clovd-9 · 4 years
tenebris ↛  kth (prologue)
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pairing: taehyung/reader 
au: demon / horror
word count: 805
warnings: demonic possession, mentions of nonfictional possessed items, mentions of brutal death, assault, gore and detailed mentions of sex (in later chapters)
“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die in one life before we can enter another.” - Anatole France.
Keep reading
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clovd-9 · 4 years
When a voting period ends I no longer accept votes for anything!
When the story is published I will then accept votes for the choice you’d like to make for the chapter as well as what other character you’d like to see next!
Thanks to those of you who asked!
Best of luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!
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clovd-9 · 4 years
fateful findings voting period (1) is over!
the winner is...
expect to see his story within the next few days and thanks for your participation!
good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!
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clovd-9 · 4 years
info on fateful findings
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each character will have their own story written eventually
voting helps me know who the most popular person is aka who i should write for first / next 
each member may have more than two stories depending on how the majority vote (this will not apply for all characters)
this is why participation is vital to this series!
voting periods will be 2-3 days longs
when the voting period is over the results will be shared the day after
if there is a tie or inconclusive results, i will wait until i have at least one more vote (this means schedules update may be halted)
each character will have at least two stories with you as their ally
there will be heavy mentions of gore, blood, death, and so on (there’s a reason this is tagged as an angst)
criticism and compliments are greatly appreciated!!! please feel free to share how you feel about a plot or a character!
with this being said, any unnecessary hate will be removed and the user will be blocked
thanks for reading and may the odds be ever in your favor!
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clovd-9 · 4 years
fateful findings | ateez
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You are the most recent Victor from the 74th Hunger Games and have been reaped for the Quarter Quell. Before your victory many overlooked your abilities—deeming you a lost cause due to your humble beginnings within District 8. With help from your mentor, Jeong Yunho, you proved your worth effortlessly. While your outstanding agility and sharp eye for observation was more than enough to show your true potential, your charismatic persona truly won the hearts of the Capitol. This presented you with numerous sponsors, and during the Game, you continued to win them over. As your death toll rose to the double digits, there was no denying your power. Despite your seemingly cold-blooded act, hints of your benevolence seeped through as you spared and saved the lives of those who were truly vulnerable. This led to you being the hot spot of gossip for fellow Victors and the media alike. However, your charming persona quickly dissolved after your win as you voiced your contempt for the Games. You quickly changed from being the nations’ treasure to the face of an uprising rebellion. 
Now, with the Quarter Quell in motion and your sponsors on the line, you must decide how to play and who to play with. Your decision will determine your fate—so choose wisely. 
Choi San
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From District 1—the District of luxury
Specializes in the use(s) of: throwing knives and stealth
Won when: 12 
Current age: 21
San is the youngest person to have ever won The Hunger Games
He is the nation’s bad boy and other competitors worst fear
Due to his early age of winning the games he has had enough time to train and be the most vicious mentor and victor known to date
Given that he lives in the most luxurious district, most would call his behaviors that of a spoiled brat
So when the Quarter Quell was announced and he realized he might lose his life of comfort—the media took notice
While he is known as the Midnight Assassin, many of his fans fear they will lose their beloved District 1 victor
Will you choose to partner up with the nation’s deadliest bad boy—or will you choose someone else to keep you company during the games?
Kim Hongjoong
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From District 2—the District of weaponry
Specializes in the use(s) of: daggers and speech
Won when: 15 
Current age: 21
Hongjoong is said to be the Prince Charming of the Capitol
Everyone either loves him or wants to be him
Many sponsors placed high bets on him when he went into the Games after seeing what District he came from
And due to his total of 13 kills during his time in the arena he has earned lots of support from the media
As well as being marked as a potential serial killer by fellow victors
Not only that, but he regularly has appearances on talk shows and is painted out to be a total player
The Capitol eats this up, of course
But when the announcement of the Quarter Quell hit headlines,’many feared to lose their beloved red-haired prince
However, he reassured them that he’d make it home by any means possible with a grin and a sinister twinkle in his eyes
So, will you choose to partner up with this killing machine—or will you decide upon another victor to watch your back?
Park Seonghwa
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From District 4—the District of fishing and aquatic agriculture
Specializes in the use(s) of: spears, survival skills, and knowledge of numerous environments
Won when: 17 
Current age: 22
Seonghwa is the last of the careers, but certainly not the least
Even before his game, many were blown away by his stunning looks and stoic personality
Due to his District being on the coast, his sun kissed skin become something to die for (no pun intended)
This along with his outstanding skills and unexpected deadly nature quickly made him one of the nation’s favorite heartthrobs
His demeanor is rather quiet, yet he is seen as very wise by his fellow victors
He has never yearned for the limelight and is far more humble than his skills allow him to be
However, when the other career from his district was hurt during his game, he dropped everything to nurse her back to health
Many people see this soft spot as a weakness while many people living in the districts see this as a symbol of humanity within the games
The day of the Quarter Quell his face was stoic as usual but those who paid close enough attention could see the clenching of his jaw and fists in what was most likely anger
He has never openly supported the Capitol and declined all requests to be in talk shows or featured in any media streams besides his mentor position
That being said, will you choose this modest candidate to be your teammate—or will you follow in the lead of another victor?
Kang Yeosang
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From District 6—the District of transportation
Specializes in the use(s) of: camouflage and stealth
Won when: 18 
Current age: 21
Yeosang is one of the lesser known victors given his District and how fresh his win still is within the Capitol
This being said, not much is known about him
However, much is known about his beautiful works of art
He is said to spend his time locked away in his home painting for his collection within the Capitol gallery
And although he’s a massive homebody, that’s not to say he doesn’t have any fans because of his looks
His distinct and charming visuals have placed him numerous modeling gigs from many brand name designers
His performance in the games is rarely a topic, as he won by rather peculiar means
Those being that he stayed hidden for more than half of his game and only had a kill streak of one
When news of the Quarter Quell broke out, very few people had hopes of seeing their beloved artist again
Will you look past the low expectations for this artistic shut-in—or will you take your chances with someone more trusted within the eyes of the public?
Jung Wooyoung
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From District 7—the District of lumber and forests
Specializes in the use(s) of: axes, stealth, and agility
Won when: 16 
Current age: 20
Wooyoung was an instant fan favorite among the Capitol
“Everybody’s favorite pretty boy” as Ceaser Flickerman would like to call him
With his young age, the cockiness is expected, and the other victors absolutely despise it
His kill streak was only 4 people during the game, but do to his speed and creativity, all bets were almost immediately placed on him
He won his game with axes covered in blood and a devilish grin on his face
What he does out of the media’s eye is a total mystery, though most speculate he tries to woo the ladies of his District and the Capitol
He has also taken up a rather peculiar hobby of modifying himself—whether it be his hair, teeth, eyes, or skin
But when the Quarter Quell was announced, the pretty boy act dropped and was replaced with an unexpected rage
Never had Wooyoung gone against the Capitol, but now, some are unsure of his reliability
Will you team up with this quirky double edged sword—or will you rely on another victor to have your back?
Jeong Yunho
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From District 8—the District of textiles and fabrics
Specializes in the use(s) of: intelligence, physical strength, and swords
Won when: 15 
Current age: 21
Yunho is one of the most beloved faces in all of the Capitol
The nation’s boyfriend material if you will
He’s a charmer that won the hearts of many sponsors during his game
Hilariously enough, during his game, many of his opponents wrote him off as another pretty boy to be dealt with
However, that proved to be a difficult task as his intelligence levels were above almost every other candidate
He won the games by setting up traps or having unsolvable courses of action
It is said that this raised level of intelligence came from working at his District’s textile factories every day and solving any problems with the machines
His back story is a tragic one—mother and father died due to a fire at one of the factories
And his only sister was reaped into the game with him
Yunho rarely speaks of this, though, and keeps a warm smile on his face
But the day the Quarter Quell was announced, the slight tremors in his hand became unbearably noticeable even though he had a smile on his face
He merely waved at the cameras to wave off any uneasiness from his fans and took his place on the platform
However, some say his smile is a facade, and is slowly breaking with each day gone by
Will you entrust your life with your mentor once again—or will you find yourself alongside another?
Choi Jongho
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From District 10—the District of animals and livestock
Specializes in the use(s) of: sickles, stamina, and physical strength
Won when: 17
Current age: 19
Not much is known about Jongho—his District is very small and his win is still fresh in the eyes of the media
Most victors look at him as a child still given his young age
His duration spent in the game was anything but childlike, though
Due to his background as a butcher, his technique of killing was precise and clean
He only killed when he needed to, which seemed weak to some, but smart to others
He didn’t have very many sponsors because he was a mere minnow in a pond of much bigger fish
This did not stop the media from putting him into the limelight, though
After his win, the media, however, has come to fetishize him being the youngest victor
When asked about his views of the Capitol and the Games, he tends to find a way to incorporate its downfall without directly saying he hates the Games
This is written off as teenage rebellion
However, when his silence suddenly shattered during the promotions of the Quarter Quell, many came to see it was not just hormones that led him to have such disdain towards the games
Will you team up with the Capitol rebel—or will you choose another victor to take his place?
Song Mingi
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From District 12—the District of coal
Specializes in the use(s) of: herbal medicines, first aid, and survival skills
Won when: 13 
Current age: 21
Mingi is that of a gentle giant to the Capitol
He was never as brutal or cold as many other Victors in the games
This image of humanity led to inspire many within the Districts
He did what he had to to defend himself, and even then, he did it by the least harmful means possible
His extensive knowledge of foraging led him to survive the games, as he only ever killed people by poisoning them
He also kept himself alive with the native plants in the arena
The media played him up to be vicious due to his rather intimidating looks, but his shy demeanor quickly struck that idea down
He spends most of his time tending to his family and many people of his District
So when the Quarter Quell was announced, his entire District began to rebel
This has caused a rather dark mark upon his image, leaving him with very few supporters
Will you take this gentle giant as your teammate—or do you have your eyes set on another?
Voting is pivotal to this series. Comment or reblog with the member you decide to create a alliance with. the most voted for member will have their story written first.
Best of luck and may the odds be ever in your favor
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clovd-9 · 4 years
🤠🤠🤠 oh my god?????
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clovd-9 · 4 years
ateez hunger games au is dropping tomorrow! votes from reader will be vital to the growth of this series!
based on the character description, you will have to choose one of the members and write in the comments who you’d like to see first!
thank you <3
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clovd-9 · 4 years
so i wrote a minor essay on fanfics, community, and why sharing is important
and i wanted to add, im sorry im like this asdfksadfasjdflhg it’s hard not to be verbose when you have FeelingsTM
tldr the reason why i get constantly say that i am open to hearing from you about literally anything and everything in any shape or form is because i started this blog to be part of a community. yeah, i get silent readers or like strings of people hitting that heart button on my fics without saying anything – but i also have a few wonderful readers and friends who spare even a minute to send asks (and a few of you have said hi and sent support through my chaotic exhausting hiatus! and you have seriously made my day or hour so so many times thus far). but in response to arguments that these vocal friends and readers of mine have feedback ‘covered’ – y’all, communities are supposed to grow, not shrink. at least, healthy communities draw ppl in and help others discover interests and find places to belong. can’t grow and cultivate a community with the same small group of people every time – gotta share a good thing by helping it expand!!
anyway, re: these friends and readers: y’all are the reason i haven’t shuttered this blog yet even when i feel sad about drive-by readers. your lil messages remind me that my hiatus is temporary and that there are still some people who believe in the community-based, not consumption-based model. your enthusiasm builds mine up, and hopefully my fics (prior to the hiatus) helped your days or built you up.
(@ drive-by readers, thank you for liking and enjoying my work but pls pls come say hi – i want to engage all of you and to share thots about exo. if you got something out of a story, i wanna learn and hear from you, sincerely!!!!)
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clovd-9 · 4 years
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like or reblog if you use ᵕ̈
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clovd-9 · 4 years
Literally... yeah... if you guys like writings please give it some love or it will never have a big reach! Support writers on this app! (As long as they are being respectful!)
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Fanfiction Club: The Rules
This idea came to me when I woke up first thing this morning.
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clovd-9 · 4 years
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(200830) THE STAR featuring ATEEZ
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clovd-9 · 4 years
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(200830) THE STAR featuring ATEEZ
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clovd-9 · 4 years
a readers choice (reverse harem) hunger games au is in the works... so keep an eye out for that in the next few days 😌
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clovd-9 · 4 years
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96.09.03 | Park Soo Young (박수영) | Red Velvet ♡ Happy Birthday To Our Joy! ♡
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clovd-9 · 4 years
sway ↛ park seonghwa
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Genre: AU (Great Gatsby?) / fluff
Style: short / bulleted
A/n: wrote this at 3am so sorry for inconsistencies or typos! somewhat short but worth it.
Seonghwa but make him a British Gentleman from the 1800′s that’s rather mysterious and holds masquerade balls on his family’s estate
Park Seonghwa—the heir of his noble family and who most would claim to be the prettiest of all suitors
Park Seonghwa—the heir of his noble family and who most would claim to be the prettiest of all suitors
Park Seonghwa—the heir of his noble family and who most would claim to be the prettiest of all suitors
Park Seonghwa—the heir of his noble family and who most would claim to be the prettiest of all suitors
All the ladies and lads fawn for him
To be fair—he’s described to be sculpted by the gods
With his jet black hair that sweeps just below his eyes that are just as stunning as he
And every weekend he throws balls with a single requirement
These parties have gone on for years
And he’s always seen wandering about with a beautiful black suit and a dark red mask to cover upper face
Never has he danced with anyone, nor has he spoken to any of the attendees
Nobody knows the purpose of these parties but he does—he searching for you—his beloved childhood friend that lost touch with him
A Gatsby sort of deal where he searches and searches until he finds you one night
The attire you wear suits your figure, every curve and edge
He can’t deny you’ve grown to be a gorgeous young adult
But when your eyes pierce through your mask,,, oh boy
Almost 3 years of waiting for this moment causes his heart to implode
However you have no clue that your long long lost best friend is before you
But regardless of this, when this handsome strangers offers his hand for a dance,,, you can’t decline
You spend the night in his arms, laughing and talking for hours
His deep accent is intoxicating and you can’t get enough
Around midnight he gets up to leave,, but leans down to whisper in your ear
“Meet me in the library half past 12.”
Your chest lurches with excitement as you sit in anticipation
You had no clue why you were so excited,,, but the man with no name seemed so,, familiar and comforting
Like you had known him for years
So when the clock is at 12:24 you decide you can no longer wait
And you scurry off in hopes of seeing this mysterious man once again
And you do—right where he said he’d be
But his back is turned from you as he flips through a book
“Hello, Y/n.”
You become perplexed
“How do you-“
Your words catch in your throat as he turns around
And you feel everything around you slow
Your voice is soft and shaky as your emotions begin to overwhelm you
Tears stream down your face as he walks forward and begins to gently untie your mask
As soon as he’s done, he lets the mask drop to the floor
His fingertips are under your chin,,, then to your cheeks as he wipes your tears
“Oh how I’ve missed you, my dear.”
And as the world seemingly stops as he places his lips on yours,,, kissing you adoringly
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clovd-9 · 4 years
hi! i saw ur post about request being open so i was wondering if you could write having an argument with seonghwa but they make up at the end? thank you! :))
posted! 💗🧚🏻
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clovd-9 · 4 years
boiling point ↛ park seonghwa
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a/n: (angst/fluff) not the best but here it is!
tw: arguing
You hated that feeling when the anger finally boiled over and you get left with the foamy remains of being on the back burner for far too long. It always got to this point one way or another—long nights alone, empty promises, missed dates—and it became unbearable.
You loved Seonghwa more than you had loved anyone else before. Maybe that’s why this hurt you so much. But when you brought it up, the situation only became worse. The early dusk turned to twilight, and you two had been going at it for hours with no compromise in sight.
You loved Seonghwa more than you had loved anyone else before. Maybe that’s why this hurt you so much. But when you brought it up, the situation only became worse. The early dusk turned to twilight, and you two had been going at it for hours with no compromise in sight.
Hands running through his hair, he looks up at you, eyes narrow.
“You know I can’t control this. It’s my job. I can’t just change my schedule and say oh sorry I have a date to run off too. You can’t blame me for something I can’t control,” Seonghwa defends himself lowly.
“You can’t just bail on me every single time and then barely even apologize. I know it’s your job, but at least try to show me I’m important to you in any aspect at all!” You exclaim, body shaking as you grip on to the pillow in your arms.
He sighs, “You realize how tiring this is, right? My job and our relationship? I’m not always going to be able to be there for you.”
“I’m not stupid. I know that, but minimal effort would be nice, y’know. I can’t even talk to you about this without it turning into an argument! You can’t just say sorry or I’ll try better next time? I mean, you even forgot our anniversary was last week, but did I throw a fit? No. Because I get it. I get your busy, I get you work hard. I get you have priorities and I get that I’m not one of them. I never am. But why are you here if it’s so tiring? Huh? If you can’t even be there for me, then why are we—“
“Stop,” Seonghwa blurts out, eyes wide.
You didn’t even realize the tears spilling down your cheeks as you spoke. You were far too upset to care.
“Why? So you don’t feel bad?” You say, sobbing at this point. It felt so helpless as you say there, face in your hands, crying loud enough to break the deafening silence around the apartment. You felt the cushion beside you dip as his hand fell to your back, rubbing in circles.
“Baby,” He whispers softly, causing you to peek from behind your hands.
His eyes are now wide and watery at the sight of you and for a moment he said nothing at all until he pulled you to him and cried with you.
It wasn’t unusual for Seonghwa to become emotional, but never had you seen him cry over an argument.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t get angry at you for coming to me about a problem. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t mean to break promises and miss out but you know KQ. Hopefully after these schedules we can get a break,” He mumbles into your neck, sniffling.
“Sorry I blew up at you. I know it’s not really your fault,” You murmur, breaking away from him to look into his eyes, “Let’s try to do better, okay?”
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