codsoup · 1 month
Tumblr birthday 🎂
This blog turned one today! Thank you to everyone who has supported my writing, love you all 💕
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codsoup · 2 months
Not so recently I came across this COD fic about Ghost and Soap and it had me bawling my eyes out. I can't get over this and I want to share this amazing work with you all. 😍
PS- This is not my work, I’m just sharing it.
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codsoup · 4 months
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Patience 💤
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codsoup · 4 months
Double look at the husband 💕
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codsoup · 10 months
yes ghost uses his stealth for actual, useful purposes, because why hone a skill and not make good use out of it when it benefits him the most?
but he also uses it entirely accidentally just because it’s sort of become second nature to him. everybody hates it.
because he’ll clearly be seen leaving a room or walking away, then something will come up in conversation and suddenly he’s back, butting in with his input like he hadn’t just seemingly appeared out of thin air (he was just wandering back and overheard).
alternatively someone will mention him and he’ll be there to ask “what about me?” because despite what everyone thought, he had not, in fact, left at all.
he doesn’t always mean to give people heart attacks. he just sort of… does.
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codsoup · 11 months
Let’s go babe 💕
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codsoup · 11 months
pre-relationship ghoap where every time soap catches ghost staring at him he ‘jokingly’ asks, “are we about to kiss right now?” until one time ghost actually does kiss soap
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codsoup · 11 months
civilian au with polyglot ghost who desperately tries to use other languages and pretend he doesn’t speak english to make soap go away after he approaches and begins flirting with ghost but it keeps failing because soap Also knows those same languages to enough of an extent to keep trying
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codsoup · 11 months
GhostSoap AU Concept - I know those hands
Soap's favourite way to destress is watching Ghost's videos. He never talks, it's just gorgeous big strong hands that bakes, cooks, and dismantles weapons.
Watching those hands go from kneading dough to cleaning a sniper rifle is so hot in ways he can't explain.
He has notifs on for his videos, has rewatched them countless times, and has had many shameful fantasies of those strong hands on him.
His favorite moment is a faint but deep chuckle when he was chopping carrots and one part shot off into a window by the 'thunk!' sound of it. He has it saved as an audio file on his phone.
Soap comments on every video, often the first to! Giving detailed praise of what he liked and how he loves his videos, and how they make his day. Ghost never responds to comments though, Soap suspects he doesn't even check the comments.
Soap, or 'MacSoap69' even changed his profile pic to a cute one of him covered in paint laughing at Gaz taking the photo. A delusional fantasy that maybe it'll catch Ghost's attention.
Gaz knows of his crazy simp crush, says it's sad. Soap doesn't care, he has no interest in anyone but Ghost.
However, Soap can only shoot down and think up excuses to avoid so many blind dates till he gives in to Gaz trying to set him up with an 'actual person'.
He arrives at the fancy restaurant his (pretentious) rich 'date' chose at 8:25 for their 8:30 reservation. It's been a really long while since Soap actually dressed up nicely to go out and felt good about how he looked in the mirror.
Then the asshole stands him up. He gets a text an hour late that he's in a meeting he'll reschedule, without actually rescheduling or apologizing.
By now Soap has gotten many pitying looks as he kept telling the waiter he's waiting for someone, looking around expectantly. At the text his face falls and so does his mood.
Of course. Man probably came, took one look at Soap with his rough hands, mowhak, and stupid face and decided it's not worth it.
He wants to cry. He feels so stupid.
He asks for the bill for his two glasses of Scotch. By now the place is starting to empty. He took a table on a busy night just to waste everyone's time. He plans to give a big tip.
The waitress returns but says the chef asks if he could stay just a few minutes longer. Soap is baffled. He'd seen glimpses of the man in the open style modern kitchen, kinda hard to miss the gorgeous giant who looked both out of place and perfectly in his element. In fact he'd been keeping himself distracted by watching him work and move around the kitchen.
But what does the chef want him for? Fuck...is he going to get chewed out for hogging the table all night without ordering?? It scares him but he guesses he deserves it.
He says he'll wait.
15min later the chef comes over to his table, his apron and hat off, two plates are beautifully presented but proper big dishes unlike the 'fine dining' fancy plates he saw other guests get. Did he...make this just for him?
"Mind if I join you?"
But that's not what has Soap stunned silent. A little breathless.
The hands carefully placing the plates down like an offering...
...he knows those hands. Knows them better than his own.
"Hello, MacSoap69."
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codsoup · 11 months
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Ghost ^(2)
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codsoup · 11 months
Imagine Simon/Price proposing to their partner and they’re just standing there in shock and Simon/Price are just like “My love, not to rush you but my knees are not what they used to be”
He then proceeds to get stuck on the floor
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codsoup · 11 months
university/college AU where simon and tommy are actually identical twins—which they’ve used to their advantage plenty, usually for course purposes, and miraculously no one ever catches on.
so, in harbouring a huge crush for one john mactavish, but being way too shy to go up to him and ask him out, simon thinks to use his more charismatic and charming brother to help him out.
tommy is super reluctant because it means deceiving john, and surely that won’t end well, but simon manages to convince him eventually, and so tommy sets out to at least score a date with john on his brother’s behalf.
which is done quite easily, actually (thankfully). tommy tells simon the time and place, and wishes him luck—except then simon chickens out at the last second and tommy has to go in his place, because no one is just going to stand john up.
unbeknownst to tommy, john actually figures out relatively quickly into the date that it’s not actually simon that’s seated across from him. their first conversation about setting up the date had been so brief that john didn’t have the time to figure anything out—but now he plays along, just to be polite, until they reach the end of the date.
john awkwardly tells tommy that it’s been great, but he’s not actually into him, but rather simon. he thinks that this had been a ploy in order to set tommy up with john, but then tommy is exhaling the biggest sigh of relief saying, oh thank god, simon was just too nervous to ask you out himself. tommy goes on to explain the whole situation, and thankfully john is very understanding, and together they hatch a plan to actually get simon and john on a date—without the risk of simon backing out again.
it works, of course—john asking simon out is hardly something to be ignored—and they get together officially after that, a very happy relationship in spite of the slight mess of a start.
from then on, simon and tommy keep the whole trading places thing to a very bare minimum.
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codsoup · 11 months
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Soap’s simp folder updated
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codsoup · 1 year
With your hands full, you use your elbow to push the doorknob and nudge the door open with your shoulder. You enter Ghost’s office, shutting the door behind you with your foot.
He stands with his back turned to the door, focused on the map spread across his desk. He looks over his shoulder and narrows his eyes as they fall upon the box in your hands. Although he doesn’t say it, the message is clear—he’s waiting for an explanation. You don’t blame him; anyone in his shoes would do the same.
“I need your help,” you announce.
“Absolutely not,” he replies, returning to the map.
“I’m serious.”
“Me too,” he murmurs, scribbling something on the paper. “Out. Now.”
“Seriously, man?” you protest, stomping your foot once on the floor.
He stops mid-writing, lets the pencil fall, and slowly turns halfway towards you. It must be the casual “man” you threw at him; otherwise, nothing would explain how he looks at you now, with one of his eyebrows so high up that it’s threatening to escape his forehead and shoot out of his balaclava.
“Please,” you whisper. “Just this one time.”
He lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes. “What do you want?” He asks.
“I need to hide this,” you explain and slightly lift the box in your hands.
He throws a brief glance at the box, then back at you. “Elaborate,” he orders. “What is it?”
“Cake,” you reveal.
“Cake,” he repeats and gestures with his hands to speak further.
“For Price,” you explain. “It’s his birthday.”
“I know,” he says, shrugging. “Why hide it?”
“It’s a surprise,” you reply. “He doesn’t know.”
He clicks his tongue and turns his attention back to the map. “I think the captain is well aware that today is his birthday,” he murmurs.
“Will you please stop with the jokes?” you plead, throwing a quick glance at the door. “He saw me carrying it, and I think he’s suspicious.”
“Nonsense!” he chuckles while continuing to write on the map. “There is nothing suspicious about someone wandering around a military base holding a....” He turns back and looks at your hands. “Pink and white striped box with gold lettering embossed at the top; what the hell.”
“What can I say?” you snap. “Lulette’s patisserie ran out of camo boxes.”
He huffs and redirects his attention to the map, sketching out little arrows and making notations. He gets on your nerves like that, yet he never fails to lend you a hand when needed. You just need to be more pragmatic. Convince him.
“Please,” you beg. “This is the safest place to hide it; nobody dares to come here without permission.”
He tosses the pencil again on the map, this time more forcefully, and swivels his entire body towards you, crossing his arms and leaning on the desk.
“Yet here you are, in my office, permission or not,” he barks and points toward the door. “Out, now.”
“It’s an emerg-”
“I won’t repeat it.”
There’s a knock on the door. You both turn towards the sound.
“Who’s that?” Ghost asks.
“Price,” the voice responds from behind the door.
You turn your head towards Ghost, and he meets your gaze. The once scornful expression he had is now replaced with urgency.
He quickly looks around and motions for you to get under the desk; it has a modesty panel that graces the floor, making it a good enough place to conceal yourself and the box. You run toward your hiding spot and crawl under it while mouthing an “I told you so” to him. He brings his index finger to his mouth while pushing your head further into the opening. You bring your knees to your chest and balance the box there. Ghost quickly sits on top of the desk and picks up the phone.
“Come in.” He shouts.
The door swings open, and Ghost theatrically shuts the phone. He apologises to Price for the delay, explaining that he “was on the phone with one of the Sergeants discussing the upcoming mission.” You hear Price approaching, and Ghost dives right into the mission details without letting him get any closer.
After the lieutenant finishes his briefing, there’s something about the operation being on a tight timeline, how the captain needs everyone to be on point and Ghost assuring him how prepared the team is. They then delve into specifics and strategies, and you hear the map rustling, tapping fingers on the wooden surface above you, scribbling with the pencils and some subtle shifts in posture here and there.
Suddenly, Price’s voice changes direction, and you hear him walking around the desk. Ghost walks towards your hiding place and pushes his office chair closer, squeezing you further towards the modesty panel. You look up and listen to papers being lifted up. You hold your breath, and your heart pulses in your ears.
“Are these the documents for the mission?” Price asks.
“Yes, sir.” Ghost replies.
“Good.” The captain exclaims. “Let’s meet with the team and finalise the plans in the briefing room in an hour.”
“Understood,” Ghost says, and you hear Price distancing himself from your hiding spot, leaving the room.
Ghost waits a few moments, ensuring the door is closed, and Price is far away, before knocking on the desk twice, signalling that it is safe for you to emerge from under the desk. You put the box on the desk and slowly crawl out.
“I told you it was an emergency,” you repeat. “You didn’t listen.”
He doesn’t respond but grabs the box and walks towards the bookshelf.
“What cake is it?” He asks as he squats in front of a cabinet and places the box there.
“It’s a fruit tart.”
“Christ’s sake,” he grunts as he shuts the cabinet. “Who in their right mind picks a bloody fruit tart for a birthday cake.”
“Captain likes fruit tarts.” You remind him.
He stands up and walks behind his desk. “Be back in half an hour,” he states, looking at his watch. “We’ll do it after the briefing, where everyone will be present.”
“Yes, sir.” You nod and walk towards the door.
“And no poppers, no sparklers, no party horns.” He clarifies.
“What about party hats?” You ask.
“Party hats are fine.” He murmurs. “They don’t make any noise.”
“Should I save one for you, sir?”
He slowly shoots you the same look he did when you stepped into his office. “I don’t know.” He murmurs as he tilts his head. “Should you?”
“I guess not.” You whisper and clasp your hands.
“You guess right.” He whispers back. “Now, and for the final time, go.”
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codsoup · 1 year
in retired life, soap making a point of asking ghost “what’s one thing you like about yourself today?” at least once every night to help him over that insecurity, that sense of feeling lost since leaving the military.
for every one thing, soap lists two. for every one thing, soap kisses whatever is said, or wherever he chooses when it’s not something physical.
it’s something small, but it helps. ghost is forever indebted to soap for all the man’s done for him, and he couldn’t be happier for it.
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codsoup · 1 year
Tea leafs and coffee beans / Ghost x Soap
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Warning: None. Just a whole lotta fluff.
Soap had offered to help Ghost move into his new house, and the two of them had spent the day unpacking boxes, arranging furniture, and getting everything in order. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the cozy living room, Ghost turned to Soap with a grateful smile.
"Thanks for all your help today, Johnny, I couldn't have done it without you." Ghost said, wiping his brow. Soap grinned, wiping his hands on his jeans. "No problem, Lt. Happy to help. Ghost gestured toward the kitchen and said, "I've got some tea brewing. Would you like a cup?"
Soap hesitated for a moment. He wasn't a fan of tea, always saying "It looks like piss," and it’s just “leaf water”. But he also wanted to spend some more time with ghost and get to know Simon better, so he decided to give it a try. "Sure, tea sounds good."
They settled at the kitchen table, and Ghost poured two cups of tea, sliding one over to Soap. As they sipped the hot, fragrant beverage, they began to chat about everything and nothing. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and they discovered they had more in common than they had initially thought.
Hours passed, the tea cups were refilled multiple times, and the moon had taken its place in the night sky. Soap realized that he was genuinely enjoying himself, not just because of the conversation but because of Ghost's company.
When the clock struck midnight, Soap finally spoke up. "You know, Lt, I have to admit something." Ghost raised an eyebrow, his expression curious. "What is it, Soap?"
Soap chuckled softly, placing his empty tea cup on the table. "I'm not a fan of tea, to be honest. I prefer coffee." Ghost laughed, the sound warm and genuine. "You could've said something earlier, Soap. I would have arranged for coffee."
Soap grinned, feeling relieved that he could be honest. "Well, in that case, how about next time when I come over we also make some coffee?"
“So you would like to come again?” Ghost replied with a small smile. “Hell Yhea, I do!” Soap replied with a grin.
The next time Soap visits ghost’s place he comes across a shiny new coffee machine sitting on the kitchen counter.
“Damn Lt, there was not need to do so much for me.” Soap said gesturing towards the coffee machine. “It’s not that big of a deal Johnny, anything that keeps you coming back.” Ghost replied with a tender voice.
And from that day on, it became a routine for Soap to visit Ghost’s house for coffee, and they would chat for hours with their drinks. It was during those moments, amidst the comforting aroma of freshly brewed drinks, that their bond deepened, and they realized that they were meant to be more than just teammates – they were meant to be friends, confidants, and maybe even something more.
Yes buying coffee machine for someone is not a big deal Ghost 😚
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codsoup · 1 year
Soap: Okay, I’m desperate now. How do I get Ghost to like me?
Price: … you’re asking me?
Soap: I told you I’m desperate! You know him better than Gaz and Gaz hasn’t been helpful!
Price: *stares*
Soap: Please don’t laugh, I’m at my wits end here
Price, clearing his throat: Y-You want Ghost to like you?
Soap: Yes! But nothing I do seems to make him warm up any!
Price: What have you done so far?
Soap: I brought him tea, learned so many dumb jokes for him, bought him enough food to feed the whole SAS, watched horror movies with him to the point I have every Slasher classic memorized—
Price: And you think he still doesn’t like you?
Soap: … why did you say it like that?
Price, laughing: You are so smart yet so, so dumb
Soap: Cap-!
Price: God, what does he see in you? *leaves*
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