cloppyreads · 7 years
News: Bad and Good.
I hate doing these, at least the bad news parts. Really feels like I’m making excuses in place of stories, which I don’t like to do to the people following me, at all. But I think it’s a better alternative than going quiet and leaving everyone in the dark as to what I’m doing, especially if it’s going to span over the next few months, so here goes, first off with the bad news: 
The bad news is that four of my Zootopia stories on AO3 were deleted, apparently around Dec. 22nd, and I didn’t find out about this until the first few days into 2018 when I went to find one of the stories for a contact of mine on Discord. The four stories deleted were: 
-The Zootopia I Love -A Howling Good Time -Love Stands With Pride -I Give My All to You
I managed to send a note to the site administrators over the matter and after a bloody week of waiting, they finally responded. I’m not going to pull the exact quote from them, but basically they got deleted because some people (most likely the adult babies of Critics United) made “multiple complaints” against my stories for using those brief song excerpts during certain chapters, just as part of the background. This came as a huge surprise to me, because the FAQ for the website talks about use of song lyrics and says that it’s fine as long as it’s not the whole song. When I got a response from an admin though, they said “typically a few lines used is fine”. So basically, their initial information on their site regarding the subject was vague, and their response to me was even more vague. They told me that they’d sent me multiple warnings since November asking me to change it, but I never got any such warnings myself. It would have been a lot more convenient if AO3 had a way to contact other users directly, other than leaving a comment on their stories. I would have noticed that way faster and immediately made the necessary corrections. But because of some asshats who need to validate their existence by demanding the deletion of stories that I work my ass off for free so others can read and enjoy them for free, I’ve lost all of the views, kudos, comments and bookmarks those stories accumulated while they were up. They’re gone. Deleted. Poof. They told me that when I make the necessary corrections I can repost the stories, but the fact remains that I’m never going to get those stats back. 
So, moving forward: There’s a new website I’ve been made aware of, because I’m not the only writer who’s had their stories removed for BS reasons, and that website is Archive of Zootopia. It’s still in the beta phase, and I haven’t even created an account yet, but I’m hoping that if enough people support it, it might become for Zootopia what FimFiction is for MLP (without the terrible mod support and overall disregard for its users). I’m hoping I can start mass uploading all my old work on a weekly basis, which I’ll be posting links to for each upload. Don’t worry, you won’t see me float multiple chapter updates twice a day for stories I’ve already done; I’ll post all the chapters at once and provide one link for the day that I do it. I might repost the stories to AO3 with the revisions made, but that’s going to be far down on my to-do list. 
What this means: New stories are going to be delayed. Yup. Hate to say it, but I don’t feel good about making new stories with a huge chunk from my catalog missing (even though they’re still available on fanfiction.net, but I hate that websites format, so that knowledge does little for me). Once I get all my stories up on AoZ, then I’ll try to get around to making new stories, and I’ll make a post about that too once I’ve gotten around to it. 
So that’s the bad news; but here’s some good news: 
Those of you who saw this post already know I’ve been hired by Atrolux, an artist I’ve been a long time fan of, to write out a script for an origins comic he wants created for his snake characters Kyra and Amon, two characters he’s been drawing for at least three years now and is probably most known for them by this point. I can’t go too in depth about our update process, but I think it’s fine for me to say that the script is almost completely done, and Atro himself has begun drawing some early sketches of what the pages will look like (can’t show them here, but I can say that he did an amazing job of translating what I wrote into something visual; it’s like he pulled the images straight from my head). Even though my part is mostly done, there’s still some discussions that’ll take place between he and I as he makes more pages, and it might require some revisions on the story depending on what’s needed. So that’s potentially even more time that I’ll be taken away from me writing any new stories for a little while. 
Sorry if this is disappointing to anyone, that I’m pushing back new story content for a little bit; but I’m hoping that the news of my involvement with what’s going to be a beautifully drawn comic might be some sort of consolation for most of you. Once I get a good window between school, reuploading my deleted stories and finishing this comic, I’ll try to get back to writing new stories in my own queue. Thanks for understanding, everyone. 
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Welp, I was gonna make a separate blog post about it (might still do so, because there’s unrelated stuff I need to address), but this makes things a little bit easier. 
Since I’ve been recruited to take part in this exciting project, this unfortunately means my writing stuff is going to get pushed back a little bit while I’m writing the script for this comic and atro and I work out how the final renditions will look. So far its been really fun to draft out ideas and see what’s going to stay and what better alternatives can be found when we talk things out. I think at this point I can say I’ve reached the halfway point in the script, just as far as drafting it out goes. But that’s probably all the detail we can give out right now before contradicting what we just said, so I’ll leave it at that. 
I’ll probably make a post about it once the chapters start getting published or if any major new comes about it. Hope you guys are looking forward to this as much as me and Atro are! 
Well, I reached my goal which was as followed:
“Actual effort on Comic pages, especially of Kyra and Amon. I will actively study and practice panel layouts, writing, etc. ”
Which means it’s time to begin! I hired your fellow patron Cloppy, your local snake family enthusiast, to help me with the writing and the script, and brainstorming. So far it’s looking super interesting, and the script is 14 pages long so far, we don’t know how many there will be, but I want to make this a good origins story, and throw in some fucking in as well.
The plan is to release chapters available to purchase in different tiers. For example, Full resolution, Full resolution + sketches and thumbnails, etc..
These chapters will be posted for free in a lower resolution at one page per day until we reach the end. (I will only start posting the pages when a certain amount of pages/chapters is reached, as to avoid any delays).
The entire progress will unfortunately not be reported, I want to focus hard on this, and if we share details, it may get confusing.
If you feel like existing patrons are entitled to the whole comic, or have other feedback, please mention it in the comments on the linked patreon post! We haven’t set a price or date. I just wanted to let you all know this: things are now in motion that cannot be undone. (whoever gets the reference wins a free cookie)
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Here’s What I’m Doing
Regarding the whole “someone hacked the poll and ruined the story” thing, I’ve decided what I’m gonna do. No long-winded explanation, no drama, I’m just cutting right to the chase, because I’m tired and I just want this to be over with. 
The option for the Zootopia story that was winning BEFORE the massive influx of bot-votes was It Runs In The Family, so that’s the option I’m going with. And instead of doing another vote, I’m just gonna do all four series, the one that got the most votes in each category. I feel like it’d be good for me to stretch my arms into other franchises anyway. So, the way it’s gonna work is that I’m gonna do four stories AFTER I do the story about James in middle school. These are the stories, in no particular order:
-It Runs In The Family -Love Measured In Scales(?) -Morty’s Dino Lap Dance -The Goat Trap
I MIGHT decide to do Bun in the Oven in between, but there is a very big emphasis on MIGHT. I’m a vengeful person by nature, and since I know the votes were tampered with, I might just decide to put that story off longer just to spite whoever rigged the votes to give that one an unfair advantage. I also suspect Family was tampered with too, but like I said, it was still in the lead before hundreds of votes just showed up out of nowhere. 
Also, on Scales: I will TRY to write a few more chapters if I can muster up the will to figure out where I wanted to take the story past the point where I left off, but I need people to understand that since I haven’t touched it in years, that is asking a lot of me. There’s a very big chance I might dust off that one draft I had of the next chapter, stare at it for several minutes and say “Goddamn it, I just don’t feel like doing this story anymore.” And if that happens, I’ll do two things:
1. I’ll make a blog post on FimFiction basically explaining how I would have taken the story if I had decided to continue it, so everyone will at least know how it ends even if I don’t flesh it out and make it all eloquent.  2. I’ll do the runner up story, which is basically Sunset Shimmer having sex with that horse in the music video she was in years ago. I know that trend is long since dead, but I still want to take my crack at the idea just because I love the imagery of such a thing. 
If the way I’m handling this isn’t how you like it, then I apologize, but I’m just too exhausted to come up with anything better. This is how it’s happening. Blame whoever flooded the polls. 
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Still trying to figure out how to proceed
I’m seriously at an impasse here. I mean, I’ve got two options in mind on how to move forward with what story to select, but I’m having trouble figuring out what’s “fair” in the context of what’s happened. 
Part of me wants to pick one of the Zootopia options and proceed with having it run against the other series winners (since those vote counts were so low it’s obvious they weren’t tampered with), but this time I WON’T be using Strawpoll. I’ll probably just have it be a Tumblr exclusive thing, where you just reblog and write down your choice and I’ll consider that a vote. But even then someone could just make bot accounts to duplicate their vote and fuck it all up again. 
The other part of me just wants to choose a story from each category that I want to do, and then save the two Zootopia choices that I’m certain were tampered with for last, but then I’m wondering if the cheater(s) actually wanted that to be the case; to make it obvious that cheating happened so I would not choose a certain option. 
If anyone has any suggestions (other than “pick this story because that’s the one I want”) then feel free to suggest them. Meanwhile I’m planning on being a lump for a short time now that I just finished my last final of the semester. 
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Did somebody cheat?
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Guys, the votes for the Zootpia strawpoll jumped up like crazy. As in, 374 votes total, when it was only at like, 50 or so a week ago. I’m also getting a private message that someone was monitoring the results and saw that one story was winning by about 30 votes, until the last 30 minutes of the cutoff and then another option got 80+ votes out of nowhere. 
If that’s true, somebody used a proxy or some method to rig the votes. I hope whoever did this realizes that they may have jeopardized the poll so I might not end up picking any of the top votes. So if you were hoping that I’d see a landslide vote for one story and think that many people really voted it, then it’s kind of counter productive. Now I might not end up picking the first two at all just to be on the safe side; I might end up going for the 3rd place winner, just because that’ll be the safest option to make sure whoever cheated doesn’t get their way. 
I’m not making any promises as to what I’m going to do, but I just want to say to whoever cheated (if they cheated) that you just made things a lot more complicated and might have possibly screwed everyone including yourself out of getting the story you wanted. You also might have signaled to me that giving you guys the option to vote isn’t a good idea anymore, because some people out there can’t be trusted and are going to ruin it for everyone else. So, good job. 
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cloppyreads · 7 years
morning, peeps 
Finding Your Hooves Again
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Just when I said I was taking a break, BOOM. Another story. Short one though, focusing on the cute little ball of wool that I really really wish hadn’t been the villain, but it’s a done deal now, so w/e. Anyway, have some Bellwether drama. 
Ten years have passed since Dawn Bellwether’s incarceration. After a decade spent behind bars, the sheep has reached the end of her sentence and is released back into society. Upon picking up her old possessions, she receives an anonymous letter to go to another location, an apartment complex by the name of Grand Pangolin Arms. What could this mean for Bellwether? Who sent the letter, and what are their intentions? Could Bellwether be walking into a trap, or will she perhaps find a way to start a new life for herself after so much of it has passed her by?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/12904329/chapters/29480610 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12746806/1/Finding-Your-Hooves-Again
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cloppyreads · 7 years
I’ve decided to extend the cutoff for voting to the end of this week here. So you now have until Saturday night to get your votes in if you haven’t already. 
Time For a Writing Break
It really kills me to say this, because I swear, if I ever go more than a month without publishing something, I will always get at least one comment saying “Oh damn, I thought you were dead!” or something, always always always without fail. I get that people don’t mean anything malicious by it, but I do find it a little irritating that people think that if I’m not publishing something weekly, that means I’m gone for good. No, it’s not, it’s just that I take a lot more time than other fic-writers do (which doesn’t seem like they take a lot of time in the first place), and I also sometimes need to push writing aside because of school. Really frustrating, but that’s the way it is sometimes. 
My plan is to step away from my stories for the rest of this semester, and once I’m done with finals, to get back to it immediately the day after. And the next story I want to do is one focusing on James Hopps Jr., Nick and Judy’s son. I’ve only used him twice in my stories, one SFW one Explicit, and I really do want to develop his character a little more past “Nick and Judy’s son”. So, that’s the next story in the agenda. 
As for the story after that? That’s up to you guys. Yup, it’s Strawpoll time! However, things are gonna be a little different. You’re getting not one, not two, but THREE different polls, each with a different selection of stories. One of them will be Zootopia stories, the second will be MLP stories, and the third will be Misc. stories. I’ll give you a list of the story descriptions and the links to the polls after the read more break. The way this is going to work is, you’ll vote for one story in each category (unless you have no interest in the other categories, then just vote for the ones that you do). At the end of November, I’ll pick the winner of each category and make a final strawpoll to pit the final four against each other to see which one story you all want me to write most. 
Also please be aware that most of these are working titles and will most likely be given better titles upon final publication
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Finding Your Hooves Again
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Just when I said I was taking a break, BOOM. Another story. Short one though, focusing on the cute little ball of wool that I really really wish hadn’t been the villain, but it’s a done deal now, so w/e. Anyway, have some Bellwether drama. 
Ten years have passed since Dawn Bellwether's incarceration. After a decade spent behind bars, the sheep has reached the end of her sentence and is released back into society. Upon picking up her old possessions, she receives an anonymous letter to go to another location, an apartment complex by the name of Grand Pangolin Arms. What could this mean for Bellwether? Who sent the letter, and what are their intentions? Could Bellwether be walking into a trap, or will she perhaps find a way to start a new life for herself after so much of it has passed her by?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/12904329/chapters/29480610 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12746806/1/Finding-Your-Hooves-Again
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cloppyreads · 7 years
ZNN feature! Woo!
I published this story back in May, right before I started posting the epic 13-chapter Pride story.  Despite its short length, I was kind of proud of this story, covering some wacky physical comedy and some suggestive moments without falling into Explicit territory. So if you haven’t read it yet, give this past-fic of mine a shot. 
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cloppyreads · 7 years
The post I saw on my dashboard: http://tokifuji-art.tumblr.com/post/168088728407/i-will-be-censored-after-dec-14th
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okay, well I’ll just go ahead and click that reblog button and…
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Oh, what’s that? Tumblr’s now deciding which posts can and can’t be reblogged? And one of the posts that they’ve prevented me from reblogging is about saving net neutrality and people’s right to use the internet without being stomped on by the spoiled elite?
Not even SLIGHTLY suspicious!
Guys, wake the fuck up. I don’t care if you’re the most liberal-hating Trump-worshiping better-red-than-dead republican on this planet; if this act comes to pass, this website which you frequent will change forever. You won’t be able to enjoy all of that porn that I know you love to scroll through and save with ease, and you won’t get to enjoy all of the Overwatch fan creations anymore because “fair use” won’t be a thing anymore. Is this really your idea of “making America great again”? Fucking really???
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Do you ever wish you could just watch a Fanfiction?
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Apparently Zootopia fanfiction writers get triggered if you tell them that the movie fits into Dan Harmon’s “story structure 101″ circle, a.k.a. “the hero’s journey” 
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Someone on AO3 wanted to know the chronological order of all my Zootopia stories, so I decided I’d make a timeline. So, starting at the earliest point in the timeline, we have:
-A Thing or Two About Being a Jerk (takes place during the movie actually)
-The Zootopia I Love
-Just Like Your Father
-It Could Have Been Worse
-By the Seat of Her Pants
-Burrowing Under Barriers
-A Howling Good Time
-Here’s to You, Mrs. Wilde and Son
-Love Stands With Pride (with “I Give My All To You” and “Our Night, Our Right” taking place during and immediately afterward)
-More Than a Mutt 
-Knot a Good Time for Parenting 
As I make more stories, I’ll try to come back and update this with the ones that comes before/after/ in between. But yeah, there it all is in sequential order. 
Also, I’ve said this a few times before: I know not everyone likes to think of the raunchier stories taking place in the same continuity as the SFW stuff (namely the incest content; I can see how people might not like thinking that the same timelines in which Nick protests alongside Judy for interspecies marriage rights is the same one where he fucks his mother), so if readers want to omit certain stories from the timeline to suit their own personal tastes, that’s completely fine with me. It’s all non-canon anyway, so I don’t care what people want to do with it. 
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Huh. Wonder if anyone’s gonna use that “Other” option. >.>
And if so, I wonder what name they’ll put in the slot? <.<
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Something I’ve noticed in Rick and Morty Fanfic/comics
Rick’s dialogue consists of a belch thrown in literally every time he has a speech bubble in a comic, or when it’s his turn to speak in a text story. It’s like the writer of his dialogue thinks that if he’s not constantly belching, that it’s not as Rick as it should be or something. 
Which I think is ironic, because Roiland himself said that when they were first producing the show before it even aired, he tried reading Rick’s lines where he was guzzling light beer and water the whole time and constantly belching through the entire reading of the script. Not only did it make him sick, but when they listened to the audio, they said it sounded awful and didn’t even want to use it anymore. 
So yeah, guys, don’t feel like you need to force that in. Maybe do what Roiland did; write out the dialogue normally, then go back and figure out where to throw in a few properly placed belches? Eh? 
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cloppyreads · 7 years
reblogging for the morning crowd. Get those votes in!
Time For a Writing Break
It really kills me to say this, because I swear, if I ever go more than a month without publishing something, I will always get at least one comment saying “Oh damn, I thought you were dead!” or something, always always always without fail. I get that people don’t mean anything malicious by it, but I do find it a little irritating that people think that if I’m not publishing something weekly, that means I’m gone for good. No, it’s not, it’s just that I take a lot more time than other fic-writers do (which doesn’t seem like they take a lot of time in the first place), and I also sometimes need to push writing aside because of school. Really frustrating, but that’s the way it is sometimes. 
My plan is to step away from my stories for the rest of this semester, and once I’m done with finals, to get back to it immediately the day after. And the next story I want to do is one focusing on James Hopps Jr., Nick and Judy’s son. I’ve only used him twice in my stories, one SFW one Explicit, and I really do want to develop his character a little more past “Nick and Judy’s son”. So, that’s the next story in the agenda. 
As for the story after that? That’s up to you guys. Yup, it’s Strawpoll time! However, things are gonna be a little different. You’re getting not one, not two, but THREE different polls, each with a different selection of stories. One of them will be Zootopia stories, the second will be MLP stories, and the third will be Misc. stories. I’ll give you a list of the story descriptions and the links to the polls after the read more break. The way this is going to work is, you’ll vote for one story in each category (unless you have no interest in the other categories, then just vote for the ones that you do). At the end of November, I’ll pick the winner of each category and make a final strawpoll to pit the final four against each other to see which one story you all want me to write most. 
Also please be aware that most of these are working titles and will most likely be given better titles upon final publication
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Time For a Writing Break
It really kills me to say this, because I swear, if I ever go more than a month without publishing something, I will always get at least one comment saying “Oh damn, I thought you were dead!” or something, always always always without fail. I get that people don’t mean anything malicious by it, but I do find it a little irritating that people think that if I’m not publishing something weekly, that means I’m gone for good. No, it’s not, it’s just that I take a lot more time than other fic-writers do (which doesn’t seem like they take a lot of time in the first place), and I also sometimes need to push writing aside because of school. Really frustrating, but that’s the way it is sometimes. 
My plan is to step away from my stories for the rest of this semester, and once I’m done with finals, to get back to it immediately the day after. And the next story I want to do is one focusing on James Hopps Jr., Nick and Judy’s son. I’ve only used him twice in my stories, one SFW one Explicit, and I really do want to develop his character a little more past “Nick and Judy’s son”. So, that’s the next story in the agenda. 
As for the story after that? That’s up to you guys. Yup, it’s Strawpoll time! However, things are gonna be a little different. You’re getting not one, not two, but THREE different polls, each with a different selection of stories. One of them will be Zootopia stories, the second will be MLP stories, and the third will be Misc. stories. I’ll give you a list of the story descriptions and the links to the polls after the read more break. The way this is going to work is, you’ll vote for one story in each category (unless you have no interest in the other categories, then just vote for the ones that you do). At the end of November, I’ll pick the winner of each category and make a final strawpoll to pit the final four against each other to see which one story you all want me to write most. 
Also please be aware that most of these are working titles and will most likely be given better titles upon final publication
Zootopia Stories
Nick’s Daddy Dilemma (Teen/Drama/Heartwarming)- After several months of marriage, Judy drops the mother of all bombs on Nick when she asks him how he feels about being a father. Instead of demanding a decision on the spot, she gives him time to think about it, which prompts Nick to spend their day off by himself so he can think it over in privacy. Nick explores various attractions of the town while mulling over the idea of fatherhood and if it’s something he’s cut out for or not. 
Fox Muzzle Jacket (General/Comedy/Inspirational)- Months have passed since Nick submitted his application to the ZPD, and the academy training has finally begun. Despite his best effort, Nick just can’t seem to keep up with his fellow cadets. Just when he’s on the verge of calling it quits, he finds inspiration through the best friend he has to never give up and never give in, til he reaches the end. 
Sly But Sincere (General/Romantic/Hurt-Comfort)- Olivia Pawford is a junior in college who’s just trudging along without much hope for the future past being more than what her family has raised her to be: a sly fox getting through life by deceiving others. She’s surprised to meet a man named James Wilde, a fox who’s driven to find a different path than other foxes, an honest path without any trickery or dishonesty. After spending an extended time together, the two find out that they might be in it for the long haul regarding their lives together. But does fate have other plans for the happy couple? 
I Will Find You (Mature/Action-Adventure/Strong Bloody Violence)- Nick and Judy’s son James has been kidnapped in broad daylight without anyone noticing. The worried parents receive a call from an anonymous voice hours later, demanding they pay a ransom they can never afford if they want to get him back alive. Rather than give into their demands, Judy decides she’s going to get him back through her own methods: no matter how much blood she has to spill along the way. 
Zootopia University (General/Romance/Angst)- James Hopps has finally moved out of his parents Nick and Judy’s house and begun his college career majoring in law. While the mountain of work he’s faced with seems intimidating, a lion by the name of Felicia Felis majoring in psychology takes it upon herself to help the poor freshman get his head in the game and keep his head above water. The two find ways to help each other out as the semester continues, and as their relationship grows, James figures out Felcia can read him like an open book. What surprises James the most is how comfortable he is with that knowledge in mind. 
Meet The Hopps (General/Drama/Family Spats/Segregation)- After neglecting it for so long, Judy decides it’s finally time to introduce Nick to her parents as her boyfriend. While Bunnyburrow is known to maintain a conservative view against interspecies relationships, Nick is determined to give the impression he can to Judy’s parents and her siblings. Will Nick’s good intentions change the minds of Judy’s parents, or has their traditionalist mindset been reinforced for too long to see a different point of view?
It Runs In The Family (Explicit/Fluff/Incest/Threesome)- After finding out that their growing son James has been spying on them, Nick and Judy have a talk with him about how he needs to respect their privacy.It’s revealed that James has been harboring a lustful attraction to his parents, which plants all sorts of visuals in his parents heads. Nick and Judy have a talk amongst themselves about what’s the morally right thing to do about this, and what real harm would be committed if they gave their son what he willingly wanted. 
The Naked Truth (General/Comedy/Awkwardness/Slice-of-Life)- Just a few months after Nick has been admitted into the Zootopia Police Department, they receive a tip about an underground crime ring that could help bust a longstanding case wide open. Unfortunately, the informant will only give them the information in detail if they agree to meet at the Mystic Springs Oasis. Nick has no issues letting the warm oasis air rush through his buff fur along with all the other nude animals. Judy however is not so comfortable in her birthday suit. Things are made even more awkward when Nick runs into an old ex-girlfriend of his who seems all too eager to see him again. 
ZootopiaxKingdom Hearts (Action-Adventure/Drama/Comedy)-Sora and company find themselves in another world along their journey, and Sora himself sees that the magic of the world has given him a new form to fit in with the rest of the citizens. The Heartless have been terrorizing the city, and a number of predators have been goingmissing over the past week. The trio teams up with Officer Hopps and con fox Nick Wilde to unravel the mystery of who’s controlling the Heartless and if it’s connected to the vanishing predators. 
Wilde Family Stripper Club (Explicit/Comedy/Incest/Awkwardness)- after turning in his ZPD application, Nick finds out that his heroism in saving the city has ruined any chance he has of going back to the street hustling life. With no other skills of merit to land him a job to pay the bills before the academy training starts, Nick swallows his pride and applies to be a dancer at a fox strip club. He’s hired on the spot, but the manager has neglected to tell him that there’s another fox he knows working at the joint, a vixen he’s known for literally all his life. Things are gonna. Get. Weird. 
A Bun In The Oven (Explicit/Comedy/Fluff/Pregnancy Sex)- Judy is eight months pregnant, and her stomach is the size of a volleyball. She may not think it, but Nick thinks she’s just as beautiful as ever. Once their clothes are off, Nick just can’t get enough of Judy’s big round belly carrying their child, and every touch Nick gives her sends Judy into levels of arousal that she’d not thought possible.
Taking The Reigns (General/Comfort/Getting Old)- Nick and Judy have been serving on the force for almost two decades now. Chief Bogo’s getting ready to retire, and wants Judy to be the one to take control of the department in his stead. Judy would rather stay an active officer instead of sitting behind a desk and dealing with politicians and paperwork, but she has to face the truth: her passion might be as fierce as ever, but her body isn’t quite what it used to be. Maybe it’s time for a change in scenery, even if she’s still working in the only place she ever wants to work.
No One I’d Rather Be Caged With (Teen/Drama/Hurt-Comfort/Romance)- Following the arrest of Mayor Lionheart, the two night guards Gary and Larry are sentenced to prison. Luckily for them, they were assigned the same cell, but now the two will have to face the horrors of life in the slammer for a year at minimum. When things seem at their worst, the two wolves will find their already deep bond runs deeper than the two ever imagined. 
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My Little Pony Stories 
The My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Movie: But It’s Completely Self-Aware (Comedy/Random/Meta-Humor)- Let’s cut the bullshit: Hasbro has an agenda, works by a formula, and in this particular universe, everypony knows full well how things work. Enjoy a retelling of the MLP movie with characters regularly pointing out cliches, plotholes and overalls flaws of the movie they have no choice but to take part in.
Chaotic NightBreaker (Explicit/Bondage/Threesome/Comedy)- following Discord’s crazy night with Celestia’s fiery alter-ego, the princess of the sun asks him if he’d be up for a similar experience, but with the addition of another participant. The two talk it over with Princess Luna, who seems hesitant at first to tap into her inner darkness, but after learning that Celestia could do it briefly and return to normal when they were finished, she thinks it’s worth a shot. Discord is in for one hell of a night when the princess of day and night let their wicked sides out to play, and make Discord their submissive plaything for the evening. 
Sunset’s Horseplay (Expliicit/Fluff/Interspecies Sex)- (yes, everyone’s already done this idea and I’ve missed the bandwagon years ago). Though Sunset Shimmer has grown accustomed her home in this new world and found a place among wonderful friends, part of her still misses the land she came from. She finds comfort in spending time with Boxer, one of Applejack’s farm horses. What she begins to realize though is that she’s yearning for something more from Boxer, something to satisfy the curious itch within her and make her feel like what she was before she stepped through the mirror in Celestia’s palace.  
Garbled Emotions (Explicit/Drama/Hurt-Comfort/Awkwardness)- Garble and Fizzle have been best bros for years. When they’ve reached the proper age, all the dragons are looking forward to their first battle for their place at the top of the mating ladder - all except Fizzle that is. As time goes by, Garble begins spending more time than usual with Fizzle, learning he’s growing less content with his place among dragonkind. Garble will have to dig deep to figure out where his true loyalty lies: with his species, or with his closest friend. 
Moonlit Melancholy (Teen/Romance/Sad/Hurt-Comfort/Recovery)- After Twilight helps Moondancer confront her depression and pick up the pieces of her life again, the princess of friendship begins regularly checking in with Moondancer by using her magic to talk with her through her books. After some spontaneous flirting, the two decide to take things to discover they have a bountiful amount of things in common. Despite their joy over their new relationship, Twilight’s obligations as a princess make it hard for her to regularly spend time with Moondancer. They’ll be able to tough it out and find a way to make iit work, right?
A Dwindling Flame (Teen/Drama/Sad/Hurt-Comfort)- Soarin has noticed something’s changed about Captain Spitfire over the past year. Whereas she used to be calm, cool and collected, she’s become more tight-wound and abrasive, plus her loyalties haven’t been as clear as they used to be. Soarin confronts his captain about what’s going on in her life, and realizes it might have to do with the newest rainbow-maned recruit to the Wonderbolts. 
Love Measure in Scales (Explicit/Romance/Drama/Love Triangle)- A story I started YEARS AGO and haven’t touched in forever. I still have the missing half of the story outlined, and could be tempted to start work on it again, if enough people still care. 
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Rick and Morty Stories
MortyxMolly (Explicit/Romance/Comedy/Hurt-Comfort/Selfcest)- While completing a mundane task in a secret quadrant of the infiniverse, Morty meets a version of himself that he’s never encountered before: one lacking a Y chromosome. Molly is just like Morty in so many ways, even with an alcoholic grandmother named Rita. Rick tells Morty that getting involved with a version of himself from another universe is one of the worst ideas someone can imagine, but Morty and Molly are driven to prove that the person they’ve been waiting for all their lives was themselves. 
Morty’s Dino Lap Dance (Explicit/Comedy/Big Dino Stripper Butt)- While his grandfather effortlessly resolves the Israel-Palestine conflict, Morty finds his attention occupied by a large and busty stripper behind their seat. Morty’s never thought himself to be attracted to dinosaurs before, but something about this woman captivates Morty to the point that he wants a private dance with her. Rick does what any responsible mad scientist grandfather would do: give him a pocketful of money and tell him to enjoy himself some Jurassic Juggs. 
Incestual-Dimensional Cable (Explicit/Comedy/Incest/Angry Sex With Fluff At The End)- When Rick passes out for an extended amount of time and Beth is called away to perform emergency horse surgery, Morty and Summer decide to watch some good old Interdimensional Cable. While surfing channels, they stumble across a porno with themselves as the actors, having intercourse with full knowledge that they’re related. Even after turning the TV off, the image still sticks in each siblings mind, pushing them to entertain the idea of imitating what they saw on TV. 
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Undertale Stories
The Goat Trap (General/Comedy/Drama/Amending Fences)- even though Frisk and Asriel get to spend a fair amount of time with Asgore, it’s clear that Toriel still holds a grudge against him. Asriel knows they aren’t getting back together, but he at least wants them to get along. With the help of Alphys, Frisk’s friends manage to set up a trap that locks Asgore and Toriel in the same room, saying they aren’t coming out until they talk things out and form a truce of sorts. Will the two goats find a path to peace between themselves, or are they too far gone to find a compromise? 
Blossoming SOULS (Explicit/Fluff/Interspecies/Delicious Goat Boipussi)- When mom is away, the boys will play. Toriel leaves the house to run some errands, and young teens Frisk and Asriel decide to have some fun while she’s gone. It’s delicious young human-goat monster sex, what more could you ask for? 
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