charliesdragon · 3 years
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charliesdragon · 3 years
Well, the highlight of it was Dean getting pie to the face.
Having seen the brothers say goodbye to each other as one of them is dying fifteen times before really takes the gravitas out of it, and I really felt like I had heard it all before.
The montage of Sam’s life was... painfully cliché. 
Not quite as painful as the second version of Carry On My Wayward Son, though.
All in all it just tried to wrap up things that didn’t need wrapping up and felt entirely unnecessary. It would have been better to just leave it open after episode 19 and let people imagine whatever they wanted.
Well, we can always just ignore that episode 20 exists, which is what I’m going to do.
I only learnt now, ten months later, that the episode where Jack becomes God is not the last episode of Supernatural.
There’s one more after it, for whatever reason.
In my opinion they could have left it open-ended with Sam and Dean just riding into the sunset, it was a good and hopeful ending, but apparently that wasn’t good enough…
Anyway, I’m going to watch it now even though I’ve heard it’s a trainwreck.
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charliesdragon · 3 years
I only learnt now, ten months later, that the episode where Jack becomes God is not the last episode of Supernatural.
There’s one more after it, for whatever reason.
In my opinion they could have left it open-ended with Sam and Dean just riding into the sunset, it was a good and hopeful ending, but apparently that wasn’t good enough...
Anyway, I’m going to watch it now even though I’ve heard it’s a trainwreck.
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charliesdragon · 3 years
very cool how the gender binary in the emerging trad terf synthesis is like, there are two genders, the one that does bad things and the one that bad things are done to. the only thing in the world is immorality and it flows from unexperiencing agents to unacting experiencers.
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charliesdragon · 4 years
Things about journalism that tumblr never seems to grasp
Headlines have to be as streamline as possible. Aka, they can’t include names unless the article is about a well-known public figure.
Those “water is wet” articles do more then explain what you already know, they’re providing evidence and sources that support/explain what you already know.
Oh my god, there’s information after the headline.
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charliesdragon · 4 years
so i know plenty of you unspoken hero’s have managed to stick around watching supernatural every week & keeping the show running, but has anyone else awoken after years of not caring about the show to find destiel trending on twitter and have caught up to the season and are now spiraling through tumblr, twitter, & youtube and staying up until 3 AM reading smut on AO3. that just me? I thought I left this shit behind in my teen years but I am unemployed due to covid so I have so much free time on my hands and now all I can do all day is think about and digest as much shit about destiel as i possible fucking can. i’m so scared coming back for the finale will be a mistake.
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charliesdragon · 4 years
Spoilers for Supernatural season 15 ending!
I just had a dream that tried to fix some of the things that wasn’t answered in episode 19 after Chuck was defeated and Jack became the new God. That’s how big of a loose thread they left, it invaded my subconscience.
In my dream, an emissary of Heaven came to ask Dean what he wanted, anything in the power of Heaven, and Dean asked for him and Sam to be made angels, “With the wings and everything, yeah?” 
But he also went “Cas! Cas! Cas!”
The emissary told him to relax, he had two wishes to use either way, he could have both.
The angel that was in charge of newbie angels arrived in the form of Wednesday Addams. (If the whole Dorothy and Oz thing can be real, Wednesday Addams can be an angel vessel...) She told him it took an eternity for a new angel to earn their wings, literally an eternity, but I also got the feeling that was a set time frame for the angels, X hundreds or thousands of years.
But what about Cas? Wednesday explained that after the transfer of power from Chuck to Jack, nothing could be brought back from the Empty, but Castiel had been released as energy and was now part of the power/energy of Heaven. Insert some glowy effect to illustrate said power.
Dean looked sad about that, because it’s pretty far from having Cas back, and even while dreaming I thought it wasn’t a satisfactory ending, but at least they addressed what had happened to Cas. And the idea of Dean and Sam as angels is amusing, they’ve tried being just about everything else, so why not?
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charliesdragon · 4 years
I stan gay angels in a long coat who are hated by heaven and protective over humanity, and if you don't, you should
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charliesdragon · 4 years
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charliesdragon · 4 years
I made this video for TikTok, but might as well share it on all my social media.
Essential tremor is mostly harmless, but annoying at times. I get by fine, medicines help, and I usually use big glasses and cups and don’t fill them to the brim to avoid spilling, I chose that glass specifically because I knew I would spill.
Shaky hands is not a normal part of aging, or anything, if it’s interfering with your life, it’s worth talking to a doctor about it.
Feel free to spread the word, since essential tremor is not well-known about despite being one of the most common movement disorders.
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charliesdragon · 4 years
OK so this isn’t so much a problem on this site* but I see this on live streaming and occasionally when I pop into a larger discord (before leaving because overwhelmed) and I want to remind everyone that the echos, that is, three parentheses around a word or a name…(((tortoise)))…for example
is an antisemitic dog whistle. 
It is used by right wingers, usually Nazis and their ilk, to indicate that a name/person in question is Jewish or that something is related to the Jewish conspiracy 
A few Jews do use it in their twitter handles because like, a slur I guess, it’s something we can reclaim but I don’t recommend doing it unless you’re very openly Jewish because it’s just confusing and freaks people out 
a pretty easy to spot example:
Post: X company lost millions of dollars in revenue that year
Person retweeting post: I bet the (((banks))) were involved 
Person: I wonder if (((Darwin))) was behind this
(Uh, Darwin as in me  not the evolution guy)
It’s not a joke, it’s not random or abstract or clever
like literally every other signal Nazis use it’s just annoying as fuck 
And if you’re a gentile who knowingly uses it because a Jew told you not to or you think it’s “ironic” or edgy or whatever
It’s a hate symbol and it can be legitimately alarming to see 
fine I don’t fucking care but just don’t whine when people think you’re a Nazi or something similar
source here from the ADL
*usually when people do it on this sight it’s legit Nazi apologists who know exactly what they’re doing or occasionally very explicitly Jewish people doing it as a joke 
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charliesdragon · 4 years
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charliesdragon · 4 years
I have a theory Jack will be the new Death. He made that plant in the silo die just by trying to touch it, he definitely has powers of some kind, and that’s why Billie wanted to keep him after resurrecting him.
I saw another theory that Jack will be the new God, and why not.
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charliesdragon · 4 years
Me: I need to work on Willow.
Also me: what if Sam and Dean were aurors? Sam was a Ravenclaw and Dean was a gryffindor. They are good at their job. They took Vixen in and Vixen got along great with Dean and annoyed Sam. What if...
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I dont want to expand on this but I'm more than likely going to anyway because I love the Winchesters so much
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charliesdragon · 4 years
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Their story started and ended with Cas’s handprint on Dean’s arm.
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charliesdragon · 4 years
Dean Winchester, trying to literally outrun Death.
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charliesdragon · 4 years
Oh, so the thing to take down the Big Bad will actually just make things worse.
It’s not like we’ve seen that 15 times before...
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