chaotickori · 1 month
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“I’ll cover you!”
“I wish you wouldn’t.”
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chaotickori · 3 months
Day 1 of @fanficwriterappreciation : Au's
Work: My Own
Au: Royalty, Arranged Marriage
Link: Gdi Mickey
Description: Ok so this is for a discord server I'm on, they said to choose a trope that Annoys you. Instead I chose a trope I didn't exactly get into which was Royalty Au's. I chose what Character I was working with then I asked them for a Character for a ship without telling them the Main Character. So in the end we somehow came up with Atsumu x Aone, and Arranged Marriage Noya x Atsumu, but Noya likes Atsumu's Knight who he has regular make-out sessions with. This also has sprinkles of Trans Prince, Dysphoria, and Transphobic Parents (and a Make-out scene)
Background: So most of the background is in the Description, but I wrote this fic a little over 3 years ago and it is probably still one of the less chaotic things I've written, even with that description. I think that I had a lot of fun working with these super rare pairs and overall just getting to mess around with these characters.
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chaotickori · 3 months
The Fanfic Writer Appreciation Event will be held in July! Here's our calendar for the event!
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Want to know more about the calendar or the event? Check out our carrd! Send us any questions that you got!
See you in July!
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chaotickori · 7 months
Karasuno's Second Fall - Ch 2:
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Rating: T Warnings: Car/Bus Crashes, Major Character Death, Graphic Depiction of Injury, Graphic Depiction of Death, Drowning Word Count: 2.8k AO3 [Ch: 1] ||| [Prev] | [Next]
Tsukishima wakes up in harrowing pain, his body feels like it is on fire, his ribs burn with each press of his heavy lungs. He sits up, a silent cry of pain passing between his lips as he struggles to bring in air. He violently coughs as he is finally able to breathe properly, he closes his eyes so he could focus on breathing before moving on to other things. He opens his eyes again and looks around, everything is blurry, which means he doesn’t have his glasses.
He feels around him hoping to find his glasses but all he can feel is a grainy substance, he looks down to where his hand is. He is surrounded by sand, when he looks around again he realizes that he is on some kind of beach, and it’s dark out, most likely night time. His mind begins to catch up, slow flashes of memories playing in his brain. He remembers the tumbling of the bus down the hill, the loud screams of his teammates. He can vaguely remember seeing Nishinoya being flung out of a window, but that is where his memory cuts out, everything else was muddy. 
He has to fight his brain so that he stays in the moment, he can’t panic, that isn’t going to help anything. He takes a few seconds to take deep breaths and ground himself, once he feels like he isn’t going to break down he begins to inspect his own body. His pain perception is a bit off due to the adrenaline rushing through him but it feels like he may have broken a rib. Though visually he could see that his right arm was mutilated, his shoulder was warped so that it contorted in places that it definitely wasn’t meant to.
That seems to be the worst of the injuries that he has, so he’ll just have to deal with it for now. Now that he has all of that figured out he scans the beach again, this time looking properly, with the small amount of vision he has he makes out the shape of a body laying a couple of feet away. He pushes himself up from the ground with his one good arm, groaning at the pain that lances through his body at movement. He does his best to push through it as he limps over to the person.
His movements are slow but determined, he knows that he has always acted like he hates his teammates but they wormed their way into his heart, and there's a chance one of them may be dead. He pauses in his tracks as that thought washes over him, one of his teammates might be dead . He picks up his pace at that thought, ignoring the pain that intensifies at his rapid movements.
The closer he got the more sure he was that this person did not make it, they were dead. Their body was disfigured, limbs facing directions that they shouldn’t, their waist bent at an angle that was unnatural for the human body. He has to fight the urge to collapse as he stands next to the body, he knows that if he collapses now he won’t be getting back up, and he has to go find the others, there has to be other survivors, oh god please let there be other survivors.  
He moves around the body so that he can hopefully get a clear look at who this is, or was . Tears well up in his eyes but he holds them back as he looks into the cold dead eyes of his best friend. He bends down so that he can close Tadashi’s eye’s, he doesn’t deserve to be found with terror filling his eyes, he deserves to look peaceful, at least in the only way that he can. 
Finally the severity of the situation, and his best friend's condition, hits him, he quickly turns away from the body as he loses the little food that was left in his system from after the match. It made him sick to think that was the way that his friend had to go out, not peacefully and in his sleep, like he deserved, but mangled from a bus crash. He stands up on shaky legs, wipes the bile off of the edge of his mouth before he turns to walk away from the body after one last once over.
Not being able to see made it difficult to navigate things, he has been walking for a bit of time, yet he hasn’t come across anything. At this point he can guess that he and Yamaguchi had been launched from the bus, the obvious reason being he didn’t wake up in the bus, the other being that there was somehow no evidence of it in a near radius. But, that wasn’t something that he needed to be focusing on at this moment.
He hears something quiet in the distance so he stops in his tracks trying to listen in closer. He is able to make out what he thinks is sobbing and a muffled voice, quickly he picks up his pace again, walking towards the voices. He attempts to fight through the pain, ignoring the deep ache that flares up in his lungs as he struggles to get the proper amount of air. He stumbles falling onto his knees, unable to catch himself with one arm he falls onto his mangled shoulder.
A pained cry leaves him followed by a fit of coughing as he tries to get air into his lungs. His ears ring as he continues his attempts to breathe properly, he is so occupied with that, that he doesn’t realize when the crying and talking he was hearing came to a stop. He can hear the crunching of sand through the ringing in his ears and then he is being lifted up so that his back is leaned up against a rock. The new position made it easier to get oxygen, the spots that were dancing in his vision begin to clear up.
He is able to make out two silhouette’s standing in front of him, his ears are still ringing so he can’t exactly tell what they’re saying when he sees their mouth move. As the ringing in his ears settles down he is finally able to hear some of what they are saying “...ima can you hear me? Stay with us, we can’t lose you too.” He groans as he brings his hands up to rub his eyes, when he brings them down the two people in front of him are finally in focus, at least as much as they can be without his glasses.
He squints so that he can get a better picture of the two in front of him, his voice is scratchy as he speaks, the difficulty breathing having done a number on them. “I can hear ya, Ennoshita? and Yachi? Is that you guys?” He can see and hear the relieved sigh that Ennoshita releases at the confirmation he wasn’t gonna pass out on them. “Yeah, it’s just the two of us, are you ok?” He gives a halfhearted shrug, hissing as pain shoots through his body at the movement.
Ennoshita reaches out with a panicked look on his face, hands just hovering like he was scared to touch him. Tsukishima lifts up his good hand to wave off his concern, “I’m fine, I’m not the biggest priority right now, It’s just a broken shoulder, and maybe a few broken ribs.” The second year throws his hands around in the air like he doesn’t know what to do, and his voice cracks when he speaks. “That isn’t as ok as you’re trying to make it sound.” 
The middle blocker sneers as he snaps at the others concern “Well I’m at least alive, not like some others whose bodies are mangled, almost past recognition, so, I would say that I. Am. Fine. ” He feels a bit of guilt creep into his consciousness when Yachi flinches at his voice. He looks off to the side and sighs, staring absently out at the ocean “Tadashi is dead, I found his body, it wasn’t pretty.”
He closes his eyes and does his best to ignore the choked sob he hears leave Yachi, he can’t get himself to look at her face. Ennoshita lets out a heavy, sad sigh at the news, a grimace paints his face as he remembers the scene he and Yachi had found. Kiyoko’s body bent over a rock, her torso obviously snapped in half, bones piercing through her skin. He needed to stop thinking about it, because if he thought about it he would puke.
The second year takes a second to gather himself before he talks, “We found Kiyoko, it wasn’t exactly pretty either, but for now we all just need to stick together, ok?” Tsukishima could feel another bit of his life crack away hearing that their team's other manager was dead, it didn’t make it any easier to hold himself together as Yachi began to sob even more.
The middle blocker looks back at Ennoshita, the other looks deeply tired, not just physically but like his soul was tired. He was the oldest of the three of them, which means he was responsible for all of them, and Tsukishima knew that the other could do that, but in this kind of situation, he knew it would take a toll on the other mentally, it would take a toll on anyone mentally.
The three of them had moved a little closer to the water, setting up the barest of camps there. They would have stayed farther inland but this is where it was most open, there weren’t as many rocks and almost no bits of glass from the bus. One of their team jackets that had made it through the fall without being torn to complete shreds is configured into a sling for Tsukishima’s arm. Said person is leaned up against a rock, sleeping, at least the best that he can in their current situations.
Yachi is lying next to him curled up with her head in his lap, also attempting to sleep a bit. Ennoshita is looking out at the ocean, periodically looking over at the other two to see if their condition has changed. As he is looking out at the water he thinks he sees something bobbing in the water. As he looks a little closer he starts to make out the shape of a body, before he could get a better look the form went under. Not about to take any chances, since that could be one of their teammates, he jumps up off the ground and runs out towards the water.
He quickly dives in, swimming towards the area that he saw the form go under. When he gets to where he thinks it was he takes a deep breath and pushes himself under the water. His eyes burn as the salty water scrapes at them, he frantically looks around in the dark water until he spots what is definitely a body sinking further down. He uses the little strength that he has to propel himself down, through the water to reach the person.
As he gets closer he reaches out his hand, ignoring the strain in his lungs, once he is close enough he grabs onto the person and begins his rapid ascent back to the top. He breaks through the surface of the water, taking in large gulps of air. When his brain catches up with his surroundings he can hear Yachi calling his name frantically, but he can’t worry about that. He pulls the person in his arms so that their head is above the water, and then begins to swim back to the shore.
When he hits the edge of the beach he stumbles up, pulling the body as far away from the water as he can, back to where the first years are. Once the body is lying there he drops to his knee’s shivers rack his body as his soaked clothes stick to his skin, his breaths come rapidly as he recovers from the panic, and strain of what he just did. He continues to focus on his breathing for a second, finally turning his attention towards the body when he hears Yachi gasp.
Hinata Shoyo was lying right next to him, possibly dead, his chest isn’t rising and there is no indication that he is breathing. Quickly he turns all of his attention towards the orange first year, he puts his ear to the other's mouth, and no breaths are hitting him. At this realization he promptly begins CPR, Yachi and Tsukishima watch next to him in horror as he performs a life saving procedure on their teammate. 
He fights off the bile that rises up his throat as he feels Hinata’s ribs crack under his hands. He continues for a few more minutes until finally his head falls to the side, water escaping out of his mouth with each contraction of his chest, Ennoshita stops the compressions as he watches the others chest begin to rise and fall on its own. He lays his head on Hinata’s chest, letting out a few grateful sobs, none of this feeling real. He felt Yachi’s arms around him, her head buried into his shoulder as she sobbed.
He lets out a few shaky breaths before sitting back up, he runs his fingers through Yachi’s hair before looking over at Tsukishima. The blonde’s eyebrows are furrowed as he stares at the short spikers limb body. Ennoshita goes to stand up to move towards the tall first year, but there is a heavy weight on his arm. He looks down to see that Yachi had fallen back asleep, he delicately pulls her off of him, laying her next to Hinata, who she quickly clings onto.
He smiles just the slightest bit at the scene, once he is sure that they are settled he stands up, moving to sit next to Tsukishima. He lets the two of them sit in silence for a bit before he speaks up “What’s on your mind?” The lanky first year glances over at him for a second before looking back over at the other first years. “Why us? Fate could have done this to truly anyone, but it chose us, Why?”
He lets his head fall back to rest against the rock as he answers, “I don’t know, and we probably will never know, but there could be various reasons. It could be that it believed everything was going too well for us, we made it to nationals for christ's sake, so it wanted to even out the score. It could have been out of spite, but we will most likely never know its intentions.” 
It probably wasn’t the answer the first year was looking for, but it was what caused him to break. Ennoshita keeps his eyes on the sky as he hears the other start crying, tears choking up his words. “I lost my best friend today, and we’ll probably lose many of the others, how are we meant to go on from this? I may never be able to play again , and I doubt Shoyo will just be able to bounce back from that .” His voice breaks after the question, and with his good arm he gestures between Hinata and the ocean when he talks about him.
Ennoshita bumps their good shoulders together, hoping to be able to comfort his teammate, even in this rough situation. “I can’t really answer your questions or concerns, but I know that if anything, we will all try to get through this together, for now, you should try to rest a bit, I’ll stay awake to keep an eye on everyone.” He can see that the other is about to protest but he cuts him off, “I'm fine, I don’t even think I could try to sleep right now, I’m too wound up.” Tsukishima lets out a quiet huff before he readjusts himself against the rock, letting his eyes slip shut.
Ennoshita sighs as he looks out at the ocean, watching as the current makes small waves that lap against the sand. Time passes as he looks out at the water, slowly the sun begins to rise off in the distance, lighting up the edges of the horizon. If it was any other situation he would actually be able to admire the beauty of it. 
He is broken out of his musings when he feels the weight of a hand on his shoulder. His brain reacts on a fear instinct as he is so on edge, his hands fly up to grab the wrist of the person, twisting and flipping them over himself onto the sand in front of him. The quick movements wake up Tsukishima next to him, but he doesn’t notice that, he is still focused on the form of the person he just flipped.
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chaotickori · 8 months
Karasuno's Second Fall - Ch 1:
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Rating: T Warnings: Car/Bus Crashes, Major Character Death Word Count: 624 Summary: They had just won against Shiritorizawa, that was a peak in their lives, but everything goes down in flames. Now follow what happens with the crows when they fall once more. AO3 [Next Ch]
The bus buzzes with the excited energy of the volleyball team, but no one can judge them, they're floating on the high of beating the strongest team in the prefecture. Karasuno was ecstatic, they made the comeback they had been talking about, they were going to nationals. Hinata was practically bouncing out of his seat, talking animatedly with a sparkle in his eye “Did you see my spike, it went bam, then swoosh.” Tsukishima could feel a headache brewing behind his eyes, unable to sleep with all of the noise around him.
The tired middle blocker sits up in his seat, sending a lighthearted glare at his teammates, though mostly aiming it at the small spiker. “Are none of you idiots tired, we just played a full five-set game.” Daichi, hoping to placate the grumpy teen, held his hands up, negotiating with the rest of the team. “Tsukishima is right guys, we should try and use this time to restore some energy, so how about we settle down for a bit?” The captain then lays back in his own chair letting his eyes slide shut as he tries to catch some sleep. Soon the bus was quiet with only a small amount of noise coming from where Coach Ukai and Takeda were conversing at the front.
The bus was passing over a cliff overlooking the broad expanse of the ocean, the sun slowly setting into the horizon. A storm passes overhead drumming rain down on the bus, and slicking up the road. Coach Ukai sits in the driver's seat, a cigarette between his lips as he pays attention to the road. Takeda is in the passenger's seat, catching up on some sleep so that he can corral the team when they make it back. Everything is going smoothly, only an hour and a half left in the drive, then they would be back at the school.
Ukai stays concentrated as he drives, a bit wary of the wet conditions on the road. Everything in the bus is calm, the only noise being the light hum of the engine, and the distant rumbling of thunder after bright shocks of lightning. He takes the turn around the corner of the cliff slowly, and carefully, but that doesn’t change what is about to happen. He could see bright headlights coming straight for them, a truck swerving crazily, taking up the whole road.
There is nothing that he can do to stop the inevitable, he opens his mouth to yell out to the team, to try and warn them, but it’s too late. It was like time slowed down as the truck came in contact with the front of the bus. He felt as his body is thrown forward into the steering wheel, knocking the wind out of him, and causing his head to get light. All he could think is that these kids don’t deserve to go out like this. He has no worries about himself, his mind is only on the kids, even in what could be his final moments.
When time speeds up again the bus is mid-air, over the side of the railing, and heading down the cliff. The first impact of the bus on the cliff knocks him out cold. Noise fills the bus as people jolt awake as the bus free falls down the cliff, smashing against the rocks. There are screams, mixed in with the crunching of metal and crashing of glass. The bus hits one ridge particularly hard, a large crash overpowering any other noise, a blur of blonde and black flying out of the window. As the bus continues to descend the cliff at high speeds bodies are thrown out, and others are made unconscious due to the force.
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chaotickori · 8 months
{Kori's Masterlist}
Main/Person Blog: Creaticare
Fairy Tail Blog: fairy-tail-trash
Old Writing Blog: library-of-the-sun
Introduction Post
Ao3: ChaoticKori
╰┈➤ Multi-Chapter Fanfiction Post
╰┈➤ One-Shot Fanfiction Post
*I have no set posting schedule, so ya get updates randomly
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chaotickori · 8 months
Name: Kori
Age: 19
Pronouns: She/They
Fandoms I'm Currently in: Fairy Tail, Haikyuu, Hazbin Hotel, 9-1-1, Jujutsu Kaisen
Fandoms I've written for: Fairy Tail, Haikyuu, MHA, Idolish 7, DCU, Batman, Young Justice, Yuri on Ice, Nanbaka
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