cheeseonamelon · 2 years
My high school boyfriend just followed me on Twitter and I tell you I am SHOOKETH.
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
I have to work more now that I’m divorced, which I don’t mind. But my dog can’t stay cooped up in her crate all day long. So I bought her a nice doghouse to stay in outside in the back so she has shelter for the 7-ish hours I’m gone at work. But the stupid dog WONT GO INTO THE DOGHOUSE. I don’t know if she’s scared of it, or what.
Today I put her out back. I filled a Kong with straight peanut butter and put that in the doghouse. I filled some other toys with treats and peanut butter. I put her favorite blanket in there. I come home and she’s shivering in front of the back door. I check the doghouse. She hasn’t touched ANY of the things I put in there for her.
To make it worse, she must have been barking a ton because I got a super passive aggressive letter from a neighbor on my door. 😑 If my dumb dog would have just gone into her doghouse she could have had entertainment and warmth. I’m so frustrated. She’s been left out back before a few times, I don’t know why this time the neighbor got all pissed?
I don’t know. I’m just sick of doing my best to be my best and failing. It keeps happening and I’m sick of it.
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
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Meet Geoffrey. He is a bard who specializes in poetry. He loves to travel and explore new areas. He comes from a wealthy family and believes his status gives him the great opportunity to help those in a lesser position than he. His greatest weakness is ale, which he always has a small flask on hand. You never know when you need a drink. He is loud and boisterous, though also kind and thoughtful.
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
My ex-husband has moved 26 hours away and I am so very much a single mom with no breaks at all. It has been a week and I am exhausted. I’m in the process of signing up my toddler for daycare so I can work. Thank goodness I already have a job. I substitute teach at schools in my county I’ve been working one-three days a month because that’s all I was able to do. It’s going to be hard to work so much. Being a stay-at-home-mom is surprisingly busy. Now I get to work all the time AND take care of everything at home in the evenings. Please send good vibes and strength. Even though this really sucks, I know getting a divorce was the right choice. 🥴
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
Weird things are exciting as an adult. I was buying Fritos to go with my taco soup and they were $4.99 per bag, but if you buy 4 bags they were $1.99 each. So I got four bags and saved $12. And it made me feel SO ACCOMPLISHED.
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
I have a confession to make…. When I was a young teen I had a crush on Sonic the Hedgehog. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
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This is me. In a completely normal body. I’ve carried three babies and breast-fed them all. My body took a serious toll. Growing a human is a lot of work!
I know my body will never get to the point it was before my first pregnancy, but I want to work on myself. I don’t care about being super thin like I was before, but I want to build muscle. I want a superhero body! (Really, its already a superhero body because it’s created life…) I know that I am strong and I want to look in the mirror and see that strength as well.
So here is a starting point. I know it will take a long time to get where I want to be, but I want to be able to look back and remember how far I’ve come. Let’s do this thing!!!
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
My divorce was finalized and signed by the judge today. I’m free.
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
The husband moved out a little over a week ago. Aside from the exhaustion from being a single mom most of the week, I’m finding joy all over the place. 😭😭😭
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
Every year for Halloween I watch a horror film that I haven’t seen before. The last few years I have been doing so alone. By myself. Because nobody wants to watch them with me. (Ok, some people would but they don’t live close enough.)
Last night I watched The Conjuring 2 and it was amazing. Very spooky. Very scary. Excellent acting. This is why I watch horror films, for beautiful pieces like this!!! If you’re into horror and haven’t seen it, I highly recommend this film!
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
I’m getting a divorce. Beginning papers are all signed by me and my husband. I have so many feelings about it.
It was my decision to file for divorce, I’ve been emotionally abused and cheated on. It’s sad because we have children together and have been married for 12 years. That’s a lot of life to break apart. But I am so feel peace, joy, and freedom.
I get to be myself again! I won’t have a narcissist judging everything I do. I get to be happy again, which will help me to be a better mother. As sad as this divorce is, I am very excited for what the future will hold for me. Without the dark cloud of my husband hovering over me and diminishing my light, I can’t wait to see how far I can shine!
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cheeseonamelon · 2 years
This is adorable and brings me joy.
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rainbow armadillo
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