chaoticmayocat · 6 months
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
This site has been going around Twitter trans accounts quite a bit lately, so just pointing out here too that it'll do fuck all, they're exploiting trans people at a time when hrt is particularly hard to access and please don't give them your money
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
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I decided to share this around Tumblr, as well
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
to anyone who needs to hear this,
you look EXACTLY like a leaf
your eye spots ARE absolutely terrifying
when you raise your front legs you DO look bigger than anything, even a tree
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
okay important to ask, do barn cats eat snakes????? is it safe for them to do so????? my cats usually go for the rodents, we really did not expect a whole ass snake to be in her jaws, the poor guy :') i didn't know cats actually hunted snakes
Cats will hunt any and all wildlife in the area that's vaguely smaller than them. Birds, lizards, snakes - everything. Cats are efficient hunters and hunt for fun as well as for food.
If it's at all within your power, I'd like to ask you to please consider keeping your cats inside. Barn cats are actually pretty awful at rodent control - in actuality they do more to hunt and scare away the natural predators of rodents (like snakes). This behavior can also be dangerous for the cat - they're at risk of predation themselves, and may get bitten by venomous snakes while hunting.
Domestic cats are also extremely devastating invasive predators, responsible for the extinction of at least 63 species worldwide and negatively impacting local ecosystems everywhere they are found.
Even allowing cats to roam outside is a net negative for all parties involved. Cats belong inside!
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
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Found this on Facebook! BOOST!
Tell Etsy that #ThisIsNotNative
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
i know everyone said "law classes are hard" but you know, business law has my brain turning into soup after twenty minutes. like it's very cool and fun but i am studying at three in the morning days before the term starts and i feel like i am drowning in the web of just like, the simple expanse of what this class encompasses in so little time. I am definitely enjoying learning about it (and I am very glad I started early, and regretting not starting earlier). It is nice to be taking an online class so I can take a break when I feel overwhelmed, and I can replay audio when I don't understand what he is saying (but he provides a transcript too! fantastic professor).
still this is so much for 4 weeks 😓
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
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FINALLY a news site thats focused on the real issues of the day
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
I'm so sick of college textbooks being so stupidly expensive. Just paid over 100$ for a used textbook I assumed was like, hardcover or something, but it arrives as the most beat up used looseleaf I have ever fucking seen. This thing looks more depressed than me.
Fully aware this isn't even the most outrageous price you can find a textbook for - I have seen higher, and I have the fortune of my professors using cheaper textbooks when they can. About to pay 150$ for a goddamn access code for macroeconomics, which is genuinely the most wretched thing I can imagine paying that much money for from my textbook store.
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
i know yall love sharing items from small shops and supporting small businesses and small creators is great, but yall really need to stop sharing items from resin shops that make resin dishware and cutlery until you do further research.
there is a food safe resin, HOWEVER, the vast majority of shops will not be using it. its extremely fucking expensive, and to remain food safe, any dyes or additives used must also be food safe, and the piece will have to have been mixed and cured correctly. anything wrong in that process, and it's no longer food safe.
the vast majority of resins, especially those cheap enough for artists and small creators to regularly use, is poisonous. its a carcinogen. it will leech chemicals, even if given a clear coat or varnish, and you can get very sick very fucking quickly from eating or drinking anything that came into contact with it, and long term exposure could very well kill you- this isn't taking into account any additives to the resin, dyes, or colorants either, the vast majority of those are not regulated for food use.
an absolute boom in resin crafters from over quarantine hasn't helped this situation either. many simply do not know or do not care and will sell items that are suspect at best. partially cured pieces, bad molds, just plain inappropriate items used in resin crafting have gotten very common over the past few years, and still are.
TL;DR: Most resins are NOT food safe, and are incredibly toxic. Do not buy or share anything made of it for food use. Shops selling appropriate food safe resin items will be flat out about it, and are going to be extremely expensive.
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
I don’t know how many times this has to be said but:
Thank you and goodnight.
Sincerely, a very fucking pissed off disabled person.
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
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Just an FYI for those in the US with insurance issues
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
I am horribly chaotic and was one hair away from switching to majoring in theatre my first semester. I'm a biology major. I have stage fright and despise my own voice. I just reallllllly liked my Fine Arts Theatre class.
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
am a bio/chem double major. i struggle so much but i love it
welcome to the ultimate college major showdown!
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
reblog if your name isn't Amanda.
2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!
We’ll find you Amanda.
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