charmandersims · 7 days
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I'm screaming look what my sister sent me 💀💀
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charmandersims · 14 days
Wait it's not just the eggplant juice that does anything? Mind blown!
Did anyone else know that the juices you can make with produce and the juicer in Seasons gives cool hidden gameplay effects? It doesn't outright tell you, but here's a good list from The Sims Wiki about it.
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charmandersims · 16 days
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And thanks so much to all you guys for working together to help me with my CC problems, the Sims 2 community is great <3
@sushigal007 @episims @goingsimcrazy - Great big thank you <3
i think the items might be zz_extracted_bg_vegankaktus.package? if not it might be the version released by cavernosims, but the download link for that one is dead so i couldn’t tell you what the exact file name would be.
This was it!! Thanks so much!!
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charmandersims · 17 days
i think the items might be zz_extracted_bg_vegankaktus.package? if not it might be the version released by cavernosims, but the download link for that one is dead so i couldn’t tell you what the exact file name would be.
This was it!! Thanks so much!!
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charmandersims · 21 days
Reblogging a third time because I want to delete or hide them BUT I can't figure out how. Save a sleep-deprived simmer with some ideas please (and I may share fun things soon? who knows, life is a whirlwind)
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A while ago I downloaded these extracted items as like clutter, and now I can't find where I downloaded them from, or what they're called, or anything.
Help my past self out - WCIF these, or where did I find them...
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charmandersims · 1 month
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Being a Huckleberry comes with certain responsibilities and expectations, but Lesley's determined to experience life on her own before taking Olivia's place as head of the Huckleberry household.
It took a little convincing, but after a tearful goodbye and a promise to return (and to host plenty of family dinners), Lesley signs a lease for an apartment in Copperhead City. Her first order of business?
Rocking out.
Watch out, world. Lesley Huckleberry's on the rise 🔥
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charmandersims · 1 month
Self-reblog in case anyone has any ideas because I am stumped!
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A while ago I downloaded these extracted items as like clutter, and now I can't find where I downloaded them from, or what they're called, or anything.
Help my past self out - WCIF these, or where did I find them...
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charmandersims · 2 months
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A while ago I downloaded these extracted items as like clutter, and now I can't find where I downloaded them from, or what they're called, or anything.
Help my past self out - WCIF these, or where did I find them...
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charmandersims · 3 months
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I won't tag anyone until I've done this (or at the very least generated an idea with these prompts) - but I'm very happy with this nature/rainbow theme
⚠️Simblr challenge idea ⚠️
(probably someone has done it already, i don't know, but if that's the case, you have a big brain and I'm gonna do it too)
go to this generator and get 4 random emojis
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Now open your game and take a screenie with that vibe in mind!
I'd love to see a build based on it, an edit of ur oc, a scenery screenie... Everything is fine as long as it fits the vibe (we do everything for the vibe here)
I'm tagging literally everyone who reads this because i make the rules 🫶
Anyway i just want to see what people do with this bc this community is so creative so... I'm waiting 👀 you can use the tag #SimojiChallenge if u want 🧡 and feel free to tag me so i see it
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charmandersims · 3 months
New Uberhood Update #6
More wholesome. We need it.
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Consort realised he wasn't getting any younger, and decided it was time to get hitched again. The lucky lady...
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Jessica Peterson, former wife of Armand DeBateau and younger than some of his own children.
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But they've got a lot in common and Jessica is thrilled to be the new Mrs Capp (because while Consort wasn't a Capp initially, why throw away the name that's brought him all his business success)
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She's also bringing out his youthful side, even if the gardener will always despair - she is having a grand old time.
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charmandersims · 3 months
Potentially stupid question but I'm tired and me answers and Google is not helping - can sims gain badges on unowned community lots? And if not, is there a mod to give them that power?
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charmandersims · 5 months
Reblogging these two because I wanted them earlier for reasons and it took me forever to find them <3
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Introducing Dee (girl) and Desi (boy) Lothario-Huckleberry, also known as what happens when Char gets really really curious after @katatty posts something that makes her wonder what a Don Lothario x Duncan Huckleberry spawn would be like…
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charmandersims · 5 months
New Uberhood Update #5
Not as un-wholesome as number 4, but only only just. Be warned.
This was in the Beaker's round, where as soon as I arrived Nervous decided that Circe was the one for him. Absolutely not.
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Poor Nervous.
Loki's clearly unhappy, so what does he decide to do about this situation?
Here's a clue.
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It does not get better.
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First I was disgusted, but then I decided to lean into it. Loki wants a baby, Circe is not interested while Dora's a family sim, he's an evil scientist so the natural order of things clearly does not apply to him... Do you see where I'm going with this?
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Baby Mildred was born quite happily, but it seems the god's of SimCity were not too impressed with Loki's meddling...
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Circe tried to save him...
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But it wasn't enough.
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I've never had a spouse fail the "plead with grim reaper" action before, so that's new. RIP Loki.
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charmandersims · 7 months
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Tagged by @cindysimblr and @sushigal007 to make a little person here, thanks gang <3 I have very much forgotton tumblr recently (lots going on in the real world) but I haven't forgotton my sims and I will share again soon
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charmandersims · 8 months
And Cassandra, this is a bit rich considering you're basically the reason he died in the first place.
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New Uberhood Update #4
Much less wholesome - be warned.
So we know Don left Cassandra, but Nina's with Vidcund, so what happened to him? Well he stayed in his condo and married Kaylynn Langerak, and everything was going swimmingly...
Until it wasn't.
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RIP Kaylynn.
And things weren't about to get any easier for Don when the nanny set the house on fire.
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Nanny barely escaped with her life, downstairs is ruined, but Don and the baby are fine right. Right?
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See Cassandra is still not over that whole being left at the altar thing, and has been coming over three times a day to kick over the rubbish bin. Leading to roaches. Leading to Don getting the flu. Leading to this.
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Poor little Azalea Lothario, she did not deserve this.
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charmandersims · 8 months
New Uberhood Update #4
Much less wholesome - be warned.
So we know Don left Cassandra, but Nina's with Vidcund, so what happened to him? Well he stayed in his condo and married Kaylynn Langerak, and everything was going swimmingly...
Until it wasn't.
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RIP Kaylynn.
And things weren't about to get any easier for Don when the nanny set the house on fire.
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Nanny barely escaped with her life, downstairs is ruined, but Don and the baby are fine right. Right?
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See Cassandra is still not over that whole being left at the altar thing, and has been coming over three times a day to kick over the rubbish bin. Leading to roaches. Leading to Don getting the flu. Leading to this.
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Poor little Azalea Lothario, she did not deserve this.
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charmandersims · 8 months
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Family Fun Stuff PJs age converted
This is one of my favorite child pjs, and I haven't found an age conversion of it, so I did it! They're for TM, AM, and EM, they have the appropriate morphs. They come in the original 4 colors, and you can choose if you want them standalone, or repo'd + pinned to the game files. In case of the latter, the Family Fun Stuff SP is required! :)
Download FFS PJs Repo'd - Alternate
Download FFS PJs Standalone - Alternate
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