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Ref of my boi gale, cloudys boyfriend/husbando
Refsheet Page (wip) - https://refsheet.net/CloudySketch/gale
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Old oc I need to redesign one day
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(edit: updated some info)
here is a new oc guys ^w^ shes shy and smol X3
Name: Riptide Remedy
Gender: female
Race: unicorn
Talent: knowing alot about bodies of water and their wild life, she knows more then many others, and she is also skilled in medical magic and potions
Personality: shy, caring of friends and family, can easily tolerate mean comments, loyal and generous
she loves being near the ocean and small bodies of water, she is also a medic pony and likes to help others in need Likes: small and large bodies of water, marine life, calm music, camping, nature, tea, honesty and compassion Dislikes: bullies, few types of bugs like spiders(she gets creeped out by them),  dishonesty, being around too many strangers
she is a bit smaller than an average mare
the marks on her right hoof, back, and hear are birth marks (ye…she has more thank just one ..lol) (all the body sketches i use come from: kp-shadowsquirrel.deviantart.c… )(yes…..before you ask, i did get permission from him to use them to make ocs and stuff)
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updated version of cloudys ref (her tongue is still light blue)(and she can change it from normal to a snek tongue at will)
info and stash in another post
base used by wodomirka on da
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fixed a thing on cloudys ref and made her a new disguised form, its a kirin mix now
stash link, more info on the stash https://sta.sh/25rrcrn0och?edit=1
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info coming later
temp name is Mist Melody
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| My Terms of Service | Commissions (updated version coming later) (Open) | (Collabs Open) | 
New Deer Pone i made while testing things Name: Lilac Lavandula Mist Nicknames: lilac, mist, misty, lila, lilly
Species/Race: Pegasus Deer Pony
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Special Talent(s): Botanist, Animal Whisperer, Animal Caretaker
Cutie Mark: N/A (dont have one made yet)
Sexuality: bi
Status: Single
Weight: Average, kinda light
Height: A bit below average height (4′8″)
Occupation: Botanist, Animal Caretaker 
Hometown: Ponyville
Current Residence: A small and new village on a big island (near cloudys island) Relations: currently unknown
  Personality (+): helpful, kind, compassionate, adventurous, respectful, fair, optimistic
Personality (-): a bit too kind for her own good at times, can sometimes be tenderhearted, childish, emotional, is clueless sometimes (mainly when she cant see that someone is using her to get what they want)(or when she could be in danger, she doesnt realize it till its to late, bot her friends help her), pacifist
Likes: Animals of all kinds (her top fave ones are: fish, marine animals, birds, cats) calm music, the ocean, nature, flowers, cuddles, hot chocolate, sweets, fluffy and comfy sweaters,
Dislikes: some bugs, pollution, poachers, hunters, fighting, liars, storms
Hobbies: drawing, listening to music, taking care of her garden and animals, singing
Fears/phobias: death, being abandoned, the unknown, fire, pain
Perks: understands animals of all kinds, likes to help others in need, protective of her family and friends, loyal to those she trusts
Flaws: child at heart, tenderhearted, too kind sometimes, pacifist, sometimes clueless
General Info/ Description/ Back Story: N/A
Where she is Now: at her village with some friends        
Lilac Lavandula Mist - Mine original design- Me Base - https://dreamybae.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Base-20-628370641
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| My Terms of Service | Commissions (updated version coming later) (Open) | (Collabs Open) | Updated ref for my main oc/sona, Cloudy Sketch    Name: Cloudy Sketch Nicknames: Cloudy, sketch, sketchy, cloud, princess (only by cryo, mostly)
Species/Race: Draconequus Pony Hybrid (real form)(has a deer pony alicorn disguise)
Age: around 20 or 23 (in her verse)(18 irl if remembering shes kinda based on me)
Gender: Mare
Special Talent(s): (still thinking about some of em, but it involves her light spirit magic, cloud accesory making, and art)
Cutie Mark: doesnt have one yet
Sexuality: bi (kinda)
Status: Taken (and the relation ship/s, its complicated >.>')
Weight: A bit over average weight
Height: 5'6" (in their verse, the heights are like irl, they arnt small like others think cause of the show, cloudy is around my actual height, 5'4")
Occupation(s): Artist, Freelance Digital Marketing, makes cloud accessories and infuses them with magic for others to use, Light spirit (they are inspired by the ones from loz twilight princess)(lumina is the one that is with cloudy, they can do many things, banishing or reforming evil beings or entities, but are still limited to how much power they can use and the 'danger' of using up mostly all of it before it has a changce to replenish)
Hometown: A currently Unnamed village near ponyville, but grew up in ponyville)
Current Residence: At home on a island with her family Relations: Astral Spirit (Dad) (still thinking of a name for her Mom) Lumina ('Sister', and a light spirit that lives within her sometimes) Pandora the Argentavis ('Sister') Skye and Hunter (brothers) Cryo Nova (stallion friend) Sugar Berry, Mystic Prism, Nebula Storm and a unnamed filly (daughters)(cryo) Mythic Fauna (son) Two Zora ponies (daughter and son)(sidon) (temp name) Winged Hero (EJ from aot) x (cloudy)(it was random dont ask) Personality (+): Kind, Tenderhearted (+ and -), Patient(most of the time), Honest(most of the time), Generous, adventurous, helpful, caring, respectful
Personality (-): keeps to herself at times and likes to be alone when upset( if mad, she wants to be alone, if sad, she wants someone to be there to comfort her), can be really emotional at times, Superstitious(when shes younger), (tends to act, off, or upset sometimes when things dont go her way, but she doesnt mean for it to happen, its a 'i cant really control it' kinda thing) Likes: Animals (Favs: fish - fave kind is betta, ball pythons, cats, dogs, dolphins, dinosaurs, manta rays, whales, whale sharks (might add more later) ),  family, snakes, birds, marine animals, night time and night themed things, space, music, gems and crystals, helping others, drawing, art, pastels, rainbows, rainbow pastels, deer, swimming, and night time walks and flights, camping, fishing(catch and release), the beach, lemon iced tea, saving animals(whether it be wild animals or animals at mills and ones that are mistreated)
Dislikes: creepy looking animals, loud thunder and lightning storms, any other kinds of bad storms, the dark (when younger)(or when grown, when its pitch black and she cant see anything), being alone, some types of bugs, needles, dentists
Hobbies: researching about her favorite things, studying magic and other things, making things with clouds and infusing them with magic for others to use(the magic is kinda resricted, just to be safe), taking care of her animals, tending to the wildlife on the island, singing, playing games with friends, drawing
Fears/phobias: Dark/Cramped Spaces, Some Bugs, necrophobia, needles (she hates them), dentists, more intense pain (low pain tolerance unless she uses a spell for it), being alone, the unknown
Perks: Has A Way with Animals/ Calming Nature, knows more about magic and knows just the right spell for the job or problem, botanist, artist, crafter/builder (learned from her dad)
Flaws: shy(mostly when she was younger, but she shy around strangers, or crushes, sometimes), child at heart, tenderhearted at times, pacifist(mostly), a bit clumsy(will add onto this later)
General Info/ Description/ Back Story: Cloudy is a draconequus pony hybrid, she used to live with her parents when she was younger, but when she got a bit older, her dad and her moved to live in a nice house alone (issues between them and her mom), then move to live on her own, which is how she met her boyfriend (stallionfriend), Cryo Nova, he is a halfling(half pony half changeling, little is know about his parents or family other than his father is no longer alive), they live together on a island a mile or two away from ponyvilles beach (in their univers its closer to the ocean), living with their kids, cloudys brothers and 'sisters', Lumina the Light Spirit and Pandora the Argentavis, and chrysalis lives with her new hive in a big cave on the other side of the island, and sidon (yes, the one from loz botw)(dont ask >->)
Where She is Now: living at home on her family's island with her family and friends        
Cloudy Sketch- mine original design- me Base- kimyowolf.deviantart.com/art/B…
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New oc next gen for a ship between a oc/sona of mine, Cloudy Sketch, and princecraig's oc (and sona, mostly) Cryo Nova their ship name is CloudyNova, btw         Name: Nebula Storm Nicknames: Nebula, Storm, Stormy, Neb, Nebby
Species/Race: Alicorn Deer Pony(left, disguised form) - Draconequus Pony Hybrid (right, real form)
Age: around 19 or 20 (in the pic) (in her verse currently, shes still a little filly, foal)
Gender: Mare/filly
Special Talent(s): (still thinking about it)
Cutie Mark: doesnt have one yet
Sexuality: bi (when shes older, right now shes still a foal/filly)
Status: single
Weight: Average - is better with magic than flying, but she likes to fly just as much as she does like using and studying magic
Height: 5'0 a bit shorter when shes grown up, shorter than her mom, cloudy (in their verse, the heights are like irl, they arnt small like others think cause of the show, cloudy is around my actual height, 5'4")
Occupation: (not sure yet)
Hometown: A currently Unnamed island (will name it later)
Current Residence: At home with her family
Cloudy Sketch (Mom)
Cryo Nova (Dad)
Mystic Prism (Sister)
Sugar Berry (Sister)
Mythic Fauna (will probably change his name since it needs to involve flowers, and i originally thought fauna was referring to plantlife)(brother)
Pandora the argentavis, and Lumina the light spirit (Honorary Aunts)
Skye and Hunter (Uncles)
Astral Spirit (Grandpa)(papa)
(Still working on a name for her grandma/cloudy sketches mom/mother)
Personality (+): Kind, Tenderhearted (+ and -), Patient(most of the time), Honest, Generous, adventurous, helpful
Personality (-): keeps to herself and likes to be alone most of the time, emotional, Superstitious(when shes younger), shy, timid
Likes: Animals (Favs: fish - fave kind is betta, ball pythons, cats, dogs (might add more later) ), fruits, crystals, pastel colors, the night, exploring, working on things with her parents, exploring new worlds (its a thing cryo does in there verse, make portals to other worlds)
Dislikes: creepy looking animals, thunder and lightning storms, any other kinds of bad storms, the dark, being alone, some types of bugs
Hobbies: researching about her favorite things, studying magic, making things with clouds(like her mother does), taking care of her animal friends, tending to the wildlife on the island, singing and writing songs, playing games with her parents or siblings, helping with the weather on their island
Fears/phobias: Dark/Cramped Spaces, Some Bugs, necrophobia, needles (she hates them, same as her mother), being alone, the unknown, scary movies/games
Perks: Has A Way with Animals/ Calming Nature, knows more about magic and knows just the right spell for the job or problem, botanist, artist, crafter/builder (learned from her dad)
Flaws: shy(mostly when she was younger, but shes shy around strangers), child at heart (got it from her mom), a bit too shy (doesnt like to fight, she would rather run or use a magic sheild, either cause she doesnt wanna fight or cant cause shes too afraid), pacifist(mostly) (will add onto this later)
General Info/ Description/ Back Story: Nebula is a draconequus pony/halfling hybrid, she lives with her family on a island and kinda does her own thing when shes older, but likes to help her parents around the island and the houses anyways, is the youngest sibling at the moment (will add more later)
Where She is Now: living at home with her family     Nebula Storm- mine
original design- forestspirit31.deviantart.com/…
Base- kimyowolf.deviantart.com/art/B… 
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Name: Evelyn
Nickname(s): evelyn, lyn, eva
Age: 30(?)
Species: (in the picture) alicorn, is actally a demon bat/and or dragon pony
Sexuality: Bi
Status: taken Relations: (currently unknown)
Pet(s): ball python(female)
Birthplace: (unknown?)
Current Residence: a big island (the one cloudy and her family lives on), is in hiding currently
Personalities: kinder than you think(being a demon and all), likes to help out, shy, adventurious, strong, timid and scares easy and worries about what others think of her
Occupation: likes to work as a assistant or butler/maid
Cutiemark: doesnt have one (yet) Some other facts and info: - she may be a demon, but she doesnt act like most do, she usually goes a long time with out eating a soul cause she doesnt like what she has to do in order to eat them - she tends to stay in hiding or stay in her disguised form bacues she worried that others will hate her since shes a demon - she loves sweets and fruit drinks, and loves to make her own sometimes - she always tends to wear darkish pink glasses, but only wears her suit or maid outfit when working
what she was based off of, a ponytown oc i made, then redesigned- 
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ideas for what she sounds like: normal- probably just abit higher in pitch than the vid for her singing voice
singing voice(she tends to sing whenever she tries to get a soul or somthing similar to eat)(to calm the one shes getting it from)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv7Y5MidiW4 oc-mine base used- https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/698880220
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Name: Sonata Blossom
Nickname(s): Sonata, blossom
Age: 10
Species: Filly | Draconnequis pony hybrid
Status: unsure (she is still a filly after all)
Relations: Parents | Crystal Melody and Sapphire
Sibling | Moon Stone(brother)
Aunts/uncle | Rose, Glaze, Spirit
edit later
Pets: none yet
Birthplace: ponyville 
Current Residence: a crystal castle on the outside of ponyville living with her parents and friends
Personalities: sweet, kind, friendly, playful, honest, generous, adventurous
Occupation: (again, just a filly still)
Cutiemark: doesnt have one yet (havent designed one)
OC| mine
Base| https://micky-ann.deviantart.com/art/F2U-Base-660843413
Design| https://nyan-adopts-2000.deviantart.com/
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Name: Estelle
Nickname(s): stella
Age: 6 (in the pic shes older)
Species: Filly | Draconnequis pony hybrid
Status: unsure 
Relations: real parents-unknown adoptive parents- Cloudy Sketch and Cryo Nova Pandora(argentavis)- (adoptive aunt)
Friends: pandora, the mosasaurus twins Pets: none yet
Birthplace: unknown
Current Residence: island far-ish from the beach of ponyville (in my ocs world the ocean is closer and stuff)
Personalities: sweet, kind, friendly, playful, honest, generous, protective of family and friends, doesnt give up easily, adventurous
Occupation: no job yet, but she likes to take care of  friendly wildlife around the big island she lives on, and likes to study animals, space, fossils/dinosaurs
Cutiemark: doesnt have one yet (havent designed one)(will involve her reaserch on dinosaurs, and bossibly crystals/space) OC| mine
Base| http://wintereousflame.deviantart.com/art/Mega-Base-Pack-F2U-FOR-LIMITED-TIME-654817226
Design| me
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Name: Crystal Tune
Nickname(s): none yet
Age: 26
Species: Mare | Unicorn (crystal pony)
Status: Single | bi
Relations: not known at the moment
Friends: other teachers, her students Pets: (none yet)
Birthplace: The Crystal Empire
Current Residence: The Crystal Empire
Personalities: sweet, kind, friendly, honest, generous, patient, protective of family and friends, caring, brave, strong
Likes: flowers, plants, animals of all kinds, space, music, singing
Dislikes: bullies, the deeper parts of the ocean that are currently unexplored(due to the face that we dont know whats down there yet), pollution, animal abuse 
Occupation: Music Teacher and a Popular singer
Cutiemark: dont have one designed yet OC| mine Base| |F2U| Female Pony lineart Design| me
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Name: Moonlight Bite
Nickname(s): Moony
Age: in rp canon shes not born yet, but for this pic of her lets just say 9
Species: Filly | Alicorn(she earns wings later, being a little princess and all)
Status: unsure
Relations: Chrysalis(mother)
(how did it happen you ask? magic*jazz hands*)
Friends: (unknown at the moment) Pets: none yet
Birthplace: Chrysalis' new "hive"
Current Residence: Chrysalis' new "hive"
Personalities: sweet, kind, friendly, shy, honest, generous, protective of family and friends, oblivious(she is a kid after all)
Occupation: no job yet, but she likes to take care of her mothers garden, and likes to study animals, plants, and space
Cutiemark: (for the future) a moon with a bit out of it and a aura of love flowing from it OC| mine
Base| |F2U| Female Pony lineart  by Eredoh
Design| Breeding #26 by themoosewhisperer
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Name: Scarlet Aura
Nicknames: (none at the moment)
Age: 9
Species: Filly | Pegasus (half draconnequuis)
Status(for the future): bi | Single
Relations: (wip)(not much known yet)
Friends: (wip)
Hometown: Canterlot
Current Residence: The new lost haven (island far out from ponyvilles beach (in my ocs universe ponyville is near the sea)
Personalities: sweet, kind, friendly, shy, honest, tough when she needs to be, patient, protective of family and friends
Occupation: no job yet, but she does enjoy helping cloudy around the island and helping with animals
Cutiemark: doesnt have one yet
Bio:  Her parents left her with cloudy since they were tasked with important missions that would potentially put her in danger, they havent been back since, due to there being more to do on their missions, and they really trust cloudy the most as well as little scarlet, so she currently lives with her ‘best friend’ cloudy, as shes said herself, she helps around and likes to help witht he animals and wildlife
(also leave a comment here or on My DeviantArt if you want your oc(s) to be friends with her)
Base | http://eredoh.deviantart.com/art/F2U-Female-Pony-lineart-518289789 Original Design| http://dreamcloudadopts.deviantart.com/art/Breedables-for-Velvet-Harmony-sArt-636158458                                                                oc| mine
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(updated ref)
Name: Crystal Melody
Nicknames: crysta (only sapphire uses her nicknames)(and her parents)
Age: 30
Species: Mare | Alicorn
Status: bi | Taken 
Relations: Astral Facade (father),                                                                 Violet Harmony (mother),                                                     Sapphire(marefriend) Crystal spirit(brother) Rainbow Rose(sister) Glaze('adopted' sister)
Friends: all who live in the castle
Hometown: The Crystal Empire
Current Residence: Ponyville
Personalities: sweet, kind, friendly, confident, honest, tough when she needs to be, patient, protective of family and friends
Occupation: makes magic necklaces and jewelry, Princess, also specializes in medical magic
Cutiemark: crystal with crystal music notes on it and a pastel rainbow swirl around it
Bio: once lived in the crystal empire with her parents and siblings, got seperated from her parents during a incident while the two were on royal duty out of the empire and moved to canterlot where the princesses found her and her two siblings(glaze wasnt around yet)then adopted them, and when they grew old enough, Celestia and luna granted them access to a old crystal castle to call their new home on the outside of ponyville where they now currently live, and are now reunited with there parents after being apart and searching for eachother for a few years and living happily with friends and family
(also comment down below if you want your oc(s) to be friends with her)
Base | mysterycypher.deviantart.com/a…  Gems on her necklace and crown| grievousfan.deviantart.com/art…          oc| mine
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flufabu's are a closed species! please do not make your own without permisson
(another oc i made for a myo event) (Approved)
(the name is also temporary)
Name: Starry Quartz
Gender: Mare
Personality:  She is very kind and loves the night and space, she also loves to sing, write music and make her own designs with crystals(its not shown now but she has a magic necklace), caring, animal lover, likes making new friends, protecive of family and friends
Job / Occupation:  Not decided yet
Breed:  Pegasus(?)   Traits: ~small fluff on rump (uncommon) ~normal hooves (common) ~semi transparent wings (common) ~normal ears (common) ~classic unicorn tail (uncommon) ~heterochromia (common)(other eye is light pink) Base| http://eredoh.deviantart.com/ Species| http://fernwolfstar.deviantart.com/   http://flufabu-forest.deviantart.com/
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new oc i got as a adopt on deviantart
Name: Moonlit Blossom
Nickname(s): Moony
Age: 8
Species: Filly | Alicorn
Status: unsure 
Relations: not known at the moment
Friends: (unknown at the moment)
Pets: some freshwater fish(two angel fish, some neon tetras, a female betta some velvet blue shimp and two cleaner snails), two budgies one is blue and the other is half light blue and half light pink 
Hometown: The Crystal Empire
Current Residence: has two current homes, one outside of ponyville(current home) and one in the crystal empire
Personalities: sweet, kind, friendly, shy, tenderhearted at times, honest, generous, patient, sometimes she can be clumsy, protective of family and friends
Likes: flowers, plants, animals of all kinds, space, crystals, music, fruits, sweets, her mothers homemade pastries 
Dislikes: bullies, most bugs, the dark, the deeper parts of the ocean, most vegetables, pollution, animal abuse 
Occupation: no job yet, but she likes to take care of her mothers garden, and likes to study animals, plants, and space
Cutiemark: doesnt have one yet OC| mine Base| pucyforevah.deviantart.com/art…  original design| pandamoniumdragon.deviantart.c… 
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