cityofhyacinth · 1 month
the neighborhood of carnation / real estate
the residential neighborhood of Hyacinth is carnation, comprises of two streets: marigold lane and rosebud boulevard. available real estate is listed below; you can purchase a home by commenting on this post.
1 marigold lane - Ċ200
2 marigold lane - Ċ200
4 marigold lane - Ċ200
8 marigold lane - Ċ200
16 marigold lane - Ċ200
32 marigold lane - Ċ200
64 marigold lane - Ċ200
marigold apartments, room 2 - Ċ50
marigold apartments, room 4 - Ċ50
marigold apartments, room 6 - Ċ50
10 rosebud boulevard - Ċ250
20 rosebud boulevard - Ċ250
30 rosebud boulevard - Ċ250
40 rosebud boulevard - Ċ250
rosebud duplex, door A - Ċ100
rosebud duplex, door B - Ċ100
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cityofhyacinth · 1 month
town market
17 dandelion drive
the market is expansive, filled with the aroma of fresh-baked bread and fruits of all kinds. purchase anything by commenting on this post.
brioche loaf - Ċ6
brioche half-loaf - Ċ3
basket of fresh strawberries - Ċ5
one bunch of grapes - Ċ3
one green or red apple - Ċ1
assorted nut butters - Ċ8
fresh cow’s milk - Ċ2
berry jam - Ċ4
dark chocolate - Ċ10
fresh butter - Ċ3
tea leaves - Ċ1
coffee grounds - Ċ4
rosewater - Ċ7
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cityofhyacinth · 1 month
10 marigold lane
the apothecary is awe-inspiring, an aura of strong healing magic consuming you as you step inside. purchase anything in the comments of this post.
potion of regeneration - Ċ30
potion of luck (weak) - Ċ5
potion of luck (moderate) - Ċ10
potion of luck (strong) - Ċ20
potion of love* - Ċ70
*you can only be paired with another citizen who has purchased the potion of love
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cityofhyacinth · 1 month
town square
our botanical garden is full of flora and fauna alike, pure beauty thrives in Hyacinth. citizens are welcome to visit at all times, and all flowers may be picked, as they possess regenerative properties.
the Hyacinthian social club is known for its wonderful experiences shared by its members, and all citizens can join by simply signing up in the comments of this post.
the hostel is Ċ45 a night, though the city of Hyacinth recommends purchasing a house.
the town square is beautiful, ivy-covered, and ever serene.
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cityofhyacinth · 1 month
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welcome to Hyacinth
we welcome you to our city. here, faefolk, humans, witches, and creatures of all kinds alike exist in harmony. if you would like to apply for citizenship, please read below the cut.
citizenship info, list of citizens, other details below the cut
apply for citizenship
to apply for citizenship, send an ask containing the following information:
your title, honorific, and name (ex: queen mary of hyacinth or mr. snow)
your occupation (available occupations include: baker, blacksmith, bookbinder, carpenter, bard, thief, and royalty)
your species (human, fae, or were-beast)
your family, if you have one (ex: brother john, father alexander)
your place of residence, including address (ex: tudor manor, 22 marigold lane) (you must choose from the available real estate listed in our real estate post, or choose to build your own house on any of our streets)
what Hyacinth has to offer
apothecary located at 10 marigold lane
market located at 17 dandelion drive
social club at the town square
botanical garden at the town square
hostel at the town square
the neighborhood of carnation (residential streets are marigold lane and rosebud boulevard, available real estate information listed at our real estate post)
citizens are welcome to open their own shops, simply send an ask describing your shop
how Hyacinth operates
to purchase from the market, become healed at the apothecary, visit a friend’s house, etc., all interactions take place in the post’s comments. all comments must sign off with your title/honorific and name (ex: “i’d like to purchase an apple for 2 cynthions - ms. smith”)
our currency is the cynthion, often abbreviated as Ċ or Č (ex: 10 cynthions = Ċ10 / Č10). every citizen is gifted 400 cynthions upon being granted citizenship, and cynthions can be earned by selling goods, though the barter system is encouraged for non-fundamental needs. assistance is provided for sick citizens without enough cynthions to purchase from the apothecary.
your spending is tracked, and the city of Hyacinth will dm you your financial information and current inventory after every time you make a transaction.
enjoy your stay in Hyacinth.
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