A shadow passed overhead, a bird on the hunt, and Milton tensed, spear lifted. The children froze, but the danger passed, the creature unaware of the tiny family below.
"Let's get these back to Emma," Milton said, satisfied with their haul. Together, they hoisted the hefty bag, shoulders touching, each bearing the weight.
When they arrived at Emma's portion of the wall leading into the basement, Cassie tugged on a string hanging down from a wooden panel. Emma had created this to trigger a doorbell-like system, announcing any friendly arrivals.
"Who is it?" came the muffled voice from the other side, feigning ignorance despite knowing full well who would visit at this hour.
"It's us, Emma," Lila chimed, unable to contain her excitement.
The panel slid open, revealing Emma's smiling face. "My, my, what have we here?" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling as they fell upon the bulging bag.
"We've brought you acorns, Emma," Pippin said proudly, puffing out his chest a little as he spoke.
"Such a treat! And such fine company," Emma beamed, stepping aside to allow them entry into her cozy abode.
"Thank you, dear friends," Emma continued, her hands clasping over her heart. "Your visits mean more to me than any feast."
Milton set the bag down with a soft thud. "We couldn't forget you, Emma. Not when you've guided us through so much."
Emma wasted no time preparing to work; her movements were practiced and sure. She cracked the acorns with a well-worn stone, deft fingers prying open the shells to reveal the tender meat within. A small fire crackled in a makeshift hearth, carefully enclosed by stones scavenged from the basement area. As Emma stirred a dollop of honey into a tiny iron pan, the Borrowfields' eyes widened at the sight of the golden syrup melting over the heat.
"Just a touch of sweetness." She tossed the acorn meats into the pan, and they sizzled as they met the honey. The cozy space began to fill with the comforting aroma of nuts roasting.
Lila's nose, twitching at the delicious smell, tugged at her father's shirt. "Papa," she said, gleaming of mischief in her eye, "what do you think about getting more acorns? We could have honey-roasted nuts for days!"
Finn, ever the shadow of his sister's ambition, nodded vigorously. "Yes, please! Let’s go now!" His tiny voice was full of yearning for another adventure.
Milton glanced down at his children, his expression softening with affection even as he shook his head. "No, Lila, Finn. We've gathered plenty today," he replied, his voice firm yet gentle.
Cassia came to stand beside her husband, laying a hand on each child's head. "It's too risky to go out again, especially alone.”
Not satisfied with this answer, the two youngest children waited until the adults were lost in conversation, and Emma was absorbed in her culinary craft.
"Come on," Lila whispered, her voice barely a flutter as she tugged at Finn's sleeve. His wide-eyed nod betrayed his eagerness as they slipped away.
The backyard was a wild realm of towering grass blades and looming flowers, and the setting sun cast long shadows across the terrain.
"Look, Lila!" Finn exclaimed in a whisper, pointing towards a particularly plump acorn nestled at the base of a dandelion.
"Careful, Finn," Lila cautioned, but her warning was tinged with pride at her brother's keen eye.
Their collection grew, and each acorn was carefully selected and placed into the pouch. 
Whiskers, with her sleek coat and piercing eyes, had spotted the tiny intruders in her domain. Her tail twitched with predatory interest, her gaze fixed on Lila and Finn as if they were nothing more than mice to be toyed with.
"Run!" Lila shouted, her voice breaking the spell of silence as fear surged through her veins.
Finn's hand clenched around hers, his little legs pumping furiously as they dashed for the safety of the wall. Whiskers pounced forward, her movements graceful and lethal—a striking contrast to the panic-stricken scramble of the Borrowfield siblings.
"Quickly, Finn!" Lila urged, her breath coming in sharp gasps. She could feel the cat's presence closing in, a whisper of danger on the breeze.
"Almost there!" Finn cried, his determination burning bright despite his trembling limbs.
Lila dared a look back, her heart thundering against her chest as Whiskers leapt, her claws extending in anticipation of the catch.
They darted toward the house, their minuscule legs pumping furiously as Whiskers gained on them. The cat's paw swiped out, missing Finn by mere inches.
Panic surged through Lila's tiny form as she darted with Finn in tow, darting between the blades. Whiskers was upon them in moments, her paw batting at the siblings with a casual cruelty that sent them tumbling across the ground. The cat's claws snagged Lila's dress, ripping it as they made their desperate bid for freedom.
"Stay behind me!" Lila gasped, pushing Finn down into a small hollow beneath a fallen leaf. But Whiskers was relentless, her playful mauling a terrifying ordeal for the Borrower children. With each swipe of her massive paw, Finn wailed, his tears mingling with the dirt on his face.
Lila, driven by a fierce protective instinct, swung her tiny arm, aiming futile blows at the cat's unyielding sides. Her efforts were fruitless; to Whiskers, she was nothing but a mouse, a plaything to be subdued and toyed with. The cat's paw came down hard, pinning Lila to the earth. Terror seized her heart as Whiskers leaned in, her fangs piercing Lila's leg. A sharp cry escaped her lips as she grappled with the agony and fear that she might be eaten.
"Please, no," Lila screamed, her leg on fire. She could see Finn, tears streaming down his face, rooted to the spot by fear.
"Whiskers! No! Bad cat!" The thunderous command came from above as Sterling, the giant human, stormed into view. His massive hand scooped up Whiskers, lifting her away from the Borrowfield children with ease.
"Drop it," he ordered sternly, and Whiskers complied, releasing Lila as if she were nothing but a plaything. Sterling held the cat in his arms, his gaze locked on the tiny figures below. Concern etched deep lines on his forehead, his eyes betraying the struggle within.
"Go on, scoot," he murmured, giving the children time to escape. Lila, her leg bleeding, clutched Finn close and hobbled away as fast as their little legs would carry them.
Sterling watched from the corner of his eye, noting the trail of crimson drops left by the tiny girl. His heart clenched, and for a moment, the urge to intervene, to scoop them up and offer aid, nearly overtook him. He had become aware of the tiny people living in his home about a week ago. He had chosen to ignore them, hoping they would be comfortable enough to make themselves known to him one day. He didn’t want to scare them off by trying to capture them.
Taking advantage of the moment, Lila grabbed Finn's hand, pulling him to his feet. They stumbled towards the crack in the wall, their escape a mixture of pain and determination. Lila felt the weight of the giant's gaze upon them, but he did not move.
As the siblings slipped into the safety of the wall, Sterling straightened up and returned to his home with his cat.
In the safety of the wall, Lira held her little brother close.
"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm so sorry."
Finn hiccuped. "The adventure wasn't fun," he mumbled into her shoulder. “At least the giant didn’t get us; I don’t even think he saw us!”
Lila bit her lip, glancing at her brother. He didn't need to know the truth — that the giant's eyes had met theirs. It would be her secret; she didn’t want to cause her family to move.
Before they could rise, Milton and Cassia were upon them. Arms enveloped the small, shaken bodies, lifting them into a warm embrace.
"Never again," Cassia muttered, her voice a mix of anger and desperation. "You must understand, never again."
"Sorry, Mama," Finn mumbled, burying his face into her shoulder.
"Sorry," echoed Lila, the single word encapsulating the weight of her regret.
Her father put a hand on her shoulder. His expression was stern, but his eyes were kind. "You disobeyed us and put yourself and your brother in danger. You won't be going on more adventures for a long time, young lady."
Lila nodded, blinking back tears. "I understand."
"But we're just glad you made it back to us." Her father hugged her, and Lila buried her face in his shoulder, relief and guilt warring inside her.
She winced as Milton scooped her up, his eyes quickly assessing the crimson stain spreading down her leg. Cradling her close, he whispered reassurances meant more for himself than for her. "You'll be alright, my brave little girl."
They retreated further into the safety of Emma's dwelling.
Lila winced as Emma dabbed at the bite mark on her leg with a damp cloth, sterilizing the wound.
"There, there," Emma said gently.
Agnes gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "You were so brave, Lila. We're proud of you for protecting Finn like that."
Lila managed a watery smile. Her sister always knew the right thing to say.
At last, Emma finished bandaging their injuries. "All done. Now, let's get you some of those acorn nuts. Food will help take your mind off the pain, and Milton brought back some willow bark from his last trip. I can make a poultice to help with swelling and relieve discomfort."
Milton held Lila snugly against his chest, her tiny form cradled by his sturdy arms. She savored the sweetness of the acorn nut in her mouth, the rich taste momentarily distracting her from the throbbing in her leg. Milton kissed the top of her head, his voice barely above a whisper. "Next time I'm out, I'll bring back some pain medicine for you," he promised, stroking her hair.
On Cassia's lap, Finn burrowed closer, his small body seeking the solace of his mother's warmth. Her fingers traced soothing circles on his back, lulling him into a state of calm after the day's harrowing events. His eyes fluttered closed, the earlier tears replaced by the drooping lids.
Across the room, Agnes and Pippin engaged in lively conversation with Emma, their voices bubbling with laughter and punctuated by the crunch of the acorn nuts. They spoke of trivial things.
Lila's sniffles broke through the contented hum of conversation. Milton pulled her even closer.
"Everything's going to be alright," he reassured her.
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chaosduckies · 2 days
For the OC ask thing, 👏Does👏Ryker👏Like👏boys?
(Same question goes for Nathan)
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Whattttt noooo…. *Laughs nervously*
But Yeah! Ryker likes boys! He’s dated a boy before in his Freshman year, and they broke up due to reasons.. *ahem* and then a few years later he meets Nathan… I guess you can fill in the blanks there :3
Nathan on the other hand didn’t know if anyone would ever like him. So, he didn’t really worry about it until he started catching feelings for Ryker and was so confused. So yeah, Nathan is gay too!
They’re also not sexually attracted to eachother. Just a few kisses here a there and little hang outs, but nothing sexual.
Thank you for asking!
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chaosduckies · 2 days
My asks are open!
Feel free to ask any of my OC’s anything! Or maybe you have a question for me? (Also if you want to see some kind of one-shot with any of my characters I’ll gladly write/draw it for you guys!)
please no NSFW or sexual content, otherwise, Ask Away!
(and thank you to everyone who did the poll I appreciate it greatly :D)
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chaosduckies · 3 days
Sterling household-Chapter 1- Cozy
Milton Borrowfield crept within the walls of the giant household. It was dark and late in the evening, but to borrowers, this was prime time. Unlike their bigger counterparts, borrowers slept during the day and went about their night as if it were day.
"Papa!" came a small voice. Milton turned to see his daughter Agnes emerging from one of the side passageways leading to the bedroom quarters for the children, a cozy nook lined with scraps of fabric and down feathers. She ran to give him a quick hug.
"Where are you off to?" she asked.
"I've got to check our supplies. Winter will be here before we know it." Milton patted her shoulder.
Agnes nodded seriously. She knew how hard it was for borrower families like theirs to stay warm and fed during the cold months.
Milton headed further down the winding passageways within the human’s home, past the tiny nook containing their kitchen where his wife Cassia was boiling thimblefuls of tea. He gave her a wink as he passed. She blew him a kiss in return.
"Be safe, my love," she said.
He lifted a loose bit of wallpaper and slipped behind it into their pantry. It was neatly organized but sparse. They were running low on everything. Milton sighed. He would have to take more risks if he wanted his family to survive the winter. Although some things were easy to borrow in a human house, getting what they needed was always risky. The human was very neat and clean. This made it harder to get into the food supplies; the human Sterling was very good at keeping his food stored and sealed. The only saving grace was that the human was oblivious; Milton had some very close calls before, where he swore he was done for. In the warmer months, Milton and his family took advantage of the outdoors and got what they needed from the human’s garden. But as winter approaches, it would be harder to borrow food from the human, the risk of being seen would increase. But it would be worth keeping his dear Cassia and their children happy, healthy, and cozy.
Milton emerged from the pantry, brows furrowed with concern. His youngest, Finn, waddled over to him, arms raised expectantly.
"Uppy, Papa!" the four-year-old boy demanded.
Milton smiled and swept Finn into his arms. At least his children were still blissfully unaware of their precarious situation.
He carried Finn into the kitchen, where Cassia ladled hot tea into thimble cups. She glanced at Milton knowingly.
"I told you, we needed more, what’s the damage?" she asked.
Milton nodded. "We've got enough for maybe another week or two. After that..."
He trailed off, not wanting to upset Finn. The boy squirmed out of his arms and scurried off to play with his siblings.
Cassia stepped closer and put a hand on Milton's shoulder. "We'll figure something out. We always do."
"But winter is nearly here. I don't know if I can provide everything; we must keep the children warm and healthy. Especially with the human spending more time indoors now."
Cassia nodded, her expression serious but unafraid. "It won't be easy. But we've prepared as best we can, and we still have a couple of months left. And I have faith in you, my love. Your cleverness has gotten us through tough times before."
Milton pulled his wife close. 
Cassia smiled up at him, pride and trust shining in her eyes. "Now come, the tea is getting cold."
Milton's mind raced as he held Cassia's hand, sipping tea and eating breakfast with his family. The bitter cold of winter was nearly upon them, and the thought of his children suffering from frigid temperatures twisted his gut. It wouldn’t be so bad if the human turned up the temperature in the house, but the human seemed content to only use blankets. And every time Milton tried to change the temperature on the thermostat, the human would turn it back down, grumbling about broken machines and raising costs, whatever that meant.
When the lights in the giant's home went dark tonight, Milton would make his move. He would creep through the hidden passageways, scurry across the massive floor, and climb into the giant's bedroom. There, he would take what he desperately needed - a pair of the thick, woolen socks the giant wore to bed each night. The giant had so many pairs that he wouldn’t miss these.
It was terribly risky, but he pushed down his fear. For his children, he would brave anything. He met Cassia's eyes, seeing his own steely resolve reflected back. She knew what he planned to do and had faith in him. Her quiet strength gave him courage.
When the moment came, Milton hugged each of his children tightly.
"Be good for your mother," he said. "I'll be back before you go to bed."
Then, with a final kiss for Cassia, he slipped into the darkness. His footfalls made no sound as he navigated the secret paths through the walls. Upstairs, he crept beneath the giant's door and scanned the massive room. His heart pounding, Milton scurried directly to the dresser, climbed up the side, he was in luck the drawer was open, enough for him to wiggle into, he then dove into the sock drawer.
Milton's nose twitched as he burrowed into the pile of fuzzy socks. They were soft and warm - exactly what his family needed to make it through the harsh winter. Carefully, he selected two pairs and rolled them up.
Just then, the floor began to shake as the giant lumbered into the bedroom. Milton's blood turned to ice. He dove under the piles of socks just in time as the dresser drawer slid open. A massive hand reached in, nearly grabbing Milton as it rummaged around.
Milton held perfectly still, clutching the socks close. After what felt like an eternity, the giant removed his hand and moved to slide the drawer shut. The giant cursed as the drawer snagged, not closing all the way. Milton heard the deep rumbled of the human’s voice as he muttered about getting the ‘dam drawer fixed’. Milton sagged with relief, then pricked his ears up. The giant was still in the room - he could hear its thunderous footsteps.
Ever so slowly, Milton peeked out from his hiding spot. He crawled to the opening of the drawer, peeking out. He would have to be quick and clever to return to his family undetected.
Milton watched as Sterling opened his book, the pages crinkling loudly in the quiet room. Milton cursed his luck and the humans’ love for his books. He’d have to wait until the human got tired and went to bed.
After what felt like an eternity, Sterling finally closed his book and yawned loudly. Milton stayed perfectly still as he watched the human get ready for bed.
Milton's heart pounded as he watched the giant human stir in his sleep. This was his chance - he had to make a run for it before Sterling woke up.
With nimble feet, Milton scurried across the top of the dresser; he held his breath as he darted behind a framed photo, peering around the edge. The giant let out a rumbling snore, his mountainous chest rising and falling.
Milton made his move, scrambling down the leg of the dresser and onto the carpeted floor. He was so close - just a few more feet and he'd be safe in the walls.
Suddenly, the giant rolled over with a groan. Milton froze, pressing himself flat against the floor. Holding perfectly still, he watched as one massive eye fluttered open, scanning the room. Milton didn't dare breathe.
After a few tense moments, the giant's eyes drifted shut once more. Milton sagged with relief. He was about to get up when a shadow fell over him. Milton froze, eyes widening. Whiskers! The cat had spotted him from her perch on the windowsill. She leapt down, sharp claws clicking on the hardwood floors as she prowled towards Milton.
Thinking fast, he scrambled as fast as he could for the baseboard. He squeezed through the crack and into the dark safety of the walls, his heart hammering against his tiny ribs.
Whiskers released a frustrated mewl and tried to reach her paw after him. Milton scooted back out of her reach, his heart hammering.
Clutching his prize, Milton hurried home, eager to present the socks to his beloved Cassia and their children.
Milton hurried through the narrow passages within the walls, retracing the steps back to his family's cozy home.
Rounding a corner, he spotted a familiar knot in the wood paneling and knew he was close. "Cassia!" he called softly. "Children! I have returned!"
"Papa, you're back!" little Finn cried, rushing to hug Milton's leg.
Milton picked Finn up and spun him around. "That's right, my boy. And look what I brought for you." He held up the fuzzy socks.
"Oh, they're wonderful!" said Lila, running her hands over the soft material.
"With these, we can make some cozy little beds," Milton said. "Now, let's get to work. Agnes, Pippin - you two gather up all the cotton and fabric scraps you can find."
The older children scurried off, eager to help.
Soon, they were all busy at work. Pippin and Agnes returned, arms loaded with stuffing and fabric pieces. Cassia began sewing blankets.
Finn toddled around, trying to hand out supplies. "I help too!" he said. Milton ruffled Finn's hair.
"That you do, son."
They worked together, creating cozy little beds from the odds and ends available. The children were vibrating with excitement.
Finally, the beds were ready. The family gathered around to admire their handiwork.
The children cheered and immediately burrowed into their new beds. Sighs of contentment echoed around the room.
Milton and Cassia smiled at each other. It filled their hearts with joy to see their family safe, happy, and comfortable once more.
Cassia settled into the cozy blanket nest she had made, pulling Lila close. The little girl snuggled against her mother's chest, yawning.
"Tell me a story, Mama," Lila murmured.
Cassia stroked her daughter's hair. "Hmm, let's see. Once upon a time, there was a brave borrower named Lila..."
As Cassia wove a tale of adventure for Lila, Milton sat with Pippin and Agnes on their beds.
"Did the giant human almost squash you, Papa?" Pippin asked, his eyes wide.
Milton chuckled. "Oh, he came close a few times. But I was too quick for him!"
"Wow," Agnes breathed. She fingered the soft sock that served as her pillow. "It must have been so scary in the big house."
"It was, at first," Milton admitted. "But then I remembered how cold you all get at night. So I kept going, as quiet as a mouse."
"Tell us more!" Pippin begged. The two leaned forward eagerly.
Smiling, Milton regaled them with the tale of his mission, embellishing some details to make it more thrilling. The children gasped and cheered at all the right moments.
Milton finished his story, concluding with a dramatic escape through a mouse hole as Whiskers' giant paw swiped at him.
"You're the bravest borrower ever!" Agnes declared.
Milton chuckled. "Well, one day, that will be you too."
He tucked the blankets snugly around them. Pippin let out a huge yawn.
"I think it's time for my little mice to sleep," Milton said fondly. He bent down to kiss each of their foreheads.
As the children's eyes fluttered closed, Cassia came over and squeezed Milton's hand, leaning over and giving him a tender kiss. 
Author Note: This was initially made for last year's October prompt word list. I made an outline for many keywords, but I never got around to flushing it out. I greatly admire anyone who can write a short story in a day. I can't do it, but you're amazing if you can. This one prompt was 'Cozy'. You'll be seeing more of the Sterling household. These characters I made specifically for the prompt challenge because I find it hard to keep coming up with character names, lol. 
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chaosduckies · 3 days
(Basically any questions for my OC’s in this story which would be Nathan, Ryker, Dylan, Lucky, Isabelle, Angela, and Jasmine or even me!!)
I’ve been sitting on this for a while, and I’ll only really do it if people actually ask things. Mostly because I have a life, school, and a job so I don’t really like to waste time. But on the other hand, if I do end up getting some people to ask some things about them, I would love to answer! But for now, I just want to know if I should actually do it or not
edit: (I didn’t realize the poll was set for a week so I’ll check the results tomorrow and say if it’s good or not to ask them things my bad guys 😞 thank you again!)
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chaosduckies · 3 days
Trophy room looks amazing!!!
The amount of times I told myself I need to buy this game tho 😭
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Welcome to my trophy room!
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chaosduckies · 8 days
Restoration (Chapter 8)
A bunch of scenes because why not? On another note, it is extremely hard to write a scene in winter when it’s the middle of April. I hope you enjoy anyhow! Because now I’m really getting into the plot.
Word Count: 5.9k
CW: Death, crying, vague thoughts of suicide, severe trauma, (anything else idk??)
It was Thanksgiving break. The first official break from school until Christmas. Words could not describe how grateful I was for the week-long break. There was no reason to have so much work piled up a couple weeks before the end of first semester. 
I was laying in my bed on my phone. It was about to turn six, which meant I should probably get started on dinner, but I just couldn’t bring myself to climb out of bed. I was physically and mentally tired of keeping up with everyone and whatever plans they had with their friends, taking care of Isabelle and Angela since they were still little, and on top of that keep up with the chores around the house. 
I grabbed my phone off the charger, stretched out my arms and legs from laying down, and opened my door to get started on dinner. The living room was oddly quiet, with Dylan and Lucky playing a game. Isabelle playing a game with Angela on the carpet that consisted of a bunch of stuffed animals and blankets. I smiled to myself. 
“What do you guys feel like eating for dinner?” I leaned against the kitchen island, waiting for an answer. 
“Spaghetti!” Isabelle and Angela answered at the time, giggling at one another. I think I could do that. I don’t know if Lucky can though. It was the first weekend of the break and I’d probably need to go grocery shopping tomorrow anyways. 
I looked in Dylan’s direction, making them pause whatever they were playing together. He just shrugged his shoulders, “Whatever’s easier for you.” Always with the same response. 
“Ummm, I can go check what we have.” Lucky told me, getting Dylan to let him onto the floor. All I could do was wait now. Jasmine was staying over at her friends today and tomorrow. I just told her to text me if she goes anywhere far and if she needed anything. Weird, right? Usually the parent handles these kinds of things, but in the situation my siblings and I are in it’s literally impossible. 
Lucky came back, shaking his head, “We don’t have the things for spaghetti,” He laid down on the arm rest of the couch and grabbed his remote, “You should call Nathan to come over. He hasn’t been here in a while. Plus, he’s so much better at cooking than I am. Right, Angela?” 
I bit the side of my cheek. I don’t know about that. Just asking Nathan to come over to cook and then ask him to leave? That was wrong. Plus, he told me before the break that he’ll be pretty busy. Or… texted me. Either way, I shouldn’t bother him. Maybe he actually has a meal with his family for Thanksgiving and they were all getting ready for it already. On the other hand, Lucky makes something else for him and Angela, Angela doesn’t eat, and then everything goes downhill from there. 
Looking at my phone, I picked it up, opening the messages app, and clicked on Nathan’s name. The last time he came here, Jasmine did kind of freak him out. I remember him not being able to leave anyone’s side if she was in the room. I wonder if he’d even want to come over after that. At school the next day he was a little nervous, but otherwise fine afterward, but I’m sure whatever Jasmine told him is still stuck in his mind. Ugh. This was such a bad idea. 
Ryker: I have a huge favor to ask you 
I waited for a response, watching Dylan and Lucky play a fighting game against one another. I had no idea who was winning, but I’m pretty sure it was Lucky. Actually… it was kind of weird how Lucky seemed to want Nathan around more often. Like, really weird. Especially when every time Nathan came, he would practically ditch him with me. I honestly don’t mind, I liked having Nathan come over, but still. I had wondered why, but I wasn’t going to ask. 
Nathan: Yeah?
Ryker: Do you mind coming over to help Lucky cook something? 
Ryker: You don’t have to 
Well, if he says no Lucky will have to make whatever he can and I’d have to break the news to Angela. If you didn’t know, four year olds can be a little hard to deal with sometimes. So, this might just turn out to be a very, very bad day. 
Nathan: Sure! 
Nathan: Anything specific?
I stared at his text, relief washing over me. Dylan let out a cheer from winning against Lucky. Wow. Perfect timing. I was just so grateful right now. Nathan was literally the greatest friend ever. Now I have to think of someway to thank him. That shouldn’t be too hard, right? 
Ryker: They wanted spaghetti
Ryker: And thank you  
Nathan: No problem :)
Ryker: I guess I’ll be at the bus stop in about twenty minutes? 
Nathan: Okay 
I stuffed my phone in my pocket, “Okay, I’ll be right back, just text me if something happens.” I told Dylan, who nodded his head. And with that, I walked out the door and into the cold air. 
Winters in the city were bad. But not as bad as when we were still help captive. Now those days were terrible. Horrifying even. It was still freakishly cold here. Not something I enjoy. For several reasons really. One being that I already get cold really easily. Two, I just hated being cold and sick. And the most important reason being that it was during this kind of weather when my dad had died. Actually, in three days it’s officially been nine years since my dad died. November 24. A long time, right? 
It hurts. The memories. Not just of him but how they brutally murdered him in front of his own child. I shuddered at the sight pictured in my mind. Nope. Can’t think about that. Right now I should probably be getting ready to head over to the bus stop. I already had packed a tiny bag with the things I needed to cook. Weird enough, it was kind of a therapy for me at this point. To be cooking I mean. I guess that’s why my mom always gets worried when I’m baking for no reason. Because she knows. 
I sighed, giving my mom a quick text that I was heading over to Ryker’s for a little while. The last time I went, I thought everything was going great before Jasmine talked to me alone. everyone had left to go looking for something and it was just her and I. I was scared of course. We’ve never, ever talked before and from what I’ve gathered she’s really intimidating. 
Her exact words to me were: “If you hurt my brother in any way I will personally murder you.” and that was was it took for me to have an entire mental breakdown for nearly two weeks. I mean, who wouldn’t be scared if someone’s sibling threatened you like that? So, the week before the break, I might have been acting a little weird around Ryker, afraid that I might actually do something wrong or hurt him in any way, which I don’t really see how I could. 
Otherwise, I haven’t really been doing anything. I told Ryker that I would be busy during the break, but really I wasn’t. Only because I do actually have something to do on November 24, and I was already feeling the depression spikes as the day came closer and closer. As for Thanksgiving itself, my mom and I never do anything. Last year we were barely getting used to being in the mental hospital so we didn’t really do anything. This year she’s working so it’ll just be me. Nothing new. 
I made my way down the icy streets, the sun setting faster and faster. It was only getting colder, and I didn’t really have a winter jacket. Just some to wear in the classroom like when it’s freezing in there. So, yeah, I was basically freezing my face off. Not to mention that my mom told me it might snow later tonight since it was already under twenty degrees outside. I wasn’t used to cold weather. 
Once I made it to the bus stop, I snuggled up with my bag on the bench, trying to have some kind of warmth. Also because there were several people (giants) who were going back home from stores or getting off of work. The bus stop was actually used for both humans and giants. The human was a little ways from the huge one that was practically as tall as a skyscraper. Maybe taller. 
My hands were shaky from the cold, but it was only another five minutes before Ryker would come and hopefully I wouldn’t be as cold. Maybe. Hopefully. I don’t know what today has in store for me. All I knew was that I just wanted to wrap myself in a blanket with some hot chocolate and binge watch something on tv. 
Ryker came a few minutes later, smiling and giving a thanks before offering a hand. I threw the bag on first before struggling to get on. It was hard when the ground underneath you was starting to freeze over, but I figured it out after trying for a good minute. 
“You’re freezing.” Ryker told me, cupping his hand just a little. Sure, it was scary to have his fingers closer to me, but still, it was warm. How could I deny something that was practically calling me? 
  “That good?” He smiled, for some reason making sure I was comfortable. But I was not about to complain. I was desperate at this point. I nodded my head, bringing my knees closer to my chest to keep some of my body warmth with me. And yet another reason I hate winter. 
“Thanks again. Sorry for bothering you.” 
I continuously shook my head, hoping he would get the message that it was fine. Plus, I liked going over. Everyone was nice (Besides Jasmine I’m pretty sure she hates me) and never really tried to do anything too crazy with me. It was great. I’m not as afraid anymore, which was a miracle given I thought I could never trust anyone ever again, and I’ve actually made some friends. 
Ryker opened the door to his house, where we found them all watching a movie together. Everyone turned their heads as soon as the door closed behind Ryker. I jumped slightly, but relaxed after a while. Nothing to be afraid of. Dylan’s eyes landed on me, giving a smile and a two fingered wave. I waved back, but I doubt he could see it. 
I was set down on the ground, not entirely expecting to be in a tight hug the second I balanced myself. Lucky bursted out laughing, letting me go, “You are literally the best, Nathan.” I laughed with him, following Lucky into the room. 
I didn’t eat anything. I wasn’t hungry. Of course Ryker tried to convince me to eat something, but I always answered no. Otherwise, dinner was okay. They had Lucky, Angela and I on the coffee table, which wasn’t really too big of a deal. I’m pretty sure Ryker and Dylan just didn’t want to handle any humans while they were eating, and hey, I was not about to say anything about it. There are just some things that will never leave my mind. 
After everyone ate, Dylan and Lucky started playing a game on the tv while Isabelle and Angela were playing hide and seek I’m pretty sure. I just hoped that no one would get hurt, but Ryker quickly reassured me that they would never harm one another. I just had to believe him. Most of his siblings are stuck together like glue. Which is a good thing. 
“It’s supposed to start snowing in a little bit.” Ryker announced, earning cheers from the other room where I was guessing Angela and Isabelle were. I was sitting on the arm rest of the couch by Ryker. I kind of wished that their house was a little warmer, because I was still annoyingly cold, but beggars can’t be choosers. I should have asked to grab a blanket. 
“Nice. Are we gonna go out?” Dylan asked, eyes glued to the screen. I had no idea who was winning, but I think it was him. 
“If you want to.” 
Ryker threw his phone on the other side of the couch, turning his head to the screen. I don’t want to go outside, but I’ll go if that makes things easier. I just don’t want to be in the snow. Reasons. Remember? 
It was about ten minutes later that it did actually start snowing. Angela and Isabelle were begging Ryker to let them outside, which he just laughed to and told them to get jackets on and to bring their hats. Dylan paused their game to go get on a jacket, and Ryker left to go help Isabelle. So I was alone in the living room while everyone was busy to go have some fun. I hated winter. In just three days. I reminded myself. 
What would happen? Would someone else be claimed victim? Something bad always happens during this time. I don’t know if it was just me. It probably was. Everyone else was smiling while I was crying in the corner. It’s how it was in the hospital. They all went outside if they could, and I stayed in my room, under the blankets and shove my face into my pillow to drown out my tears. I couldn’t do that now though. Not when so many people had their eyes on me. Not when a trip back to the hospital was a very viable option for me. I didn’t want to go back. Not because of something… traumatic that happened nine years ago. I should be over it, right? But I’m not. 
There goes one of my depression spells. Great. Just great. At a time like this? I sucked in a deep breath, calming myself down before anyone notices. This was embarrassing. 
Ryker came back into the room, eyes landing on me with an unsure look on his face. He walked up to me, holding a hand out. Was he not going to wear any gloves? He wouldn’t be cold? I stood up, keeping my balance on the soft surface underneath me and walking to climb onto his hand. 
“You don’t mind if I just keep you in my hand, right? I don’t want you to be freezing.” He asked. I shook my head, sitting down in the middle of his palm. That was actually what I preferred. I did not plan whatsoever to go into the snow anyways. 
Once everyone was outside, Ryker sat down on the stairs, cupping his hand and keeping me close. A little uneasy about it, but there was really no reason to be. It’s just instinct. And everything in me right now is saying to get the hell inside. But I wasn’t going to say that. Mostly because I don’t want to be alone.  
They were all screaming and laughing. It was snowing pretty hard too, already covering most of the frosted grass just after ten minutes. Other people were also sitting outside. Their kids playing around with the snow. I tried not to focus on that. Instead, I found myself scooting back slowly, almost to where I couldn’t see the heavy fall of the white flakes. 
My body was still freezing. It was so much colder than before. Was this how dad felt? The cold pricking at his skin I mean. 
“Nathan?” My thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice above me. I groaned, body shaking and stuffing my hands in my pockets to preserve some of my body heat. I shuddered a breath, trembling. It’s so cold… How could they even be having fun like this? I looked ahead, seeing Dylan helping Isabelle make a small snowman with both Angela and Lucky stuffed in his scarf. This was just another one of my depression spells. 
“Still cold?” Ryker asked me. I took a deep breath, “Y-Yeah…” It came out more like a quiet mumble, and I was surprised that he even heard me. Did he want to help them make a snowman? He probably did. I should just tell him to leave me inside. It would make things a million times easier for everyone. 
Ryker moved his hand a bit, making me worried about what he was trying to do, but he just kept it the same. I wondered why he was going through all this trouble just for me. There was really no point. There was only a couple more months until graduation and then we’d go our separate ways. That’s how it always goes. I’d be alone again, figuring out what to do with the rest of my life. That’s how my story goes. 
I nodded my head, getting to a comfortable position and decided to just watch what they were all doing. Finishing up the head of the snowman. It was comfy even though I was kind of scared from being in someone’s hand. At least now that is. Currently I was just afraid of falling into the deep snow. I’m pretty sure if I fell I’d sink into it. Not something I would like to see or imagine. 
“You okay?” Ryker asked, softly smiling above me. There was no other response other than to nod. I couldn’t just say no. That wouldn’t do any good. But.. maybe if he notices that these next few days would be hard for me. Maybe. Just maybe. I doubt it though. I don’t plan on being here all of the time anyways. I couldn’t. 
Isabelle finished the snowman, grabbing some loose twigs for arms as they stepped back. It was still snowing, just not as much. Was dad watching me right now? Was he shocked just as much as I was? I never thought I’d ever be able to be around another giant for as long as I had lived, and here I am, sitting in one of their hands. Would he think I was crazy? Delusional? Psycho? Happy like my mom even? I would never know, but even I think I was crazy. 
Actually… why did I even trust Ryker? Or really anyone. They’re all so nice of course, but about four months ago I was so sure that every giant would only hurt me, and it almost became true with that lunch incident that felt like forever ago. So why did I trust these people with my life? In the back of my mind I keep thinking that this was all just a sick joke being played on me. But… I don’t think these people are lying about anything. They don’t have a reason to. And Ryker’s been nothing but patient, and kind, and… understanding. No one would go through all that trouble just to fool someone as gullible as me. 
I sighed, snuggling up closer to Ryker’s thumb and watching Isabelle throw snowballs at Dylan who was shielding Lucky and Angela from the crossfire. Was it scary being there? In the midst of everything? Having to trust someone at least fifty times your size to keep you safe? I sucked in a shaky breath, just watching. It wasn’t so bad really. 
Today was November 24. Thanksgiving was here, and everything was a complete mess. I never learned how to make a turkey like the tradition, so usually I just made something that all of us had liked. Along with that, I had to make sure no one did anything too crazy while I was busy in the kitchen. Jasmine and Dylan were helping out cooking while I ordered something for Lucky and Angela. They both agreed on pizza (Because what else does a fourteen year-old and a four year-old want) so now I was busy with that. That part was mostly because Angela didn’t like when Lucky cooks something different. 
It was just pure chaos now. Everyone was running around the house, and at that point I had to ask Jasmine to keep an eye on Angela to make sure she didn’t wander off where we couldn’t find her. I wasn’t too worried about Lucky since he’s almost always with Dylan, plus he’s smart enough to stay off the floor when it’s something like this. 
I took out the lasagna, letting it cool down before making separate plates. Yeah, I know, super weird, but I can’t do anything better. I only know the basics thanks to my parents, and that was all I needed to know. 
There was a knock on the door, and I asked Dylan to open it. It was just the pizza. I washed whatever dishes I had and called everyone that dinner was ready. It’s days like this where I wished that my parents never left. I feel like I can never be like them even though I was the oldest. I mean, was I just supposed to let CPS split us all apart? I couldn’t do that. My siblings would never forgive me. I like to think that they’re all happy, but I doubt it. Sometimes I feel like I can’t do anything to help any of them. Like I’m doing this “parenting” thing all wrong. Of course I was. I was seventeen in my last year of high school taking care of five kids on my own while also juggling a job and trying to do fun things with them so we can forget about what happened a little over a year ago. There was no reason for one person to be doing all of this. 
It was snowing outside again. Not really surprising when you’ve lived here for your entire life. It was really nice though. I loved the cold. Weird, because most people don’t, but I do. I remember my parents freaking out when I would just be outside making a snowman in just a short sleeve and sweatpants when I was a kid. Of course it was so cold it burned, but I guess I kind of liked it? It was hard to explain. Or sometimes we’d stay inside and watch movies or play a game. I missed it really. 
“Ry.” Jasmine snapped her fingers in front of me to get my attention. I blinked a couple times before giving a clueless look. She groaned, “I asked if I could go shopping tomorrow, I have work the next three days so I just wanna go do something.”
“Oh, um, sure.” 
The tv was playing in the background, but I wasn’t paying attention. Come to think of it, I don’t think I was paying attention to anything. Dylan, Jasmine, and Lucky were all laughing about something. What were they laughing about again? Something about going back to school? I don’t even want to think about that right now. I needed a break anyways. Most of my classes love giving me piles and piles of work anyways. 
I sighed, pushing away my plate that I had barely eaten. The sun has already set, everyone was done eating, Angela asked Jasmine if she could go outside in the snow. She said yes, and so Isabelle followed. Dylan and Lucky were helping me wash the remaining dishes. Honestly I already felt so tired. It was only 8 p.m but my eyes threatened to close at any moment. 
“You okay, Ry?” Dylan asked, putting a plate up in the cabinet. 
“Yeah.” I replied, handing him another to dry. Lucky shook his head while continuously saying “no” over and over again. At some point Dylan grew tired of it and pressed the pad of his thumb into Lucky’s entire upper half of his body. 
“He’s not wrong. You’re always like this on holidays.” 
“I am?” I sighed, not really knowing how to get out of this one. These two have always been vigilant anyways. They would have noticed at some point. 
“I don’t know. I just feel really tired today.”  
“That’s it?” 
Dylan gave me a skeptical look before putting in another plate. He doesn’t believe me. I don’t think he ever will about these kinds of things. 
“Why don’t you call Nathan? You always seem happier around him.” 
I stopped only for a second, then continued to scrub off something on the pan I used. No. I won’t call him. Not this time. No matter how many times he’s actually made me feel better just by being here. I’ve noticed I was happier around him too, but it’s only short lived since he always goes back at the end of the day. Do I know why I was happier? Not really. I’ve thought of a few reasons. Because he’s the only friend I’ve made since middle school. He listens to me ramble on and on about the most useless information. Best of all he’s really nice. Doesn’t really seem like he’s tricking me either. Not that I think he could even if he wanted to. He was too sweet. 
“No.” I sighed. Cleaning out the sink and handing off the last dish. 
“Why not?” Dylan asked leaning against the counter. 
“Cause I’m tired. No point in calling if I’m just going to fall asleep,” I countered, drying my hands and heading to my room, “Make sure Isabelle and Angela are asleep by 10? Please?”  
Dylan nodded his head, I closed the door behind me and buried myself under the covers of my bed. I can’t keep on relying on Nathan to come fix every problem I have. He’s probably off dealing with whatever he’s doing right now anyways. But still, my hand reached for my phone, grabbing it and opening the messages app. I’m just gambling with myself at this point. If he answers in the next ten minutes I’ll ask to call, if he doesn’t, I’ll head to sleep. Either way it’s really a win-win. And here it goes. 
I was laying on my bed, under the covers. No lights, no sounds, just nothing. I had cried earlier this morning when I visited his grave. My eyes were dry now. Red and puffy. I just sat curling in on myself while clutching the same teddy bear he gave me when I was still just a kid. It was childish, but if it’s all I have left of him then I’m taking advantage of that. 
Ironic, huh? How this holiday was supposed to bring family together. It was actually the opposite for me. Even though he didn’t actually die on this holiday, it’s just ironic how it happened this year. When we’re finally free and live like a “normal” family now. Was he watching me now? Sad and lonely in my bed? I hope he wasn’t. He’d scold me. 
My phone went off, but I didn’t feel like looking at it. It’s not like I wanted to be alone. Usually my mom would cheer me up by taking my mind off of it. Whether it was playing some makeshift game or just doing something I liked with me. What else was there to say? This year was the year I was completely alone. 
I sucked in a deep breath, picking up my phone with sore arms. I spent most of the day digging out the old flowers on his grave and replacing them with new ones. It was hard to do when a thin sheet of snow was covering most of the dirt and grass, but it was worth it to see the bright a beautiful colors. His favorites were lilacs. I remember mom telling me that. 
My eyes shot up when I saw who texted me. Ryker? I mean it was already night, so I doubt he was going to ask if I wanted to go over. But… I was kind of curious now. 
Ryker: Hey
Ryker: How was your day? 
Ryker: You’re probably doing something right now but I’d just thought I’d check what you were doing 
Sent five minutes ago. Why did he want to know what I was doing? It seemed weird to me, but maybe he was just bored. Did they celebrate? I hope they did. They seem to be happy with each other. 
Nathan: It was okay :) 
Nathan: And yours? 
Ryker: Chaotic
Nathan: Oh 
I wasn’t technically lying. My day was okay despite crying for most of it. 
Ryker: Yeahhh 
Ryker: Do you feel like calling? 
Ryker: You don’t have to of course 
I thought about it. It wouldn’t be that bad. Might keep my mind occupied.
  Nathan: Sure 
And so he called. 
“Hello?” His voice sounded tired and sad, like he just woke up or something. I couldn’t find my voice. It’s become rasp from sobbing anyways. It’d be embarrassing for it to sound like that over the phone. So hopefully it’ll get better in the morning. 
“Oh, right,” He sighed, “Sorry. I just felt like talking and usually you listen. You can just hang up if you don’t want to though.” He sounded nervous, but I didn’t want to hang up. Not only because it was the wrong thing to do, but because I always loved listening to what he was saying. No matter how irrelevant it was. It distracted my mind from everything wrong with me. And he seemed to like it when I did. 
Nathan: I’m listening 
I heard him let out a little chuckle before talking. I could hear at some points it sounded like he was going to cry, and some he sounded like he was so hurt, and sometimes he’d laugh. He changed the subject multiple times, but I kind of liked it. I just wished I could help in some other way. It sounded to me like he was stressed out and just wanted someone to be there, and I’m surprised none of his siblings were. Or maybe they were, but he just doesn’t want to put all of this on them. It seemed like something he would do. 
By the time he was done, it was an hour before midnight. Funny thing was, I wasn’t tired anymore. I was putting together pieces in my mind still about everything he had talked about. How he was mentally tired of juggling five things around at once. I would be too if I were him. How he’s been more and more exhausted by the end of the day. How his parents usually did all of these kinds of things. I was going to ask what happened to them, but I feel like that was a touchy subject. Especially when he just vented to me. I don’t mind though. Not at all. 
“Oh crap. Sorry for keeping you up.” Ryker apologized, saying sorry about five times before I texted him that it was okay. I wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon. 
“Thanks. Y’know. For listening.” I heard him yawn on the other side. He was the one tired. I silently laughed to myself, hugging the bear closer to my chest. If only he could see me now… this was embarrassing. He’d probably make fun of me for it. I wouldn’t care. 
“You’re too nice, you know that?” I heard shuffling on the other side of the phone. Probably Ryker getting ready to go to sleep. And I know this was selfish, but I didn’t want him to hang up. I didn’t want my mind to realize that I was alone again. Was is it really selfish then? To me, yes. It feels like I was making him do something he didn’t want to. 
“Hey, um, remember when you tried hugging me that one time? Why’d you do it?” He had asked, and I could practically see his face. Confused and happy at the same time. He was talking about when I had to stay overnight. I knew that would come up eventually, just not so soon. 
Nathan: Nobody’s ever been so nice to me before. Besides my mom of course 
Nathan: But I was kind of shocked you agreed without complaining 
Nathan: Are you mad about it?
“Mad? Nononono. Um, the complete opposite really,” He laughed quietly, “I was shocked, yeah, but happy too.” 
That gets rid of the guilt. I swear I thought I ruined everything between us, but now I know what he really thought. He wasn’t mad at me for anything. 
“What about the other day? When it was snowing. You looked comfortable. Like you were about to sleep.” My cheeks started blushing from embarrassment. I had hoped he didn’t see me snuggling closer into his palm to stay warm, but apparently he did. So embarrassing. I groaned quietly to myself, tightly hugging the bear closer. 
Nathan: Sorry 
Nathan: I was cold 
Nathan: You were warm 
Nathan: Sorry again 
It was silent for a second. 
“Why do you apologize for things like that?” 
I didn’t know the answer to that question. Usually my mind just takes over and then I spiral into the worst possible scenarios. So I have no idea why I do. Maybe because my brain thinks I’ll get hurt if I don’t? My body was scared of getting another broken bone or something getting hurt? 
Nathan: I don’t know 
It was silent again. 
“Do… do you like being around me? I-I mean most people stop talking to me as soon as they get what they want. So, I was just wondering.” His voice sounded hurt. Obviously this ha sharpened once or twice to him. And it hurt to hear that these things have happened to someone so amazing. I could never do that to Ryker. It’d hurt me more than it’d hurt him. 
“Y-yes.” I almost immediately replied, my voice a little raspy. It hurt to speak, but it was fine. It’ll get better in time. 
I heard him let out a sigh of relief, and I smiled. I was finally doing the right thing for once in my life. I’m kind of glad this was how the day ended. 
“I would give you a hug if you were here… and if you were comfortable enough with it,” We both laughed quietly, “I’ll let you go to sleep. I’ve kept you up long enough.” 
I shook my head, forgetting that he wasn’t here to see it. I didn’t want him to go. Then again he sounded exhausted. Then I would be the one keeping him up. Or he doesn’t even have to stay awake. Just the knowledge that I knew he was just on the other side of the phone was enough to make me feel like I wasn’t alone. 
“U-Um you d-don’t have to s-stay up b-but could we stay… stay on call? P-Please.” I waited for an answer, biting my tongue for stuttering so much. My body was shaky for no reason. I was nervous. He was going to say no. He was going to say no. He was going to- 
“I would love that.” 
I wish he could see the smile I had on my face. How fast my heart was beating. I laid down under the covers, getting comfortable and staring at my phone that read: Ryker: 3:14. Three hours and fourteen minutes. Another seven won’t hurt. 
“Thank you.” 
I fell asleep a couple minutes after he did. No nightmares haunted me tonight.
My heart is meltinggggggg
By the way, this was not the great scene I was talking about. This was just one of many to make the one I actually want to write make sense.
Anywayssss I told you guys it would be a little plot heavy for a while! I loved how this chapter came out though.
Hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading! Love you guys!
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chaosduckies · 9 days
Oh! Ngl I think my brain filled that in while reading it so don’t even worry! I didn’t even notice that before now 😭
Hello! Hope day/night has been going well
Just wanted to ask if it's ok to make fanart for you :]
Fanart is okay with me! Just as long as I’m tagged of course. (I’m curious about what you’re gonna draw)
Hope your night/day is going great :D
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chaosduckies · 9 days
Chapter 8 out tomorrow!!! I’ll warn you though, these next few chapters will be trauma and plot heavy. Mostly because I had a GREAT idea for a future scene, and I had to make up a whole bunch of other little scenes to make that one scene make sense…
yknow, writer stuff :D
4 notes · View notes
chaosduckies · 10 days
Hello! Hope day/night has been going well
Just wanted to ask if it's ok to make fanart for you :]
Fanart is okay with me! Just as long as I’m tagged of course. (I’m curious about what you’re gonna draw)
Hope your night/day is going great :D
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chaosduckies · 12 days
Chapter three! And yet another switch in perspective, and a new character!
Chapter three
There’s many ways to express panic, regret and remorse, but my personal favorite is loudly and repeatedly yelling “fuck.”
I've had my drivers license for less than a week and I've already managed to hit a person with a car that doesn't even belong to me! Just as I get out of the car Ronan is getting up and gently grabbing something off the ground. “que diable?! tu viens de me heurter avec ma propre voiture! Que fais-tu?!” he yells at me in french, so he's definitely pissed. Despite my fifty day duolingo streak I have no clue what he's saying at all. He lets out a loud sigh when I don't say anything back for about thirty seconds and he checks on the little. . . thing he has in his hands.
“Where's the girl?” I ask hesitantly, hoping he forgives me for hitting him with the car. He's too busy looking over whatever he's holding, trying to see if it's broken or not. Did he break his earpiece? He looks shocked for a moment, and I just kinda stand off by the car awkwardly. “You're. . . completely fine?” Ronan says, my curiosity peaks. “I cant get hurt.” a shy and tiny voice answers from his palm. Now I'm really interested. There is a tiny voice that I don't recognize coming from Ronan's hand and the girl we were sent to find is nowhere in sight. Still, I don't say anything. Instead I wait for Ronan to explain what is going on. “Atlas, get in the car and call the fire department, we kinda started a small forest fire.” Ronan tells me as he looks back at the forest, I just now notice the slowly spreading flames. “I told you that the fire was a bad idea! Did you at least get what the client asked for?”
I ask, not even phased by Ronan's idiotic use of fire. He's always been sorta a pyromantic, and it is usually near impossible to get him away from a flame once he finds it. So seeing him walk away from one must mean his mind is very focused on something else. “I'll explain in a minute, I'm driving so no one else gets hit.” I wince at the reminder of how I hit him a few minutes ago.
We both get in the car and he gently places what looks like a dirty tiny person into the cup holder. “Holy shit dude did you find a fairy?!” the fairy girl thing creature flinches at my voice, and i mouth an apology. Ronan chuckles and starts the car. “This is Isabelle liana, this is how i found her, as far as i know she's human.”
“No, I'm not human,”
Isabella's voice cuts through both of ours. She sounds somber and quiet, like she's hurt that we would consider her human. “What do you mean?” I ask, and Ronan looks concerned, she shrugs and turns away from me, as if she's offended I even talk to her. Does she not like me? I did hit her and Ronan with my car, but I don't think that would warrant her hatred seeing as she doesn't even have a scratch on her.
Ronan, who can see her expression looks slightly amused at whatever she looks like. Oh god she definitely hates me. Before I can fully spiral down that road of thoughts, I notice that she's covered in what looks like wet toilet paper. This situation just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Ronan and I exchange a glance before we both turn our attention back to the little girl who has still yet to answer the question.
The only thing about her that doesn't seem human is her size. “Um, do you have an answer to why you're not human?” she silent for a few minutes more before she starts to push the white mush she's covered in off her body.
“Humans can die.”
is all she says, her tone somber and her voice quiet. She curls in on herself and her question leads to a hundred more. What the hell is she talking about, of course about to start freaking out if no one starts telling me what's going on. “Atlas, can you get the wet tissue off isa so she can warm up?” Ronan asks as he turns off the highway. At his suggestion Isabelle quickens how fast she's getting it off herself, getting the majority off before I get a chance to reach for her.
I slap my hands onto my knees and click my tongue, not wanting to see how she's a hundred percent glaring at me. This thing hates me. This client may never hire us again if he learns that his sister hates me. She seems pretty fine with Ronan though, and I don't think he would stop hiring Ronan, over my mistake.
But then would Ronan fire me for making a mistake this big? He's not hurt, but I did hit him with my car, and that usually makes people hate other people. Before my spiral of thoughts can continue, Ronan is shoving a stale and half eaten croissant into my mouth. I immediately spit it out and shoot him a glare. “Where the hell did that come from?!”
“Pocket croissant.” he says as if it's the most normal thing in the world to carry a croissant in your pocket. “Why?” I ask incredulously. “You were clicking your tongue non stop, it was getting annoying.” he says with a stifled laugh, and i shake my head in pure disbelief with the situation. My attention turns back to the tiny girl sitting quietly in the cup holder, she seems scared and relieved all at the same time.
The moon is still high in the sky with stars scattered across in a way that's too beautiful to be random. If it weren't for the forest fire that's slowly spreading through the forest I would ask Ronan to pull the can over so we could star gaze. I bet Isabelle would like to watch the sky at this time of night too, i don't think she’s had a chance to do something like that in a while from the looks of her. She's pale and obviously malnourished. Her hair is unwashed and her clothes are dirty. She was obviously not well taken care of for the last few years she's been in that lab. Ronan hasn't told me much about her and I've been able to find her first grade school records and lab records from the last ten years. She was pulled out to be homeschooled but I haven't been able to find the normal things you would be able to find on a persone her age. School records, medical history, information on her parents, her childhood home. It's like none of it ever even existed. Like she hasn't existed. “So, why are you so small?” I ask while looking down to isabelle. Ronan pushes my shoulder and shoots me a friendly glare.
“You cannot just ask her that, no questions for at least three days.” At Ronan's words, Isabelle noticeably stiffened. I wonder if she's against the idea of staying with us for a while. I feel bad for her if she doesn't want to live, considering our client won't be able to pick her up for five months. He said he had very urgent business that had to be taken care of before he saw isabelle. I don't exactly know what could be more important than seeing your sister after ten years. “Let's stop for burgers.” I suggest shifting the tension out of the air. “It's on ronan.” Ronan mumbles a bit about how i should have to pay for once, but he quickly drops the attitude when isabella's eyes light up with the mention of burgers.
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chaosduckies · 13 days
Chapter two of inhuman! The story is getting a perspective switch, and as more characters are introduced you'll see the story from their pov aswell! Hope you enjoy!
Chapter two
Walking out of the lab holding a terrified four inch tall woman in my hand is not how I expected this to go when I accepted this job three weeks ago.
From the outside this building looks like an abandoned church. It's in a remote area several miles into the forest on the outskirts of the city. A good place for a hidden lab. It took me half an hour to walk here from my car, where my partner atlas is waiting. He's been talking to me through an earpiece that I turned off after he so helpfully told me I spilled bleach after I knocked over a vial. I sigh when I feel the first few drops of rain begin to fall. “Fils de pute.” I mutter in French, earning a strange look from isabelle. Looking down at the mini lady I start to move her to my pocket, her response is the let of a small shout and cling to my finger.
I know this isn't exactly the right time to be thinking this, but she is absolutely adorable. “Don't worry, I'm just getting you out of the rain, don't want someone as lovely as you getting soaked now do we?” I ask with a wink, and I notice how her cheeks lighten to a soft shade of pink. Adorable. She takes a few moments to process what I said, and when she does she quickly shakes her head no. I tilt my head to the side as a way of asking for her to elaborate. “This. . . is the first time I've been outside in ten years,” she trails off before she can fully get her point out. Since she didn't finish her sentence, I kept walking in the direction of the car.
I don't actually intend to take her directly to the car, she seems like she's not ready to be inside again. I'm going to take her far enough away from the lab that she won't be affected when I burn this hell on earth to the ground. The inside of the lab has already been dosed in gasoline that I mopped the floors with before I found Isabelle, all that's left to do is light the match.
A gas fire won't be hindered by the water falling from the sky. If she wants to watch she can from a safe distance. If not, I'll take her back to the car and get atlas to get us back to the safe house. Whatever will bring her the most closure. After just a few minutes in the rain, Isabelle is soaked and shivering in my hand. I pull two unused tissues out of my pants pocket, and allergies in the late summer will be the death of me, and I wrap them gently around her body. She looks up at me gratefully for about two seconds before the tissues are soaked and clinging to her in a way I'm sure cannot be comfortable. An apologetic smile is all I managed to give her before I decided that this is a safe enough distance away for me to start the fire. I set her down on a tree branch that hangs at the same level as my head, and turn around to light this place up like it's a firework.
“WAIT- where are you going?! Are you leaving me here?!” she yells out, and I flinch. Right, I have to explain the things i'm doing to other people, they can't read my mind. The amount of pain and panic in her tiny voice makes my heart shatter into a million and a half pieces. She's scared, she doesn't know me, and I'm her only hope of getting out of here alive. Even though I have no real intentions of abandoning her, there's no possible way I can assure that to her. “What? No, no of course I'm not leaving you, I just need to destroy the evidence that I stole you, and that I was ever here. I'll be right back, pinky promise." I hold out my pinky finger to the small girl, just like she had done to me not that long ago.
The breath she lets out holds a hundred different meanings and I don't know any of them, but a smile full of relief fills my face when she touches her finger to mine. “I'll be right back.” To solidify my point, I slide the ring off my pinky finger and carefully lift her arms, earning a well deserved flinch that I immediately apologized for. The ring slides perfectly over her Arms and rests beautifully on her hips like a golden belt. The small ruby gemstone glimmering in the moonlight above us. “Keep an eye on that until I get back, yeah?” I ask her, she gives me a hesitant nod. I give her one last reassuring smile before I turn around, already twirling the lighter around my fingers.
As soon as Isabelle can't see my face my smile drops and my expression twists with an anger only these types of places can bring out of me. I had my partner and basically adopted brother atlas do a bit of research on what kind of lab this place is when we first accepted this job. Finding out that Isa was the sole survivor of the nine kids she was brought here with was not a comforting fact. It was even more disturbing to find out that they weren't even the first batch of experiments to go through this place.
Seventy four.
Seventy four other children were killed in this lab and the three others spread across the country over the last decade and a half. Each of their deaths was more brutal than the last. I shudder at the thought as I walk back through the doorway of the building. “Fires won't light in the rain.” Atlas' voice chirps through my earpiece and I roll my eyes, even though he can't see it. “Gas fires can't be put out with water.” I remind him. I should really stop pulling him out of school to help me on these highly illegal missions. I pull the lighter out of my pocket and flick it on, before dropping it on the ground and watching as the flames burst around me in seconds.
I should have started the fire from outside.
The smell of smoke and burning chemicals invades my nose as I sprint out of the burning building. I feel a small fire on the bottom of my pants which I try to put out as I run. It's hardly effective at all, but the small puddle I stepped in seemed to put it out without burning my skin too much. I can feel the heat of the fire as if it's only inches behind me.
Fuck this was a bad idea. I don't even give Isabelle a chance to ask questions about the sudden and very large fire that is spreading throughout the lab. I ignore her protests and squirming and I hold her close to my chest. The fire is catching on the wet grass surrounding the old building entirely. I'm forced to hold Isabelle a bit tighter when I feel her almost slip out of my grasp, I wince a bit as I hear her fearful gasp.
I don't want her to fear me any more than she probably is, the client is not going to be happy with me for scaring the shit out of his sister. Her tiny voice is shouting panicked cries at me even though I'm trying to save her ass. I turn back to see that the fire is spreading a bit more, it's not spreading very fast but it's definitely not safe enough to stay here for much longer. “Sorry isa.” I say as I drop her gently into my pocket so I can run a bit faster.
Atlas’ car comes into view and relief floods into my system. The headlights turn on as he drives a bit closer to pick me up. I slow down and carefully fish Isabelle out of my pocket, at the same moment the car crashes into my body.
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chaosduckies · 14 days
pepper & felix
part nine
uh oh word count: 3.0k cw: talk of death and minor injury
Being released from Alice’s hand brought short-lived relief, followed by panic. 
Dark, plush walls closed around Pepper and Basil as they tumbled inside the pocket of Alice’s jacket, crying out in surprise. Terror struck Pepper like lightning, cold and sharp, and his heart was suddenly threatening to pound out of his chest.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” 
Pepper swore under his breath, scrabbling for purchase within the dark, cramped space. Felix had held him a few times, but Pepper had never been inside a pocket, especially one that he did not consent to be in. Somewhere to his right, Basil was cursing too, her breathing quick and uneven.
“Fuck! Felix!” Pepper instinctively lunged for the top of the pocket and missed, slipping down the fabric walls. “Motherfucke—”
Both borrowers flinched as Alice spoke, her sharp reverberating around them. “Felix, hey— something just came up. I think I’m gonna head out too.”
Felix’s voice, soft and comforting, seemed so painfully far away. “Oh! Yeah, no worries at all. Want me to walk you out?”
“No, that’s alright.” Alice answered quickly. “But I’ll see you around. And— congratulations.” She laughed lightly.
Felix said something in response, but Pepper could barely hear it over his own heart pounding. His stomach, full of ice, seemed to weigh him down as he struggled to reach the top of the pocket again, Basil at his side, both of them hissing in exertion. 
Once again, they plummeted to the bottom of the pocket as Alice moved forward. The pocket swayed with each step, and Pepper immediately fought the dizziness away, trying to focus on Basil’s panicked breathing next to him. Her voice trembled as she spoke. “Pepper, oh my god— oh my god, Pepper, what do we do—”
Pepper continued to shout Felix’s name until his throat was hoarse, but the familiar click of the front door made his heart sink. Felix couldn’t hear him. And now Alice was leaving.
Alice walked briskly, indicated by the rapid swaying of the pocket around them. Pepper’s stomach turned, and he felt Basil grab his shoulder in terror, both of them thrown off balance. His heart dropped. “Shit. Basil, we’re gonna— we’re gonna get out of here, I swear, I—”
He was interrupted by a monstrous noise aside, and he flinched, holding tight onto his sister. It took him a moment to register that the roaring outside must be from Alice’s car. 
“Where— where is she taking us?” Basil managed to ask through gritted teeth. Pepper let out a sharp breath, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
“I don’t know,” he forced out, heart racing. Unlike Felix, Alice was unpredictable. Pepper knew almost nothing about her, and that realization made his stomach go cold. “I—”
“Fucking humans,” Basil hissed, burying her face in her hands. Her breath hitched. “God, I can’t believe this. I— she’s gonna kill us, she’s gonna—”
“No— she won’t,” Pepper assured, although his voice wobbled. A shaky hand scrubbed at his eyes. “She won’t, Basil, I promise.”
His heart jumped when he remembered that he had his bag with him, and he lunged for it, managing to yank his hook out in the tight space. Basil gasped sharply, scrambling back to make space as Pepper reached up, hook wobbling in his grip, trying to catch it on the lip of the pocket. 
He let out a sharp breath as his hook hit something smooth and solid, and with an icy feeling in his gut, he dropped the hook to his side.
“This pocket is zipped shut,” he said miserably, flopping back down. Basil’s breath shuddered.
Silenced by their own despair, the borrowers huddled against each other. Pepper’s stomach was filled with ice, his heart threatening to pound out of his chest with each passing minute. He felt the shoulder of his jacket grow wet with Basil’s tears, and he silently pulled her closer, squeezing his eyes shut.
The drive was short. When the engine of the car shut off, Pepper tensed, tightening his grip on Basil’s arm. Fear flooded back into his stomach as Alice stood up, swaying the pocket with her movement.
“We should have stayed in the walls,” Basil mumbled. Pepper stayed silent.
The next few minutes felt like torture. Both borrowers flinched with every movement, expecting the pocket to zip open at any moment. Pepper ended up shoving his hook back into his bag, praying that Alice wouldn’t think to confiscate it from him. 
He held his breath as Alice suddenly paused, the world outside quieting.
Pepper had known that they would be grabbed again, but it still made his stomach lurch to hear the zipper open above them. Both borrowers let out gasps of panic as a hand twice their size invaded their space, swiftly tightening around the both of them, firm and unrelenting.
The world spun around them as they were pulled out. Basil elbowed Pepper painfully as she immediately began to fight back, hissing and swearing.
Alice tightened her fist, pressing Pepper and Basil against each other. They were met with icy blue eyes and a frown as Alice looked them over, and Pepper’s breath shuddered, feeling his own heartbeat against the tough skin surrounding him.
Pepper didn’t want to think about what would happen if Alice tightened her fist any more.
“You two have some explaining to do,” Alice said sharply, eyes narrowing. 
Alice’s kitchen was slightly larger than Felix’s. The two borrowers were being held inches above the countertop, which made Pepper’s heart jump with false hope of escaping.
Basil did not stop fighting. She thrashed and kicked in Alice’s grip, while Pepper glared up at Alice, face pale. 
“We’re Felix’s friends,” he demanded. His voice shook. 
Alice raised an eyebrow. “You can’t be serious.”
“We are!” Pepper snapped, chest heaving against the pressure around him. 
The dark-haired human observed their struggling for a moment before digging through a cabinet with her free hand. Pepper barely caught a glimpse of a glass jar before the pressure around him vanished and he and Basil were being dropped inside, earning startled cries from both of them.
Cold, solid glass rushed up to meet them. Pepper let out a shout of pain as he hit the bottom of the jar, hearing his sister do the same next to him. He grabbed his arm, sucking in a sharp breath and squeezing his eyes shut.
The jar clicked as Alice set it down on the counter. Through his blurry vision, Pepper could see Alice placing both her hands on the counter, peering closer at them.
“What the hell are you?” Alice demanded.
Pepper ignored her, helping Basil up. His sister was cradling her elbow in a similar fashion to Pepper, wincing. 
A large hand tapped the jar, making them both jump. “Hey. Tell me what you are,” Alice hissed. Basil’s nose scrunched.
“I’m fucking annoyed.” Basil snapped, eyes dark and intense. “You— you just kidnapped us.” She wobbled on her feet and grabbed onto Pepper for support.
Alice’s lips thinned into a line. In an instant, the jar was in her hand, and the borrowers yelped as they tumbled back against the glass.
“All I know is that you two were sneaking around Felix’s apartment and spying on us,” Alice snapped. She rattled the jar, sending jolts of pain through Pepper’s body as he collided with the glass. Unable to keep their balance, both borrowers collapsed into the bottom of the jar, gasping for breath. “What the hell do you want from Felix?”
Pepper groaned, his blood pounding in his ears. Fear jolted through his body like a wave, and he shakily propped himself up on his elbows, squinting at Alice through the glass. “Nothing,” he forced out. To his left, Basil made a noise of pain, clutching at her jaw. “I told you… we’re Felix’s friends.”
Alice rolled her eyes, making Pepper’s stomach twist. “Do you really expect me to believe that?”
“Yes!” Pepper’s throat was tight. “We were just stopping by. We weren’t bothering anyone. We didn’t— we didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You were watching us,” Alice corrected, lip curling. “Why? And what are you?”
Pepper had already turned his attention to his sister, who was sitting against the back of the glass jar, clutching her face. Pepper’s heart sank when he noticed the dark mark stretching from her jaw to her cheekbone.
“I’m fine,” Basil muttered as Pepper leaned closer, panic flashing in his gray eyes. “I’m fine.”
Pepper hesitated. “Basil—”
The jar impatiently rattled again, and Pepper collapsed against Basil, both borrowers hissing in pain. “Stop,” Pepper pleaded, staring up at the human. “You’re hurting us.”
Alice paused, blue eyes calculating. After a second of consideration she sent the jar back down on the counter and reached into the cabinet again, momentarily distracted.
Pepper grabbed Basil’s shoulder, searching his sister’s expression. His stomach twisted at the sight of the dark bruise on her cheek, covering a quarter of her face. Pepper could feel similar bruises forming on his body, spreading from his elbows to his chest to his knees. His heart pounded.
Basil’s shoulders shuddered as she breathed, blearily scanning Pepper’s face. Her brown eyes were wet.
Pepper barely acknowledged the noises above them as Alice screwed a lid onto the jar. His gray eyes were suddenly welling with tears, and guilt rushed up to meet him.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed to Basil, voice wobbling. “This is all my fault, Basil. I—I’m so sorry.”
Basil had warned him not to trust humans. He has willfully ignored her, and now she was paying the price.
He snapped his gaze to Alice as she spoke, her voice sharp. “Felix is sweet.” Her blue eyes flickered between Pepper and Basil, who were stiff and silent. “I don’t know why you were creeping around his place, but he has enough stress to deal with right now without you two messing with him. You’re staying in here until you want to explain yourselves.”
Pepper wanted to snap back and argue, but he glanced at Basil and decided against it. The last thing he wanted was to encourage Alice to shake the jar again.
He bit his tongue and elected to stay silent, huddling closer to his sister. Alice made a noncommittal noise and slid the jar further away until it was tucked next to the wall and a large glass ornament. 
“Still don’t want to talk?” Alice pressed. Pepper held his breath, and the human sighed, glancing at the nearest clock. It was getting late.
“Then you’re staying right here tonight,” she decided, stepping back. “You better explain yourselves tomorrow.” She gave them a long glare, making Pepper’s skin prickle, before she turned away, leaving them in the kitchen alone.
Pepper’s shoulders slumped in relief as Alice’s footsteps receded. He swallowed hard, taking several deep breaths before turning towards Basil again. “Are you— are you okay?”
His sister was staring straight ahead, her brown eyes watery. Her jaw clenched, and she muttered, “I’m alive.”
Pepper’s breath hitched. “I’m so sorry. For— for all of this.”
“It’s not your fault,” Basil said stiffly, turning to face him. Her gaze danced over his form, lingering on his neck where he was certain there was a dark bruise. “It’s… I just… I can’t fucking believe this. We're in a jar.”
Her shoulders shuddered with a dry sob, dropping her head back against the glass. “My whole life, I’ve been so— I’ve been so careful. I did everything right, and— and I slipped up once and now I’m in a jar with my brother. We’re both gonna die.”
Misery crept through Pepper’s veins, cold and numb. “Basil, she’s not gonna kill us—”
“Just because you blindly trust humans doesn’t mean I do,” Basil snapped, whipping her head so quickly that she winced in pain. Pepper fell silent, mouth dry. “This girl just kidnapped us and stuck us in a jar and you still think that we’re safe with her? What is wrong with you?” Her words were bitter.
Pepper blinked rapidly, inching away. A flush crossed his face. “That’s not what I’m saying,” he said hotly. 
Fresh tears were pouring down Basil’s bruised face. “I just—” she took a deep breath, closing her eyes briefly. “I just can’t trust humans like you can.”
“I don’t just trust all humans—”
“Pepper, we were in her fist, and you were barely struggling—”
“That’s not— I wasn’t— struggling wouldn’t have done anything!”
Basil huffed, turning her face away. She hesitated before bracing a palm against the glass, pulling herself into a wobbly stance. Pepper leaned back, gaze scanning her form for any invisible injuries. 
“Let’s just talk about this later,” Basil muttered, weakly twisting around to grab at her backpack. She struggled for a brief second before she retrieved her hook.
Oh. Pepper had nearly forgotten that they had their hooks with them— but what good would they even do?
“What are you doing?” He asked cautiously, vaguely wondering if Basil was going to stab him.
His sister ignored him, squinting up at the lid of the jar. Five thin holes had been punched through the lid, and Basil reached her arms above her head, struggling to latch her hook through one of the holes.
Pepper watched her for a moment, wincing every time she huffed in pain, before he shifted to lean back against the glass. He wrapped his arms around his knees.
Basil worked for a few minutes, wobbling on her toes. She was just tall enough for her hook to brush against the lid of the jar, but it couldn’t latch onto the holes without slipping off. “Fuck,” Basil grumbled finally, throwing her hook to the ground with an angry clatter. She flopped down a moment later, burying her face in her hands.
Empathy flooded into Pepper’s heart at her misery. “Let me try.”
His own hook was still tucked away in his bag, but he elected to use Basil’s hook instead. He picked it up, holding it above his head just like Basil had done.  
He had realized quickly what Basil had been trying to do. If they manage to latch the hook through one of the holes, they might be able to twist the lid off themselves. Pepper had little hope that such an unlikely scenario would happen, but they didn’t have many other options.
He stood on his toes, his ribs aching. The tip of the hook continued to irritatingly bounce off the smooth lid, making Pepper growl in annoyance.
He was very aware of Basil’s brown eyes on him. When he failed for the sixth time, she murmured, “I’m sorry for what I said.”
He spared her a glance before stretching up again. “It’s okay,” he said simply.
Basil could swear at him or insult him or punch him, and he wouldn’t blame her for any of it. The terror of the situation was gut-wrenching, and the thought that he might be possible for his sister’s demise made him want to throw up. She had every right in the world to be mad at him.
“I just… I just can’t believe this is happening,” Basil admitted hollowly.
Pepper swore under his breath as the hook bounced off of the lid for what felt like the hundredth time. He finally dropped it to the ground in a similar fashion to Basil, and collapsed against the wall, perpendicular to his sister.
He rested his head against the glass, sighing heavily. “Maybe Alice will tell Felix about us. And he’ll come rescue us.”
Basil went pale, clearly uncomfortable with the idea of another human getting involved. “…Yeah,” she mumbled. “Yeah, I hope so.”
Pepper tried not to think about how Alice had intentionally kept the borrowers from Felix for the entirety of the night. The likelihood of her sharing her discovery with Felix seemed very low.
Basil suddenly sat up straighter, eyes wide. Pepper blinked at her expectantly.
“Pepper,” she whispered. “Felix is your soulmate.” Her words came out in a rush.
He raised his eyebrows, rubbing at his face. “Yeah, man.”
“No, no, Pepper, you can call him right now.” 
He stiffened, staring at Basil. Her breathing was quick, her brown eyes blinking rapidly. She seemed just as terrified as him, but her face was brightening with a glimmer of hope.
Pepper’s stomach had gone cold. Panic was already seeping into his veins at the thought of contacting Felix. “No.”
Basil blanched. “What?”
“I can’t— Basil, I can’t tell him, not like this.” Pepper’s breath hitched in panic, and he pulled his knees closer to his bruised chest. “I’m not ready to tell him.”
Basil let out a breath, jerking back in shock. “You’re joking.”
“I’m sorry, I— I can’t—!”
“That doesn’t matter right now!” Basil hissed, running her agitated hands through her hair. “Pepper, please. This can’t be that important. Alice has already hurt us– we don’t know what she might do tomorrow. Please.”
Pepper clenched his jaw, blinking rapidly to stop the welling of tears. “I’ve been so scared to tell him that we’re soulmates, and— for him to find out like this, it’s just…” his breath hitched.
“He’s never gonna find out if you’re stuck in a jar forever,” Basil pointed out weakly. She shifted over to sit next to Pepper, placing a trembling hand on his arm. His shoulders shuddered. “I’m sorry, Pepper, I really am. I know this sucks, and… and it’s just awful, to have to do this. But… I don’t think you have a choice. We’re trapped.”
Pepper met her watery gaze. His eyes fell to the dark bruise on her cheek, stretching from the corner of her eye to the base of her jaw. His heart shattered.
With a sob, he threw his arms around her, pulling her into a hug.
She didn’t speak, only rested her head on his shoulder for a long moment. He could feel the thumping of her heart against his own chest, quick and nervous. His breath hitched as he said, “Okay.”
Basil nodded gently, then shifted back to give him space. Pepper closed his eyes, mind swimming with trepidation. 
Would Felix hate him after this? 
With a shaky breath, he clasped his hands and held them against his chest.
rest in peace alice!
TAGLIST: @smallsday @compact-katrina @satethesatelite @taters169 @entomolog-t
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chaosduckies · 14 days
My Chaos Corner
I’m a pretty calm person despite my name, but I can be a bit silly with my Oc’s! You can call me duck or really anything as long as I’m okay with it (Which I’m pretty much okay with any name). I’m bisexual and currently have a partner, I am also a minor, so NO NSFW. I’m very friendly and I love talking to people and mutuals so feel free to ask me anything or if you just want to talk!
I am mainly a writer, but I do draw every now and then! Just not very often… so I’m sorry if you don’t see much. My asks are always open about my Oc’s or characters so feel free to ask! I’m also usually active on weekends due to school, but that’s not gonna stop me! (I think)
Here’s some more thing about me and some some stories I’ve written under the cut:
Just some things I will not draw or write about:
NSFW, vore, sexual content
Things I love to write and Draw about:
Sfw, angst, fearplay, fluff, and just plain out random doodles and one shots
Some of my Oc’s Verse:
Restoration- Ryker, Nathan, Dylan, Lucky
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
More to come!!!
Otherwise, I’m just here to spread chaos and have some fun. Why not?
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chaosduckies · 15 days
Tumblr media
*Throws this and runs away*
Cringe but free
No but seriously I love these two so much. I might color this later, but who knows? Enjoy these two lovelies in the meantime
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chaosduckies · 15 days
Restoration (Chapter 7)
I was in a fluffy mood this time. So, enjoy some with Angela because she’s just a littol baby plus Nathan and Ryker acting like responsible parents.
Word Count: 5.2k
CW: None! (I think)
It’s been a chaotic week. Well, at least for me. I don’t know about anyone else. But it’s the end of the week again. Yesterday’s counseling was fine. We had mostly talked about how things between Ryker and I were. They were… awkward. To me. He always looks like he wants to talk to me about something, but never says anything to me besides “Hi,” and, “Hey,” when we’re at lunch and last period. Otherwise, I just kind of sit there trying to ignore the bad thoughts in the back of my mind. It never works. 
It was a cloudy day, sort of smelling like it was going to rain as soon as I stepped outside. The bus ride to school was just as loud as usual. When I walked into the halls, they were crowded just as always. So why did I feel like something was off? Oh well. When has something ever worked out in my favor anyways? Nothing new to me. 
Classes were the same. The rain had started, but only lasted for about an hour before the clouds were clearing up. Everything so far had been the same. I don’t know why I was so on edge, but I was always like that. 
Lunch was just as loud and crowded as always. But somehow, Lucky had always found me before I found him. Of course scaring me before he revealed that he was behind me the entire time. I was never going to get used to that, but it was a nice feeling for some weird reason. 
“Hey!” He greeted me, showing off a big smile as always while he guided me through the mass horde of people. I just did a tiny wave back. I’ve felt a little bit better since those counseling lessons had started, but I haven’t really felt the same either. Actually, Mr. Smith says that he might recommend me taking some medications, which I didn’t even know counsellors could do that but he says he’s licensed and able to do so. I wasn’t entirely too excited to see how many medications he’ll have me take. 
As the table we usually sit at came into view, I noticed that Ryker wasn’t even there. Instead, Dylan was sitting across from where Ryker usually sits, on his phone and biting right into an apple. I stood in place. I’ve only really met him once, and even then we had never talked. Just that Friday two weeks ago. It wasn’t really that bad, but I just don’t what to expect when being around him. Dylan loves teasing with Lucky, and I already know I could never handle anything like that. What if he tries anything with me? Where was Ryker anyways? Wait… just breathe. Don’t want to have a panic attack. 
“Right… Ryker is taking care of Angel and Isabelle. They’re both sick.” Lucky had explained, answering one of my questions. The other being why Dylan was here in the first place. He had never sat here this entire week. Nor any of the weeks before. So why now? I wasn’t going to get an answer. 
Lucky stayed beside me when the elevator gate had opened. We walked out, I surprisingly didn’t stumble like I always do, and I was now in full sight. That didn’t sit right with me. At all. 
Dylan placed his phone on the table, smiling when he caught sight of Lucky and I. I took a few steps back. Everything will be alright. Everything will be alright. Everything will be-
“Oh hey! It’s Nathan right? I’m Dylan, I’m sure you know that though.” He laughed before stretching out his finger and thumb like he was about to give a handshake… Oh wait. It was a handshake. Or a makeshift one at least. 
I looked over to Lucky, hoping he would give some sort of hint to Dylan. Instead, he just gave a nervous smile and held his hand slightly out to me. He was giving the hint to me. I mean, it’s like like I haven’t done this before. Just one other time with Mrs. Kay. It’s just… kids are different. I learned that the hard way. I’m not trying to say Dylan would be like that though! It’s just not out of the question. From what I’ve seen, Lucky hasn’t been hurt. Yet. But I have no idea how long he’s lived there. 
Taking deep breaths, I extended a shaky hand. I watched my hand disappear under the surprisingly soft grip, nearly wincing as I had expected to hear a loud pop! Noise only to find out that my wrist or some other part of my hand was broken. That fear didn’t last long though. Dylan let go, my hand still fully intact with the rest of my arm. I shuddered at the thought of having another broken hand. That was not fun. 
Lucky was facing me with a wide smile with two thumbs up. I felt accomplished, but at the same time I mentally kicked myself for ever thinking that one of Ryker’s siblings would have purposely hurt anyone. Even if they haven’t really met me. 
Dylan chuckled, taking another bite out of his apple then throwing it away in the trash can by the wall. I sucked in a shaky breath, wondering what I was even doing here. I just thought that Lucky would be sad if I didn’t come, but now that I think about it, he knows that I’m afraid of giants. Is this his way of helping me? 
“You’re quiet,” Dylan tilted his head in confusion, “Shy?” I bit the side of my cheek, blinking a couple of times before nodding my head. He must think I’m crazy. Absolutely crazy. There was no doubt about that. 
Dylan just flashed a soft smile before talking to Lucky. I sat down where I usually did. Just a little closer to Lucky since he was laughing and having the time of his life with Dylan. Who was the older one? I couldn’t tell. They were obviously really close though. I wasn’t entirely paying attention to their conversation, just some bits and pieces. Who has the answers for their algebra homework. Lucky complaining about making something for dinner. 
My phone went off while I was reading a book the school librarian recommended to me. During those two weeks the librarian always asked me why I stayed in the library. I just explained that I had nowhere better to be. Ever since then we’ve talked more and more. She says she’s read almost every book in this library since rarely anyone ever goes in there unless they needed to print something or watch a movie while playing board games in their free period. Otherwise, she had always recommended me books to read and she’d always have the mini pretzel bags while I helped her place books back on the shelves. It kind of felt peaceful. 
Checking my phone, I read a text message from my mom. 
Mom: Work called me in. I won’t be home until around nine in the morning 
Mom: Will you be fine on your own for the night? 
Me: yeah 
I would not. Just something about a quiet house without hearing the sounds of the tv playing an episode of The Golden Girls while my mom lay asleep on the couch? I honestly didn’t like the idea of being alone at night. It freaked me out. Is it stupid that I was afraid of the dark? Yes. Do I care? A little. Okay, a lot. But it’s not like I can help it. I’m so used to knowing that someone was in the house with me. Oh well. There’s a first time for everything. Plus, It’s embarrassing for someone to find out that I was afraid of the dark. Doesn’t really come as that big of a surprise coming from someone like me though. 
Mom: Okay 
Mom: I love you I’ll call you when I can 
I sighed, standing up and seeing that the bell was about to ring. I checked my phone for any other nonexistent messages, but I wasn’t able to get a good look before Lucky snatched up my phone and started typing something. Panic rose in me, thinking he was texting my mom. Now that would be awkward for me to explain to her. I tried stealing a couple looks, even reaching for my phone, but it was useless given the fact that Lucky was practically an entire head taller than me. 
“Andddd here you go.” Lucky handed me my phone back, a smirk on his face. I gave a questioning look before seeing that he added a new number. Ryker’s number. What? Why would he give me this? I already I annoy him enough at school, I’m not going to do that outside of school. It’d be wrong. Plus, he’s watching his younger siblings, I don’t want to bother him. 
The worst part about this was that Lucky had already taken the time to text him. Saying that this was Nathan. Aka me. Panic took over my mind. I wasn’t really mad at Lucky per se, more a little sad because he didn’t ask me first. I don’t think I could be mad at someone even if I tried. Still, I wish that he hadn’t texted him for me. I would have preferred not having his number at all if I’m being honest. Not because I don’t like him as a friend though! 
I looked over to Lucky with a nervous look on my face. He just laughed, “You’ll thank me later.” 
“Gave him Ry’s number?” Dylan held back a laugh behind his smirk. He stood up and held his palm out, waiting for Lucky to climb on. Was this some kind of plan of theirs? What if I didn’t want his number? I can’t exactly get rid of it since he already texted him… But maybe this could be a good thing? No. I don’t think so. Never mind. 
“Anyways, if you’re not too mad at me, we should probably get going.” Lucky pointed towards Dylan, and with seemingly no effort, climbed onto his hand, waiting to help me up. I was not expecting this in the slightest. Wait, no, he won’t do anything while Lucky’s with him, would he? It wouldn’t make any sense at all. I mean, they are brothers, right? 
After a couple seconds of going over the pros and cons and all of the endless negative outcomes, I just decided that I would go. Nothing could happen while we were at school, and there was no way that Dylan would ever do anything harmful while Lucky was with him. Right? That was my way of thinking. 
Lucky helped me up, flashing an excited smile. I guess his way of helping is actually working. Huh. Wasn’t expecting that. 
Isabelle was stuck in her bed, too weak to pull the blankets off and stand on her own two feet without falling. Meanwhile, Angela was snuggled up in my palm with her new stuffed animal she’s named Livvy. They both had a fever. A bad one at that. It’s gone down since this morning, but it was still burning hot. I couldn’t really tell with Angela since I didn’t want to make her too uncomfortable, so I had no idea how she was doing. 
They both insisted on waking up and then heading back to sleep after I tucked them back in, making sure they couldn’t pull the blanket off too easily, even if they tried. How they even managed to get sick? I had no idea. But, they were the only ones who didn’t go to high school, so I kind of thought that other kids at their school were sick too. 
Me? I felt fine. Well, almost fine. This morning I was worried I might have to take them to the doctor, or that I might not have any medicine to help them out. Turns out I did, and Lucky, given his name, was lucky to find some in the back of their medicine cabinet and gave some to Angela. 
Now when everyone had left was a different thing. The night before they had me work later than before, so I barely had any sleep. Then, of course, I had to make Isabelle something to eat that I knew they wouldn’t throw up. Turns out it never worked in the end because she forced herself to go to the restroom and vomit, thankfully, in the toilet. Then there was Angela, who had a slightly less severe case, and I couldn’t make her anything to eat. It didn’t really seem like she was up to the task either, but still. 
They’ve been sick before, just never this bad. Maybe just a little cough or a slight fever, but otherwise they’ve been fine. It’s been hard taking care of them, but I didn’t mind. Just as long as they feel better in the morning. 
Isabelle was fast asleep after I gave her another small dose of medicine. She was doing a lot better now, but I was more worried about Angela. I can’t exactly give her any medicine because I don’t know if it’ll do more harm than good. So I’ve just been holding her tiny body in my palm for the entire. Mostly because she refuses to get off for some reason, and another because I wouldn’t be able to hear her if she woke up and needed something. 
I was laying down in the living room, the tv on a low volume rewatching a horror movie that was supposedly supposed to be scary. So far it was not. At least to me. Angela had been stirring in her sleep, trying to find a comfortable position for a solid five minutes. I knew she was going to wake up soon anyways, so I just lightly pulled the blanket off, pressing the back of my finger into her tiny frame. She was burning up. I guess it was a good thing I pulled the blanket off of her then. 
My heart fell seeing her curl up on herself looking so uncomfortable. There was nothing I could do though. School didn’t end for another hour and Angela hasn’t eaten anything since last nights dinner. Even then she didn’t eat much, saying that she didn’t feel too good. I probably should have seen this coming. 
I paused the movie for a little, waiting for Angela to wake up and ask for a blanket. She stirred, turned, and I finally saw her rub her eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time today. It’s been off and on. Again, nothing I could do about it except just let her rest. 
“Mmm… Ry?” She groaned, still holding her stuffed animal. I smiled softly, rubbing her back with the pad of my thumb. She slightly leaned into the touch eyes opening and closing, trying to stay awake. 
“Just go back to sleep, Angel. I’m right here.” I whispered, watching her snuggle up close and point to the human-sized blanket pinched between my thumb and finger. I didn’t want to give it to her. Her fever might just get worse like that. Dylan had texted me earlier to crush up an ice cube and wrap a tiny piece for her, but that wouldn’t work. 
“Aren’t you hot?” I frowned, seeing Angela shake her head and reach for the blanket in a futile attempt. I gave in, letting her wrap herself comfortably and snuggle closer to me. 
After a couple minutes, she was out cold once again. Didn’t matter when she was just going to wake up in an hour again. I unpaused the movie, and glanced to my phone. I grabbed it off the charger, seeing that I had an unknown number text me and a few from Lucky saying that he may have given Nathan my number. Of course he did. He brought the idea up last night after I came home from work. I only said no because what if Nathan didn’t want it? I mean, what if he wanted nothing to do with me. I’d understand if he didn’t, but then it’d be awkward just having it. 
I guess texting him wouldn’t be so bad though. As long as I don’t ruin it. 
Last period was another free day. But Mrs. Kay says that she has another “project” she wants to try with us. I was not at all excited, but I just had to take this class for the next eight months and then I could go an do what I wanted… what did I want to do again? Didn’t matter. Still have eight months. I’ll be fine. 
As I sat at my desk aimlessly trying to pick a move to watch on my phone, there was a text. From Ryker. What did it say? Would it say not to text his number? That he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore than he already has to? That doesn’t really sound like him, actually. Why would I think that about someone? I bit the side of my cheek, opening the messages app and reading what he texted. 
Ryker: Hey! 
Ryker: I’m guessing Lucky gave you my number 
What do I text back? I’ve never really talked to him. I don’t want to say something stupid either. I can’t leave him on read. That’d be harsh. I groaned silently to myself, typing something out and immediately deleting it. Over, and over again. What do I say though? I ended up just typing something out and hoped he would say anything about it. 
Nathan: He did yeah lol 
Ryker: Of course he did 
He sent it along with an eye roll emoji. 
Ryker: It’s a good thing though 
So he does want to talk to me? I was so confused. 
Nathan: Yeah 
Ryker: Are things boring in last period without me? 
A smile took over my face. This was actually going pretty well considering I never text anyone but my mom. Or call anyone but her. A sad, sad life, I know. But it’s the story of my life. 
Nathan: Yup
Nathan: I heard your sisters were sick 
Ryker: Yeah I’m pretty sure they have the flu  
Nathan: Well I hope they get better :)
I’m pretty sure the conversation ended. That was short lived. Even in real life I can’t keep up a conversation for long. I either go silent or say something that ends it. Great, right? So I couldn’t even be on call until midnight because people lose interest in me fast. I’m surprised Ryker hasn’t yet. 
Ryker: They’re both asleep right now 
Ryker: If you wanna come over you can 
Ryker: I’ll just ask Lucky to take you or something 
Ryker: If you’re comfortable with it 
Going over to his house again? I mean I’m okay with it. It’s just that he’d have to hang around me while also taking care of both Angela and Isabelle. But maybe I could bring them some soup to make them feel better? It would be the right thing to do. I don’t want to go over there just to create more problems. But now that I think about it… why didn’t their parents take care of them? I feel like they can’t just keep Ryker away from school to watch his siblings. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s great that he does! But… they’ve never once mentioned anything about their parents, and I just feel like they should be taking care of their own children. It’s not my place to ask them though. I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually. 
Nathan: Sure
Nathan: Is it okay if I grab something for Angela though
Nathan: Like soup or something? 
There was about ten minutes until the last bell of the day rang, and I would have to find Lucky before he just walked out of the school. I have no idea where they live, and there was no way I wanted to get lost on those terrifying streets. Especially with all of the riots lately. I just hope I can go home this time. 
Ryker: If you want 
Ryker: I’d really appreciate it 
Nathan: Will do then 
I sent it with a smiley face, hoping that he wouldn’t tell me anything otherwise. I’m sure my mom would be fine with me staying over for a couple hours. I doubt that they’ll have a movie night when their two youngest were bed-ridden. Or at least I think Ryker kept Isabelle in her bed. I don’t know how he’s been taking care of Angela… Maybe I could help out? Seems like a plan. 
Ryker: Tysm 
Ryker: I’ll tell Lucky to wait for you by the exit 
Ryker: Thank you, again 
He sent a smiley face back to me. My lips twisted into a small smile
Nathan: No problem 
I was expecting for Lucky to be waiting for me. Not Dylan. But I guess it makes sense because they kind of live together. Duh. I’m so stupid sometimes… 
“You’re coming over!” Lucky excitedly announced, Dylan rolling his eyes and waiting for us to climb onto his palm. I bit the side of my cheek, thinking that we were going off of school grounds. Anything could happen. Does Dylan even like me? Probably not. Do I care? Yes. A lot. 
“U-Um… yeah,” I stole a glance to Dylan, who was texting someone, “S-sorry for making you b-b-both wait on m-me.” I whispered to Lucky while pointing to Dylan who wasn’t paying attention to either of us at the time. Lucky nodded his head, seeming to understand. 
“It’s all good. We’re stopping by the store first, right? We need groceries anyways.” Lucky had asked. I hesitantly nodded my head, letting Lucky lead the way as I followed. This was a familiar sight. I was getting to used to being around giants. Was that a good thing? I’d have to ask Mr. Smith about that later. 
About five minutes into walking, and watching in horror as Lucky quite literally had half of his body hanging from the edge of Dylan’s hand, Dylan had decided to start a little conversation. Mostly towards Lucky.
“You’re gonna fall.” He sighed, cupping his hand a little more to prevent Lucky from falling to his death. I shuddered just at the thought of looking over the edge. It’s taken literally almost everything in me to not look over the edge and pass out. 
“No I’m not.” Lucky stuck out his tongue, fixing his position so only his arms were dangling. I could practically hear Dylan roll is eyes. We made eye contact for a while, him giving a smile and opening his mouth to speak, “So what made you want to come over?” 
I jumped at the sudden question directed to me. It’d be pathetic to speak and stutter in front of Dylan, but then again the same goes if I don’t speak. What would he think? Choices are so hard to make. What if I just shrugged? But then he might want to bring it up again and then I’d have to answer. 
Out of nowhere, Lucky sat beside me, wearing a sympathetic face that said, “I’ll tell him for you.” And I’ve never been more grateful in that moment. I would have hugged him if I knew how to. Also I might step over a boundary. Not something that I’d like to do. 
I whispered to Lucky what I wanted him to say, noticing that Dylan looked so confused. I would have scooted back had I not remembered that there was about a hundred foot fall from where I was. If the fall doesn’t kill me the injuries would. 
“He say he just wanted to help out. I told him Angela and Isabelle were sick earlier. Plus, apparently Ryker asked him first.” Lucky shrugged like it was nothing. I admit, I was jealous, but that was shortly lived. I’ll be able to talk someday. Hopefully. Maybe. I’ve done it once I could definitely do it again. If I really wanted to anyways. 
“Makes sense,” Dylan shrugged, “That’s also oddly… nice?” He raised an eyebrow, suspicious of me. I nearly let out a squeak as I brought my knees closer to my chest. I really wasn’t trying to trick anyone… I’m just a really nice person trying to help a friend out. Please don’t hurt me. Please don’t hurt me. Please don’t- 
“I was just messing with you. You should have seen your face.” Dylan laughed along with Lucky. Oh thank goodness. The last thing I needed was to be ditched on the side of the concrete not knowing where I was. I was pretty sure we were close to their house though. 
“But seriously, that’s amazingly nice of a stranger. Ry could actually use the help too.” Dylan told me. A tiny smile formed at the corners of my mouth. Maybe he really didn’t see me as a bother. 
It didn’t take us long in the store. Only a couple minutes tops. Though, I didn’t know that the human-sized part of the store was connected. It really made things easier for Dylan since he didn’t have to wait outside awkwardly. Plus, he could grab one for Isabelle too. I was paying anyways. 
We checked some things out, I paid for the things I was getting, while Lucky kept on insisting that I just let him pay for everything. We agreed that we would pay for our own things in the end. It only took a couple minutes to reach the familiar neighborhood I saw two weeks ago. 
Dylan walked up to their house, unlocking it and announcing his presence to practically the entire world while he was closing the door behind him. Ryker turned his head an glared at Dylan, making him whisper a sorry and let both Lucky and I on the ground in front of the same human-sized door that led to their rooms before silently walking back to his own room. It was intimidating to see him from this point of view, but I sucked in a breath, and walked through the open door. I came here, so I’ll just have to deal with it. 
It looked the same as before. Just that there were a ton of blankets thrown onto the couch. I didn’t think about that too much. 
“So do I get a thank you?” Lucky teased. For the phone number? I just laughed to myself, “Y-yeah. Thank you.” 
Lucky was putting away some groceries he had bought. I helped clean up a bit before we both decided to head back outside. It was a long walk from the hallway to the couch, but that’s no surprise when you’re two inches tall to these people. Now I get why Lucky and Angela get carried around almost everywhere in here. 
“Are you staying for dinner?” Lucky asked, now walking backwards to keep up a conversation with me. Was I? I still haven’t told my mom that I was here. I’ll tell her when she texts or calls. She’ll probably be so happy to hear that I was here anyways. 
“I don’t know.” I replied, shrugging my shoulders. 
“You should. You could teach me how to make actually good food.” We both laughed. 
“If you want me to.” 
Lucky silently cheered, thanking me several times before we reached the elevator to get on top of the side-table by the couch Ryker was currently sitting down at trying to find something to watch. 
“Hey Ry.” Lucky grabbed his attention, standing near the very edge of the table. Nope. Could never do that. How is Lucky so brave? Does he really have that much confidence in himself that he won’t fall? Just one wrong step… No. Don’t think about that. I’m not the one on the very edge. 
“Hey” Ryker replied, letting down his free hand. We climbed on and slid back off onto the arm of the couch where there were human-sized blankets and pillows making a makeshift bed. But there wasn’t anyone there. Where did he have Angela then? She wasn’t in that room earlier. I sighed, sitting down. I’d just have to wait until she wakes up. 
“How are they doing?” Lucky asked, sitting beside me. 
Ryker let out a long sigh, “Off and on. Isabelle’s been asleep for a while and I managed to get her to eat some toast. I haven’t been able to check Angela’s fever, but I don’t think she’s getting any better.” 
He brought his other hand towards us, revealing Angela wrapped up in a pink blanket. She didn’t look like she was having a peaceful dream either. She kept moving around and mumbling things that I didn’t understand. Lucky went to check if she still had a fever, which she did. I just have to wait for her to wake up so I can start making something for her. It’s the whole reason I came anyways. My mom’s a nurse, you learn a thing or two. 
“Oh, um, thanks for coming by the way, Nathan.” Ryker thanked me, looking concerned for his little sister who looked like she was about to wake up. 
I came back with a small bowl of chicken noodle soup and some crackers, hoping that this would help in some way. Angela was struggling to keep her eyes open, but after she ate something she already looked a lot better. She didn’t go back to sleep either so I guess that was a good thing too? All I can say was that Angela was excited to see me. We were sitting on the arm of the couch where the pile of blankets and pillows were. 
“Nathan!” She forced herself up and wrapped me in the tightest hug she could manage. I laughed nervously, debating on returning the gesture, but she let go before I could. Thank you. That would have been one awkward hug in front of so many people. Though, I noticed Ryker trying to hide his smile. I didn’t know if that was directed to Angela or me. Or both. Nope. Not going to think too much on that. 
Angela let out a series of coughs and sat back down, wrapped up in her blanket once again. I noticed that she was also hugging the panda I gave her two weeks ago. My heart fell. I didn’t expect her to like it so much. 
Her fever had gone down a lot. Which was a good thing. She ended up falling back to sleep eventually. Then it was just back to the little one sided conversations with Ryker. Dylan and Lucky were hanging out in their own room, probably playing a game or watching tv. So it really was just us. 
It was nice, really. Even if I could only listen and react. I didn’t mind. There was nothing to say anyways. I loved listening though. 
Ryker mentioned something about Jasmine having a game to go to tonight, which explains why she wasn’t here. Then, he said he should probably get started on dinner, which, wow, I probably should start helping out Lucky. 
I helped Lucky with dinner, and once again he praised my cooking abilities, which weren’t even that good. At least to me. Afterwards, Ryker took me to the bus stop by my house and thanked me again. I walked back to my house, changed into comfy pajamas and fell asleep. 
Today was a good day.
I think this was a good chapter. I think. I don’t know. I love how Ryker is trying his hardest to be a responsible parent and how Nathan tries his hardest to take care of Angela and Lucky as much as he can.
Anyways, thank you guys for reading!! Love you guys ❤️
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chaosduckies · 16 days
Next chapter post tomorrow!! Along with some other little things I’ve been working on ofc :D
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