clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
Ich bin sehr glücklich hier ...
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Robin is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! She drove us to the lake :)
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es gab so viele Enten
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
Willkommen in Deutschland!
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
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My favorite singer, in the world, is nominated for 6 GRAMMYS!!! Can't believe I'm seeing him LIVE in January!!! :) 
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
Packing up my room + cleaning it + studying + typing + blogging + booking bus ticket = I am officially an adult
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
I have a serious cold! :( bad time to get sickly
Lots of hot tea and vitamin C...try to avoid the freezing temperatures!
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
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Newcastle United Football! 52,000 PEOPLE!
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
VICTORY! My first "football" game- Newcastle United: 1 QPR: 0
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
In Cambridge!
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Home with Ellen for the week. Tomorrow's Thanksgiving...my first holiday out of the country :(
Super SUPER DUPER homesick. Missing my whole family and the boyfriend♡
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These bears made me think of my sweet Grandparents! :D
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
so much work so little time
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
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I took these too :)
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
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I took all of these pictures of the Quayside :) 
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
halloween like home (almost)
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Ellen has taught me how to make "toffee apples"...it involves sugar syrup and sugar...so bad for you but so delicious! A British alternative to our caramel apples I guess :) 
Ellen has wonderful flatmates- Tom, Harry, and Becca! I shared with them an American/family tradition of baking the pumpkin seeds with salt and snacking on them!
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Ellen and my friendly pumpkin...
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Becca's "This is Halloween" pumpkin...(she's so talented!)
Tom's "cyborg"(?) pumpkin? Haha
Tom is the coolest! He is a member of the Christian Union and a FABULOUS cook!
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*WARNING* This was my view from my window Halloween night! *EEK*
I live on the 6th floor, across the street from a pizza place that is open very, very late. As you can see, Halloween was an eventful night for some!
People yell, sing, chant...I had a hard time falling asleep!
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Above: Ellen and I being silly! She's from Cambridge. Such a sweet, intelligent girl with so much great advice! Definitely friends for life <3 
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clairebearstudyabroad · 10 years
update & not-so-lazy lazy Sunday
Found Clarkson nerds in England...what?! Playing that weird walk on a rope barefoot game. I don't get it lol
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Jesmond has sparkly trees :)
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I miss my grandparents SO MUCH!
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My not so lazy lazy Sunday!!!! :l yikes
A few more hours of this before a break to go to the GRAINGER MARKET :)
Fresh fruits and veggies for cheap. I love courgettes (what the Brits call zucchini apparently ahha!) 
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