#law of consciousness
keanotte · 3 days
Dare to assume
Go to bed and dare to assume you are now who you want to be. Fall asleep assuming it is true and you will be on the road to success. This is how things are brought into being.
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hot girl stuff
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kissablecupcake · 16 days
“Can I manifest xyz-“ Yes.
“How long does it take to-“ however long you want.
“But I don’t see any progress!!” Because you are focused on the 3d, the 3d is a reflection of your beliefs. If you believe you see no progress, you won’t.
“Then how do I change my beliefs?!?” By simply deciding that it’s changed, and persisting in the fact that it has.
If you believe that it’ll take 3 days to manifest xyz, it will.
If you believe it’s impossible, it is.
If you believe it IS possible, then the 3d will have no other choice than to conform.
It’s your choice.
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itz-autumn · 8 months
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Source: Pinterest
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eamour · 1 month
dwelling on the past.
manifestation, or in other words entering a new state by leaving the old one, requires for you to accept a new story for yourself. it asks us to let go of the undesirable conceptions of ourselves we once believed to be true. how is it that we can still find it hard to do so? why is it so challenging to choose new, favourable concepts?
inner resistance.
the answer is simple: it’s called resistance. resistance, or to feel resistant towards something, means to refuse to accept or comply with something. it’s the ability not to be affected by a something specific.
usually, this inner resistance comes from a place of fear. feeling uncertain and being unable to conceptualise a different life that we are not familiar with yet makes us feel uncomfortable. we also might start to assume that it’s too much that we are asking for, that we might me undeserving of it or need to do something physically first in order to earn it. remaining in a place we are already in, a place we already know — no matter how desirable or unwanted it may be — gives us a safety net and provides us with comfort.
being conscious.
the law of assumption, in other words, is a law of consciousness. time doesn’t exist linearly and we can only ever experience consciousness. what this means is that neither the past nor the future exist, only the present moment does, and so only our present conceptions of self.
"thoughts of the past do not recede but precede in our future." — edward art.
dwelling on the past and what once was means to become reaware of being that version of yourself in the NOW. by remembering something unpleasant, you are reliving that experience and push out that exact concept of yourself.
letting go.
let a phase of life come to and end. finish it. cut all ties with the old story and who you have been and what you used to have or not have. i promise, you don’t need to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago. you don’t have to be them, feel what they felt, assume what they assumed, know what they knew, believe what they believed, think what they thought, …
moving forward.
it’s time to change your path and to redirect yourself. you can create a new beginning and freshly start over. you can do it WHENEVER and WHEREVER you want. you can assume a new story for yourself and not ask anyone for permission or allowance. you don’t need to beg anyone for forgiveness and you definitely don’t need anyone to accept it. you don’t need anyone to validate your new story, BUT you. embody it in the mind first and see its expression unfold right in front of your eyes.
with love, ella.
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alilarew23 · 1 month
the law is always operating whether you’re experiencing what you want or not, so if you’ve been trying and trying and trying for months and all you’re experiencing is your own trying (and probably frustration/exhaustion), it’s time to stop.
before you throw hands, don’t worry, i’m not gonna tell you to give up on what you want. you’re meant to have it, you already do have it, you just need to operate from the state of fulfilled desire. so, let me help.
your “biggest” desire(s) materialized 30 minutes ago. you were fUcKiNg StOkEd, as you should be 🤭, powerful one, and then the excitement settled, and now you feel……………….
oop, yeah, all the manifesting stress skress is gonzo.
you no longer “have to” affirm or listen to subs or do SATS or any of that other stuff.
and of course you’re thinking about whatever you manifested, but instead of thinking of it as ~~~out there~~~ it’s now……………..
in your physical realm.
(which is still just consciousness, but whatever).
point is, you’re thinking about it like it’s here.
which it has been all along.
so, tell me, truly, what are your thoughts?
i love (SP) so much. i’m so relieved we are back together.
fuck i really needed that 1,000 bucks. now i can pay rent/put it toward buying my dog.
jk just manifest the dog lol. lord knows i’mma get my hound.
oooohhh baby! ya girl got hired, as she SHOULD. 💋 now it’s time to go get some fire office attire.
you get the idea. you’re thinking from your desire instead of of it.
that’s all that’s required to experience what you want!
so, do that. enter the state of fulfilled desire. whatever feelings/thoughts naturally arise are the “right” feelings/thoughts—because they’re natural, not forced—and otherwise, you just chill. live your life. be the coolest, kindest, most badass version of yourself.
and simply allow what’s already yours to materialize so fast.
now, you might feel a little fear at first, because there’s no way it can be this simple, but, 1) i promise it is this simple, and 2) it’s fine to feel fear. you can feel fear and still experience what you want! you can also look fear in the face and giggle because you know you’re the operant power, and, as within, so without, so like—what’s a silly mind-body sensation got on ya? nothing, that’s what. and, my favorite, you can transmute fear into excitement/gratitude.
but what if it doesn’t happen 😣😣😣 —> it already did happen! let’s goooooooooo 🤸🏻‍♂️
mmmmk. that’s what i’ve got for ya.
always here to help if you need it, but you probably need less help than you think you do.
you’re so goddamn powerful. know it. be it.
you want it? it’s done.
already written.
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multiversebaddie · 10 months
Be Your Own Teacher
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Disclaimer: I know I follow the law of consciousness/nondualism but I need you to hear me out. I know I used to follow Neville Goddard's and Edward Art's teachings but I have evolved and changed even though I still hold a lot of respect for them.
Words are all an illusion: awareness, consciousness, imagination, etc....they are not real. We are something that is indescribable, nameless, and formless. We transcend beyond such concepts and words, even "nondualism, law of consciousness (aka law of assumption), law of attraction, etc." We are IT the ultimate wordless intelligence. Words such as "consciousness" and "nondualism" etc are the closest things that describe who and what we are in our core beings but not even these words can truly describe what we are. The main goal of my page is for every single one of you to transcend all "concepts," "teachers," "methods," and "teachings." So many of you put teachers such as Neville Goddard, Edward Art, Sammy Ingram, and even bloggers on a pedestal and that isn't good. It isn't good because you are giving your power away to other people, as the creators and ultimate operant powers of your own reality. This isn't Neville's, Sammy's, Edward's, or even my reality. IT IS YOUR REALITY! There is no such thing as an "ultimate truth" or "method" for manifesting/reality shifting, as the ultimate creator of your reality you decide every single aspect of your reality, not Neville, Sammy, Edward, etc...Stop listening to people to find an "ultimate truth" or "method" don't even listen to me or other bloggers on this community, find your own truth as the creator of your reality. There is literally no "objective truth" everything is subjective based on your beliefs and whatever you are conscious of. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to do anything, it all boils down to YOU and what you decide is "right" or "wrong" because you are the creator of your reality. You can listen to other teachers but don't solely rely on them, only take what you resonate with most and leave the rest. I will never tell you if you are doing anything "wrong" or "right" or what you can or can't manifest because it all boils down to you and whatever you decide. YOU ARE YOUR OWN TEACHER, CONCEPT, METHOD, ETC BECAUSE YOU ARE THE OPERANT CREATOR OF YOUR REALITY SO ONLY DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT TO YOU. DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE ELSE WHO TRIES TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR REALITY, NOT THERE'S! Everything is consciousness, and we are all One Consciousness, so whatever you create as consciousness is "right" no matter what, because everything comes from us as Consciousness and as Consciousness everything is possible. We are limitless and infinite, there are no such thing as "can't" or "impossible." For example: you want to affirm and persist to manifest? Script? Visualise? Believe in the 3D vs 4D (or not)? Do the raven method to reality shift? Want to snap your fingers and just reality shift on command like that? Guess what you can do all of those things because you are CONSCIOUS of the fact that you can do it since we are all Consciousness as our truest Being. Don't listen to anyone else, not me, Neville, Edward, Sammy, etc who tells you otherwise because this is your reality to decide everything and anything, not us. Be your own teacher, concept, method, etc.
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dreamlifebunny · 10 months
manifestation ideas: revising the past
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revision is a beautiful, life-affirming part of the law of assumption that reminds us that nothing is to be feared, because everything is changeable at all times. i ignored revision for so long in the beginning of my loass journey because i was afraid it was "too illogical" (classic), but after testing it last year it became one of the most healing things i've ever done for myself! you can find posts on revision all over tumblr, reddit, and most importantly, in this reading by neville. (let it be known that this post references bullying and abuse if you'd rather skip this - keep yourself safe!)
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you can revise that you never watched your favourite tv/movies, read your favourite books, or listened to your favourite albums so that you get to experience them all over again for the first time!
nobody remembers any embarrassing or cringey moments that you have had (because they didn't happen!) or better yet, any of these moments have been revised to be happy and fun moments.
any former rejections have been revised; job offers, school offers, grants and applications have now all been accepted!
your family has been revised to be your absolute dream family; full of love, abundance, fun family adventures, togetherness and connection, support, and kindness. you can also revise your past so that you've always had younger or older siblings, if you grew up an only child and wanted siblings.
former bullies from school or work have come back to genuinely apologize for the hurt that they have brought you and offer reconciliation in whatever way you desire, whether that is publicly; in front of your school/colleagues, in a heartfelt letter expressing their regret, with an insane e-transfer of money (hehe), or any other desired way. either way, you get to see the regret that they feel and know that they have changed and wish they never hurt you (you can do this with abusers as well, if you feel comfortable with it - you never have to see those people again if you'd prefer they don't contact you to apologize, or you can revise it so that you never met them or never experienced them that way)
your loved one's pains or hurts can be revised so that they never happened.
you can revise your memories so that you have always experienced your family and loved ones in positive ways, or you can make it so that you remember the past and now get to experience the beautiful present!
didn't like the way a show or film ended? revise the ending so that your dream conclusion happened!
you can revise that your SP has been in love with you from the start!
your previous manifestation attempts that "failed" have been revised so that your desires came true, and your previous void state attempts that "failed" have been revised so that you already entered the void, and can now enter at any time!
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iamthat-iam · 10 months
There is no "outer world" 🌍
It is a habit to take what you see in front of you as real. Since you were born, you were taught 'you are a body-with a mind-living in a world.' You were taught that only things you experience with the 5 human senses are "real."
So you go through life as this person dealing with unfavorable circumstances, until you discover consciousness manifestation. You're excited, you think "so I DO have control over what happens around me!" Despite always being taught that you don't.
You do methods to strive and get things, because you want to experience them in the "3D" because you've always believed it was REAL. It's not real unless it's in the "3D." Then you are told that whatever you imagine and whatever you see with your eyes is no different, nothing is "real" in the sense that you were taught. That means whatever you imagine RIGHT NOW exists NOW and is in your direct experience NOW.
But many of you aren't able to grasp that because you still think you're living in a world that is OUTSIDE of you. You still go "but, is it gonna materialize? When will it materialize?" The statement "everything is inside you" is meant to be taken LITERALLY! It doesn't mean inside of the body, or the mind. As Consciousness, you literally encompass all bodies, minds, the world, universe, and so much more. It's indescribable, what you truly are, it's infinite. There's no waiting for things to materialize! Get out of the habit of seeing the "physical" world as real, get out of the habit of thinking you've only accomplished your goal when it has "materialized in the physical," get out of the habit of thinking there's ANYTHING outside of you, or seperate from you at all.
You are the ALL, everything is YOURS, accept it NOW!!
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yourmoonie · 12 days
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"I don't want to manifest my sp for another 7 months, how can I speed up my manifestation?"
1st: don't be so 3D oriented
2nd: your 3D will conform based on your own beliefs and assumptions
3rd: You are the one who decides you are the one who decides the timing. You are the one who is the CONSCIOUS selector of YOUR reality. Take your power back.
Methods are just tools, it's YOU who manifests, not the method. Methods can just help you to get into state of the wish fulfilled.
State is the one that produces everything. Your` actions, reactions, thoughts and everything.
So don't brat yourself up over your thoughts or circumstances and just go WITHIN.
Relax and be in the knowing that its yours!
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keanotte · 3 days
When the desire is upon you, that is the perfect time to accept your wish in its fullness. Your 3d being may think it is not real now, but your 4d mind knows it already is. So the desire should be accepted by you as a physical fact now
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deadpearlsinthesea · 10 months
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kissablecupcake · 1 month
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(valentino spring 2004 ready to wear)
step one: decide what you want.
step two: knows its already yours.
step three: persist, persist, persist.
there you go, the law of assumption without overcomplicating stupid crap!!! go back to the basics, and know it's already done. xoxo 💖💋
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itz-autumn · 8 months
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Source: Reddit Originally posted by Solar Subs (YouTube)
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eamour · 7 months
the law of consciousness.
it's called the "law of assumption" — but why? i mean, there are many other words you could be using instead of "assumption". for example "law of identification", "law of knowing" or "law of embodiment", etc. because all of these words, including "assumption" explain the same thing — the mental acts of manifesting.
the meaning of assuming.
according to neville, to "assume it real" means to accept it — your desires — to be real. it means to have them in imagination, to experience them there, to be who you want to be, to be fully identify with that version of yourself, to occupy the state of mind of that person, to embody them in consciousness, to become them mentally.
identification with imagination.
i already gave it away but all of this takes place within, in your mind. you don’t assume to have it in the outer world or pretend to own it physically, but really only have it in your inner world — imagination. here‘s the thing, whatever you do in imagination and accept to be the truth there has to manifest. it cannot choose not to. it projects it into the world instantly. and you make this happen by not intervening or interacting with the 3D, and by not letting it define yourself in Imagination.
continued controlled consciousness.
you manifest, not by imagining or thinking of something once — or in other words, single thoughts that have not been internalised — thoughts that you have not fully become aware of — do not manifest. those are vain statements. they are empty. you didn't accept them in the first place. what does actually manifest is not only entering a state once but doing it as often as possible by returning to it (if you tend to "slip out of it" or continuously remaining there, making it your dwelling state. once you identify with it, it manifests!
disclaimer · many people just "decide" that they have their desire and it manifests. deciding or rather affirming once is also a form of accepting/assuming something to be true. you become aware of having it (you enter the state) and go on with your day, knowing you have it (staying in the state). that's also a way of being continuously conscious of something.
with love, ella.
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alilarew23 · 2 months
give up the undesired state
if you give up the lack of your SP in your life, and you give up trying to get your SP, you have your SP, right?
if you give up your illness, and you give up trying to heal your illness, you’re well, right?
right. so if you’ve been struggling for some time, instead of trying to do more to get yourself into your desired state, just give up the undesired state(s).
seriously, try it, right now. give up, and tell me what you’re left with.
that desired person, or thing, or body or whatever in consciousness.
and your physical world simply is a mirror or projection of your state of consciousness, so…yeah.
easy, right?
simplify, simplify.
love you guys 🫶🏼
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