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a daily mood
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(as a coffee drinker that definitely sounds right. eacargoon is tired. he doesn't have time for fancy coffee!! tired snail man. Dedede?? oh man you know!! you know he has like a whole brigade of waddle dees that make his coffee before he even wakes up. well, that's my thought anyways dhdhf. bandana dee may not have as much time to make the sweet coffee, but hot cocoa is best of both worlds! doesn't take too much time and is sweet !!! that's my thoughts as a basic coffee consumer 💖)
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Glad I can have complete coffee confirmation friend! - ST
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Not like this wasn’t an improvement, in fact Kirby learning how to use a tool like this was nice, but... Well...
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“...we got the eggs beat properly at least!“
“Oh... tha’s wha' beating eggs means!” ~Kirby
Baking a cake, that’s a simple treat! Bandana Dee was always up for it, and teaching Kirby wouldn’t hurt either.
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He held up the beater, “Why of course! It’s quite simple when you get down to it, why don’t you try?“
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“Oh... tha’s wha' beating eggs means!” ~Kirby
Baking a cake, that’s a simple treat! Bandana Dee was always up for it, and teaching Kirby wouldn’t hurt either.
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He held up the beater, “Why of course! It’s quite simple when you get down to it, why don’t you try?“
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Send me ‘Meta Canon’ for some meta knowledge or rules I have about writing my muses!
It could be about unspoken rules I have, themes that are prevalent in my muses, anything that wouldn’t normally show up or be discovered in their regular writings!
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Disastrous cooking starters
“How on earth did you get rice on the ceiling?”
“Is that an eggshell?”
“Did you even cook this pasta?”
“For your own health you should cook dinner”
“Last time I cooked I set the fridge on fire”
“How much sugar did you put in this?”
“Wait you’re supposed to stir it first?”
“Do you have an obsession with salt or something?”
“The icing will cover the mistakes”
“Did you buy this instead of cooking?”
“Can you taste the eggshells?”
“Oh that’s what beating eggs means”
“Don’t flip the pancakes, please”
“I’d say ‘feed it to the birds’ but I think it’d kill them”
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"How do all of you take your coffee in the morning?"
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“Well, i’ve always been a fan of a good ol’ Mocaccino, can’t beat that mix by a long shot, maybe add some whip and sprinkles while yer at it!“
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“I don’t tend to delve into coffee that much, but I do know how to make it well! Though, I still think you can’t beat a hot chocolate!”
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“Oh I dunno, how black do you think my soul is? Make it double that.“
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Bandana Dee passed the check, but still had no idea who this guy is, reminded him of Kirby if anything for some unvoidly reason...
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“T-thank you?“
A lone, small, bandana wearing... thing was looking at Kid Buu, confused and quite frankly afraid given the vibe he gave off, "Hello..?"
Many thoughts ran through the Majin’s head. This was a new face. Who was this person? Are they an alien? Are they a threat? They didn’t seem like a threat, but then again, neither would Goku at first glance. Was he evil? No mark of Bibidi on him, so he’s not THAT evil.
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But the one thing that burned in his mind more than anything else?
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How far can he kick it? He began winding up a kick, before he caught a glance of Hercule.
Hm… no. Not today. Didn’t need to upset the guy. Instead, he just sorta… put a fist on his head and bonked it. Head… pats? Well, it was more like a head bonk.
You have passed the vibe check.
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COMMIN’ ACHTA IT’S KING DEDEDE AND HIS MINIONS(?)! An Indie Dedede, BWD, and Escargoon!|Rules|Muses
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Dedede! Have you ever met alternates of yourself yet, or do you think that there can only be one of you?
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“Well, ‘dere was dat mirror world doppleganga, but I don’t think he’d be me even if he tried!“
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“I say there’s room for only one true Dedede in dis universe! That’s me alright!“
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*sneaks up behind King Dedede to poke his sides experimentally.*
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The king’s eyes shrunk as his gut reactions went into full force, “WAHHHHHHHH-“He ran right into a wall…
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“Guess that fat ain’t hiding his funny bone from nothin’.“
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What was it like being kidnapped?
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“Short answer, very inconvenient, long one-”
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*pokes the blog gently* Anybody home?
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“Welp, it’s been about 3000 years...
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Guess so now!“
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It’s been awhile so i’ll get to the more general asks and hope for the best! If anyone from when I was active is reading this, sorry if I spooked ya and I hope maybe we can talk again! - ST
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I’m back!
Soooo... Lemmie explain. I think it was a combination of everything that was going on in my life and the finding of a good RP server on Discord that made me loose track of the blog. In all honesty, I think the events didn’t help things either, so I think i’ll come back... just with less of a focus on keeping up with everyone. I’m really sorry for just dropping everything though without warning, I know I needed to not get so burned out, but I should’ve gave warning about it all. If anyone has some RPs you want to continue with me i’d be happy to, but I dunno what’s been going on so i’ll wait on responses or DMs concerning them. So yeah, i’m back and open for business, cant say how active i’ll be (especially given how on Friday and Saturday I have something big to attend). But i’ll try, and that’s all anyone can ask for.
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I’ll explain later but...
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“My father gave me the name “Red” because the color red stands for warmth and fire, and he wanted me to become a man with warmth and fire in his heart. That’s why I decided, my first pokemon should be the fire type, befitting my name.”
Verses/ Rules / headcanons / About / Mun
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