choctawhyena · 9 months
Here’s To Us
A/N: Here is a little fanfic I wrote including my character Regina Holdestone. I truly hope that you all enjoy it as it’s a quick little Drabble. I may write more soon, or even add some stories from Regina’s years before and after Hogwarts.
Warnings: Mentions of drinking. This is a Sirius x OFC
The group was gathered around the table in the inn. They were all holding their glasses high.
“To making it through our final year, by the skin of our teeth!” James proudly exclaimed holding the glass of Pure Malt Whisky and the others gently clinked their own glasses against each other’s.
Lily lowered her Nettle Wine to her lips and smirked in James’s lap. “Speak for yourself.” She teased to the amusement of everyone at the table.
“Yes Potter, it’s quite odd that some of us barely passed their transfiguration exam, perhaps you’d like to explain why that is?” The blonde in Sirius’s lap named Regina questions sipping her own glass of wine.
“It was a bloody difficult exam and you know it, right Moony?” Sirius asked turning to his friend with a look that said ‘help us out will you,’ however Remus simply shook his head.
“Actually I got an O on my exam.” Remus said grinning placing his drink on the table. “As did Lily and Reggie. Perhaps if you two had spent a bit more time studying for that instead of horsing around you would have gotten better than an A.”
There was chuckling at the table as the two dark haired men in question simply looked away from those laughing at them.
“However it happened, we all graduated!” Reggie grinned and looked to Peter. “Why the sour face, Petes?” The woman asked placing a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“It’s a bit scary isn’t it, everything going on lately, and now we’re out of Hogwarts. What if something happens to the lot of us?” Peter said in his timid way. He looked to all of his friends worrying for their and his own well-being.
“Now isn’t the time to worry about it, Wormtail, we’re celebrating tonight, we can worry about that all tomorrow, or next week if I’m really honest.” His arm did however wrap tighter around the woman in his lap.
“However it comes, Petes, we have celebrating to do and it’s time to loosen up. Tonight nothing can happen to us. We have just graduated and the world is at our fingertips.” Reggie squeezed Peter’s shoulder and gave him one of her reassuring smiles letting him know everything would be alright.
“Speaking of celebrating, where is Ralphie, Reggie? Wasn’t he supposed to join us for some fun tonight?” James asked while placing his empty glass on the table. The blonde rolled her eyes.
“He’s already gone off to Norway to visit my grandparents for the next two weeks. He took McKenna right after graduation in order to introduce her to Bestemor, the old witch is likely to have an aneurysm given her favorite grandchildren have decided to stay here and fight whatever’s coming.” Reggie looked at Sirius. “Best behavior when we go next week.”
“Have I anything other than best behavior?” The grey eyed man asked with a smirk.
“Pads has the most exemplary behavior I have ever seen from a man.” James said quick to have his best mates back.
“Enough of this talk of plans for the future, let’s just enjoy the time we are having right now, shall we?” Remus asked raising his hand to order another round of drinks.
“You read my mind, Moony.” James grinned and took out a pocket of galleons. “Let’s drink until we’re bent over the table, lads.”
There was a large cheer from the group just as their drinks levitated over everyone grabbing one and cheering.
“Here’s to us!” They all chanted as they sipped their drinks, unaware of the figure who stood outside the window watching them all enjoy themselves. The jealousy radiating off of the figure was immense, but couldn’t hold a candle to those who sat inside and their pure joyfulness.
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choctawhyena · 2 years
GUYS 😭😭😭😭 have you seen this? 😭 i'm going nuts just-----
can't believe i'm having a baby fever over a FICTIONAL CHARACTER!!! even added his cool tats in this one to look even more like him 🥺🥺
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choctawhyena · 2 years
a continuation or talk about the hate grace van dien/chrissy cunningham/eddissy is receiving and my thoughts about it:
as i posted my mini-rant about how toxic twitter is to certain ships and actors or people, i am here to talk about more. and i think it's going to be worse.
if you haven't guessed already, grace van dien, the actor who plays chrissy in stranger things 4 is now receiving hate and being called a "pedophile" for supporting eddissy and being labeled a "stalker" (just because she wore a basic outfit that looks like joseph quinn's [eddie munson] outfit that he wore back in brazil). i have seen some posts that show evidence that some "fans" want grace to drop dead just because she supports a ship that they don't support. reasons for them not supporting eddissy will always be the "age-gap" though, this has been debunked because they have been in middle school and eddie has been held back (2 years of age gap which isn't the end of the world and not pedophilia). their ages has been kept vague and the duffer brothers do write tons of errors, just look at how they did will's birthday dirty. i think the next reason on why some of these people hate eddissy is because it's a big competition against their own ship which is steddie (steve harrington x eddie munson).
another situation which has been a big, big problem a long time even outside of stranger things is babying grown actors or other famous people. look, joseph quinn doesn't need to be sent to the fucking moon because his co-star, grace van dien, supports a ship. she's not even bashing steddie and just happy and in love with something that could've been (eddissy). joseph's a grown-ass man, he doesn't need to be treated like some 15 or 16-year-old. also, whenever joseph's talking about eddie and chrissy, some "fans" dismiss it as like, "this is not you, joe 🥺" or "he doesn't know what he's talking about" or even denying the relationship eddie had with chrissy in that small time frame.
i think that's everything i know for now. let's get into my thoughts/opinions.
first and foremost, it's okay to not like a ship. it's normal and i do it sometimes like with avatar: the last airbender ships (ehem ehem). what is not okay is for you to extend your dislike to the characters by spreading misinformation or bashing those who support the other ship and sending hate to the actors involved in it. grace is 25 years old and she can support anything as long as it doesn't hurt others. she is not a "pedophile" and is just a person supporting a ship she's involved with which is not new. she doesn't even hate on steddie and just lets that ship be. look, i support both ships because it goes beyond the norms when the show took place. with eddie being the outcast/freak and chrissy/steve being the popular person with a soft heart. i love the eddissy ship better but that doesn't mean i will go to lengths and drag steddie down and the people who love the ship.
lastly, the never-ending cycle of babying actors and famous people. i have been here tons of times and i am not surprised anymore. joseph is in his late twenties (i am not sure of his age because it sometimes says 29 but he said in one interview he's 28) and knows how to protect himself. grace is not stalking him and they are good friends since they are co-stars and might've been hanging out sometimes. there's a post that i saw that grace might be scared to go to an event with joseph because of the hate she's receiving which doesn't sit right with me. i hope that their friendship isn't ruined because of this stupid situation.
that's what i can think of right now and check out the other posts about this situation in some of the tags. also, check out some reddit posts that are clearly supporting and defending grace.
if grace sees this, we will always love and defend you 💗
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