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My niece's hair is getting to be about this length, and just the other day she got half seriously asked to never cut her hair. If she should ever somehow find my blog I want her [ and any young girls like her ] to know her natural hair is beautiful, and so is she.
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This child is beautiful! Reblog if you think it’s important to teach young black girls that their natural hair is beautiful.
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Fangoria Nightmare on Elm Street Issues
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It honestly feels like you fished for this scenario in your ass, where your head likely calls home. Like you wanted an example to step in and say killing a Trans person can be acceptable under x and y conditions. Gay Panic and Trans Panic are absolutely inexcusable defenses for murder. In this very fictional situation of supposed rape, they should be made to face justice... And not the vigilante sort.
Fun fact
In 49 I repeat FORTY FUCKING NINE states you can kill a trans person and use the “trans panic defense” as your reason for fucking killing someone like me and IT ACTUALLY WORKS. My life is nothing as long as the person who killed me was scared enough to fucking murder me. Who should really be the scared one here? Marriage equality is great and all but FUCK
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It all sounds fascinating, and I would absolutely love to see it happen.
What kind of fanbase is there for an LGBTQ series?
My girlfriend and I having been working on a series for several years as a hobby. Our series contains an array of lgbt characters. There are loving gay couples, a transgender woman who is prime minister and her underling who is drag queen (referred to as belle’s in our series) who has a loving and supportive wife, and more.
The relationships in our series share the same ideal:  “love without regret” (no matter the gender, race, and/or species. The plot of our series is an original concept that I don’t believe has been done yet.
We are thinking about publishing it, however living in a rural area, we aren’t sure what kind of demand there is for a LGBTQ series.
Without giving too much away, I would describe our series as fantasy, with heavy influences from Greek Mythology, with touches of romance/eroticism. The series begins with a violent revolution on Mount Olympus, killing many of the Greek gods and birthing new, original gods we created. This creates a near-apocalypse on earth (which we refer to as Gaea). The series simultaneously follows the goddess who was responsible for the rebellion, stripped of her powers and banished to Gaea, as she searches for powerful magical items to get revenge on those who wronged her, and the characters of our lead country, who unwittingly get wrapped up in the gods’ struggle for power. This lead country is ruled by the lesbian threesome, referred to as the royal trinity.
There are layers of conflict in the series. The reader will see everything from what the humans and other sentient creatures are doing to survive and create a new world. There’s survival conflict, political conflict, relationship/character conflict, and the overarching conflict of the gods which will span multiple books and human lifetimes.
I know it is rather vague, but we’re too afraid to dole out specifics on a public forum since we haven’t been published yet. Anyway, in my completely biased opinion it is an indepth, fun, fantasy series based on Greek mythology that has many feminist and LGBTQ themes spread throughout it. I hope this gives a better idea of what the books are about.
We’ve spent years writing this, the sexualities of the characters never seemed weird or forced to us. But with that being said, we did go to great lengths to spend time on the characters and how the royal trinity (lesbian threesome) came to be the norm for our main country of focus. We figured a polyamorous lesbian relationship is what would earn us the most resistance.
We are curious as to your thoughts on the subject. What do you think?
10 notes · View notes
It all sounds fascinating, and I would absolutely love to see it happen.
What kind of fanbase is there for an LGBTQ series?
My girlfriend and I having been working on a series for several years as a hobby. Our series contains an array of lgbt characters. There are loving gay couples, a transgender woman who is prime minister and her underling who is drag queen (referred to as belle’s in our series) who has a loving and supportive wife, and more.
The relationships in our series share the same ideal:  “love without regret” (no matter the gender, race, and/or species. The plot of our series is an original concept that I don’t believe has been done yet.
We are thinking about publishing it, however living in a rural area, we aren’t sure what kind of demand there is for a LGBTQ series.
Without giving too much away, I would describe our series as fantasy, with heavy influences from Greek Mythology, with touches of romance/eroticism. The series begins with a violent revolution on Mount Olympus, killing many of the Greek gods and birthing new, original gods we created. This creates a near-apocalypse on earth (which we refer to as Gaea). The series simultaneously follows the goddess who was responsible for the rebellion, stripped of her powers and banished to Gaea, as she searches for powerful magical items to get revenge on those who wronged her, and the characters of our lead country, who unwittingly get wrapped up in the gods’ struggle for power. This lead country is ruled by the lesbian threesome, referred to as the royal trinity.
There are layers of conflict in the series. The reader will see everything from what the humans and other sentient creatures are doing to survive and create a new world. There’s survival conflict, political conflict, relationship/character conflict, and the overarching conflict of the gods which will span multiple books and human lifetimes.
I know it is rather vague, but we’re too afraid to dole out specifics on a public forum since we haven’t been published yet. Anyway, in my completely biased opinion it is an indepth, fun, fantasy series based on Greek mythology that has many feminist and LGBTQ themes spread throughout it. I hope this gives a better idea of what the books are about.
We’ve spent years writing this, the sexualities of the characters never seemed weird or forced to us. But with that being said, we did go to great lengths to spend time on the characters and how the royal trinity (lesbian threesome) came to be the norm for our main country of focus. We figured a polyamorous lesbian relationship is what would earn us the most resistance.
We are curious as to your thoughts on the subject. What do you think?
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It all sounds fascinating, and I would absolutely love to see it happen.
What kind of fanbase is there for an LGBTQ series?
My girlfriend and I having been working on a series for several years as a hobby. Our series contains an array of lgbt characters. There are loving gay couples, a transgender woman who is prime minister and her underling who is drag queen (referred to as belle’s in our series) who has a loving and supportive wife, and more.
The relationships in our series share the same ideal:  “love without regret” (no matter the gender, race, and/or species. The plot of our series is an original concept that I don’t believe has been done yet.
We are thinking about publishing it, however living in a rural area, we aren’t sure what kind of demand there is for a LGBTQ series.
Without giving too much away, I would describe our series as fantasy, with heavy influences from Greek Mythology, with touches of romance/eroticism. The series begins with a violent revolution on Mount Olympus, killing many of the Greek gods and birthing new, original gods we created. This creates a near-apocalypse on earth (which we refer to as Gaea). The series simultaneously follows the goddess who was responsible for the rebellion, stripped of her powers and banished to Gaea, as she searches for powerful magical items to get revenge on those who wronged her, and the characters of our lead country, who unwittingly get wrapped up in the gods’ struggle for power. This lead country is ruled by the lesbian threesome, referred to as the royal trinity.
There are layers of conflict in the series. The reader will see everything from what the humans and other sentient creatures are doing to survive and create a new world. There’s survival conflict, political conflict, relationship/character conflict, and the overarching conflict of the gods which will span multiple books and human lifetimes.
I know it is rather vague, but we’re too afraid to dole out specifics on a public forum since we haven’t been published yet. Anyway, in my completely biased opinion it is an indepth, fun, fantasy series based on Greek mythology that has many feminist and LGBTQ themes spread throughout it. I hope this gives a better idea of what the books are about.
We’ve spent years writing this, the sexualities of the characters never seemed weird or forced to us. But with that being said, we did go to great lengths to spend time on the characters and how the royal trinity (lesbian threesome) came to be the norm for our main country of focus. We figured a polyamorous lesbian relationship is what would earn us the most resistance.
We are curious as to your thoughts on the subject. What do you think?
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My legacy on this Hellsite is going to be Space Girlfriends who can't stop touching.
And I'm okay with that.
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trying to prove a point to the boys at school
reblog this if you believe trans men are real men like this if you dont
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If you spew vitrol at an oppressed group while defending another, you are doing it wrong.
This goes for anything. You can't uplift:
LGBT+ while being racist.
A race [ Native/Indigenous, Black, Mexican, Asian, etc. ] while being homophobic/transphobic.
One race while being anti toward another.
Transgender people while being homophobic/lesbophic.
Bisexuals while being panphobic.
Gays/Lesbians while being acephobic.
Gays/Lesbians while being transphobic.
Transgender people while being against Cis.
Gays while being lesphobic.
Lesbians while being homophobic.
Pansexuals while being biphobic.
Asexuals while being homophobic.
Non binaries while being misogynistic.
Men while being misogynistic.
Trans men while being transmisogynistic.
Trans women while being transmisandric[?]
Disabled people while being racist/homophobic/transphobic/etc.
And though it is going to make some of you lose your shit...
Women while being misandric, or whatever the word would be. I'll be the first to admit that the world is full of horrible men, but this is not due to the nature of the gender. It's because of the toxic masculinity society has shoved at us for ages. Something we're only now really getting to change, but we can't do that if little boys only hear how the privileges they didn't ask for make them automatically a monster. Teach them that they can be better people, just as we should be teaching our girls they aren't inferior, but equal to boys. And just as we should be teaching the people that are both, neither, in between that they are as valid as males and females.
In short... Don't try to stand up for one by putting down others. That is just going to make you look like a dick and potentially cause more harm than help.
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This comment is befuddling. Please explain how transgender people 'scare' you?
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don’t listen to simple minded, hypocritical motherfuckers
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[ Warning: Potentially Uncomfortable Subjects Ahead. ]
It is taking conscious effort for me to not start a fight.
If you know me, you know I do not do drama and I do not waste my breath on Chaff... But after seeing someone purposely misgender Zander, use his birth name instead of his real one, and spew incoherent toxicity–on his suicide letter, no less–you can fucking bet I'm prepared to verbally fillet this person. He spent the majority of his life in an abusive space, the very least he deserves is some peace now. Not to be disrespected and unable to defend himself or correct this person, who is so determined to push their narrative while thinly veiling themselves as someone who gives a damn and showing concern for Zander's mother.
On the one hand, I don't want to be vague; I want to call this childish asshole out for being at the bottom of the human cesspool. And yet, on the other, I don't want to get into any fights or draw T+E+R+F attention to this person and give them yet another mascot to cheer on their awful cause.
So, gonna hop offline. I need to get away from this site for a little bit and go do something productive. Message me if something needs tagging and I'll do so if I feel it reasonable.
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Flore Maquin
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My new favorite quote lol
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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On December 1st, 1955, a woman worked all day and just wanted to go home. At around 6 p.m. local time, Rosa Parks got on a city bus finally ready for the last leg of her long day, sitting near the front of an almost empty bus.
As the bus made it’s stops, the bus slowly began filling up. As this started happening, white people who were standing due to not being able to find a seat started to question why a “colored” person was able to sit but not the white folk.
The bus driver (who several years earlier left Rosa Parks in the rain at a bus stop because she was African American) intervened and gestured in her direction to move up on out of the seat. The black man next to her moved, but the only moving Miss Parks did was scooting over to the window seat
After constant harassment and threats to call the police, the bus driver did just that, and Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus. Upon being arrested she asked the officer, “why do you push us around”? The officer replied “I don’t know, but the laws the law and you’re under arrest”. This quote highlights the amount if deep seeded ignorance that’s absolutely still prevalent today.
When the president of the Montgomery chapter of the NAACP (the national association for the advancement of colored people) got wind of this, he found the story to be a perfect example of the resonating frustrations African Americans were dealing with when it came to Jim Crowe laws.
Rosa Parks experience that happened 63 years ago today would go on to spark the Montgomery bus boycotts, one of the most effective peaceful protests in the country’s history. Thousands of people refused to ride the bus, hitting the city and transit systems financially, and effectively ended segregation on buses. This would be the blueprint for future Civil Rights movements.
“I only knew that, as I was being arrested, that it was the very last time that I would ever ride in humiliation of this kind….”
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regency era or victorian era? tailcoat or hooded cloak? flintlock pistol or broadsword? scarab beetle or luna moth? bog phantom or cemetery spirit? lighthouse or candelabra? paper cut or tender bruise? the quiet before or after a storm?
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