chareemi · 3 years
This is the confidence imma be growing in 2021
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chareemi · 5 years
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chareemi · 5 years
That frustrating moment when you find blood that was saved for a spell but forgot whose it is.
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chareemi · 5 years
Plant funeral?
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chareemi · 5 years
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I’m starting another quarter of school soon, and I’ve been anxious about it for weeks now. I struggle constantly with low energy, the inability to focus, and severe anxiety, so here’s my college edition set of sigils:
“I remain focused during class and schoolwork.” “I am able to get out of bed.” “I have the energy to complete my homework.” “I feel calm and confident on campus.”
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chareemi · 5 years
a curse to inflict all the pain a persons caused back at them
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mint = visions, nightmares, paranoia
red pen = passion, hate, revenge, aggression, anger
rosemary = tainted dreams, nightmares, clouded vision
post it (sticky note)
a place to bury
tag lock : i used hair
write down an itemised list of everything the select person has done to you and/or other people
place the tag lock and herbs on top of the post it and fold it twice
place both hands around the post-it and repeat six times : you must know you have dept to pay, and your scorened will colllect one day. ( pass your magic into the post it)
light the post it on fire and watch it burn until it’s black but still whole enough to hold
take the matches used and post it note and bury them outside whilst praying to your dieties (for me theoi) or repeat the sentence
note : the pain they feel SHOULD finish once their dept is done and they’ve felt all the pain they’ve caused
friday 13th 2019: The person i cursed was complying of sleepless nights
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chareemi · 5 years
Samhain Tips!
🎃 Visit loved ones at a cemetery. If you know where any of your loved ones are buried, give them an offering and just sit with them for awhile. Tell them what’s going on in your life, thank them for being around to offer you protection and guidance, etc. Cemeteries aren’t spooky places—they’re sacred and I find them very cozy :) Treat the dead with respect on their holy day
🎃 Carve a pumpkin with runes and symbols, then sprinkle the inside with different herbs and spices to create a Spell Pumpkin! Make a pumpkin for protection against malignant spirits, abundance, psychic power, etc
🎃 Do you honor the goddess Hekate? A traditional offering involves leaving a home-cooked meal at a crossroads (her sacred place), making your wish, and turning around. DO NOT LOOK BACK. If you hear or see a dog on your journey, that’s a good sign that Hekate has heard your wish. Even if the offering is eaten by an animal during the night, don’t get upset—this is one way Hekate takes her offerings
🎃 This is one of the best times of the year for divination. Do some scrying, tarot-reading, etc
🎃 Properly protect your home from wandering negative spirits on this night. Negative spirits are repelled by iron, salt, loud sounds (including wind chimes), and genuine laughter. Conversely, attract positive spirits to your home by burning frankincense, cinnamon, or sandalwood
🎃 FEAST! This is the last harvest of the year. Cook a big meal and invite friends and family to enjoy it with you! It’s also customary to invite the spirits to your meal as well. Set a place or two for any spirits you want to honor. If you’re alone on Samhain (like me), a nice party of you and a few familiar, kind spirits makes a lovely celebration
🎃 Have a bonfire! But not just any bonfire—throw in some herbs and spices to make it magical. If you can’t have a bonfire, make a spell candle instead.
🎃 Place lit candles in the windows to let spirits know that they can take refuge at your home on this night. If your house is properly protected, only kind spirits will show up. Leave them offerings and send them blessings. Take precautions and cleanse your home the following day, or before you go to bed that night
🎃 Reminisce a little. Tell stories about your deceased loved ones and ancestors, go through old photo albums, etc. Odds are, they’re probably sitting nearby and listening fondly
🎃 This is a great time for banishing, cord-cutting, and general “letting go” rituals.
🎃 Play music that you love, eat food that you love, and share this sacred day with the spirits in a warm and happy environment :) Happy Samhain!
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chareemi · 5 years
Samhain Ideas
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🥀 Write letters to your ancestors. Seal them in envelopes with dried flowers or other small offerings, and burn them.
🥀 In lieu of flowers, delicately cut apple slices, orange peels, or other fruits in floral shapes and leave a bowl of them as an offering.
🥀 Read some books/watch some movies that are popular in your family.
🥀 Write little poems or letters to the Fae, roll them up and put them inside cinnamon sticks with a blob of honey or some milk, then leave them in the woods.
🥀 (Gently!) Put googly eyes and tiny paper hats on your plants to make modern Jack o’ lanterns.
🥀 Wear things from people in your life, family jewelry, clothes that a family member has purchased for you, 
🥀 If you can visit the grave of a loved one or someone in your family. Talk to them for a bit.
🥀 Charge candles with crystals Lapis Lazuli, Rhodonite, Citrine, or hematite to burn at your altar.
🥀 Write a list to your deities of the things you are proud of having accomplished together. Bury it with an offering.
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chareemi · 5 years
💤 Stuffed Animal Sleep Spell 💤
a spell for keeping negativity out of dreams, whether it’s pain, difficult subjects, or people that hurt you.
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💤 gather: a pillow or stuffed animal, apple seeds, dried lavender and rosemary
💤 charge the herbs under the moonlight
💤 open up the pillow, place the herbs inside
💤 stitch the pillow back up. keep the pillow on the bed when you sleep
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chareemi · 5 years
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Move Forward Spell Jar ✨
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This is an old thing from my personal grimoire. I made it because, at that time, I was going through a breakup with a long time partner. But, this can also be used to help move on from other things, such as personal negativity or bad habits.
💔 sage (banish negativity)
💔 salt (purification)
💔 thyme (to move forward)
💔 roses (self-love)
💔 orange peels (promote positive emotion)
💔 honey (happiness)
💔 a jar
💔 a white candle (purification)
💔 pink candle (self-love)
💔 layer with sage then salt first, as a way to close the door on the past
💔 then layer with thyme, as the bridge to move on
💔 then layer with the orange peels and roses, and drizzle a bit of honey, as something to look forward to and promote in the future.
💔 seal with the wax of the candles (remember to always practice fire safety!!)
… and done! ✨
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chareemi · 5 years
Curse help?
What is the verdict of placing two separate curses on a person at a time? For example nightmares and constant bad luck
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chareemi · 5 years
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Spell for weight loss 🦇
I created this spell to help me lose weight and suppress my appetite. Hopefully it will help you as much as it has helped me.
You will need:
Green tea (metabolism)
A mug, preferably white
Ginger, in whatever form you have (health, metabolism)
Lemon juice (cleansing)
Honey (cleansing, long lasting)
A pinch of cayenne pepper (strength, metabolism)
Red candle (strength, beauty)
White candle (purification, new beginnings)
Pencil and paper
Skin safe marker.
Optional: Amethyst (health, connection to your higher self)
Best performed early in the morning, during a new moon, after fasting for at least 12 hours. Remember that intention is the most important thing when casting spells!
- Light the white candle to purify your space. Light the red candle for strength.
- Do your preferred pre-spell ritual. (If you don’t have one, there are several on the internet to choose from or piece one together)
- Create a sigil. I made two different ones: ‘I lose weight quickly’ and ‘I am not hungry’. Making your own is the most effective (if you know what you’re doing) but I can share mine if requested.
- Prepare the green tea. Gather everything within arms length.
- Add the ginger, lemon, honey and cayenne pepper to the tea. Add each with intent and stir.
- Grab the marker and draw your sigil on your body. I drew mine on my stomach. Chant the meaning of the sigil aloud or in your mind as you draw.
- Hold the mug in both hands, close your eyes. With each breath in feel energy from around you gather in your lungs. On each breath out focus the energy to the tea. Repeat until you feel satisfied.
- Drink the tea and feel the energy flow into you. Feel it fill your stomach, take your hunger and cleanse you.
- You can focus additional energy and intent into yourself.
- Close the ritual in your preferred way. I take a deep breath and blow out the excess focused energy as I blow the candles out.
And you’re done!
I didn’t eat that day, as I didn’t feel hungry, but made sure to drink a lot of water.
To restrengthen the spell you can carve the sigil/s on a red candle and burn it when needed.
Good luck!
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chareemi · 5 years
🍀 ‘Felix Felicis’ Drink 🍀
inspired by jk rowling’s “ Felix Felicis “, a potion-drink to bring you luck
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“One tiny bottle of Felix Felicis,” said Slughorn, taking a minuscule glass bottle with a cork in it out of his pocket and showing it to them all. “Enough for twelve hours’ luck. From dawn till dusk, you will be lucky in everything you attempt.”
🍀 gather: 
2 cup milk (or milk substitutes) 
1 tsp dried turmeric
1 tsp dried ginger 
a pinch of pepper
honey to taste
🍀 heat the milk on medium heat
🍀 add spices
🍀 stir frequently until it simmers. don’t let it reach a boil.  
🍀 turn off the heat. cover and let sit for 10 minutes. 
🍀 consume warm. add honey
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chareemi · 5 years
Some Affirmations for Witches
⚡️My touch is power ⚡️I drink and breathe magic ⚡️I speak the language of the universe ⚡️The tapestry of my life is mine to weave ⚡️The moon and stars commune with me ⚡️My craft connects me to those who have come before me ⚡️I command respect ⚡️I see beyond the surface of this world ⚡️My soul will not deny the old ways ⚡️I am a creator of new traditions ⚡️I am a part of the natural world ⚡️I project powerful energies ⚡️My heart knows best ⚡️I know how to protect myself ⚡️I am powerful ⚡️I am a witch
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chareemi · 5 years
Justice’s Retribution: A Curse for Criminals
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Someone stole your wallet? Broke into your home? Someone in need of some plain old justice? This is a curse to instill extreme paranoia and guilt into the lives of those who have committed a crime against you. The curse is broken when justice is served. This curse also ensures the punishment is especially harsh. It should not come back on you, since Justice works to protect the innocent and the victims. :)
Black Candle
Scissors or a knife
Paper or something you can stab
To perform:
Sit in a dark room with your black candle lit.
On your paper or things you’re going to stab, draw or write out what the criminal did to you, this will work as your taglock in case you don’t know who that person is. 
Close your eyes, and envision a blindfold over your eyes. You are Lady Justice. 
Envision eyes surrounding the person, instill guilt and paranoia into the person.
Open your eyes, and use your knife or scissors, to stab/cut the taglock. This is their punishment by Justice’s sword when justice is enacted. Dispose of the rest of the taglock however your rage wills it.
Be sure to cleanse afterward!
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chareemi · 5 years
Midnight Devil Oil 👿
A combination of black salt and flying devil oil. Best used for acts of extreme banishing, cursing, and binding.
Ingredients & items:
Cayenne pepper
Chili flakes
Dragon’s blood incense ash
Sea salt or black lava salt
Olive oil
Dropper bottle
Measuring cup or something similar
Plastic wrap
On the day of Saturn (Saturday) and in the hour of Mars…
Combine dry ingredients together and crush into a powder using a mortar and pestle or herb grinder
Add powder to a container with a pour spout (think measuring cup or graduated cylinder)
Top off with olive oil, cover with plastic wrap, and let sit overnight or until the oil starts to take the color of the powder
Strain the oil through a cheese cloth to remove large particles into a dropper bottle
Seal and shake well
Store in a cool, dark place
compiled from my personal grimoire
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chareemi · 5 years
“Broken and Rotting” Curse Jar
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A powerful curse to bring ruin and turmoil to your enemy.
What You’ll Need:
A Jack of Spades playing card (this represents the target as a sort of poppet, and for the sake of the curse, the jack is gender-neutral)
A Peat Pot Planter (The peat pot is eco-friendly and more powerful for this particular curse, but a jar can also work)
Old Parsley, to represent financial ruin
1 Big, Rotting Strawberry, to represent romantic ruin
Rotting Banana or Carrot, to represent sexual ruin, if target has a penis, OR Rotting Peach or Red Apple, if target has a vulva (If you don’t know what genitalia the target has, use one of each)
Crushed Egg Shell Powder
1 Black candle
1 other candle: pink if target ids as female/transfemale/transfeminine, yellow if target ids as male/transmale/transmasculine, purple if target ids as agender/genderfluid/bigender/etc.
Black Pepper
Cayenne Pepper
Legally obtained animal bone(s) (I recommend chicken bones, you can get them out of pieces of fried chicken, so they’re easily available and more importantly, LEGAL!)
Storm/Rain Water
(Optional) Cursing sigils
(Optional) A slice/half/whole rotting onion, to represent their health deteriorating
What to do:
STEP 1: Place the peat pot down on your working space. Place the black candle above it and the other candle below it. Light both of the candles. (Be sure to practice fire safety!)
STEP 2: Take the Jack of Spades and write the targets name over the card, as big as you can. (It can be any name you knew them by, their full name, a nickname, their “witch name” if you’re cursing another witch, etc.)
STEP 3: Place the animal bone(s), egg shell powder, and old parsley in the peat pot. Next place the Jack of Spades in. (If you have any cursing sigils, add them here.) Then put in the rotting strawberry and the rotting banana/carrot/peach/red apple. (If you add the onion, do it here.) Sprinkle the black and cayenne pepper over all of it, saying:
“I call upon the forces of dark,
”fulfill the curse, I’ve done my part.
“My reasoning sound, my logic tight,
”bring [TARGET’S NAME] suffering on this night“
STEP 4: Cover the peat pot with another peat pot or a piece of another cut to fit as a lid. (You can draw cursing sigils all over the pot if you so choose to.) Bury it somewhere close, like your garden or backyard. Pour the storm/rain water over the burial site.
STEP 1: Dig up the spot where you planted the peat pot. Try to find what you can of the jar. If it’s been a while, parts of it will have started to decay. Try to find the Jack of Spades. Take it out and rebury the rest.
STEP 2: Cross out the eyes and the hand(s) on the card with a dark colored marker. DO NOT MARK OUT THE NAME OF YOUR TARGET!
STEP 3: Place the card into a fire-safe bowl, and sprinkle a little salt and a little sugar over it.
STEP 4: Light the card on fire and let it burn until it’s nothing but ash. While it’s burning, say the chant:
”The curse is lifted, thus I have said,
“my curse is lifted from off your head.
”But be ye warned, should the need arise,
“I’ll recast the curse, and ruin your life.”
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