chrysalisse · 9 years
Friday reminder
Surat Al-Kahf, lots of Dua and asking Allah (swt) to send His peace & blessings upon the Messenger ﷺ
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chrysalisse · 9 years
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chrysalisse · 9 years
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The breakdown to finish the Quran in 9 days Inshallah
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chrysalisse · 9 years
Best Days
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah 😊 Quick reminder: We've got about a week to till the first 10 Days of Thul Hijjah Inshallah. Take the opportunity to look into what they're all about if you don't already know, and if you do: consider planning how to make the most of them Inshallah.
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chrysalisse · 9 years
Friday reminder
Surat Al-Kahf, lots of Dua and asking Allah (swt) to send His peace & blessings upon the Messenger ﷺ
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chrysalisse · 9 years
Fasting reminder
Al-Ayyam Al-Beed for Thul Qi'dah [Check with your local mosque to verify the dates] • 13th of Thul Qi'dah - Fri Aug 28th • 14th of Thul Qi'dah - Sat Aug 29th • 15th of Thul Qi'dah - Sun Aug 30th Please remind others and try to fast these days if you are able to!
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chrysalisse · 9 years
Can't count the times... If you try to recall all the answered duas, and things we got without even asking, it's impossible to list them all. We're drowning in His blessings. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillahi wahdah  “And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah , you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is [generally] most unjust and ungrateful.” — Quran (14:34)
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chrysalisse · 9 years
 A Reflection on the Quran from (70:19–23) • In pain/difficulty we lose trust and become afraid. • In goodness we're selfish, ungrateful and forgetful. • Except for those who pray. Constantly properly, on time with the full pillars and conditions fulfilled. Why prayer? • They know Allah and understand their position from Him as slaves in absolute need, weakness and poverty to Him (swt). – Prayer is their connection to Him, it's the proof of their commitment. • They know they need Him for every breath, for health, for every movement, to bless them and protect them, to keep them safe, to free them from pain, difficulty, calamity, loss, injury, harm etc. – They know that they have no one but Allah, sincerely and truly. Their neediness and vulnerability are ever present in their heart and mind, grounding them. • Every aspect of goodness comes from Him alone. – Our entire existence and the world as we know it, and what we don't know if it hinges on Allah (swt)'s Qayyumiyyah, Rahma, Qudrah, Karam, Fadl, Ilm and Hikmah. اللهم اجعلنا من المصلين الذين هم علي صلاتهم دائمون و الذين هم على صلاتهم يحافظون  اللهم عافنا و لا تبتلينا اللهم استرنا و لا تفضحنا اللهم انا نسألك العافية و تمام العافية و دوام العافية في الدين و الدنيا و الآخرة.
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chrysalisse · 9 years
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah, 😊 Friday: Surat Al-Kahf, lots of Dua and asking Allah (swt) to send His peace & blessings upon the Messenger ﷺ
(via chrysalisse)
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chrysalisse · 9 years
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Reminds me of the days I was always flying somewhere. Almost 7 years ago...Alhamdulillah. One day Inshallah
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chrysalisse · 9 years
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah, 😊 Friday: Surat Al-Kahf, lots of Dua and asking Allah (swt) to send His peace & blessings upon the Messenger ﷺ
(via chrysalisse)
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chrysalisse · 9 years
📖 Reflections from the 29th & 30th ajza' of the Quran
💓 One call (74:3) “And your Lord glorify” • Our role is to call others to worship Allah (swt). It isn't to invite people to follow our school of thought, opinions mosque, teacher etc. • This is the focus of all Dawah: Whenever there's excessive emphasis on individuals being followed or considered infallible this should worry you. • If you read the stories of all the Prophets and Messengers in the Quran, they all told their people to worship Allah (swt) alone; never to glorify or praise themselves (pbut). — 💓 Signs of sincerity (76:9–10) “ We feed you only for the countenance of Allah . We wish not from you reward or gratitude. Indeed, We fear from our Lord a Day austere and distressful.” • They didn't want anything in return: not recognition or praise. • They didn't expect gratitude, special treatment or have the feeling that those who they helped were indebted to them. • They were motivated to give out of a fear for themselves: Charity is for the one giving it, not receiving it. — 💓 It flew by (79:46) “It will be, on the Day they see it, as though they had not remained [in the world] except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.” • Seeing how quickly Ramadan flew by, and how we can only look back at what we did and didn't do. These scenes of our lives will be frozen and kept in the records of the Angels until we meet Allah (swt). • Our entire lives will pass in the same way, falling through our fingers as the time for action fades away and the time for accounting begins. • Ramadan is leaving us, but for those of us who are still alive: What will we do to come closer to Allah with what little time we have left? O Allah accept our efforts, overlook our faults and shortcomings and enter us into Jannah with Your Mercy ya Rabb. — 💓 The Earth's testimony (99:4) “That Day, it will report its news” • Allah (swt) will command the Earth to report what it witnessed. • Everything will either speak for us or against us, our bodies, the Earth, our deeds etc. — Make an effort to leave traces of goodness everywhere I go. Even the smallest act will matter on a day where our deeds are measured by an atom's weight. — Alhamdulillah for the opportunity to be with the Quran this Ramadan. I pray Allah (swt) accepts from all of us. Eid Mubarak to every single one of you. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah :)
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chrysalisse · 9 years
📖 Reflections from the 28th Juz' of the Quran
💓 Accounting & Actions (59:18) “O you who have believed, fear Allah . And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow - and fear Allah . Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.” • This ayah is calling for each person to take themselves to account in this life before the hereafter. • Weigh everything according to it's consequences in the hereafter. Increase in the good, eliminate the bad. How? — Where I fall short in doing good: Work harder, focus and try to improve. — Where I'm making a mistake: Stop, repent and distance myself from any causes or company that make me fall into it. — 💓 The first step (61:5) “...And when they deviated, Allah caused their hearts to deviate. And Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people.” • We are the ones who leave the path, who stop the good deeds, slack off, get lazy and distracted first. • Once we stop putting in the effort Allah (swt) causes our hearts to turn away from the truth as a result. — Always work to be increasing and improving. Stopping or decreasing can mean losing out completely. O Allah don't deviate our hearts after You've guided us and grant us Mercy from You, indeed you're Al-Wahhab. — 💓 Family First (66:6) “O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones...” • It's easy to focus on serving the community or those around us through dawah or development and education work. What about our family? • Individuals > families > communities > society. • If every household developed themselves first it has a ripple effect on the entire population. – Dawah and education outside the home is easier, as it's mostly met with appreciation, acceptance and praise. At home however, it's can be a thankless, time-consuming and tricky task. — Make dawah and education of the family an act of worship, and a step towards applying this ayah of the Quran Inshallah.
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chrysalisse · 9 years
📖 Reflections from the 27th Juz' of the Quran
💓 In Our eyes (52:48) “And be patient, [O Muhammad], for the decision of your Lord, for indeed, you are in Our eyes. And exalt [ Allah ] with praise of your Lord when you arise.” • Be patient in the face of difficulties and in being steadfast in obedience. Allah (swt) is in full sight, care and control of our situation. • Rabb is used here to emphasize the Mercy and protection of Allah (swt). • There's so much warmth in this ayah, knowing that Allah (swt) has our back, so to speak, and that no matter what, He's handling everything with the utmost care. Alhamdulillah. — 💓 Power & Precision (54:10–15) “So he invoked his Lord, "Indeed, I am overpowered, so help.' ” • When Nuh (pbuh) was at a point where there was nothing else he could do, he called out to Allah to help him; and what followed was amazing. • Allah (awj) made the skies gush pouring copious amounts of water, and the earth forcefully exploded with water, flooding the earth. Each releasing exactly the decreed amount of water, and meeting (like soldiers of an army coming from different directions) precisely at the designated level. • The language of the ayah is booming with the might and power of Allah (swt)'s response. Mobilizing His creation in extraordinary ways, with total control and accuracy, in response to the dua of his slave. – When I'm at those points where I'm feeling cornered, helpless and defeated I've got to turn to the One who is Undefeatable (swt). — 💓 Death (56:83–87) “Then why, when the soul at death reaches the throat and you are at that time looking on - and Our angels are nearer to him than you, but you do not see. Then why do you not, if you are not to be recompensed, bring it back, if you should be truthful?” • Death is the undeniable reality that we will all face. Everything falls apart in front of death. • People like to feel like they were in control saying, 'I fought and beat cancer' or ' I survived it'. When death comes, the top surgeons, consultants, teams, equipment and treatment simply fail. • It's easy to dismiss Allah (swt)'s role in our lives by giving credit to medicine or cutting-edge procedures. Death, however, puts the record straight. We have zero control over it, and that's why it's such a potent reminder. O Allah grant us all a good ending and don't take our souls except while You're pleased with us.
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chrysalisse · 9 years
📖 Reflections from the 26th Juz' of the Quran
💓 Out of credit (46:20) ..."You exhausted your pleasures during your worldly life and enjoyed them, so this Day you will be awarded the punishment of [extreme] humiliation because you were arrogant upon the earth without right and because you were defiantly disobedient." • Who knows if the goodness we have in dunya may be all that's coming to us? • Will our enjoyment and ungratefulness be a cause for punishment? O Allah make us thankful for all the blessings You've given us and enable us to obey You through them. — 💓 Locked up (47:24) “Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an, or are there locks upon [their] hearts?” • It's very possible to reflect on the Quran with your mind, like an intellectual exercise, without it reaching the heart. • The reflection mentioned here is specifically linked to impacting the heart. • If I'm reciting, listening to, studying or even teaching the Quran and my heart is unaffected by it, then something is wrong. O Allah remove the locks from our hearts and purify them. — 💓 The heart of the matter (50:37) “Indeed in that is a reminder for whoever has a heart or who listens while he is present [in mind] • So much discussion around the state of our hearts yet it still isn't something we regularly pay attention to. • The guidance of the Quran impacts the hearts that are in the correct state to receive it. — The Messenger (pbuh) used to make duas specifically addressing the state of his heart: We should be keen on studying, understanding, memorizing and frequently making those too.
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chrysalisse · 9 years
📖 Reflections from the 25th Juz' of the Quran
💓 Signs pointing to the Creator (41:53) “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth...” • Everything in the creation around us is so immaculate and runs with uncompromising precision. All of it is a sign for people to wonder, who made all of it? Who runs and maintains it? • I took Immunology as an elective in university, and the main thing that stuck with me afterwards was: That given the extreme complexity and highly specialized processes that take place in our bodies, it's a wonder anyone is healthy at all. • This can only be the work of Allah (swt). A creation so remarkably complex, but runs like clockwork. It's only in the case of illness or injury that we're able to see how dangerous it can get when things don't work like they should. – Tabarak Allah the best of Creators. Alhamdulillah for all He's given us, and continues to give us. — 💓 Facing the Fire (42:45) “And you will see them being exposed to the Fire, humbled from humiliation, looking from [behind] a covert glance...” • When I see or hear something that's too painful, scary, hurtful or violent I react in the same way. I cover my face, turn away, squint my eyes and grimace as if I'm trying to reduce the impact and distance my senses from what I'm being forced to experience. • On that day when there's nowhere to run, seeing the punishment itself and the people who are experiencing it will be the first part of the torment. O Allah forbid the hellfire from touching us and write us from the people of Paradise. – 💓 A clear warning (42:47) “Respond to your Lord before a Day comes from Allah of which there is no repelling. No refuge will you have that day, nor for you will there be any denial.” • Straighten up now. Whatever you're planning on changing or thinking of stopping, do it now. Don't wait. O Allah guide us to what You love and are pleased with. —
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chrysalisse · 9 years
📖 Reflections from the 24th Juz' of the Quran
💓 No idea (39:47) ”...And there will appear to them from Allah that which they had not taken into account.” • Our ideas and assumptions about meeting Allah (swt) and what will happen to us on that day can very well be delusional. • This ayah reminds me that we don't know what deeds Allah (swt) will accept from us, if any at all. • Something we've said or done or even a corrupt intention could have gained us the anger of Allah (swt) unknowingly while we think we're doing good. — Never get smug about good actions or worship, because in reality it could be that none of it is sincere or acceptable to Allah (swt). O Allah grant us sincerity, acceptance, steadfastness, and a good ending. — 💓 Exposed (41:21–22) “And they will say to their skins, "Why have you testified against us?" They will say, "We were made to speak by Allah , who has made everything speak; and He created you the first time, and to Him you are returned. And you were not covering yourselves, lest your hearing testify against you or your sight or your skins, but you assumed that Allah does not know much of what you do.” • If we weren't able to remember that Allah (swt) is constantly watching over us, then we're reminded in this ayah that even our own skin and limbs will speak up to testify against us. • It makes me think about how shameful it is to have Allah (swt) ask us why we did what we did, let alone have our bodies confess to their role in the matter. • Even inanimate objects like limbs and skin that aren't entities on their own, obey Allah (awj) and will turn against us if we don't use them properly. — 💓 Distracted and Deterred (41:26)“And those who disbelieve say, 'Do not listen to this Qur'an and speak noisily during [the recitation of] it that perhaps you will overcome'.” • This reminds me of how the media goes out of its way to spread false information about Islam and Muslims to give people a negative impression of it so they'll avoid it. • It's clear that anyone left to their own logic and common sense would see the beauty in the Islamic faith and what it has to offer to humanity. – It's our job to convey this beauty and be living examples of it for those around us to see.
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