clary-tarot · 2 years
hello can I please get a vibe check? it's been too long since margaret has read me to filth 💕
Your oracle cards are Spiritual Guidance and Humility - Right now in your life you need to be sure you stay connected to your higher purpose, what it is that drives you forward and makes you feel content. Listen to your higher self and remember that asking for help when you need it is a sign of strength, not weakness!
You might be struggling under the effects of impostor syndrome right now - feeling like you are in over your head and doubting your abilities (reversed Seven of Swords). Stop that right now. Trust yourself! You are right where you need to be, and you earned your spot. 
You contain so much compassion and creativity, it is time to share that with the world! Don’t let anxiety or nerves stop you from reaching your full potential and sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world (Knight of Cups). 
You’re entering into a time that will come with a lot of introspection (reversed Ace of Cups/reversed Nine of Pentacles). It is going to be important to take the time you need, but to be sure that you don’t live in your head and withdraw from the people around you (reversed Hermit).
In summary, from Margaret: You’re right where you need to be, believe in yourself! Take the time you need to work through any heavy thoughts that come your way while remembering to reach out to the people around you and share your unique outlook and bright spark with the world.
with love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 2 years
Katie! If I could get a general reading, bonus oracle card if it feels right to you 💕🫀💋 Much love and appreciation
Your oracle cards are Inner Vision and Passion (i’m really excited! this is the first time i’ve used my Prism Oracle Deck on a reading for someone else). These cards work together very well! Inner vision is all about taking the time to look within yourself to see what you want out of life and figure out the direction you need to move in to get closer to your desires. And passion is all about finding what gets you hot and excited and celebrating it without shame or guilt. 
Your cards all come together to give you a very clear and concise message: Get your shit together. Now. 
The reversed Justice card is saying that you’ve been slacking off in some way and you know it, even if no one else does. You have to take accountability for your actions and how they have led you to where you are in order to move forward. But on the other hand, once you acknowledge what got you here, then it is time to put it down and get on with life. Don’t carry it with you, because you are right at the cusp of a time full of potential and new beginnings (Ace of Wands). Listen to your higher self, your inner voice, and make decisions that fall in line with your life aspirations/goals (High Priestess) instead of just going with whatever seems easiest in the moment (reversed Eight of Wands). You’ve been given a gift - the ability to choose which way you move forward. Decide what you want, remember that you deserve good things, and stop wasting time by charging forward without a plan or a goal in mind. 
With love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 2 years
Hello!! Can I get a general reading w/ an Oracle card? Can’t wait to metaphorically get wrecked by Margaret, thank you ✨
Your oracle cards were Passage and Seasons: Both of these have a similar message - change. Change is coming and change has happened. You are in a time of evolving but inevitable change. This is a natural thing, change is the core of all that we do, and one of the things humans try the hardest to fight against, only to lose every time. Accept change and work with the flow instead of working against it.
The message of both of the oracle cards I pulled are reinforced in the tarot cards. The tower denotes massive change, and the fact that it is reversed is a sign that you are fighting against this change instead of working with it. The reversed star builds off of that - it shows a distinct lack of faith in the universe. Right now you don’t trust or believe that things will work out. You’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to see the positives in the bigger picture.
You got two suit cards for your future, both nines. (Nines are a number referring to reflection and conclusions. The end of one chapter and the beginning of the next). This means that the time of transition you are in will end, and when it does, you’re going to want to look back on it and feel like you did all that you could, to feel happy with the decisions you made (the cups suit). But currently that happiness is blocked by unresolved turmoil and doubt (the swords suit). Something is literally keeping you up at night, hanging over you. So you need to metaphorically move your bed. 
In summary, Margaret is saying: Let go. You can’t control everything. You need to focus your energy on changes you can actually have an effect on, instead of spending so much time worrying about things that you can’t change. Anxiety is a bitch, so the only way to win is to be an even bigger bitch right back. You can do this, you have a clear path to happiness ahead of you, you just need to sort out what you want and trust that things will work out. Spending your time worried about the color of the sky won’t make it any other color but blue. Deep breaths, love, let go, follow the path that you are on, trust in yourself and the universe.
with love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 2 years
my asks are open for a bit! hmu if you want a margaret vibe-check! 
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clary-tarot · 2 years
i would appreciate a general vibe check. along with an oracle card, if you think the clarification would be helpful. thank you!
Your oracle card was Inner Vision - refocus on the life you want for yourself. Open yourself to new possibilities that align with your higher purpose.
Things have been a little tight, recently. Emotionally or monetarily. It has felt like you want more than what you are getting. That’s what happens when you rush into actions without thinking through the repercussions. 
It’s easy to feel disillusioned, like change will never come and you’ll be stuck here forever, but don’t forget - you are the power behind your life. Not in a fluffy way, like, not all “you can be anything you want without trying!” but in a “you can make the changes you know you need to make to get to a place where you are happy.”
Don’t let quick decisions make you feel like you’re stuck, don’t give in to the sunk-cost fallacy. Just because you’ve been doing it for a while doesn’t mean you still have to keep doing it. 
It’s time to remember what brings you joy. It’s time to reconnect with that happiness. You’ve got this. Think before you act, but remember - you have to act, not just think.
with love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 2 years
I feel like changes are coming to me in the next couple months, and wanted to hear from Margaret, what she thinks. Also, oracle cards please <3
Your oracle cards were Spiritual Guidance and Passage - you’re leaving something comfortable behind, something you know. And this is a gift! It is a time to figure out what it is that you want on a self-actualizing level. Who are you? Who do you want to be? Connect with your higher self and use this change as the opportunity for development that it is.
You have a very balanced reading - three suits and a major arcana card! You’ve definitely been feeling the tension, though. Your thoughts and emotions are unclear and confusing, evidenced through all of your cards being reversed. 
You’ve had, and will continue to have, instigators for change flung at you a lot. Monetarily, emotionally, mentally. It feels like they are outside of your control, and to a point, they have been. But you can choose to either be part of the change or just accept the results of that change passively. Don’t do the second one.
 It is time for you to look at what you want. Not time to only think about what is financially responsible. Not time to stall out and just accept what is happening without working to make a change. You need to be the one deciding your life. 
And you can be the one! Take the pause that is coming to really look at your habits. Which are healthy and help you grow? Which are holding you back? Look at all the variables and then look at what you need. And what you want. Both matter. 
You matter. You enjoying your life matters.
with love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 2 years
I don't think I have a specific question, really. I just really need a vibe check. Just some sort of outside objective opinion.
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(as maggie dearest learned - don’t forget to let me know if you want oracle cards! even if you have to send it as a second ask)
Your oracle card was Journey - you’re getting oracle-given permission to chase that wanderlust you’ve been feeling! Step outside of your everyday routine and give yourself the chance to experience change and make memories!
Two ace cards, my dear! You’re poised at the start of something, and it is going to be great! 
Combine your emotional desires/needs with definitive action. Don’t let your dreams stay dreams - go out there and chase them. The external opposition you are feeling is coming from a place of jealousy and envy, don’t let it change your course. You’ve let outside influences dull the sparkle you were feeling, take your steps back to the beginning and re-find that joy that was guiding you.
You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t start moving, and you’ll never get anywhere worth going if you let others tell you who you are and what you are capable of. Spread your wings, follow the river, see what happens!
with love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 2 years
Hello!! Would love for Margaret to read me for shit. (Also, would love to have an oracle card included if that works!!) 🌻
oh honey, you’re having a rough day, huh?
Your oracle card was Storm - the mood of this reading is a time of tumultuous change and chaos. While uncomfortable and loud, know that it also brings a clean fresh start! There will be a time after the storm! You just gotta get through this bit first.
You’re in a mess of change all around. (and you’re feeling this change and upheaval - all your suit cards, which are three of the four cards drawn, are cups - the suit where emotion lives) You feel like you were given chances all around, a world of opportunity, but you missed your shot. You didn’t. What didn’t work out was never meant for you. It is time to move forward and on to new things. Give yourself some time to mourn the losses you’re carrying, but don’t let them shape your future. Maybe you could have done something different, but you didn’t. And that’s okay!
Basically, get out of your own head. Do the best you can with what you have. Admire the person you used to be, they got you to where you currently are. But let them go so that they don’t hold you back on your journey forward. The world is your oyster, it’s time to figure out if you’re allergic to shellfish. 
with love, from Margaret
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submit an ask to margaret the tarot bitch -  updated guidelines for requesting a reading
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clary-tarot · 2 years
my asks are open for a bit! hmu if you want a margaret vibe-check! 
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clary-tarot · 4 years
howdy doody! i extend to you one (1) greeting!
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my financial security went to shit and i need to do what i can to increase the inflow of cash-ino cherries.
so basically - i am in the process of organizing and making this blog a place where people can exchange money for goods and services - aka hmu on the paypal and receive a reading within the next five business days! 
hang on in there, i’ll be updating with further info soon!
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clary-tarot · 4 years
hello margaret and katie and whomever else is there to be greeted. unfortunately the most specific question i have right now is “what the actual fuck” so i don’t know what can be done with that but i trust in your wisdom, if you please 💖
Your oracle card was Balance. Sometimes we forget that growth goes two ways. You grow up towards the sky, but you also grow down, creating your foundation and root system. You feel off kilter right now, because every time you try to grow up, your branches are pruned. But she can’t control the earth. She can’t control how strongly and firmly you plant yourself, and how deep down into healing and self discovery you grow. It might feel like you aren’t getting anywhere, but that’s just because we are used to looking at growth that is easily visible. Invisible growth is just as important, and it is what will keep your branches from dying during this drought.
You’re so full of determination that you feel like you’re choking on it. And you’re angry that you have to be so aware of all of your emotions all the time, and have to have such a tight reign on them. That you have to work this hard just to stop yourself from walking backwards. You fantasize about being able to leave it all behind and start over. About just finally walking away, but you feel trapped in what you are experiencing. Like it is a cycle you will never be free of. You do hold more power than you think, but it is okay that right now you just want to rage and scream. 
Margaret doesn’t have a lot of advice for you right now, sadly. But she does have shittons of validation. She doesn’t want me to just give you a bunch of empty words. 
Right now “what the actual fuck?” is an accurate question, and summary, of your life experience. And the only reassurance that can be given is that, everything ebbs and flows. Everything is cyclical. This shitty shit will end. It will. Just keep swallowing that determination and growing your roots and hoping for and imagining the future where you can grow as much as you fucking want to. It is out there. It is coming. You are seen, and heard. 
(and loved.)
with love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 4 years
hello, it is chuck, would like Making Life Decision Related reading pls? with an oracle card?
Your oracle card was Time - don’t rush into anything. Sit with what you need to do and work through all the ways it could turn out. But put in the active work. Sitting and staring at the wall is not the same as sitting in self-reflection. Make sure you aren’t giving way to mental static when you can help it. But do what you need to.
You’re in pain right now. Your heart is hurting each time that it beats and you don’t know why, but you want it to stop. It will. Good things are coming, they’re just not here quite yet. But you’re on the path and the gate is ahead. Change isn’t here yet, but when it starts, it is going to be a bit overwhelming with how fast things line up. This will be both scary and enjoyable - a breath of fresh air on a roller coaster. So, while you are resting and hurting, cling to the assurance that this stasis isn’t going to last forever. You’ll move forward, and you will be moving towards things that align with your sense of what is just and right. Because that is what shapes your decisions, even when you doubt your motivations. You do what is right, and it is why, even wounded, your heart beats so strongly.
with love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 4 years
Hello Margaret! What would you like me to know? I'm looking for career/school guidance but if you want to yell at me about my creative endeavors I would humbly accept that as well. (Oracle cards for clarity would be fun!)
Your oracle card was Inner Vision - take the time to close your eyes and look at what you want your life to be. Then look at what your life is now, and start gathering the wood and building the bridge to connect the two together. If you can’t get a clear vision of what it is that you want, think about what fears are holding you back. Are they valid? Are you saying that you want something and it tastes like ash in your mouth? Why are you lying to yourself? Look inwards and be honest about what you see.
You’re starting out a new time of a bit more financial abundance than you are used to having, and as such, it is easy to want to spend what you have as you get it. Don’t. Save it. You’re going to need it sooner than you think. Your job might not be bringing you joy, but it is giving you security, and for now, that is what you need. You feel like you are faced with a lot of choices, but some of them are directly linked to deep hurt and emotional pain. It can be confusing to choose between different paths when one seems sweeter than the rest, but pragmatism is your friend. Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture.
with love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 4 years
Heck yes, I'm always down for a reading! Can you ask Margaret about... my people? I got a couple old and new again connections surfacing and I'm not sure how to proceed. Not sure what I want to come from them y'know? And I'd love your input too; it'd be cool to see how your voices differ!
You got such a clear message that I didn’t even have to spend a bit of time online making sure I was interpreting correctly. Margaret is the one who mostly wants to talk, but my thoughts are just - listen to these cards. I sense a lot of truth and urgency behind them. I don’t know who you are, or what your exact situation is, but this is a message you really need to hear.
Beware of people suddenly coming back into your life when you are at a place of abundance and self-sufficiency. There is good to be found in helping those around you, but don’t let your feelings cloud your judgement, you need to remove the veil and look at this with open eyes. Ask yourself - why now? What changed? Why did they leave to begin with? If they are coming and constantly asking you for things - your time, your money, your love, but they are giving you nothing in turn..... Don’t allow yourself to be taken for granted. You have worth, you have a purpose, you are either about to enter into a time of having all that you need and a bit more, or you’ve been in that time for a little while. People will be able to sense this shift, and they will want to feed on it. But you are a whole person, not just a source of nourishment. Establish clear boundaries, ask yourself the hard questions, and stop looking at this through rose colored glasses. 
with love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 4 years
Dearest Katie and Margaret, I come before you to humbly request a general reading. Also, if I could have a card from the Oracle deck added to my reading, that would be amazing!
Both of these oracle cards jumped out of the deck to speak to you! 
You got Breath and Goodness. Breath is here to remind you that you need to slow down a bit. You need to take the time, and the deep inhale, to link your body and your mind. One without the other gives you no balance, and will make you dizzy and stumbling. Pause. Sit with yourself. Breathe in, hold it, feel it in your belly, and then - breathe out. Do this often. Goodness is here to remind you that your worth is intrinsic. It doesn’t stem from what you give, or how useful you are, it stems from your core. From just being exactly who you are. Who you are is Good, and you should not let yourself forget that.
You’re on the right path, one towards long-term success. And security. All the things that you are so strongly craving. But your deep and abiding fear of self-transformation and change is holding you back. You don’t enjoy the idea of the unknown, but it is in not knowing and being surprised that many of the best joys will come in your life. Growth can’t occur inside of a stoppered bottle. It might be safe, but it is confining. 
Stop living as though being alive is a crisis you have to mitigate. 
Enjoy your life, find contentment in small moments. Because when they stack up, that’s what most big joy is. A series of small moments without fear, and with gratitude. This is how you will move forward. This is how you will claim the independence of your future with equanimity and kindness.
with love, from Margaret
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clary-tarot · 4 years
a reading
(for a friend who doesn’t use Tumblr and therefore cannot submit an ask)
You’re in a time of transition away from one cycle and into the next, and it is beautiful. It is fresh. It is hope. It is the whole world. (also, there’s a rainbow, which is very gay and that makes sense for you)
You’re entering into a time of transition and change, but you can feel solidified in the love and care between you and your partner during this time. It is a constant, solid ground on which you can safely rest when you need. Because you’re going to be starting something new, and all of your priorities are going to feel out of balance and upended. It’s okay, it is part of beginning again, you’ve done it before and you know how to start over and start fresh. And you aren’t alone. This new part of your life is going to settle in all the aspects of yourself that define the person that you are. Your honor and wisdom. You will end this next cycle very certain of your place in the world.
with love, from Margaret
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submit an ask to margaret the tarot bitch  -  updated guidelines for requesting a reading
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clary-tarot · 4 years
updated tarot ask guidelines -
hello friends!!!! when you submit a tarot reading ask, all you gotta do is-
alert me if you want to be answered privately. the default is for me to publish the ask, but private answers are an option. if you do not use the anon feature, and i feel like the message i’m getting is Very Personal, i may DM you to double check if you want a public or private answer.
i’m going to assume you want a general reading unless you include some details about the specific thing you want Margaret’s input on. (ex: “i would like a reading about a big decision i’m about to make” or “i would like a reading about a person who has recently come back into my life”)
DO NOT TELL ME TOO MUCH ABOUT YOU. DON’T DOX YOURSELF. I don’t need to know where you live or like, your last name. Initials are fine, and you can give me your star sign, but please don’t give me your DOB or tell me the street that you live on.
⭐ i am now offering an option to get an oracle card added to your reading for additional clarity. but you have to indicate this in your ask. if i do not see the indication, i will not include the oracle card. ⭐
two examples of an ask are as follows: “Hi Katie, I would like a reading about my current romantic relationship. Please include an oracle card if it feels right.” or “Hi, I would like a basic vibe check reading, no extra cards.”
submit an ask to margaret the tarot bitch  
 a few more points:
when answering asks i will use regular font for Margaret’s input, bold font for my Roots and Wings Oracle cards, and my thoughts/input will be in italics.
most asks will be answered within 48 hours of me reblogging the “asks are now open” message. they are answered in the order they are received. however, sometimes Margaret decides she is Done Now and i can’t control when that happens. same for the times when my mental or physical health goes to shit. if one of those things happen, then readings are Done, and i can’t say how long it will be until i can do readings again.
terfs and racists and general asshats of the internet are not welcome here.
obviously, i’m doing this recreationally, so don’t take my word (or Margaret’s) as law, please. and don’t get angry at me if i don’t get to your ask. i’m just a girl. simply one (1) 27 year old Midwestern witch with a tarot deck. i’m not getting paid, i’m just trying to get better at tarot readings and help provide people with loving but brutally honest clarity when i can.
please feel free to use the ask inbox to also leave a review of your reading and let me know if it was applicable and gave you clarity or happiness. i’d really like to have a few reviews up on the ol’ blog
my main account is @missberryisbest so when you reply to a reading and i, ah, reply to your reply, that’s the username i will have.
as per the always of my online interactions, i reserve the right to just….. Not Answer things if i don’t have the spoons/feel at all squicked/don’t want to for any other reason.
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