cirquebella-blog · 7 years
Things Said/Heard During Finals Week
“I’m teaching myself French in one night. It’s going great.”
“Want some Raisinettes?”
“Let my people go…”
“I love the book on your head.”
“It’s an aesthetic. The cigarettes, the Raisinettes… it’s solid.”
“Oh, thank god, I found a banana in my pocket.”
“It’s… it’s less phlegmy than that. More sensual.”
“That’s a fucking… bird.”
“Oh, I’m paying for my sins. We all are.”
“Nothing matters any more. Do you want ice cream?”
“It’ll all be alright in the end. Depending on how you define ‘alright’ and how you define ‘end.’”
“I haven’t slept all night, I’m vibrating slightly but constantly, and I’m pretty sure I just tasted god. How are you doing?”
“A note to people writing last-minute papers: caps lock might seem like it’s your friend. It isn’t.”
“Chicago-style citations means we don’t put any ketchup on the bibliography page, right?”
“The good news is that GPA is actually pretty insignificant in the face of all of our inevitable deaths, so…”
“God, I wish I had the core strength to consider stripping as a fallback.”
“Lifehack: Sleep when you’re dead. We’re all dead inside already. So sleep whenever.”
“I haven’t seen the world outside the library in so long.”
“It’s like the song says, you know? There’ll be peace when you are done.”
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
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an update! i think i have at least the base color of everything
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
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Took a stab at one of my favorite games Skullgirls :D
and yes those are fidget spinners in Cerebella’s hands now shush
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
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            ‘  course  !  CEREBELLA right ?  ‘  the pen is ready in hand, cap seated on the back of it.
“Yeah!” She spells her name out for him.
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“Y’know, I used to watch that tv show you were in all the time...”
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
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beowulf is such a great wrestler, he can hold FOUR CHAIRS!! AT ONCE!!!!!
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
owo whats this ??
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i love cats but you’re shedding all over my mood
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
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 ’     &.   what  do  you  want  from  me   ??    i’m  sure  this  isn’t  just  a  sudden  change  of  heart  .     ’ 
hey, I’m just trying to be nice! you know, bury the hatchet!
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and maybe i need your help
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
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            ‘       who are you     ‘
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awww c’mon, there’s no way you don’t remember ME!
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
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tfw ur flirty and cute but ur sugar daddy just wants u for ur muscle hat :(
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
bella likes shitty jokes
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
’ why are you all wet? ‘ hi mary ily
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MAYBE I just saw someone really hot ;)
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
’ Why are you all wet? ‘ 
’ Aloha! ’
’ You’re vile. You’re foul. You’re flawed. ‘ 
’ Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. ’
’ If you want to leave, you can. I’ll remember you, though. ’
’ I remember everyone that leaves. ’
’ You! You’re the cause of all this. ’
’ This is my family. I found it all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Ya. Still good. ’
’ Oh, good! My dog found the chainsaw. ’
’ No more caffeine for you. ’
’ Did you lose your job because of me? ‘ 
’ The managers a vampire. He wanted me to join his legion of the undead. ’
’ Trust me, this isn’t gonna end well. ’
’ I’m sorry I bit you. And pulled your hair. And punched you in the face. ’
’ GIve us a sign you understand any of this. ’
’ Show us that there is something inside you that is good. ’
’ I didn’t teach him that. ’
’ Come on, what’s the big deal? ’
’ Leave my mother out of this. ’
’ You are such a pain. ’
’ Then why don’t you sell me and buy me a rabbit instead? ’
’ I hate it when you use Ohana against me. ’
’ I’m lost. ’
’ Don’t interact with her. ’
’ Oh, we can’t do that. Uh-uh. That would be a misuse of resources. ’
’ Why do you act so weird? ’
’ You look familiar. ’
’ We’re a broken family, aren’t we? ’
’ I shouldn’t have yelled at you. ’
’ You are built to destroy. You can never belong. ’
’ We need something that can defend itself. Something that won’t die. ’
’ I hear you cry at night. ’
’ Do you dream about them? ’
’ You came back. ’
’ Nobody gets left behind. ’
’ I need someone to be my friend. Someone who won’t run away. ‘ 
’ His destructive programming is taking effect. ’
’ Did you ever kill anyone? ’
’ Are you.. happy? ’
’ I am the one they call when things go wrong and things have, indeed, gone wrong. ’
’ Our family’s little now, and we don’t have many toys. ’
‘ If you want, you could be a part of our family. ’
’ We’d raise you to be good. ’
’ She likes your butt and fancy hair. ’
’ I read her diary. ’
’ Not guilty! My experiments are only theoretical, and completely within legal boundaries. ’
’ He was designed to be a monster, but now he has nothing to destroy. ’
’ I never gave him a greater purpose. ’
’ What must it be like to have nothing, not even memories to look back on in the middle of the night? ’
’ If you promise not to fight anymore, I promise not to yell at you, except on special occasions. ’
’ Stupid head. ’
’ Did you catch fire again? ’
’ This is your badness level. It’s unusually high for someone your size. We have to fix that. ’
’ Don’t leave me, okay? ’
’ Do you want to be taken away? ’
’ You’re just jealous ‘cause I’m pretty! ’
’ My friends need to be punished. ’
’ Heard you lost your job. ’
’ Thus far you have been adrift in the sheltered harbor of my patience. ‘ 
‘ After all you’ve put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? ’
’ He’s very persuasive. ‘ 
’ I know you had something to do with this. ’
’ Oh, good! I was hoping to add theft, endangerment and insanity to my list of things I did today. ’
’ I prefer to be called evil genius. ’
’ You smell like a lawn mower. ’
’ I have just determined the situation to be far too hazardous! ’
’ Don’t worry. I won’t hit her. ’
’ This is low even for you! ’
’ You are all mine. ’
’ You know I have no choice. ’
‘  Please don’t do this. ’
’ You’re making this harder than it needs to be. ’
’ She needs me. ’
’ Leave me alone to die. ’
’ What is that monstrosity? ’
’ Does this look infected to you? ’
’ You’d better not have rabies. ’
’ Hiding behind your little friend won’t work anymore. ’
’ Didn’t I tell you? We got fired this morning. ’
’ That is the ugliest thing I have ever saw! ’
’ It has no place among us. ’
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cirquebella-blog · 7 years
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independent selective cerebella from skullgirls
rules about ask
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