Can you use some sort of psi to see how Lucas is feeling or whats keeping him unconscious?
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Claus: It’s a technique that lets you enter another person’s consciousness through astral projection. It’s difficult to use, but I’ve used it once before. I’m scared of what I’ll find.
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It's Lucas... dead?
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Claus: Andonuts said he might be “brain dead” which means he’s breathing but... He might not be alive... 
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((Hey guys I’m starting this back up again, I didn’t for a while I got overwhelmed with my blogs since i had 134 asks :”> So I got rid of all them and I’m starting anew! Send in more asks, but I won’t be answering every single one ^^;))
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((Thank u all for like putting up with my inconsistent updates, you know how college can get. In other news, if you’re interested in joining a Mother server on discord my friend and I have one set up! https://discord.gg/sEM62RH ))
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Claus from Mother 3 eats kit kats wrong!
Requested by @cosmichi
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I am Princess Paula of Magicant, happy to meet you all. I’m happy to answer your questions. Oh, and @emperor-ness ? I lived bitch.
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Hey Hey
((It’s hard for me to update sometimes so while you wait for updates here are some blogs you guys should consider!! @modern-day-psychics @pork-army-commander @empty-sunflower @chimera-bros @happy-happy-ness @wisdom-of-the-world
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What happened the night of the tragedy?
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Claus: We were found and pulled out of the river, after explaining what happened a search party was sent out to look for Mom.
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Claus: But despite her physical disabilities, she’s still outgoing and energetic as ever! The town says she’s truly lucky to have survived it.
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((Ok so basically, a lot of stuff happened at home but I’m back in college and actually feeling motivation again and i like added a SHIT TON to this au, so stay tuned ;) ))
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Tell us about yourself Claus :0
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Claus: I’m just your average kid, that just happened to go on an adventure and take down a dictator and save the world. Not that it matters really.
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Hey Claus, how are you doing..? Is everything okay...?
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Claus: To think it could’ve all been avoided if I had just stayed home.
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Hello you might be wondering what kind of a swap au this is! Put simply, Claus and Lucas have swapped places. But this has affected lots of other characters too! For example: Hinawa is still alive but Flint sadly passed away. There’s much more to it I’m excited to share!
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Whoa! What’s this? Aaron made another mother 3 ask blog, and this time for his own AU? Awesome! Asks are officially open!
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