chaoticsleepdeprived · 3 months
Worlds oldest haunted house has passed away at the age of 207
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chaoticsleepdeprived · 3 months
There was a weird guy who kept following me around saying "That sounds like a skill issue, my dear!" in a 1930s radio voice filter. He was so God dang tall and would NOT. STOP. SMILING.
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chaoticsleepdeprived · 3 months
If King Charles dies on or before March 25th, 2024, he will technically be the shortest-reigning king in English history.
Anyway, like to charge, reblog to cast.
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chaoticsleepdeprived · 4 months
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me when i fucking GET you
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chaoticsleepdeprived · 4 months
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hellu i forgot to post pain here hurhruru
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chaoticsleepdeprived · 4 months
i like when ventposts self censor in a way thats completely incomprehensible to anyone else like 'im so sick of ****** ******* ******' . im sorry that youre going through it. can i buy a vowel
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chaoticsleepdeprived · 4 months
.stsop gnol yllaer nevE .sdrawkcab ti lleps dna tsop a ekat dluow I taht saw kcimmig elohw esohw glob a no gnitsop tsuj saw I ,ereht edir rac elohw eht dna ,eivom a ees ot kroY weN ot rac a ni gnidir saw I
I was riding in a car to New York to see a movie, and the whole car ride there, I was just posting on a blog whose whole gimmick was that I would take a post and spell it backwards. Even really long posts.
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chaoticsleepdeprived · 4 months
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chaoticsleepdeprived · 4 months
I am the inspiration :3
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Hii!! Posting some older art bec I really love this piece still. It’ll end up being my pfp at some point I’m sure.
He’s a sweet Angel guy <3
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<In Undercommon> “THE GINGER HAS A SMALL DICK!!!”
*loud cheering*
<In Common>
“What did you tell them?”
“I just signed your death warrant.”
-Two of my players trying to play up the crowd in an underground gladiatorial ring
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Imagine submitting a suggestion to posts from a brighter timeline, and they screenshot it and submit it to darker timeline, ouch
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Sorry to break the 69 notes, but I just had to wish you luck my friend! 
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Just hit the halfway mark on the first draft of my WIP! I’ve been trying to get this particular horror novel off the ground since 2013 so it feels REALLY good to finally see it coming together. Wish me luck for the second half!
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I got so excited until I saw the url
cherry on top is people already making threads and discussion videos about it lol
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1 and a half years later this still gets a new note every month or so, and the man, myth, and legend himself has grown to almost 1.3 Million subs. Subscribe to Boffy for clear skin and bountiful serotonin.
Boffy is my fucking hero
This man is a goddamn gift to humanity and he is everything that is right with early YouTube, PLEASE subscribe to this guy, or at least check out his videos
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I like making things more complex than they should be
Broke: SCP 682 is just an immortal reptile intent on destroying all life
Woke: SCP 682 is a metaphor for violence in the human heart, as no violent means have proven able to permanently harm it, and the most effective objects for temporarily disarming it are nonviolent objects, ones that evoke love and joy in it like 999 and 053, implying that violence against violence will never prevail, only capable of producing a stalemate
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“Hey, what’s your name?”
So I dm for my party of 6, Dee the druid that calls everyone pisshead, Elantra the sorcerer that keeps killing PCs on accident, Gustav the muscle wizard, Dravak the gladiator that eats everyone, Biggi the tank who is literally barely intelligent enough to speak, and Norbjörn the monk who punches pretty much everything in half. They were taking a break from the main story I had written to gain a few levels. They were hired by goblins on a black market bounty board to kill a group of dwarves. They took the bounty and decided to talk to the dwarves first and see if they could help with a bad guy that had led to the death of Elliot (a ginger and a banisher)
Everything was going great with their plan, they passed all the checks, they were talking with the leader, there was only one hitch. The leader wouldn’t be convinced to face off against Cupcake Joe (the bad guy) and began to ramble about his evil reputation.
Norbjörn ooc: I hold action to punch his head off when he stops talking or changes topics.
DM (me): Are you sure? He hasn’t done anything wrong, and he might have valuable information.
Norbjörn ooc: Yeah I’m sure, he won’t help us kill Joe.
DM: Well, okay then.
Dwarf leader: Don’t be fooled by his name, Cupcake Joe is the most malicious and undefeatable assassin to ever walk these lands. He’s a phantom, and his connections make him one of the most dangerous-
Dravak, interrupting: Hey, what’s your name?
Dwarf: Excuse me?
Everyone loses their collective shit as Super-Monk(tm) uppercuts a dwarf’s head off. Suffice it to say he never got to tell them his name.
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Some high IQ literary analysis
50 IQ- The Headless Horseman is the villain 100 IQ- Braham Bones is the villain 200 IQ- The Headless Horseman doesn't exist 400 IQ- Braham Bones is the Headless Horseman 800 IQ- Ichabod is the villain 1600 IQ- Katrina is the villain 3200 IQ- Ichabod is the Headless Horseman 6400 IQ- Ichabod doesn't exist
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