#mayocat originals
chaoticmayocat · 1 year
I've finally bit the bullet and got a doctor's appointment up here to try and get an HRT prescription. I'm not backing down on it, even if someone tells me my health issues are a risk. I'm filing my name change over the summer. The world is not getting kinder. My transition will not get easier. There is no surrender if I want to stay honest about myself.
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bxxnietheill · 1 year
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I made a very original character that is not at all @mayonaisalspray ‘s Mayocat:)
Anyways guys this is my totally-never-done-before little guy, MustardBunny 👍
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A big thank you to everyone that applied to the zine! 
Sorry for such a long wait, we received 95 applications which exceeded our expectations and made it very difficult to narrow down. Even after we the list was finalized it took longer than we expected to get in contact with the participants.
Originally we had planned 22 total participants but we bumped it up to 28 as there were so many talented applicants. We wish we could include more but that would raise the cost of production and reduce the amount we would be able to donate.
Not all the participates have a Tumblr so a link to their main art/writing blog will be provided instead.
Squiddy  Pharikhurra // Annamarie // Rey Jenny // Elisa // Casey  Meridachii // Usarei // Riffy // Alexecinz Mayocat // Jesse // Clara // Temple-Secrets Gilly // Maria // Rae // Cyb Lola Tempest // Alice
Tancong // Hida // Jaz
Zenaida // Bookworm
These are subject to change as the participants’ real life comes first, any updates can be found in the Participants page linked on our sidebar. 
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chaoticmayocat · 2 years
you know, to my friends im not a trans person or a queer person or anything, im just a person, im just a human being.
and sometimes there's nothing wrong with taking these parts of myself and embracing them wholely and calling them a crucial component of my being. sometimes these things are inseparable from me.
but sometimes i want society to just treat me like a person, too.
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
i know everyone said "law classes are hard" but you know, business law has my brain turning into soup after twenty minutes. like it's very cool and fun but i am studying at three in the morning days before the term starts and i feel like i am drowning in the web of just like, the simple expanse of what this class encompasses in so little time. I am definitely enjoying learning about it (and I am very glad I started early, and regretting not starting earlier). It is nice to be taking an online class so I can take a break when I feel overwhelmed, and I can replay audio when I don't understand what he is saying (but he provides a transcript too! fantastic professor).
still this is so much for 4 weeks 😓
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
I'm so sick of college textbooks being so stupidly expensive. Just paid over 100$ for a used textbook I assumed was like, hardcover or something, but it arrives as the most beat up used looseleaf I have ever fucking seen. This thing looks more depressed than me.
Fully aware this isn't even the most outrageous price you can find a textbook for - I have seen higher, and I have the fortune of my professors using cheaper textbooks when they can. About to pay 150$ for a goddamn access code for macroeconomics, which is genuinely the most wretched thing I can imagine paying that much money for from my textbook store.
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
I am horribly chaotic and was one hair away from switching to majoring in theatre my first semester. I'm a biology major. I have stage fright and despise my own voice. I just reallllllly liked my Fine Arts Theatre class.
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
update on doctors, transitioning, etc:
A couple weeks ago I had my appointment and it went really well, my doctor is really nice and he was wearing a pride pin during our appointment. It seems like with the initial discussions and everything out of the way, I might be able to get on hormones soon. I came in to get my blood drawn for my hormone levels today, so hopefully we're actually moving forward at my next appointment next week!
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
the Tumblr algorithm is so baffling to me. like, I will be minding my business and liking the same content I usually do and suddenly my entire dash is brokeback mountain AGAIN
why isn't it like, shrimp? I follow like ten marine bio blogs? I'm so confused.
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
can you imagine? being a crab?
so little responsibility
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
this is a crab appreciation post. I've been appreciating crabs a lot lately.
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
charr are so pretty actually
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chaoticmayocat · 2 years
I'm trying to preserve some flowers right now but they're kinda chonky and I forgot about the importance of paper so they were a lil wet for a couple days.... Hopes are Not High.
Excited for spring to be properly vibing though! There's lots of colorful things all over campus now and it's so nice. Even when I'm having a bad day, seeing a little chunk of daffodils or whatever makes me feel a bit better.
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chaoticmayocat · 2 years
manifesting that i can walk out of this dorm hall in bi-themed booty shorts and a gay pride crop top in 30 degree weather if i want to
in other news, I discovered one of the local chain stores here has so much pride merch
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chaoticmayocat · 2 years
crosswalks are not parking spaces crosswalks are not parking spaces i swear i am going to scream if one more person parks or stops to unload in the big crosswalk on campus literally ten feet in front of our loading zone
(the only forgiveness here is if they're unloading a wheelchair because maybe the other spot that's sloped to the ground doesn't work or something, I don't use a wheelchair so I can't know enough about the mechanics of unloading one onto a sidewalk. everyone else can get mildly inconvenienced though. i hope you get stuck in traffic. for like a whole thirty minutes if they deadass fucking parked there)
Edit: it rearranged my tags just ignore them :(
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chaoticmayocat · 2 years
i should really post a mobile friendly bio but i don't want to think about it for long enough to do it
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