clairecognizance · 4 days
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clairecognizance · 5 days
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clairecognizance · 1 month
Welcome Back to the Shadowlands!
An 18+ server, intended to be a space for witches of all paths to discuss their craft or just hang out. No path or practice is off limits in this server. . 
The server is equipped with channels for members to share craft resources or funny links. 
There is a channel for more formal discussions on different paths, practices, traditions, or magical theories. 
According to demand and member availability we might do formal classes, ritual nights, or even a witchy movie night
We learned a lot from our first go round and have taken this time off to really work out what kind of community we want to build. I think the Shadowlands is going to be a positive environment for anyone that is new to witchcraft or simply looking for a community to grow your path. If you have any questions about what the server send an ask to this blog. Alternatively you can send your questions to the creators @clairecognizance and @be-bhinnn. The link to join is here:
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clairecognizance · 1 month
dykAe (the a is silent)
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clairecognizance · 1 month
Hey guys, this isn't fandom-related but just a PSA because I want you to be safe out there.
Whatever you do, DO NOT go to this form created to target trans people in Utah and DO NOT spam it with bogus reports such as:
The entire Bee Movie script
100k word fanfics
Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up"
The names of conservative lawmakers
Full-length movies
PDFs of novels
Remember, since they have no limits on word count or file size, it's really easy to overload their system and we DO NOT want that to happen. Additionally, if you have a VPN, you should absolutely NOT change your location to Utah because that makes it more difficult for them to filter reports by IP address.
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clairecognizance · 1 month
I was high off my ass last night and had this dream where I was in this dense ass forest and sitting there was a tall woman. She was so tall I couldn’t see her face but she was wearing gold and I was like “uh…hi?” And she said “I made you, do you know that?” And I nodded and she was like “I hear your thoughts. Why do you hate my creation? Why do you try to destroy yourself? I made you perfect as you are. Please don’t break my heart”. Then she started crying and it flooded and I woke up with fucking heart palpitations like what does it Mean™️????
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clairecognizance · 1 month
amazing news for the bisexual community
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"oscar isaac" "kristen stewart" "vampire" "thriller" "80s" ???? please
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clairecognizance · 1 month
It should 100% be illegal for companies to make you give them your payment information when you sign up for a free trial version of their product. It is not necessary and there is no good fucking reason for them to do it. It’s blatantly just so they can steal forgetful customers’ money.
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clairecognizance · 1 month
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clairecognizance · 1 month
There may be the horrors but consider there could be a pretty woman commuting to New York on that train you are considering taking
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clairecognizance · 1 month
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"I love you , I'm glad we're friends"
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clairecognizance · 2 months
Happy First Day of Playoffs, let’s go🎉
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clairecognizance · 2 months
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clairecognizance · 2 months
*puts hands on hollywood exec's shoulders, staring unblinking into their eyes* listen to me. you will never get people who hate musicals to like musicals by making your musical less of a musical. if you hide the fact that your film is a musical in the advertising, you're going to get a lot of low ratings from people who hate musicals and went into your movie not expecting a musical and got one anyway. people who hate musicals will hate them no matter how realistic and diegetic and lowkey you try to make it. they will hate musicals even if you completely excise anything complicated, over the top, silly, or even slightly challenging. they will hate musicals even if you cut half the songs. they will hate musicals even if you cast that a-lister who can't sing worth a damn. stop trying to market to people who hate musicals. they're a lost cause. your audience should be people who love musicals. this half-assed middle ground pisses off both camps. just embrace the fact that your movie is a musical. lean into it. don't try and trick musical haters into coming to your film when you could be marketing to the theater kids. better cringe than a coward.
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clairecognizance · 2 months
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A brief moment of rationality from the bird place.
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clairecognizance · 2 months
yknow i never noticed the sheer rareness of images having ids or alt text on this website until i started adding alt text to my art (and trying to remember to add it to any images i post in general, especially text screenshots) and that makes me kinda sad
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clairecognizance · 2 months
UC or ER?
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