click2embiggen-blog · 7 years
Donatello in the promo for 13x02: It’s like trying to teach a lion not to be a lion!
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click2embiggen-blog · 7 years
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Just Google, throwing more shade than the moon
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click2embiggen-blog · 7 years
man how hard must it have been for Sam and Dean to see Cass with yellow eyes of all things
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click2embiggen-blog · 7 years
well there was that time with the triplets
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(If posting on another website, please give credit to me and the original owner(s) of the facts)
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click2embiggen-blog · 7 years
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click2embiggen-blog · 7 years
Can we stop pretending all choices are good?
I’ve had time to mull it over, and here’s what bothered me about last night’s episode.
Once again, it portrayed suicide as a rational option for people living with chronic illnesses. I do not have an illness, so I won’t pretend that I know what that’s like.
But for a show that always portrays suicide as giving up, it’s really annoying that it doesn’t apply to monsters.
The narrative paints Dean as the bad guy for trying to talk Claire out of killing herself, but he’s doing what a family member is supposed to do.
Claire has just been diagnosed with an incurable condition, she’s scared and immediately thinks about suicide. Dean knows that lycanthropy is a condition you can live with and that time and perspective will change Claire’s mind.
Stopping your loved one from killing themselves is the right thing to do, even if it goes against their wishes.
Suicide is not an option that should be respected.
Dean was completely right.
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click2embiggen-blog · 7 years
Douchebag: you’re all alone Claire: bruh I literally got three dads get on my level
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click2embiggen-blog · 7 years
I think it’s supposed to be a continuing of that whole ‘balance of light and dark’ thing that season 11 ended on. Like the Alpha Vamp said, monsters are a part of that balance as it exists on earth. The BMOL are upsetting the balance, and that has consequences.
Like I’m not sure if I buy it yet but I’m pretty sure that’s what they’re going for
Okay, so I get the whole season arc of “some monsters aren’t bad.” But like, some monsters are? I’d even venture that most monsters are? They are harping a little heavily on the whole “we’re not bad; they killed us all!” trope this season.
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click2embiggen-blog · 7 years
Werewolf mice tho
WHY didn’t either brother make a comment about mice infected with lycanthropy
Like have they encountered that before and so they weren’t surprised by it
Is this what the writers want to revisit in a year
Because I’m not against it
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click2embiggen-blog · 8 years
Adult Life™ is being excited when ur municipality finally agrees to exchange ur old garbage bin with a new one after years of arguing with them
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click2embiggen-blog · 8 years
Falling cloud! Cool!
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click2embiggen-blog · 8 years
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In this photo, the bird’s wing acts as a diffraction grating—a surface structure with a repeating pattern of ridges or slits. The structure causes the incoming light rays to spread out, bend and split into spectral colors, producing this shimmering rainbow effect. By Victor Tyakht
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click2embiggen-blog · 8 years
He’s fine. He got a bath.
Lush glitter is made of seaweed.
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click2embiggen-blog · 8 years
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spnmeme: Dean + Mary parallels
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click2embiggen-blog · 8 years
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click2embiggen-blog · 8 years
do you ever see someone in some quiet intimate moment and suddenly love them so desperately you feel like you’re dying
#like when they pass a mirror and make a face and mess with their hair a little #or when you hear someone singing in their car with the windows rolled up as they drive past you #i don’t know how to express this i just. people are people and it makes me so sad and filled up sometimes
I love seeing grown humans setting about little creative tasks out of boredom and then looking quietly pleased with themselves, like maybe a middle-aged woman on her train home from work manages to make a tower out of empty coffee creamers and gazes at it proudly for a few seconds.
I love seeing other people make the overblown OOPS I FORGOT SOMETHING performance for no-one that most of us do when we have to turn around in the middle of the pavement.
I love seeing stony-faced people in queues unable to contain a smile when a baby looking over its mother’s shoulder in front of them locks eyes and does that astonished stare.
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click2embiggen-blog · 8 years
“Humans are weird” idea
It seems to always be the case that aliens have names that are “unpronounceable by the human tongue.”  But, y’know, humans are actually really good mimics.  We can do impressions of anything, and some of us are really good at it.  What if that was a special skill of ours that was constantly surprising the aliens?
Alien talks about human like s/he’s not there, only to be shocked when its own language comes out of that strange little mouth.
Alien can’t figure out WHAT that noise onboard is, only to find human crewmate pranking it.  (“As soon as he leaves, I’m gonna do the sound of a failing hover engine, okay?  Just see where he looks first!”)
Alien hears a different noise and a thud, then “Sorry, I tripped.”  (”But you squeaked.”  “Yeah, didn’t mean to.  Sounded kinda dumb.”)
Alien is alarmed to hear the sound of two Dangerous Animals coming from the containment room.  Thinks the one has multiplied.  Runs in, find human yowling back at it.  (“It seemed lonely, so I was talking to it.  Reminds me of a cat I had once.”)
The away team is threatened by a Large Animal protecting its young.  Alien Captain knows what to do.  Shoves the human up front and points.  “Make the noises that the little ones are making.  This is your time to shine.”
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