chaosresponcibly · 2 years
How I think each of the s1 and s2 Empires characters would react to seeing each other.
False is kinda terrified of Pearl, but overall thinks she's cool. Pearl wants False to be her new sparring buddy (like, the woman built a machine to murder giant hunks of metal and wears clothes she pilfered from a corpse, of course Pearl would love her). False doesnt understand that this is a statement of affection and is even more terrified.
The Scotts are just the 'Misery and CPR' meme. Elf Scott keeps talking about his demon brother and tragic backstoryTM, and the Chromia king just goes "oh yea a magic skull stole my eyeball and a wizard gave me a new one.' Eventually they start talking about their bfs and become friends ('my husband rescued me from a dungeon so I built him a cave full of his favorite things' 'nice. My boyfriend just shows up randomly and gives me wood').
The Jimmys absolutely confuse the hell out of each other. The Codfather just off-handedly talks about his traumatic past in between bouts of how awesome his sister and brother-in-law are. He's a god and totally unbothered by it, while the Sheriff keeps grumbling about God calling him a toy when he is Not A Toy. They introduce each other to the other Norman.
The Sausages just point at each other like the spiderman meme. They joke about their trauma while still smiling. They coo over Bubbles together. The protector of Sanctuary talks about Eddie and Hermes. The king of Mythland talks about his little siblings and how much he loves them; he also mentions his best friend who sounds suspiciously similar to the sunflower goddess...
The Joels HATE each other. God Joel keeps making fun of the Mad King for being short and made of clay and he just laughs his ass off, doesnt acknowledge him, and rants about how amazing his fish wife is. God Joel feels insecure and angry, the Mad King is offended because someone is ignore how AMAZING AND WONDERFUL his wife is.
The Pixls have a wonderful afternoon drinking and spilling tea. They discuss philosphy and history, they lovingly make fun of Jimmy, they compliment each other's empires.
Shrub and Shelby are instant friends. Shrub is kinda scared of Shelby because witches could mean bad news, but Shelby instantly introduces Tortoise and all goes well. They talk about their different magic, Shelby gives a whole bundle of potions to the wolves. They talk about how cute Katherine is and mom-friend Joey.
The Joeys respect each other. They arent that close, but they think each other are cool. They fight over if Katherine or Xornoth is better; neither wins but they have fun coming up with compliments for the people they like (they also talk as if said objects of affection love them back).
The Katherines go monster hunting together. Overgrown Katherine talks about her awesome gnome gf. Glimmer Grove Katherine complains about her suitor that cant seem to understand that she isnt a pirate.
At first, the fWhips bond over chaos and destruction. 'I put wardens in half the server's bases to thank them for coming to my wedding' 'I created a ravine.' All goes well until Jimmy gets brought up. Count fWhip complains about the whole 'board of dead salmon' thing, and Goblin fWhip jumps to his defense. They get into a big ol fight and make up a little while later.
The Gems, while amicable, dont really like each other. Wizard Gem thinks Princess Gem's a scardy cat, and Princess Gem thinks Wizard Gem is too intense and a little scary. They do have fun talking about fWhip and Sausage though.
Mayor Lizzie is both a little intimidated by the ocean enpress, and also thinks she's super cool. She's an actual strong, tall, powerful god (unlike the one from Stratos). She is a little scary, though, cause of the army of axolotls and the whole water thing. The ocean empress thinks she's nice (and kinda funny); Mayor Lizzie really reminds her of her friend with his empire of cats before he got corrupted...
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
How I think each of the s1 and s2 Empires characters would react to seeing each other.
False is kinda terrified of Pearl, but overall thinks she's cool. Pearl wants False to be her new sparring buddy (like, the woman built a machine to murder giant hunks of metal and wears clothes she pilfered from a corpse, of course Pearl would love her). False doesnt understand that this is a statement of affection and is even more terrified.
The Scotts are just the 'Misery and CPR' meme. Elf Scott keeps talking about his demon brother and tragic backstoryTM, and the Chromia king just goes "oh yea a magic skull stole my eyeball and a wizard gave me a new one.' Eventually they start talking about their bfs and become friends ('my husband rescued me from a dungeon so I built him a cave full of his favorite things' 'nice. My boyfriend just shows up randomly and gives me wood').
The Jimmys absolutely confuse the hell out of each other. The Codfather just off-handedly talks about his traumatic past in between bouts of how awesome his sister and brother-in-law are. He's a god and totally unbothered by it, while the Sheriff keeps grumbling about God calling him a toy when he is Not A Toy. They introduce each other to the other Norman.
The Sausages just point at each other like the spiderman meme. They joke about their trauma while still smiling. They coo over Bubbles together. The protector of Sanctuary talks about Eddie and Hermes. The king of Mythland talks about his little siblings and how much he loves them; he also mentions his best friend who sounds suspiciously similar to the sunflower goddess...
The Joels HATE each other. God Joel keeps making fun of the Mad King for being short and made of clay and he just laughs his ass off, doesnt acknowledge him, and rants about how amazing his fish wife is. God Joel feels insecure and angry, the Mad King is offended because someone is ignore how AMAZING AND WONDERFUL his wife is.
The Pixls have a wonderful afternoon drinking and spilling tea. They discuss philosphy and history, they lovingly make fun of Jimmy, they compliment each other's empires.
Shrub and Shelby are instant friends. Shrub is kinda scared of Shelby because witches could mean bad news, but Shelby instantly introduces Tortoise and all goes well. They talk about their different magic, Shelby gives a whole bundle of potions to the wolves. They talk about how cute Katherine is and mom-friend Joey.
The Joeys respect each other. They arent that close, but they think each other are cool. They fight over if Katherine or Xornoth is better; neither wins but they have fun coming up with compliments for the people they like (they also talk as if said objects of affection love them back).
The Katherines go monster hunting together. Overgrown Katherine talks about her awesome gnome gf. Glimmer Grove Katherine complains about her suitor that cant seem to understand that she isnt a pirate.
At first, the fWhips bond over chaos and destruction. 'I put wardens in half the server's bases to thank them for coming to my wedding' 'I created a ravine.' All goes well until Jimmy gets brought up. Count fWhip complains about the whole 'board of dead salmon' thing, and Goblin fWhip jumps to his defense. They get into a big ol fight and make up a little while later.
The Gems, while amicable, dont really like each other. Wizard Gem thinks Princess Gem's a scardy cat, and Princess Gem thinks Wizard Gem is too intense and a little scary. They do have fun talking about fWhip and Sausage though.
Mayor Lizzie is both a little intimidated by the ocean enpress, and also thinks she's super cool. She's an actual strong, tall, powerful god (unlike the one from Stratos). She is a little scary, though, cause of the army of axolotls and the whole water thing. The ocean empress thinks she's nice (and kinda funny); Mayor Lizzie really reminds her of her friend with his empire of cats before he got corrupted...
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
Jimmy "I Am Not A Toy!" the sheriff
fWhip "if you call me dumbo Im on board with it" of the Goblands
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
I was team Law- but then the poor child's toy was destroyed. Now Im team Hermes.
Shoutout to the people who were on Jimmy's side but are now rooting for Joel because Jimmy insulted Hermes
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
Sheriff hurt hermes? Sheriff burn hermes' toy for petty dispute?! Oh! Shelf for Sheriff! Shelf for a thousand years!!!
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
Solidarity: Died and came back as a cowboy, I call that reintarnation.
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
I am the sun
Burning red
Burned away
Raw and unfiltered
Below my fists
Stood the world
My world
I am the stars
A million
Passing from moment to moment
The light you see
Im already dead
Heart on my sleeve
You burned
I am the moon
Stone and rock
Orbiting you
Blue and green
Watery eyes
I crashed
And formed
My soul,
You left me
I stayed
You're gone
And I remain
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
It’s been a thousand years since her son died.
The world changed, the people changed, and she created no other child. Why should she? Having reached perfection once… why try again? 
But here he was.
Standing before her, just as he’d always been.
This wasn’t the badlands, this wasn’t Mezalea-- but there was its king. He was dressed differently, wearing a short toga with a green sash. Still, there was her son… placing an armor stand in her jungle.
And then he was gone, disappeared off into the distance.
Not to his mesa, she’d checked. She knew the land’s new king--- the younger child of the ocean. But, just like her son, he was different. 
She watched the strange item her son had given her. 
She wrapped herself around it, placing life into its wooden bones, draping it in a cloak of the beautiful magenta of her son’s mesa. 
‘Hermes,’ she whispered in his ear. ‘Son of Stratos, son of Sanctuary.’
“Father?” The protector held the child tight to his chest. Maybe, She decided, she could love her son’s beloved too.
It’s been a thousand years since her son died.
It’s been a moment since her grandson spoke.
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
Some Hermes headcannons because he is the best part of season two.
- he is really good at languages. He can speak the most major language for each Empire. Pix is also teaching him various minor / dead languages.
- speaking of Pix, Hermes absolutely LOVES Pix's lessons about history and mythology. Hes wandered off into the catacombs one too many times so Pix taught him how to get around.
- one more about Pix. Joel and Sausage gave up and hired Pix to tutor Hermes in all subjects because he is the only one he'll listen to (Hermes still is doing much better in his history lessons).
- Hermes has not only read, but memorized the book of profecies from season one.
- yes, he jokes about how some of the old soverigns remind him of his family.
- the citizens of both Sanctuary and Stratos adore him. A small festival is held in town square every time he goes back to Sanctuary.
- he wanted to learn how to bake his favourite cookies, but he doesnt know his way around a kitchen.
- grandpa Eddie loved him very much, but he is NOT allowed to touch his tools in the forge.
- Hermes loved to talk to the villagers under stratos. They adore him, and will help him no matter what.
Apparently Ive decided that Hermes is a big history nut. Good for him.
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
From the magic
Came a child
He blinked at the sky
'Father?' He begged
Maybe he is naive
Listening to his fathers
To the lore, to the law
Maybe he is wrong
To think he is safe
To be secure in the sky and on the ground
To wish in a fountain
Upon to dirt and soil
Maybe he is stupid
Unaware of the power of the heavens
Of the kings and crowns
Maybe he should not jump so far
Fly so low to the ground
So high in the sky
He is made of sticks and wax
Maybe he shall burn
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
The greatest power of life
Is held not by those who live it
Not by the sun or star or moon
By the parrot or owl or angel
It is held by the dead
The yellow feathers drifting along the wind
The one who sang his last note
Said 'I am dead' said 'dont follow me'
And who was ignored
For the living kneel before the feet of the dead
Stand before his grave
It is not the survivors who truly win
But the canary who watched from afar
Floating above the wind
'Go home' you said 'its over'
And he did not listen
He said 'this is the end, this is home' he said
There is a ring in his feathers
Rose gold, pink and yellow
There is a bound on his soul
On his flesh and his blood
And yet it is he who holds true strength
He who lives amongst the coal
Not the miners who failed to heed him
But the songbird who warned them
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
Traffic light fans claim they're normal and then go off on a rant about how Shrek is cheating on an anime catgirl with Kakashi
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
I didnt know they were making Empires smp brickheads! Look, I found the Sheriff.
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
my favourite dynamic is enemies to lovers but they're in love with each other from day one and they still are enemies even though they're madly in love and everyone else thinks they're a thing
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
visiting other social medias while my home-hell-site is a different one is the funniest thing.
Instagram and TikTok? sitting in the corner by the snack table staring ominously at the rest of the party.
Reddit? watching a dumpster fire that never stops burning.
Tumblr? being a random cryptid and accidentally walking in on a witch coven- before I can leave, they place a pointy hat on my head. I have a great afternoon.
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
I did one for Empires, I’m doing one for Afterlife!!! from the beginning this time lol
Anygay I’ll try to keep this updated but feel free to yell at me when I’m late.
yes I know the Empires one still doesn’t have Pearl’s final episode- I’m lazy and don’t care anymore.
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