chloeshell-blog · 9 years
To the Boy I Once Was
Hey there, Jean-Filipe. Been a while.
We've come a long way, haven't we? And as much as I've hated you, hated BEING you, I am here to tell you I am incredibly grateful for what you've done all these years.
I know how it feels to hate yourself, to hate your body, since childhood. I know because I lived it through you. I'll never forget your pain, so it won't be in vain.
I can tell you: You were right. Life is SO MUCH better now that I'm a woman. I'm no longer expected to be tough, to serve everyone in sight, to control my emotions... No one will ever laugh at us again for being a "coward" who "screams like a girl". No one will call us gay again for being effminate, for being who we wanna be.
I shouldn't say "we". You're not here anymore. I'm sorry... but I, Chloé, just.... I needed to do this, I needed to get out. Instead of you living a miserable life, I get to live a happy one.
I get the feeling you welcome this turn of events, even if it hurts. You HATED your life. You had a few moments of happiness from time to time, but you've spent most of your life in a state of complete depression. You thought - and sometimes said - that you would be dead for sure before your 30th birthday.
... You were right. You smart kid.
I'll never forget you, little wolf.  Now, I can finally say that I love and respect you,
Thank you for everything, my friend. 
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
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My #NewYears #Resolution is to keep fighting for journalistic ethics and inclusiveness with #GamerGate #NotYourShield http://thndr.it/1Fjmwrg
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
I just supported #GamerGate 2015 on @ThunderclapIt // @Luisedgm
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
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THESE are the faces of people in #gamergate and #notyourshield, voices the media won't hear and denies existence of! http://thndr.it/1yj7vBD
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
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So, uh, here’s my Kickstarter for Aerannis. ( https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ektomarch/aerannis )
For those who don’t know, it’s a game about an assassin in the distant future. She resides in an all-woman society, and being a trans woman, she’s often treated as subhuman. After a series of unusual missions, she comes to realize that the government is entirely controlled by some mysterious shapeshifters that’ve been guiding humanity’s fate since the dawn of time. She sees that these entities are steering society towards collapse, but she has to wonder: does she have any duty to save those who look down upon her, or should she let these creatures steer society into a new era?
basically it’s lots of killing and sneaking around and HUGE BOSSES and gender identity issues and politics are interwoven
For anyone wanting to know more about the plot (or potential journalists), here’s a link: http://ektomarch.com/aerannis/
so yeah reblog and share if you’re interested
Forgot to add the Greenlight link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=334030576
A great way to help is to send it to journalists and/or donate!
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
I was gonna do my "MasterPost" on #Gamergate but this is it, pretty much.
Do you have any good sources to prove that Gamergate isn't a bunch of angry misogynists trying to harass women and that Anita and Quinn are both full of shit? I'm trying to prove to my mother that Gamergate ISN'T some violent mob of psychopathic manchildren, but I need good proof to convince her.
It’s National Bullying Prevention Awareness month. Gawker Media did not get the memo. Aftermath of Sam Biddle’s tweet. (Erin Gloria Ryan from Jezebel, Katie Notopoulos also from Jezebel) Leigh Alexander from Gamasutra is one of the worst in my opinion. 
Others liking Sam Biddle’s post about “bring back bullying”: people from Kotaku, Daily Mail, Ars Technica, Time, Buzzfeed, Business Insider. 
Threat, threat, threat, threat, threat, threat, threat, threat, threat,… 
Leaked e-mail from the Guardian
Gamejournopros: the first 
Gamejournopros: the second 
Gamejournopros: the third 
Gamejournopros: the fourth (the list: every journalist in the Gamejournopros list revealed) 
Gamejournopros: the fifth (joking about paid reviews and mocking Phil Fish)
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I’d like to direct you to this interview with the Fine Young Capitalists for information on Zoe Quinn. 
"The Fine Young Capitalists, a loose group of artists and entrepreneurs who work with minorities to help them make video games, graphic novels, and videos. Our current project is to get women to design video games." 
Second question:
“Zoe Quinn has probably been the largest problem to this production even before it existed.” - - - “We feel Zoe is extremely suspect as she has lied to us on every occasion, she has deliberately misrepresented information, as well as openly bribed us to change our story. We strongly suggest people should be very careful when dealing with her.”
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Sarkeesian raised $158.922 from 6.968 backers on Kickstarter. Her goal was $6.000. She is still asking for more donations. [image]
The 12 video’s that she was going to produce with the $6.000, that were going to be delivered in December 2012, weren’t delivered. And she has, to this day, October 2014, not even finished half of her promised series.
She has stolen Let’s Play footage from gamers. She has stolen artwork.
She not only doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but she desperately tries to slap “misogyny” and “sexism” on anything and everything she can.
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She has been debunked, proven a fraud, a con-artist, over and over and over again.
Deceit & Cencorship - Anita and the White Knights - 'Death threats' and Joss Whedon's 'misogyny' - Twitter: Criticize Anita and you’re gone! - Anita Sarkeesian Doesn’t Understand Words (I can keep going with these.)
The damsel in distress trope is sexist, but professional victim Sarkeesian mastered the part.
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And last but CERTAINLY not least: the HuffPost Live interview with 
Georgina Young @georgieonthego, Saga, Japan, Staff Writer at Gamesided 
Jennie Bharaj @jenniebharaj,Vancouver, Canada, YouTuber, Gamer 
Jemma Morgan @ShuluuMoo, London, United Kingdom, Gamer
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
I'm gonna say what I said on Twitter.
Or if you insist...   http://www.honeybadgerbrigade.com/
Today I’d like to address a very popular feminist argument. I like to call it the “argument by definition”. According to them, feminism can’t be bad, because its definition is: “… a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and…
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
Tumblr is usually Misandry Central, but there are a few pearls here and there.
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Source: Criminal Injuries Compensation (2008) Paragraph 9-c. Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (2008) Page 34 UK Parliament: House of Lords, Column 119, 15 May, 2007
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
And people ask me why I oppose feminism.
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Sadly, there is a quite a bit of truth to this.
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
Nope. The point is, it's not the fact that's it's "perfectly safe", but more the fact that men's Russian roulette have just as many bullets, if not more. So focusing on women is misleading.
By the “not all men” logic, Russian Roulette is a perfectly safe game to play. Sure, one of the chambers has a bullet in it…
but not all chambers
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
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All right, I needed a good anti-MRA thing to debunk, I gave it my best shot. I go from left to right, top to bottom. 1. Let me say it out loud: Anyone who says "reverse" discrimination, sexism or racism, is a moron. Discrimination is discrimination. We just want to point out that it also happens to men. 2. We should not necessarily respect our differences, but we should at least accept that they are deeply ingrained in our biology. To me, the fact that feminism became so big in such a short amount of time is a sign that they're going in the same direction as biology, not the opposite side as they would have us believe. Society has always seen women as more valuable and precious than men - feminism only increases our instincts tenfold. 3. Feminists: Anyone who calls you "feminazi" is not worth debating with. He or she clearly does not have the skills. And MRAs, if your opponent actually *is* a feminazi, by all means keep debating them but refrain from using inflammatory language. Stay calm and rational and the other side's crazyness will show itself pretty quick. And feminists, you know, it would help for you to acknowledge feminazis exist and disown them (Mary Koss. Adele Mercier, Sally Miller Gearhart, etc). That's part of the reason we're opposed to your movement. 4. Boy, what a difference those two little words, "the" and "real" make when placed side by side. "False rape claims are *the real* issue" implies that rape itself is not also an issue. This is simply not what 99,9% of MRAs think, and certainly not the most thoughtful of us. So yeah, what MRAs think is more along the lines of "false rape accusations are *also* an issue". 5. Well, it is a legitimate question, IMO. Just like "Why would I have to make you a sandwich?" is a perfectly okay question. Neither action is inherently sexist or oppressive. 6. Never in my life have I heard someone say that rape comes from evolution. However, I'll be the first to tell women AND men to protect themselves. At this point, we can't do much. Rape and assault are already illegal. (Male on female) rapists are right up there with pedophiles as the most universally despised members of society. There is a tiny portion of the population who will attack you anyway. That's why I say to everyone of both sexes to just use their heads. I live near a poor, relatively violent neighborhood. I am aware of that, so I don't go there after 11PM unless I absolutely have to. We don't live in an "assault culture" because of that. 7. Another argument I would personally never use. In exchange, feminists, will you admit that there *is* such a thing as female privilege? 8. I honestly don't understand what this is trying to express. Someone? Next! 9. It isn't? 10. It means no one should be allowed hit anybody. But if someone does hit you, you're allowed to defend yourself. No matter your attacker's gender. 11. Remove the word "silly" and I agree with the statement, and I see NOTHING wrong with it. Women make different choices which lead to different salaries, hours and benefits. What is wrong with earning less if you're happier? 12. What is sexist Is the lack of men-only shelters. Since domestic violence is and has always been gender-symmetrical, I don't think it's wrong to say the lack of resources for battered men is unfair. 13. Again, a legitimate question. Apparently just saying it is misogynistic. 14. This should be reformulated. Feminists don't care that there are female rapists. They have no problem saying men are raped by other men, but completely ignore female perpetrators. 15. Replace "matriarchal conspiracy" by "patriarchy" and... ta-da! Feminist rhetoric! 16. I'll be honest, if you used "women's rights" instead of "feminism", it would be one step in the right direction. 17. See #3. Replace "feminazi" by "man-hater". Next! 18. Don't know what else to say other than "yes they are". Next!  19. I agree that this is poorly worded. First, remove "you're a woman". The gender of the person you're talking to doesn't matter. Then, instead of "you're sexist against men" I would say, in response to what she/he says "What you just said is sexist." I would then explain why I think that way. 20. I would go further than that. Court is sexist. Not only family court. Women get preferential treatment in civil and criminal cases as well. 21. The stats feminists use ARE all lies and promptly ignore any that go against the Global Patriarchy Theory. 22. If it hurts men too, to an equal or greater extent than it hurts women, it's not a patriarchy. 23. I don't really care about realism. It is true however that men are beaten, humiliated and killed a lot more in the media. Check Vinny Mac's video series "Misandry in the Media" for examples. 24. Again, legitimate question. Karen Straughan explains it better than I ever could, so I'll let her. http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/why-do-mras-bring-up-the-draft/ 25. I do think the word "feminism" is one-sided. Would you take seriously a race equality movement called "blackism"? A culture equality movement called "Madagascarism"?
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
You have no fucking idea about oppression you're a silly white man who cant stand the thought that women might be equal smh
This, my friends, is what happens when you question feminist dogma.
I believe in equality for both men and women. Equal opportunity, might I add, which has nothing to do with equality of results. Hence the "I am far from certain that it's necessarily a bad thing" part of my blog.
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chloeshell-blog · 10 years
Re: Gender wage gap.
I think of it relatively the same as I think of climate change. 1. I think the climate is changing. The stats are pretty clear. 2. I am far from certain of the importance of human activity as far as the causes of it go. (Note that I didn't say there is NO human influence, I just doubt how much there is) 3. I am far from certain that it's necessarily a bad thing. 4. I am however certain that the best way to react is to let the free market run its course.
In the same way: 1. I think on average, men earn more than women. The stats are pretty clear. 2. I am far from certain of the importance of discrimination as far as the causes of it go.(Note that I didn't say there is NO discrimination, I just doubt how much there is) 3. I am far from certain that it's necessarily a bad thing. 4. I am however certain that the best way to react is to let the free market run its course.
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chloeshell-blog · 11 years
"The definition of feminism is..."
Today I'd like to address a very popular feminist argument. I like to call it the "argument from definition". According to them, feminism can't be bad, because its definition is: "... a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women." No one can reasonably argue against that without being a misogynist, right?
Well, the definition of "airplane" is "a heavier-than-air aircraft kept aloft by the upward thrust exerted by the passing air on its fixed wings and driven by propellers, jet propulsion, etc." The fact that the definition states it is "kept aloft" does not mean that an airplane is incapable of crashing. Furthermore, the definition doesn't state anywhere that an airplane can be used as a tool for terrorism - we all know that it can be.
Just because something is designed to do/achieve a particular thing/goal, doesn't mean that it cannot be designed poorly, fail, or be hijacked for other purposes. Thus relying solely on the definition of feminism, and not looking at its reality, fails to see where it has been corrupted and hijacked by ideological extremists, or was just built on false premises (patriarchy) to begin with. When MRAs say they are opposed to feminism, it's not because they are opposed to men and women being equal, but because we think feminism has horribly failed in that goal. To borrow the above metaphor, it crashed a long time ago.
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chloeshell-blog · 11 years
Your meme is stupid. There's no proof 100 boys a year die from circumcision other than a stat quoted between various anti circumcision blogs with no primary source. Even if it is true, 100 out of over a million circumcisions per year is a lower complication rate than wisdom teeth. Yes more teenagers die from wisdom teeth removal than that yet nobody brings up that statistic since its still insanely rare. Nothing will ever be 0%. Go learn about statistics.
"A new study published in Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies estimates that more than 100 baby boys die from circumcision complications each year, including from anesthesia reaction, stroke, hemorrhage, and infection. Because infant circumcision is elective, all of these deaths are avoidable.”
First, I’d like to point out that you claim there is no proof 100 boys die a year of circumcision, yet give no proof more teens die of wisdom teeth removal. But let’s assume it’s true.
Main differences between wisdom teeth removal and circumcision:
1. Wisdom teeth removal often is necessary. Circumcision, especially infant circumcision, almost never is. 
2. A teenager can oppose to his/her wisdom teeth removed. A circumcised  baby has no voice in the matter at all. Why not wait until he is an adult and give him the choice?
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chloeshell-blog · 11 years
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My first Internet meme. What do you think?
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chloeshell-blog · 11 years
Advice for girls friendzoning guys.
First, a disclaimer. Friendzoning a guy you're not romantically interested in is TOTALLY the right thing to do. But you have to understand - it hurts like hell to be on the receiving end. As someone who's been on both sides of the fence, I can tell you the one thing a girl can do to make sure the guy she just rejected will NEVER want to be friends: Trying to act like nothing happened and expecting him to do the same.
To a guy, there's nothing worse than that. To make a slightly exaggerated metaphor, he feels like you just ripped his heart out, stepped on it, then handed it back to him and demanded he acts like you didn't do anything.
Again, it's not like you had much of a choice in the matter - you're not in love with him, it would be wrong to lie to him or give him false hopes. In my opinion however and in my experience, most gals are not true friends when they friendzone. So, my advice to the ladies is:
Acknowledge his pain. Sincerely apologize for it.
Make him feel valued, that he really matters to you.
Hug him. Kiss him on the cheek (you wouldn't believe how soothing that small gesture is).
In short, treat him like you would like to be treated after a painful breakup. No, the feelings are not exactly the same, but they're similar. Take the role of the friend in the breakup, not the ex's.
Now, it's possible that the guy will insist on treating you like crap even after you've done all this. If that's the case, leave him alone for a couple weeks. That's not right of him to do so, but then again... Can you honestly say you've never let your emotions get the better of you? Surely you can be understanding. Call him again after the dust has settled and ask him if he'd like to stay friends with you. Respect his choice.
You want to remain friends? Be the best friend you can possibly be.
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