chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
Avery was scared and excited about the whole thing. She was feeling such an array of feelings that she was too nervous to even look at the pregnancy test. What if she wasn’t pregnant? What if she just got her hopes up too high and she was going to be met with disappointment? What if she got her husband excited for no reason and she wasn’t even pregnant? All these things were running through her head as she waited. Looking at her husband when he reassured her that he wanted this and held her hand, Avery kissed the top of his hand before sighing and nodding her head. “What happens if we aren’t pregnant?” she asked, chewing on her bottom lip and casting a glance at her phone, waiting for it to beep. “We get to keep trying right?” she asked, looking at him and waiting for confirmation. “I want another baby. We get to try for another one right?” Avery wanted this. No matter what the outcome was, she wanted at least one more baby before they stopped having kids. Avery was ready and she knew that Chaz was also ready to welcome another baby. Jumping when her phone finally buzzed, Avery quickly turned it off before walking to the pregnancy test. She sucked in a sharp breath and looked at it with wide eyes, her heart pounding at the two lines indicating that she was pregnant. Her heart was overwhelmed with joy and her eyes starting to sting. “Babe,” she whispered, turning to him with a huge grin and handing him the stick
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“Oh, baby,” he said softly, hands on her cheeks as he looked into her eyes. “Of course. Of course we’ll keep trying. I want this. You want this. We both want this.” Chaz leaned in and kissed her lovingly on the lips before pulling back and pressing their foreheads together. “If it’s not happening now, we’ll keep trying until it does. I promise.” Not that Chaz didn’t have any faith that she wasn’t pregnant now. All the signs were there and he’d gone through this twice before to know pregnant Avery pretty well, but just in case, he knew now more than ever he was ready to further grow his family with his wife. Better yet that they both wanted to do this. He gave her a kiss on her forehead, his chest tightening so much with anxiety that it almost hurt. He was nervous that the test would come up false and he was anxious to know already. Chaz reached over, grabbing his wife’s hand as the two of them waited in silence. Until they both jumped at the sound of her phone buzzing loudly, the sound echoing in their bathroom. Their hands separated as she quickly went to grab the pregnancy test. Chaz’s eyes remained on her, looking at her face to see what it could possibly be. He was practically holding his breath until finally, he saw that big grin on her face, knowing it could possibly only mean one thing. Swallowing thickly, his shaky hand reached over to grab the test before his own smile lit up his face. “We’re having a baby!” he exclaimed, rushing over to grab Avery and pick her up, spinning her around in his excitement. “Aves, we’re having another baby.” Putting her down, he cradled her face between his hands and kissed her over and over again, the happiness glowing off of him.
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
@chazhoo left a comment on your photo:
I love you all so so much.
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@averyhoo uploaded a photo to Instagram
Happy Father’s Day to the coolest and most loving father in the whole damn world. Our children are lucky. I’m lucky to have you as my partner-in-crime and husband. Thank you for everything that you’ve given us and everything that you sacrificed for us.
♥ 131 — ✎ 27
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
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@chazhoo uploaded a photo to Instagram.
What can I say? I love being a father. My children mean the world to me and I’m the luckiest dad on this father’s day.
♥ 649 — ✎ 487
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
[ x ] When it came to their children, it had never been something they outright planned. They’d talk about having more children after Bridget and then Henry happened. And sometimes they’d make a brief comment about wanting another one once they were more settled and then well, here they were, waiting for the pregnancy stick to tell them whether or not they were going to have another little Hoo running around. It may not have been planned, but the unexpected pregnancies were always welcomed. Things were going good now with the new restaurant and they did have a bigger place here in Santa Monica than they did in New York. Without even realizing it, they were ready to have another child and Chaz would be lying if he said he didn’t want this. He was more than excited and anxious over the results. “In hindsight, there have been some signs. Like the things you’ve been craving lately - the things you ask me to make you - have been things you usually ate with Bridget or Henry. But... I don’t want to get my hopes up. Because... I want this.” He walked up to his wife and held her hand. “I want another baby with you.”
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Waiting in the bathroom nervously, Avery started to bite her nails as she looked at her husband. Anyone who knew Avery knew that she wasn’t the type of person to bite her nails, but right now, she was too scared and too nervous. She wanted this so badly. Avery was ready to have another baby. Now that they were settled in their home, Henry was was older now and Chaz’s restaurant was doing better than ever, Avery felt like she was ready to have a baby with Chaz. Of course they never discussed it further than waiting until they were more settled but she knew her husband and she knew him well. She knew that he wanted at least one more child so she knew that if she was pregnant, this would be a very much welcomed thing. “What do you think?” she asked, looking at Chaz and sighing. “Do you think we’re pregnant?” x
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
It’d been too long since she was intimate with her husband like this and Avery missed it. Sure, there were times where they had a very, very quick quickie but that was the extent of their intimacy after having Henry. Between Bridget being able to enter their room and Henry crying, the two of them rarely had time for each other that way. Shivering at the feel of his lips on her back, Avery gasped and closed her eyes before then placing her hand on the cold, wet tile and shivering. “Babe,” she muttered and craned her head to look back at him. Moving so that she was now facing him, Avery grinned and pulled him closer to her, wanting his body pressed against her. She missed this. She missed the slow touching, the way things used to be. She’d never trade her children for anything as they meant the world to her but Avery did miss getting to just take her time with her husband. Shivering at the feel of the cold tiles against her back, Avery’s eyes fluttered closed and she let out a soft moan. Now that she was able to just let her guard down, Avery threw all abandon into the air and allowed herself to be completely lost in Chaz’s touches. Hearing him say he needed her caused her to grow even wetter, the thought of finally getting to have Chaz and taking their time getting to her. “Please,” she begged, opening her eyes and looking at him with lust before her hand moved down his body. Avery gasped, her lips parting at the feel of his thumb teasing her nipple before she then grasped the base of his shaft slowly and pumping him. “I need you too. This has been a long time coming.”
A shaky almost involuntary moan was released from Chaz’s lips when he felt his wife’s hand on his length. It hadn’t taken him that long to feel the blood pumping between his legs, what with seeing Avery naked and just the general atmosphere of it all. Just knowing that he was about to have her soon in such an intimate setting was enough to get him going. Grabbing Avery’s wrist, he quickly spun her around and pressed her breasts against the shower wall. His limp cock became gradually harder and began to slide up between his wife’s legs. While kissing the back of her neck, he grabbed her ass cheeks and lifted them up a little. Doing this caused his cock to settle between her plump pussy lips, spreading them slightly so that he could feel her erect clit rubbing against the top of his shaft. He stood there with his feet together, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. It made his length roll back and forth, her clit flicking to one side then the other. “I can’t wait to have you like I haven’t had you in so long,” he whispered into her ear. He continued to tease her pussy while one hand reached her breast. The water made her skin slippier and smoother and he noticed how hard it made her nipples. Chaz pinched it, flicked it, and caressed it. Meanwhile his free hand went towards her clit, his index finger slowly rubbing it. At this point, he was teasing Avery from all angles, hoping this was making her just as desperate for him as he was for her. Nibbling on her ear, he made sure to keep his actions going, even going a little faster. “Tell me how you want me. Tell me how you’ve been fantasizing about me inside you.”
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
@chazhoo left a comment on your photo:
It was all Bridget. She orchestrated everything with her clipboard. Even dressed Henry because she wanted her mom to have the best Mother’s Day
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@averyhoo uploaded a photo to Instagram
My sweet babies have surprised me with this lovely present. @chazhoo, thank you for giving me the greatest gifs in the world. Thank you to my babies for making Mother’s Day a second birthday.
♥ 172 — ✎ 48
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
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@chazhoo uploaded a photo to Instagram.
On this day, I’m always grateful to have the best most beautiful woman be not only my wife, but the mother to my beautiful, beautiful children. Happy Mother’s Day, you crazy love of my life. Thank you for being the best mother.
♥ 223 — ✎ 178
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
Hearing Chaz’s reassurances, Avery felt more confident in their decision. The children meant the world to Chaz, Avery knew that he was taking this just as seriously as she was so with his blessing, Avery felt more at ease with their decision to hire the British nanny. As nervous as she was in trusting a stranger with their children, Avery knew that this was necessary. A part of their livelihood required Chaz to travel and Avery needed to be there with him and as much as she loved her children, constantly surrounded by them twenty-four seven was exhausting. She needed a break from them, to feel like an adult and to be a wife. Avery was desperate to be alone with Chaz away from the crying and the chance Bridget would interrupt them. Looking at her daughter’s pleading eyes, AVery knew that there was no way she was going to be able to say ‘no’ to her. “You’re so cute,” she whispered to her daughter, kissing the little girl’s forehead. “It’s a yes, baby, it’s a yes,” she confirmed, grabbing her daughter’s waist and lifting her up on her lap and pretending to eat her daughter’s chubby cheeks. “Babe, can you bring Henry here? I think she should be celebrating with us, don’t you think?” Bridget looked up at her father pleadingly, afraid that Henry would be left out. “Please, Daddy, please? Henry has to be here with us!” she exclaimed, making Avery laugh. “Yeah, dad, he has to be here.”
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Quickly taking his phone out to record the moment between Avery and Bridget, he then put it aside when he was asked to bring Henry. Of course, he wasn’t about to say no to grabbing his son and have him join. But then Bridget looked up at him like she worried he’d say no. As if he’d ever say no when it came to his son. Still, she was begging him and he looked at her in confusion, shifting his gaze from Bridget to Avery as if asking for answers. “Well, I wasn’t going to say no!” he said, laughing before he kissed Bridget’s head and got up. Walking over to where Henry was, he picked up his son and made faces as the baby woke up, making the boy giggle. “Here he is,” Chaz announced, sitting back down while cradling Henry. Bridget immediately walked over, making cooing noises and kissing her brother’s cheek. “We did it, Henry. Mary Poppins is going to be our nanny,” the little girl said, making Chaz burst out laughing. “Did you hear that.” he addressed Avery with a huge grin on his face. “That is an actual sentence our daughter said.” He laughed some more and adjusted himself on the couch so that Bridget could sit between her parents. She outstretched her arms, indicating she wanted to hold her baby brother. Chaz helped her, making sure she held him properly, smiling softly at his wife mouthing that he loved her.
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
Avery was excited about getting to spend some alone time with Chaz. She knew that she needed it considering she was the one who spent most of the time with the kids and it was starting to drive her crazy. As much as she loved her children, talking baby talk to Bridget and Henry was getting to her where she found herself talking baby talk to a normal adult. That and since the Henry, it had been harder and harder for her to be intimate with Chaz and she missed it. She missed getting to act like horny young adults that couldn’t take their hands off of each other. In the shower, Avery moaned as the shower hit her skin, massaging her back while she tried to get rid of some kinks. Avery had been so lost in thought that she didn’t realize that her husband had entered until he was pulling back the door. Avery grinned, eyeing his body and feeling herself growing hot at the thought of it pressed against her. “Hi,” she whispered softly, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her body against his. “I missed you,” she admitted and pressed her lips against his. Avery moaned at the feel of her nipples rubbing against his skin.
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No matter what Avery may say about her body post having two babies, Chaz still though she was absolutely beautiful. Watching the water wet her skin made him feel the same way he did all those years ago when they first began to sleep together. She was sexy. She was beautiful. And he couldn’t wait to have her. He couldn’t even deny how much he felt like a horny teenager right now. He couldn’t help it. His naked wet wife was standing right in front of her and he knew there was no possible way for them to get interrupted. He kissed her back, his hands on her waist almost like he was clutching on to her so she wouldn’t go. “I missed you too,” he whispered, already slightly out of breath due to everything getting to him. There was a slight moan forming at the back of his throat and Chaz knew he wasn’t going to be able to contain himself. He was pushing Avery against the shower wall, bodies pressed together that it made him moan loudly. He missed feeling her like this, up against him, both of them hungry for one another. “I need you so badly,” he told his wife, lips trailing down her neck while one hand dragged up her side, going up the valley between her breasts before his thumb started to tease her nipple.
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
Feeling more relieved when Chaz admitted that he liked the British woman, she set aside the woman’s information. It was still such a scary thing for Avery, handing her children off to someone she hardly knew while she was off for days. “This is kind of scary, right?” she asked her husband, needing to know she wasn’t the only one scared of the decision they were about to make. Moving closer to her husband, Avery smiled and kissed him on the cheek before taking his hand. She turned her attention to her beautiful daughter and smiled at how much the little girl looked like Chaz and acted like Chaz as well. Looking at the two of them and watching them interact, Avery couldn’t help but look at them with all the love in the world. Bridget then turned to Avery and looked at her with those cute puppy dog eyes that always reminded Avery of Chaz’s. “Mommy, can we have Mary Poppins, please?” Bridget asked and blinked a couple of times. Avery laughed at the way that Bridget called the nanny before then wrapping her arms around Bridget’s waist and pulled her close. She then smothered the side of Bridget’s face with kisses. “God, you are something else. I love you. I love you. I love you.”
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“Yeah, babe. It’s scary. It’s a big deal. I know it is. But I know that we’re gonna make the right decision and the kids are gonna be in good hands. Don’t worry. We’ve got this.” He smiled at his wife, squeezing her hand and giving it a kiss, anything to make her feel better. He knew that Avery worried more about this than he did. Not that he didn’t care, just that she worried more. When Bridget began to beg her mother for the British nanny, referring to her as Mary Poppins, he laughed and resisted the urge to squeeze her cheeks in. It was truly hard not to do so considering how cute his daughter was. He may be biased, but he was pretty sure that he and Avery created the cutest kids around with Bridget and Henry. “See, you can’t resist those eyes, Aves. We gotta go with Mary Poppins,” he said, smiling fondly at the way his wife and daughter interacted. He saw Bridget make a face, sticking her tongue out as Avery smothered her with kisses. It made him laugh harder. When his wife let go, the little girl giggled and scrunched her face. “Is that a yes, mommy? We can have Mary Poppins?” The girl looked between both parents and Chaz nodded. “Yeah, honey. I think we’ve made our choice. Right, babe?”
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
They’ve just reached the hotel room, the two of them deciding to drop their things off before they checked out the vineyard. This was one of those business trips that was secretly for pleasure. Now that they’ve hired a nanny for their children, it made it easier for the two of them to go away for a weekend. It felt like ages since the last time they got the chance to do this. Between the birth of Henry and all the moving, they’ve barely had any time for each other at all. It wasn’t that Chaz and Avery enjoyed being away from the kids, but even they needed some time of their own. Avery had decided to take a shower before they went out. Chaz was done setting their bags to the side when he crept towards the bathroom door. Being busy with their newborn, it wasn’t exactly easy for the two to be intimate. This more than allowed for that and it’d be a lie to say Chaz hadn’t been thinking about that non stop since they booked this trip. He began to remove his shirt, leaving it on the ground before doing the same with his pants. Naked, he snuck inside the bathroom as quietly as he could before getting into the shower with his wife. The hot water hit his skin and he immediately placed his body against Avery’s bare backside. “Hi,” he whispered, kissing the side of her neck.
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
@chazhoo left a comment on your photo:
God I love you so much. Thank you for everything
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@averyhoo uploaded a photo to Instagram
The man of my dreams and my partner. I’ve been fortunate enough to wake up every morning to this face and I couldn’t be any happier. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for our kids. Just thank you and our children thank you.
♥ 158 — ✎ 98
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
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@chazhoo uploaded a photo to Instagram.
I had to step out early this morning, but I still wanted to give her a little surprise to wake up to. I think she liked it. Happy Valentine’s Day to the greatest woman alive and the best mom ever who happens to be the love of my life.
♥ 331 — ✎ 58
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
Avery laughed at her daughter, finding the input to be incredibly cute and the fact that she was so excited was just something else. She always did love the fact that Bridget always included Henry in things as much as possible and talking to him even if he couldn’t say anything. She could tell by looking at Henry that her son recognized Bridget in some way and was always excited about having her around. With all the suggestions, Avery looked through the notes she had before biting the inside of her cheek. This was a big thing for them. She was inviting some stranger into their home and taking care of their kids when she and Chaz weren’t around, it was terrifying. “Oh yeah, she can take care of us when we’re old,” she teased at her husband and winked at him before clearing her throat. “Okay, let’s go with the British lady. She seems to have a ton of experience and look, she even was a nanny for a celebrity. What do you think?”
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He might not seem as occupied with this as his wife was, but Chaz truly was taking this seriously. He just wasn’t the note taking type. He left that to Avery and admittedly, it was one of her quirks that he deeply loved about her. Placing one of his hands at her back, he began to rub soothing circles as she looked deep in thought going through her notes. “I really liked her. Bridget liked her. She seems great with kids and with all that whole list of experience, it seems like we’re the lucky ones to have her.” Chaz continued to rub her back before calling their daughter over. She had been showing Henry something before she smiled at her parents and quickly ran to them. She jumped in the middle of the both of them and made herself comfortable. “What is it, daddy?” she asked Chaz, looking up at him after placing her head against Avery’s arm. “Tell your mom how much you liked the British nanny that came over. We’re trying to decide who to hire to take care of you and Henry when we go out and we need your help.”
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
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chazhoo-blog1 · 5 years
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Sometimes my heart aches at how my life turned out, in a good way.
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