September 25th
It’s been so long since I’ve written, but I am still trying to keep up with my weight loss. I am trying to more restrict my calorie intake in a healthy way instead of restricting all of the foods I eat. I am excited about the fact that starting in October I will be going back to the gym. I didn’t realize that when I stopped going last year I would miss it so much but I think I really missed th consistency and just being able to take an hour and do something for myself like walking on a treadmill for an hour or doing arms and legs. I kinda like just doing that which is a crazy thought to me seeing as I’m at the weight I am.
I am happy that I’m slowly still losing weight and have found small differences in my appearance that I love. I found that my waist is a little bit smaller and that my face is not as round as it once was. I found myself just staring in the mirror at my face and I could see the start of my cheekbones and jawbone forming. I also noticed that my stomach didn’t stick out as much as it used to. I’m so happy.
SW: 286
CW: 272.2
1st GW: 190
UGW: 140
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weight loss spell
reach your next gw by the end of september
~like to charge~✨
✨ ~reblog to cast~
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Honestly tired of losing the same 20 pounds.
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If you feel like giving up because you’re not making progress
Remember that your body is capable of looking more amazing than you can even imagine yet.
I’ve lost over 100lbs and I can seriously say that at every single stage of my weightloss I’ve thought “I can never get any thinner. It’s not possible for me to look any different. I’m never going to look good”
And every time I lose more I surprise myself. My cheekbones stick out and my jawline is stronger every day. My thighs don’t touch. My cellulite is disappearing. My arms are getting so thin. My stomach is flatter than ever and my hipbones jut out. I can see parts of my ribs and chest bones, and my collarbones now show all the way across my chest leading to my sharp jutting shoulders. My knees and elbows are kind of knobby now.
These are things I never thought would happen and they’re beginning to happen for me.
Even now I see pics and I think about how I’ll seemingly never get there. But if they can do it so will I, damn it.
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August 5th - Week 5
I have been feeling so great since my weigh in this morning!! I started my cleaner eating diet and was surprised to find that my sisters who I buy groceries with every two weeks were also very interested in starting this diet with me. We are also working on cleaning out a space in our house The is specifically just for working out, but as of right now we are solely focusing on our diets. I have still been weighing myself daily cause it has been kind of a hard habit to break but I have been trying to not focus on the numbers as much and more on the way my body is feeling. I have noticed that eating too much of certain foods has made me feel very lethargic and tired. And I have also noticed that I find it easier to get up in the morning and eat breakfast which is something I used to never do. I weighed in this morning and have lost 3.2 pounds!! It feels so good to see that! I know I have seen this number in a scale before in pervious attempts at my weight loss journey, but this time it just seems so... promising. Like I feel so good about it and so ready to keep going and to not let any step backs or small gains ruin me like they had done in the past. This time is the time I get to better myself and find happiness in my body and confidence in myself!! I am going to do this!!
SW: 286 lbs
CW: 276.6 lbs
First GW: 199 lbs
UGW: 140 lbs
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Outfits I want to wear once I’m skinny ✨
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So i started a week ago at 104.3 and now i’m 99.8!!!!
Im so happy I could cry. I’m that much closer to my end GW.
Good luck guys!!!!
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July 29th - Week 4
oh boy,  I was trying to make updating my journal on here a weekly thing or even more but I guess I haven’t quite made a habit of it. I want to try to do this more than every so often haha. These past few weeks have not been the greatest for weight loss as I have not really had the chance to grocery shop and have just been too busy most of the time with work and stuff, I am working on it and have went shopping today. It is nice to find that my sisters that I live with are both happy to join me on this journey even if it is just in their diets for right now. We have all decided to start trying to eat cleaner, and have began meal prepping. 
On July 15th I weighed in at 280 lbs and on July 22nd I weighed in at 282 lbs which was pretty disappointing to see the scale going up and not down. I am also still very almost obsessively weighing myself and it has in turn made me feel not so good about myself and unfortunately that has made me snack and binge eat. I have found myself straightening myself out a lot quicker than i used to and have made sure not to snack on really bad food as often. I was really excited though to see my weigh in today and have found myself really motivated to see that even though i have stumbled in the past if I just try a bit more instead of just giving up and getting into the mindset that I will never be able to do this and that I will always be fat, I feel like it will be easier for me to keep going through my weight loss journey. Now I need to start exercising more often and keep it up on drinking more water which I have found myself doing more and more as of the past few days. I can’t wait to see what the next few weeks and even the next few months have in store for me. I just have to stay motivated and not so harsh on myself. 
SW: 286 lbs
CW: 279.8 lbs
First GW: 199 lbs
UGW: 140 lbs
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realistic diet & weight loss advice
- your body is the only body you’ve got. it’s going to look like YOUR body, regardless of what size it is. working out or dieting to try to look like x picture or y model is only going to lead to disappointment. work out to look like the healthiest, best version of you, first and foremost.
- the body changes slowly. stop googling ‘how to lose x pounds in y days’ or you’ll throw yourself into a pit of obsessing over water weight that will come and go like … well … water. whether you’re trying to lose inches or grow a butt or tone up or whatever, it’s going to take time, so stop counting it and take things day by day.
- you have to eat well, most days, for the indefinite future. this means learning recipes you actually like that you’ll actually eat. 
- eat when you’re hungry, until you’re not hungry anymore. this involves paying attention to your food; stop eating while you watch stuff, and start focusing on your food and how your body reacts to it. be mindful, enjoy, and control your portions naturally. finding the ‘sweet spot’ - also known as satiety - takes time and focus, but eventually you’ll figure out how to stop before you’re too full. 
- the best calorie counter, step tracker and exercise calculator is your body. While it might be helpful at the beginning to keep a food diary or weigh yourself occasionally, the numbers don’t really matter. if you make the right choices over a consistent period of time, things will change for the better. even obsessive tracking will never be as accurate as your body is; let it go, trust your process, and give up the “tracking”. 
- while I agree that weight loss is 75% diet, 25% exercise, I also believe that happiness comes from moving around often and intentionally. Don’t skip the workouts, the walks, the yoga sessions just because you think it’ll save you a snack or something. If you want to change the shape of your body, building muscle can help that to a degree - so you’ll want to exercise lots and fuel your muscles to help them grow. Otherwise, things as simple as long walks or high intensity interval routines a few days a week can do the body and the mind a world of good.
- self love honestly does change a lot. when you stop looking at yourself negatively, you start recognizing more and more of your own beauty. this doesn’t mean that self love means “settling” for looking a certain way - it just means that you’ll love where you are at every stage, and that’s what really counts (as cheesy as it sounds).
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July 9th, 2019 - Day 1
Here we go again... I find it hard to believe how many times I have restarted my weight loss journey. I think it’s been like four times in the past year or so. It’s been tough for me to continue my journey cause I get so discouraged and ever person I have started this journey with either as support or them going through their own journey has basically quit on me and it makes it hard on me to keep going when I no longer have that support with me. I get really discouraged and have a lot of dark thoughts creeping up on me like “I was just born to be fat” or “you will never reach your weight loss goal.” It is hard for me to feel motivated when everyone else around me doesn’t seem to care or support me in my journey, and I guess I realized this time around that I have to be my own support system when no one else wants to. It’s just hard when you have all these dark thoughts about your body and the way you look.
Because of these thoughts I have decided to use them to my advantage, since I am a person that likes to push myself and prove myself wrong. So I have decided to write down the bad thoughts that I have the most about myself, and every 10 pounds I lose I will tear up one of the pieces of paper, and keep going till I hit my goal weight. It seems a little dark but I personally do better when I am trying to prove myself and my awful thoughts about myself wrong. I have also decided to stop OBSESSIVELY weighing myself! I had this awful habit of weighing myself every morning and would get so discouraged and unmotivated when I would like drop a pound the day before then go up two the next. So I decided to try to only have weekly weigh in and just go off of what I feel in my body and my mind. I need to do this, this time around. I can no longer be unhappy and unhealthy in my own skin. It makes me too sad, it’s too painful.
SW: 286
CW: 277.2
First GW: 199
UGW: 140
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179 | 148
In the photo on the left, I had already lost about 75 pounds and was sooooo hype to be wearing actual jeans. With a button and not just jeggings. 😂 It’s crazy the differences in my body over time that I don’t really notice day-to-day. My face, boobs, arms, waist, are all slimmer and I have actually built muscle (probably the biggest change).
I’m honestly not used to loving my own body and I’ve found it’s definitely an adjustment going from losing weight to maintaining weight. To be honest, after steadily losing weight for almost 4 years, I am still struggling to find the right balance between calorie intake, working out, and life in general. When I watch fit girls on Instagram or Youtube, I wonder how I could ever be considered healthy when I don’t count macros or always eat a surplus on heavy lifting days. Similarly, I still sometimes feel self conscious in the gym and wonder if people are questioning why I am there or judging my form or the exercises I choose to do.
But I am so much more in-tune with my body than I used to be—I love to live responsively and adjust my eating habits and work outs based on the needs of my body that day. My life has changed so much since these pictures were taken (and even more since I first started losing weight). Not all of the changes have to do with weight loss, but this journey has never been exclusively about weight loss. It’s been about learning to live with purpose, to create the life I want and better myself in the process.
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@/kpnfit on Instagram
She’s 5'5" and honestly such an inspiration to me.
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