clovergirl18 · 3 years
Potter's pets 32
Chapter 32: Train station
It was a warm and sunny day at Hogwarts. Harry, his pets, Draco and his pets were all down at the train station at Hogesmede. Terrence arrives and walks over to his foster son. "Hey kiddo." Terry said smiling. "Uncle Terry!" Harry said hugging his guardian happily.
Draco was looking around the platform nervously. He was waiting to see if his parents would come to see him off. Instead they sent Dobby the house elf with a sign that said Good Luck Draco. He wasn't really surprised by this.
"Alright, remember to stay safe, listen to your teachers, and try not to get into any fights, both of you." Terrence said referring to both Harry and Draco to the surprise of the young pure blood. Terrence then proceeded to hug Draco which almost made him cry.
The two packs were sitting and waiting patiently for the train to arrive. Naru was actually grooming Kiara as they wait. Some kids were all gathered around Rino and Cujo petting the two large dogs as they waited. Alex and Yuki were being stared at and having their pictures taken as they waited. Hedwig was laying in a sunbeam. Ren was scratching an itch and Shadow was staying close to Harry.
The air in the train station was practically charged with excitement. Some of the students including Ron and Hermione had sent a few goodbye gifts for them. Soon enough the train arrived and Harry and Draco along with their pets bored the train.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 31: Draco's choice
Draco was sitting in an empty unused classroom in one of the castle towers. He came up to the classroom to escape the chaos that was the investigation downstairs. The young pureblood stared out the window half asleep with an elbow propped on the desk he was sitting at and his hand resting on his cheek. He lets out a yawn showing fangs when Storm makes a reappearance. "Moping again, Draco?" The wolf spirit said as he took on the form of an older Draco wearing slacks and a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, blue eyes and black slicked back hair. "I thought you could only take on a shadow form." Draco said as Storm started to make his way over to Draco.
The young pureblood sat up straight and was instantly on guard since he knows what Storm's capable of. "Draco, listen you have three choices here." Storm said setting his hands on the desk. Draco raised an eyebrow at this; he had to admit he was intrigued by the wolf's offer. Storm smirked upon seeing he had Draco's attention. "Right here, right now, I put the offer out. I don't want to chase you down. I know you see it, You run with me and I can cut you free out of the drudgery and walls you keep in." Storm said offering Draco his hand.
Draco immediately knew that Storm was trying to encourage him to run away and leave the wizarding world behind and live with a pack of werewolves. Storm then added "You can play it sensible, a king of conventional. Or you can risk it all and see." Draco smacked his hand away as he stood up and climbed on the desk so he was taller than the wolf spirit. "Okay, my 'friend', you want to cut me in. Well I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen. So thanks, but no I think I'm good to go 'cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in." Draco did air quotes around the word friend and shoved Storm away from him.
Storm gains his balance back after stumbling and looks up at the eleven year old standing on a desk. Draco hopped down from the desk as he put his hands in his pockets and started walking towards the door when Storm put a hand on his soldier. "Now is this really how you like to spend your days?" Storm suddenly asked him. Draco knew what he was referring to. "Fire whiskey drop covered letters, misery, parties and plays." Storm added using his other hand to count these points off on his fingers as Draco rubbed his own arm and bit his lip but he took a deep breath and smacked Storm's arm so he'd let go of him and turned to face the wolf spirit. "At least I don't come up with crazy ideas! If I were mixed up with you, I'd be the talk of the town! Disgraced and disowned by my family!" Draco yelled there was anger in his eyes when saying that. Storm took a step back then he smiled and turned his back to Draco and started walking towards the center of the room and started to sink back into a shadow with a smile on his face. "But I guess I'll leave this up to you." Storm said as he disappeared leaving Draco standing in the doorway of an empty classroom.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
I would be more than happy to talk about the Harry Potter fanfic I'm writing or at least I would appreciate people reading it
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 30: The mirror
Harry stood in front of the mirror of Erised and peered into it. Harry saw his time at Hogwarts pass before his eyes. He even saw how Pansy had been caught in the trophey room the night Harry found out about Draco being a werewolf. He saw Flinch take her to Dumbledore and he saw Dumbledore give Pansy detention for three weeks along with Slytherin losing 50 house points.
The mirror's surface cleared and it showed Harry again in his Hogwarts robes and it also showed the lady in the wolf mask again standing behind him. The two nodded to each other. That's when Harry's reflection disappeared and was replaced by the white haired boy. He gave Harry a smile and pulled out a wand. Harry felt the impulse and did the same thing.
The boy tapped the mirror's surface on his side and Harry did the same. As soon as that happened there was a burst of light and the mirror almost shattered as the sorcerer's stone appeared in Harry's hand. Along with a mark on the back of it that looked like a paw print.
Harry looked at the boy in the mirror and saw him press the back of his hand against his side of the glass revealing a paw print mark on his hand as well. Harry pressed his newly marked hand on the glass against the boy's and felt oddly calm and like he had met this mysterious boy before.
Harry felt like this kid was a friend he had as a kid but couldn't quite remember him but he barely had friends right now as is with his anxiety and his cousin Dudley had made sure no one hung out with him. The two parted ways and as soon as Harry walked out of the room the Department of magical law enforcement was there in the hallway interviewing Flinch about how clean the castle was.
"Excuse me, Ms. Bones?" Harry said walking over to the lead investigator. "Hello Harry." Amelia Bones said with a fond smile. Every once in a while Amelia would have to babysit Harry when Terrence had to bring him along with him to work when he first got custody of the young half blood. "Dumbledore was hiding this in the school so he could attract vol- he who must not be named to the school and use me to defeat him." Harry said shuffling his feet as he held out the stone.
The hallway was silent, even Quirrell, who was there to try and help, had stopped stammering in shock. Harry looked at Quirrell and then back at the still shocked Amelia Bones. "Oh! Also Professor Quirrell's possessed by he who must not be named." Harry added. This was grounds for a deeper investigation into Albus Dumbledore which was lead by Terrence who had to restrain himself from leaking the info he dug up. Harry was glad he was transferring schools soon.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 29: The boy
On his way to Dumbledore's Harry passed a boy with short white hair in the hallway and stopped and looked back the other boy had stopped and gestured for Harry to follow him but Harry looked back at the gargoyle statues guarding the office and then back at the boy who seemed to be waiting for Harry to follow him but to Harry the most important thing was getting Pettigrew arrested. So the boy who lived headed to the office and recited the password. "Lemon drops." Harry said, causing the gargoyles to spring to life and reveal the door leading to the moving spiral staircase.
He walked through the doorway and stepped onto the spiral staircase, as the doorway closed the white haired boy disappeared. Harry knocked on the door to the office. "Enter." Dumbledore said from within the office. Harry pushed open the door and walked inside. "Professor, we need to talk." Harry said. Dumbledore looked up from grading papers at the eleven year old boy.
The next few hours resulted in Sirius being released from Azkaban after examination through Veritaserum and examining his memories in the Pensieve and him being taken to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries as a precaution due to his long term exposure to Dementors. The arrest of Peter Pettigrew, who nearly had an arm ripped off by Shadow, and a serious inquiry into Hogwarts staff and security. During that time Ren returned, he had faced the nesting queen and was lucky to even be alive. Harry was just happy to have his dragon back. Ren was taken to the hospital wing where Ron was staying due to his fainting spell.
Everything happening made things rather tense in the great hall that evening. Harry personally skipped dinner in favor of going to the library. As he was walking he passed the white haired boy again. Again he gestured for Harry to follow him since the pack was in the hospital wing with Ren wanting to make sure he was ok and to discuss what happened. Harry stared at the boy, ready to draw his sword if anything happened. The boy had bangs covering his eyes. "Follow me." The boy said softly. Harry took a deep breath and followed the boy through the school to an empty classroom with the Mirror of Erised sitting inside and the boy disappeared.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 28: The Tratior was born the year of the rat
Harry walked up to the dormitory with a tired sigh. He just wanted the transfer date to come sooner. He already worked out the date for himself and Draco and the two talked it over with the headmaster, Draco's parents, after they were informed that Draco had been getting only small doses of the wolfsbane potion, and Harry's guardian, Terrence. Naru and Hedwig started grooming Harry when he heard a load clang and a loud squeal followed by barking. "What on earth?" Harry said trying to see what happened and saw Shadow chasing a terrified Scabbers through the room and the now busted rat cage on the floor. "Shadow no!" Harry yelled chasing after the mist wolf as he turned to mist to chase the terrified rat that squeezed itself under the door.
Ron walks into the common room eating an orange when he saw Scabbers being chased by Shadow. "Scabbers!" Ron yelled dropping the fruit and trying to grab his pet as Naru and Hedwig joined the chase along with Harry when Yuki and Alex joined as well. The five pets cornered Scabbers at an open window while Harry tried to get them to back off along with Ron. The redhead takes off a shoe and throws it at Shadow. "Get away from my rat you stupid mist wolf!" Ron yelled in anger, Shadow yipped as the shoe hit him. Harry in turn smacked Ron in the face which lead to the two fighting.
Scabbers backed up as the pack closed in the next thing the rat knew he was falling out the open window. Naru and Hedwig made a mad dive for rat. The three rushed towards the ground, quickly picking up speed as they free fell. Harry shoved Ron off him and ran for the portait hole with the rest of the pack behind him minus Ren who was still at the nest facing the queen. Scabbers somehow managed to hit a tree and scurried through the branches towards the ground as Naru and Hedwig weaved through the branches after him, while hissing and yowling. Scabbers scurried into the underbrush with Naru, Hedwig, Harry, Alex, Yuki, Shadow, and Ron in hot pursuit. The group chased Scabbers across the grounds and into the forbidden forest where Hagrid was tending to a unicorn foal with a hurt leg. "There we go little one." Hagrid said petting the foal's neck. When he saw Scabbers, the pack, Harry and Ron run by. He was confused but follows them since the forest was pretty dangerous.
After a while the groups made it to a clearing and Naru pounced on Scabbers but didn't kill him. Everyone stared at the sight frozen when Naru suddenly screams through their telepathic link Reveal yourself tratior! Scabbers squealed as Naru dug her claws into Scabbers back but the squeal turned into the scream of a man. Scabbers had transformed into Peter Pettigrew. Ron's reaction to his rat being an Animagus was to faint. Hagrid caught him. "Who are you?" Harry said in shock. "P-Peter Pettigrew." The man said looking at Harry. Naru and the pack were growling and snarling. Suddenly Harry felt like something pierced his head as he saw a dark aura around Pettigrew as Naru's scream echoed in his head and it suddenly clicked. "You..." Harry growled as his eyes turned an even brighter green in anger as he realized the man infront of him was the reason his parents were dead. "Harry!" Hagrid and the pack screamed as Harry drew his sword as Naru was shaken off Peter's back as he got up.
The tratior had tried to back away but tripped as Harry swung the blade as Pettigrew begged for his life Harry stopped the blade an inch away from his face. "Y-You aren't going to kill me?" Pettigrew said looking up at Harry who had angry tears streaming down his face as it beings to rain. "You aren't worth it." Harry said as he out the blade away and started walking away after signalling Shadow, Naru, and Yuki to take keep Pettigrew cornered as he walks back to the school with a stunned Hagrid, who was carrying Ron, and Alex and Hedwig in order to report what happened to Dumbledore.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 27: Reunited and surprises
Harry got up silently and got dressed, he grabbed his sword and made his way down to the hospital wing alone. He looked around the large castle and mumbled hellos here and there to whoever he passed in the hallways. He froze in his tracks when he ran into Peeves. "Well well if it isn't potty wee potter all alone!" Peeves chuckled with his usual nasty grin on his face. "Let me pass Peeves." Harry said showing no emotion to the poltergeist. Ever since the soul fragment was removed Harry started feeling more in control of his emotions, he wasn't sure why though. "And what if I don't?" Peeves said his grin had faltered a little bit. Harry didn't respond instead he clutched the hilt of his blade. Peeves blew a loud raspberry and flew off after upturning a trash can on Harry's head.
Harry went and cleaned himself up after that he walked into the hospital wing and found Alex sitting next to the window wrapped in bandages. The young wizard approached the fox and placed his hand on Alex's forehead. "Good morning Alex." Harry said smiling. "Good morning Harry." Came Alex's reply. The two got up and left the hospital wing and went back to the dorms and got the others. They took their morning walk. Harry looked up as a large Phoenix flew through the sky blazing a path of light across the sky. "I've got a good feeling about today." Harry said as Naru began grooming him and commented that he needed a haircut. Shadow howled his approval as Ren nudged him and looked up at the sky. Harry grinned and climbed on the dwarf dragon's back. The next thing he knew he was airborne.
Harry let out a yell of joy as he held onto Ren's back as the two flew high above the castle and into the clouds. Harry laughed as Ren climbed higher then either of them had flown before. Soon the grounds became a speck and Hogwarts seemed to disappear Harry laughed as he found himself and Ren racing the phoenix before it disappeared in a flash of light. Hedwig and Naru flew below the two just in case something happened. Suddenly Ren froze as a huge creature rose into the air in front of them. It was a dragon, it's wings were creating massive vibrations of air. Harry was stunned he had never been this close to a wild dragon before. The huge creature stared at Harry and Ren with cold gray eyes. It roared and several other dragons came out of the clouds.
They dragons circled Harry and Ren making loud noises. Naru and Hedwig tried to get in close but two dragons blocked their way. After a few minutes Harry and Ren both realized the dragons were chanting in a deep bellowing tone as they forced Harry and Ren to land on a large rocky cliff miles away from Hogwarts. "Who are you?" the dragon said revealing that she was a female dragon. "Why have you outsiders flown into our nest?" With that statement Harry realized that this dragon was a nesting queen and the dragons gathered around were all her offspring. "We mean you no harm oh great queen. We were simply on a morning flight when we became lost." Harry said keeping eye contact with the queen who saw the blade. "Lier!" The queen bellowed as fire shot from her mouth and into the air.
Harry stumbled backwards as Naru and Hedwig flew in only to be pinned to the ground by the same two dragons. Harry's fear seeping through their bond link brought Ren out of the trance the other dragons had put him into. "Enough!" Ren roared fire rising in his throat as he arched his back and leaped over Harry with a snarl as he faced the queen. "Ren no." Harry said his eyes widening. "Back down hatchling this is not your fight." The queen said with a growl at the young dragon. "I am not backing down!" Ren roared as bright orange flames flickered out of the corners of his mouth.
The queen growled and shot a fire ball at Ren who took the blast head on to protect Harry. Naru and Hedwig managed to get free. Naru took on her true form along with Hedwig. The two grabbed Harry and flew away as Ren and the queen circled each other. "NO! We have to go back! Ren will be killed!" Harry screamed as he saw Ren and the queen charged at each other. "This is something Ren has to do young one. It's a dragon right of passage." Naru responded as they flew back to Hogwarts "But..." Harry said weakly. "Ren will be fine. He's buying us time to escape." Hedwig said as they got back to the grounds.
Ron, Hermione, and the rest of pack waiting for them along with Draco and his pets waiting for them. "Harry! Where were you all morning?!" Hermione exclaimed making sure he was ok as Naru and Hedwig set him down. "What happened?!" Ron asked seeing the look on Harry's face. "Where's Ren?" Draco asked not seeing the dragon anywhere. "It's a long story." Harry said heading inside not wanting to talk as Naru and Hedwig went back to their normal forms.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 26: The bonds of fate
Harry curled into a ball as he slept uneasily. He was horrified by what had happened in the bathroom a few hours ago. He started to drift into a dream.
He was falling, falling through the sky. It seemed endless. Suddenly his fall slowed and he was in water. The water perfectly reflected the sky around him. Harry stood in what appeared to be a vast sea.
The water however seemed dry and only reached his ankles. Harry looked around observing his surroundings. "There's no one here." Harry said aloud, yet he didn't feel bothered by this. Instead he felt at peace, like he's been here before.
Suddenly a soft breeze blew and pushed Harry's bangs outta his face. Cherry blossoms gently floated on the surface leaving a trail for Harry to follow. He followed the blossoms and eventually reached a large tree covered in cherry blossoms.
Sitting just below the tree was Alex. He was wrapped in bandages. He stood up and walked over to Harry and the two pressed their foreheads together. "I'll see you soon Alex." Harry said hugging the fox. Alex seemed to coo in response. The sun became very bright and Harry woke up and watched the rising sun.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Naru divine beast form
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 25 Halloween
It was a cold and rainy day at Hogwarts. Harry and Draco were in the great hall with other students. It was too cold and rainy to go outside. Madam Pomfrey was already busy handling a sudden outbreak of chicken and dragon pox. She didn't have time to deal with an outbreak of colds.
Harry and Draco were in the library chatting about their favorite Halloween traditions. They had seen the giant pumpkins in the great hall. They started talking about DCA and what they do there for Halloween. Soon everyone was meeting with their respective houses to head to the feast.
Harry and Draco both stood out in the crowd due to their pets. The feast was going well when Harry noticed Hermione was missing. "Where's Hermione?" Harry asked out of blatant curiosity as he propped his sword against the table. He didn't have to bring it with him he just felt safer having it with him. "Oh she's in the bathroom crying. She and Ron had a row and well Ron slapped her and said that everyone at Hogwarts hates her." A girl named Lavender Brown giving a death glare to Ron.
"I didn't say that!" Ron exclaimed indignantly. "Well the way you said 'get out of here and leave me and Harry alone about the pets!' had the same tone." Lavender retorted. Ron who looked angry got up after putting his knife and fork down left the great hall. It was shortly after this that Professor Quirel ran into the great hall turban askew and looking faint.
"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEONS!" Quirel yelled sending alarm through the entire school. "Just thought you outta know." Quirel said before fainting. Shadow started barking his hackles raised. Ren reared onto his hind legs and flared his wings as he let out several chuffs. Yuki was growling and Hedwig was hissing and spitting. Naru was circling the great hall in her true form with Kiara both were letting out low growls.
Alex shifted to a larger form picked Harry up and set him on his back. Cujo and Rino crowed closer to Draco both looking rather fierce. The teachers were now instructing the perfects to take their houses back to the common rooms were they would finish the feast. Dumbledore also told the Slytherin and Hufflepuff perfects to take their houses up to the unused towers were they'll find unused common room space.
As the students were being lead upstairs Harry had a sudden thought as he adjusted the strap on his sword. "Ron! Hermione! They don't know about the troll!" Harry exclaimed. "Let's go! Ren, Shadow continue leading the students with Naru and Kiaria! Yuki you're with me, Rino, and Cujio on damage control! Alex protect Harry!" Hedwig responded giving the pack orders. "Right!" came the unanimous word four new voices had joined the mental link one of those voices was Draco. Alex hoped over the crowd with Harry on his back surprising a lot of people. The pack and Draco began making sure no one got trampled.
Harry and Alex soon reached the corridor to moaning Mertle's bathroom. "Can you sense them Alex?" Harry asked his Ninetailed companion. "I sense them in the bathroom ahead. I also sense the troll approaching." Alex responded as he was about to rush towards the bathroom to get Hermione and Ron an awful stench filled the corridor. Alex covered his nose with his paw as the stench made his blonde fur stand on end. Harry cringed at the smell.
Suddenly a huge mountain troll lumbered into view dragging a huge club as it walked stupidly into the corridor. Alex and Harry shrunk back into the shadows trying not to make a sound. The troll's ears twitch then it lumbered into moaning Mertle's bathroom. "Let's go!" Harry exclaimed urging Alex to move. Alex nodded he knew that this was now a rescue mission. The fox leaped forward with Harry easily keeping his balance. An ear piercing scream rings out as Harry and Alex charge into the bathroom to see Ron and Hermione backed into a corner. Hermione had screamed sending the troll into a rage as it knocked the sinks off the wall.
Ron was standing between Hermione and the troll pointing his wand at the large creature trying to get the one spell he knows to work. "We have to distract it!" Harry yelled over the noise. "Leave that to me! Get Ron and Hermione outta here!" Alex said. Harry scrambled off Alex's back as the ninetailed fox launched itself at the troll sinking teeth and claws into It's shoulder and back. The troll began trying to shake Alex loose and hit him with his club. Harry ran across the bathroom and over to Ron and Hermione.
"We have to go now!" Harry said as the two stunned Gryffindors nod and rush outta the bathroom with Harry. As the three rush into the corridor they heard a sickening crack, a yelp, a thud and a roar. "Alex!" Harry yelled running back into the bathroom before Ron and Hermione could stop him. Harry beheld a seen of carange. Alex was laying on the floor his body twisted and bloody the troll was roaring and covered in blood as well.
Harry couldn't tell who's blood it was. The boy felt anger well up inside him. Before he knew what happened he was standing over the dead body of a troll that was burned and he had his sword drawn. The blade was smoking and steaming. Harry was panting as the anger slowly ebbs. He seathed the sword and ran over to Alex asking him to wake up. Moaning Mertle could be heard in her toilet.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and saw it was Hermione. "It's ok. let it out." Hermione said pulling Harry into a hug. Harry stared crying he usually tried not to cry in front of others but right now he couldn't help it. Ron ended up joining the hug. Teachers arrived on the scene they would've schooled the three until they saw the scene.
"All three of you head to Gryffindor tower. The fox will be taken to madam Pomfrey." That was all Mcgonagall said before ushering the three into the corridor. Snape watched the three and saw the beginnings of grief on the boy's face.
"I'll inform Dumbledore that the troll's been taken care of." Snape said before leaving. Mcgonagall conjured a stretcher and took Alex to the hospital wing were a note was sent to Hagrid and Professor Kettleburn. Harry, Ron, and Hermione returned to Gryffindor tower where they were greeted by the Naru, Yuki, Ren, Hedwig, and Shadow.
.They knew that something had happened to Alex and escorted Harry up to the bedroom and had him get changed into his pajamas and lay down. Harry didn't argue he did what his pets wanted and closed his eyes as the inky black bliss of sleep over took him
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 24: Powers awakened.
As Harry and Draco were talking in the hospital wing a man with long dark blue almost black hair and piercing cearulin blue eyes, fairly tanned skin, wearing black pants and boots with a black short sleeve turtleneck with gold buttons exited Dumbledore's office. A sword was on his hip and he was rather muscular and attractive. "Thank you for your time...Headmaster..." The man said, his voice was deep and carried a hint of an accent.
He then closed the polished oak door to Dumbledore's now wrecked office. Dumbledore sat at his desk a good chunk of his beard missing. He immediately wrote a note and sent an owl to Harry informing him that he could keep the sword as long as he doesn't use it on anyone.
Fawkes flew down from the rafters obviously shaken and slumped onto his perch with half his tail feathers cut off.
Several hours later...
Harry and Draco were out on the school grounds. Actually they were in the forbidden forest avoiding, well, hiding from Pansy. She was mad at Draco and Harry for stopping her from sabotaging several potions. Granted having three winged felines, a dwarf dragon, a pair of large dogs, two kitsunes, and a mist wolf does help matters. "So now what?" Draco asked as he sat on a tree stump.
Harry shrugged his shoulders. He didn't wanna get into a fight plus he had a feeling that something linked to him was causing some sort of trouble. He sat next to Draco and starts drawing in the dirt. "Alex, Yuki, Ren. Can you hear me?" Harry called to the only three of his pets that weren't currently being examined in the hospital wing via telepathy. As it turns out What ever Pansy was trying to throw in Nevile's potion was rather poisonous. "So are they coming or not?" Draco asked after several silent minutes.
"maybe they didn't hear me?" Harry said trying again. The pets didn't come. Harry was worried now the pack usually came when called. "That's weird." Draco said while Harry looked on the verge of a panic attack. He gripped the strap on his sword. Suddenly he felt a rush of energy. He drew the blade from the seath on instinct.
Draco watches Harry outta curiosity as Harry slashed the air with the blade a trail of blue sparks came off the blade. "woah." Harry breathed as Draco looks impressed. Rino and Cujio raise their heads and watch. Draco and Harry exchange a knowing look. They had just unlocked something impressive.
Do I tell Dumbledore? Harry thought as the two hurried inside for lunch twenty minutes later. Harry and Draco were in the entery hall. "Harry are you alright?" Draco asked watching as Harry messed with his rubix cube.
"I'm fine. Just stressed." Harry said letting out a sigh. He put the rubix cube away. Harry and Draco agreed to talk more about the blade later. Right now they had to focus on lunch and then classes.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 23 Acceptance letters
Harry took a few deep breaths as he opened the letter. He saw extremely neat hand writing as he unfolded the letter. The letter read:
Dear Harry J. Potter,
We here at Duel Cross Academy, DCA, are proud to inform you of your acceptance into our humble school. While we are not as well known as Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, of which you are currently attending despite the, subpar conditions for your familars. We happen to be the only school of the art of magic in Brittan that stays true to its roots which includes architectural design. We do hope that you at the very least consider transferring schools. If you decide to transfer a representative from DCA will contact your current headmaster and your legal guardian and accommodations will be made for you and your pets. We thank you for reading this letter and await your decision.
Sincerely yours
-James Smith, Headmaster
P.S. A spare uniform and school supplies are on hand so if you decide to officially transfer schools you won't have to worry about school shopping again.
Harry read the letter again and again and looked out the window. He couldn't help but wonder if Draco had gotten a letter too. He was hoping he did and that DCA was aware of Draco's situation. Harry clutched the letter in his hand and thought. 'I've made my choice. But there's something I have to do first.' Harry got up and got dressed just as Draco got back with his pets. "Harry you're up!" Draco said a little surprised since Pomfrey had said that he shouldn't move for a couple days at least. "Draco." Harry said grabbing the katana he inherited.
"What's up Harry? Also where did you get that sword?" Draco said looking surprised. "It's almost Halloween isn't it?" Harry asked as Naru, Hedwig, Ren, Shadow, Yuki and Alex approached and crowed around him. "Uh yeah. It's tomorrow actually." Draco said petting Kiara's head as he thought about it. We don't have much time then. Harry thought standing in front of the window and looking out at the still grounds. "Young one. Please don't do anything rash." Naru said knowing that the mental barriers in Harry's mind were gone. "Naru I'm doing what I have to. I'm not. I won't let Dumbledore use me as a security measure." Harry replied showing he understood.
The kid's gonna do something rash I can feel it. Storm's voice echoed in Draco's mind. Shut up you stupid parasite. Draco replied annoyed. What's with that Draco? I'm literally a part of you. Storm said making Draco's shadow look more wolf like. I didn't want you around. But since that idiot Greyback bit me, I didn't have a choice in the matter. Draco said making sure that Storm felt his annoyance. 'One last thing.' Storm said. 'What?' Draco said annoyed while Harry and his pets talked.
Draco suddenly felt a hand grip his throat. Kiara, Rino, and Cujo all growled protectively as they tried to scare Storm into stopping what he was doing to Draco. "Draco!" Harry exclaimed, he started towards his friend only for Storm to physically appear in his shadow form. "Don't interfere Potter. I'm simply getting my point to young Malfoy across." Storm said not even glancing at Harry.
The young half-blood stopped in his tracks, he knew that Storm could overpower Draco in the day near a full moon and force him to transform into a mindless beast if he wanted too. Thankfully Storm hasn't had a reason to make Draco transform. "Listen here Draco. I am not a parasite. I am a wolf spirit. Remember that boy." Storm said with a growl at the end. "I-I will!" Draco choked.
"Good." Storm said letting Draco go and disappearing. Draco rubbed his throat and breathed heavily. "Sorry about that Harry. Storm can be a bit temperamental with certain subjects." Draco said. "Don't worry about it. Anyways..." Harry proceeded to tell Draco everything learned.
For a few minutes Draco was stunned. The silence was broken by, oddly enough, a twin tailed red fox wearing an electric blue bandana that had a gold coat of arms etched into the fabric sitting on the window sill and scratching on the glass. The coat of arms was a shield with a pair of swords crossed behind with a star on the front of the shield.
The fox was holding a letter in it's mouth. Harry opened the window and the fox trotted over to Draco and set the letter at his feet before taking a piece of chalk outta the little pouch behind the bandanna. Traced some symbols on the floor and disappeared in a flash of light.
Draco saw the same coat of arms on the envelope and opened it. He took the letter out and read it.
Dear Draco L. Malfoy,
We here at Duel Cross Academy, DCA, are proud to inform you of your acceptance into our humble school. While we are not as well known as Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, of which you are currently attending despite the, subpar conditions for your familars. We happen to be the only school of the art of magic in Brittan that stays true to its roots which includes architectural design. We do hope that you at the very least consider transferring schools. If you decide to transfer a representative from DCA will contact your current headmaster and your parents and accommodations will be made for you and your pets. We are also aware of the werewolf bit that you received last Halloween. If you feel it would be better to have private classes instead of the regular classes feel free to contact the school. We thank you for reading this letter and await your decision.
Sincerely yours
-James Smith, Headmaster
P.S. A spare uniform and school supplies are on hand so if you decide to officially transfer schools you won't have to worry about school shopping again.
Harry had read the letter over Draco's shoulder. "You already made the decision to transfer, haven't you?" Draco said looking at Harry. "I have." Harry said nodding a bit. "Then I'm coming too." Draco said determination burning in his eyes.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 22: Choices
Harry woke up early the next day. He put his glasses on and sat up. His pets were already awake and on their morning walk with Draco and his pets. The young wizard grabbed the katana next to his hospital bed and looked at the worn and fire damaged sheath.
Harry saw how light weight the blade was and thought. It feels like it was made to fit my hands. He gripped the hilt and felt a rush of energy run through him. He stood up and unsheathed the battle worn katana. The blade gleamed in the early morning light.
"And so fell the sword of fate."
Harry looked around for the person who had spoke. It sounded like a woman. "Is someone there?" Harry asked looking around in surprise, sword held instinctively at the ready in case of attack All that answered Harry was a soft pitter-patter of rain.
Harry suddenly felt exhausted and so he sheathed his blade and fell back into bed. While he slept the young wizard had a vision of himself kneeling in a white space. He couldn't make anything out but yet it all felt familiar.
Harry looked at himself and saw that he was wearing a simple silver kimono. He looked up and saw a woman with long flowing black hair and shining gray eyes wearing a silver kimono and a red and white wolf mask kneeling in front of him.
Harry saw his katana laying on the floor between them. Harry's mind was buzzing with questions but he knew he had to keep his silence. The woman stood, took Harry's blade, and began walking. Harry followed closely behind her.
The two found themselves walking along the corridors of Hogwarts. Soon they were in front of the locked Third floor corridor. The woman unsheathed the blade and easily cut the lock away. The door opened and the two walked inside.
Harry saw the sleeping three headed dog as the woman opened the trap door and went down. Harry followed. They passed the devil's snare, passed through the room of keys and giant chest board. Soon the two were walking through the room with a sleeping troll and reached the logic puzzle.
They walked through the fire and reached the mirror of Erised. The woman touched the mirror and showed Harry Dumbledore's plan to use him against a possessed Quirrell to protect the stone. Harry felt anger well up inside him. The masked woman put a hand on Harry's shoulder.
"Rest your anger young one."
Harry nodded and felt calm wash over him. He closed his eyes and when he opened them he saw he was standing on the shore of the lake on the grounds.
He looked at Hogwarts and then at the lake. He saw that he was now wearing light brown slacks, a white button down shirt and black shoes. It was a completely different school uniform.
"You have a choice to make young one."
Harry looked at Hogwarts again and then back at the lake. In the distance he could make out the outline of a completely different school. It looked like a Japanese styled school.
"Choose widely."
Harry suddenly woke up and was breathing heavily. He felt that he was holding something as he adjusted his glasses. He looked at his hands and saw that he was holding an acceptance letter sealed in an envelope in his hands. He saw the return address was for a Japanese school called Duel cross academy
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 21: Inheritance
Harry awoke in the hospital wing with a start. He had just had a nightmare. Harry put breathed heavily as he put his glasses on. Another nightmare? I've been having so many lately. Harry thought as he started calming down. He looked at his sleeping pets and smiled before looking around the almost completely dark hospital wing. He felt a little uneasy, he felt like he was being watched. Harry had never actually said anything, but for as long as he could remember whenever there weren't other people around he always has a feeling of being watched. Harry looks around trying to see if someone had been watching him.
Harry noticed a slight yellow glow and adjusts his glasses and looks at the glow. That's when his eyes adjusted to the dark of the hospital wing and saw the outline of a boy around his age with glowing yellow eyes. He and the boy had a silent staring match. Then there was a flash of light and Harry adjusts his glasses again and sees a pale boy with a bandage on his cheek, bandages wrapped around his arms and hands. He also had dark red hair that was pulled in a short ponytail. The boy was holding a small flame on his finger tip.
Harry noticed that the boy wasn't wearing school robes. Instead he was wearing a yellow t-shirt and green shorts. He was also wearing socks and a pair of raised wooden clogs but yet he made little noise as he walks over so that way Harry could see him properly via the flame on his finger tip. "Who are you?" Harry asked nervously. He was surprised that his pets haven't woken up. The boy looks at Harry's pets and smirks a little. "Good the sleep charm I cast on them is holding steady." The boy said smiling a little bit.
"Sleep charm?" Harry said looking concerned. "Don't worry they'll be fine. The charm is a low level one so they'll be fine once it's morning." The boy said before turning his attention back to Harry who was watching the boy intently. "Anyways Harry, you and I have a few things to address." The boy said looking back at Harry. "But first I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Natsuo Minamotto." The boy said introducing himself with a grin.
Harry could've swore he saw Natsuo's eyes flash. "How do you know my name?" Harry asked obviously curious. "How do you not expect holders not to know a fellow holder?" Natsuo retorted. Harry looked a little confused at this. "Holder?" Harry echoed confused. "Oh right I forgot you haven't had your initiation yet." Natsuo said looking thoughtfully at Harry who was confused. Natsuo let out a sigh. "Geez I thought Dumbledore would explain this." Natsuo said looking silently annoyed.
"Ok listen up. You see your "pets" over there?" Natsuo said pointing to Harry's pets. "Yeah." Harry said looking at his pets and then back at Natsuo. "Those pets are actually your inherited familiars, which means that each pet was sent to you in order to be your guardians and protectors, which means that they should be communicating with you telepathically and your own powers should be awakening by now." Natsuo said while looking at Harry. "How do you know if you're right about me?" Harry asked.
"You have what looks like a birthmark in the shape of claw marks on your back, correct?" Natsuo said looking Harry dead in the eye. "You know about it?!" Harry asked looking surprised. "Those marks are actually claw marks from a ten tailed ōkami." Natsuo explained. "I thought only Kitsunes could only have more than one tail." Harry said glancing at Alex and Yuki. "An ōkami is a wolf spirit. They're known for being divine messengers and guardians." Natsuo said watching Harry intently.
"You have an ōkami soul residing inside of you Harry. She died the night voldemort tried to kill you." A new and deep voice said causing the two boys to look to Harry's right /Natsuo's left. A man with long white blonde hair wearing a shinigami and a wolf mask was standing besides Natsuo. He also had a pair of katana's on his back. "Sora!" Natsuo said in surprise. Harry looks a little confused.
"An ōkami was sent to watch over you and see if you had the potential to be a holder. When Voldemort attacked she made the decision and sacrificed herself along with your mother to save you." Sora said his gray eyes flashing behind his mask. "When she died however she was in soul form so she couldn't return to her body so she chose to inhabit yours. Apparently while her soul fused with yours it left claw marks." Sora said explaining what he knew about the situation.
"Why didn't anyone tell me about this?" Harry asked surprised. "Well it was mainly because you were too young and it was assumed that Dumbledore would explain all of this to you on your eleventh birthday as agreed upon." Sora said resenting Dumbledore a little bit. Natsuo then spoke up after putting out the flame he had on his fingertip. "Harry soon you will need your abilities but there's a little problem that Dumbledore decided to hush up." Natsuo said walking over to Harry and pressing his thumb against Harry's lightning bolt scar. Harry felt a little surprised to feel warmth instead of pain that usually happened when the scar was touched.
Sora was watching Natsuo and Harry when Natsuo traced the scar and kissed Harry. Sora and Harry were both surprised. Harry ended up moving back from the kiss his face red. "Natsuo! What was that?!" Sora exclaimed but quickly hushed himself and glanced at Madame Pomfrey's office which remained dark. "Sorry but I was getting rid of the soul fragment in Harry's scar and I had to provide stimulation so the mental barriers created by the fragment could be removed." Natsuo said with a smile.
Harry was blushing but his mind felt clearer than ever. "You didn't have to kiss him." Sora said with a sigh. "I know. But it was the fastest way." Natsuo said smiling. "Anyways Harry in a few days your power should awaken. When that happens send Yuki. She'll know where to find me. After all it was Sora's idea that the Kitsune that lives at the shop be sent as one of your familiars." Natsuo said smiling at Harry who nodded in understanding.
"Anyways I think that about covers everything. Did I forget anything Sora?" Natsuo said turning to his companion. "We also need to give Harry his inheritance." Sora said taking one of the swords off his back. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" Natsuo said taking the blade, that Harry could now see was a katana, from Sora and walked back over to Harry. "Harry James Potter, on behalf of the ōkami clan I present to you. Your very own wolf blade. Once your power has awakened then so shall the blade." Natsuo said handing over the sheathed blade. "Thank you." Harry said he bowed on instinct and both Natsuo and Sora bowed back.
Harry wanted to ask more questions but when he looked at where Sora and Natsuo had been he saw the two had disappeared. Harry looked at the katana he was holding. The sheath and hilt were a simple brown and wrapped in a pale yellow cloth. Harry yawned and set the weapon aside propping it against the side of the bed as he took his glasses off and went back to sleep.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 20: Control
Despite his feelings of anger towards Dumbledore, Terrence took his advice and took a walk around the grounds which were buzzing with rumors about what happened during the Qudditch match and the lightning bolt hitting the ground. Hagrid was already working on repairing the damage to the grounds. Terrence eventually regained control of himself and calmed down. The shadowy figure that was hanging around Terrence faded outta view and his eyes turned back to their normal shade of electric blue. Terrence briefly visited an out cold Harry in the hospital wing and even briefly visited Harry's pets as well. Terrence also had a brief talk with Madame Pomfrey concerning Harry's health and safety at Hogwarts. Terrence left after Madame Pomfrey said she'd see what she can do to make sure Harry doesn't get hurt again.
Later that night...
Draco sat in a forest clearing reading it was getting late. A shadowy figure in the shape of a black wolf with ice blue eyes appeared in front of Draco. "Draco." The shadow wolf said he sounded annoyed with the young pureblood. "What is it now Storm?" Draco asked obviously not wanting to deal with him. Storm rolled his eyes before shifting to a different form. He took on Draco's appearance only keeping his hair black and his eyes ice blue. "You know what I want." Storm said in that tired drawling voice, his patience was starting to were thin, that was definitely obvious.
"Storm I'm not letting you take control of me especially during the next full moon." Draco said setting his book aside. The book happened to be on the effects of wolfsbane on a werewolf. "Why won't you let me out so I can have some fun? After all werewolves are supposed to be monsters." Storm said half smiling.
Draco let out a brief and low growl, his eyes flashing blue for a second before he stopped. "you can see what your influence is doing to me." Draco said looking at the shadow figure in front of him. "Yes I do." Storm replied seeing that he had at least some influence over the young Malfoy.
Draco looked unamused and let out a sigh. "Storm listen I won control that first Halloween night and whether you like it or not, I'm the one in control. I'm the alpha." Draco said showing dominance over the shadowy figure in front of him. Storm sighed "And yet you can only keep yourself from transforming until midnight. Then you have to run to either a classroom or outta the castle so no one knows your secret, well except that Potter boy." Storm said turning back to wolf form.
Draco ended up having a flashback to the night Pansey had challenged Harry to a duel.
It was almost midnight and Pansey and Draco were in the trophy room waiting for Harry and Ron to show up for the duel. Draco was trying to stay away from the window and the light of the moon. He was also trying to keep a very restless Storm under control. "Draco what are you doing? Stop talking to yourself or your gonna get us caught!" Pansey whispered to Draco who was mumbling to himself. He stopped and Pansey went back to listening for footsteps and watching through the cracked door unaware that Draco looked annoyed with her and his eyes were glowing ice blue instead of their normal gray.
Storm was starting the transformation and Draco became frantic as he slipped outta the trophy room and managed to sneak through the castle as he and Storm struggled for control. Draco knew that if he didn't get away from the other students then he was putting them at risk of getting bit.
He reached the edge of the forbidden forest and gripped the trunk of tree so he could stay standing. He could feel pain race through him as the transformation started once again. Draco felt like both waves of electricity and heat were washing over him. After a few minutes the pain stopped and Draco was now a white furred, blueish gray eyed wolf. Draco breathed heavily as he slumped to the ground. He was about to howl when he heard someone behind him. "Draco?" Asked Harry's voice. Draco turned around and sure enough his halfblood friend was there. All Draco could do was look sheepish as Harry came over and hugged him much to his embarrassment.
Storm snapped Draco out of his flashback "You know I'm right." Storm said smiling. His fangs glittering dangerously in the light from the crescent moon. "Storm just leave." Draco said sounding tired as he looked at Cujo, Rino, and Kiaria all asleep around him. Storm stayed silent which surprised Draco. The young pureblood looked up and Storm running at him.
Draco screamed as Storm lunged at him. The young pureblood sat up in bed with a scream and gripped his left arm covering the scared over bite. A blue glow to his eyes quickly faded away especially when another Slytherin first year sleepily told Draco to shut up while throwing a slipper at Draco hitting him in the side of the head.
Draco wipped sweat off his face as Rino and Cujo starting licking Draco to calm him down. Kiaria growled at the first year that had thrown a slipper at Draco before nuzzling him and curling up in a ball on her owner's chest after using her paws to make Draco lay down. Rino and Cujo layed across Draco's stomach and legs. Stupid Storm. Draco thought before he went back to sleep.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 19: Visit
Ren carried Harry on his back through the school. The dwarf dragon was focusing solely on getting Harry to the hospital wing. Naru, Hedwig, Alex, Shadow, and Yuki followed Ren. All of the pets shared an equal amount of concern for Harry. Naru was especially worried, she has the strongest bond with Harry so not being able to truly feel the connection between them was scary.
After a few minutes Ren nudged the ajar door to the hospital wing open. Madam Pomfrey was surprised to see Harry on Ren's back, unconscious. She got to work right away and put Harry on one of the beds in the hospital wing and made him drink a potion to help his fever. She then placed an ice pack on the young wizard's head. She finished her treatment by performing an x-ray scan on Harry and found no internal injures.
Ren and the rest of the pack layed next to Harry's bed since Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let them on the bed with Harry. Madam Pomfrey was about to return to her office when Cujo and Rino followed by a now slightly bigger Kiara raced into the hospital wing with Draco not too far behind. Rino, Cujo, and Kiaria each went over to Harry and then to his pets. Draco set Harry's broom next to Harry's bed and went over to Madame Pomfrey to talk to her. "Madame Pomfrey do you what happened to Harry?" Draco asked worried about his friend.
"Harry just has a fever. I believe the cause of it was the stress of the new Qudditch season." Madame Pomfrey said voicing her concerns about what happened. Draco nodded understanding the circumstances. Madame Pomfrey then went back to her office as Draco went and sat next to Harry's bed.
Meanwhile in Dumbledore's office, Terrence was stuck behind a shield charm that Dumbledore has put up. Terrence was extremely angry which caused some electric sparks to come off him and for his eyes to glow black and white. "Albus what the hell were you thinking letting Snape near the Qudditch pitch?! He was jinxing the broom!" Terrence yelled in anger. "Terrence if you'll let me explain I can clear everything up!" Albus said staying calm.
The lights started flickering as a shadowy figure gripped Terrence's shoulder making some of the energy trail out of his eyes like wisps of black smoke. Dumbledore knew that Terrence was an Animagus even if he was unregistered. Some of Terrence's Raiju form starts to show in response to his anger.
"Albus do you have any idea what I'm capable of?" Terrence asked as more electric sparks come off him. "I know you've been digging around through the staff files and have been working on ruining my reputation." Dumbledore said calmly while maintaining his shield charm. The shadowy figure with Terrence kept a silent grip on his shoulder while watching curiously. "That's right!" Terrence said feeling a little triumphant.
"You are aware that I can simply tell the ministry what you are, have you thrown in Azkaban and have Harry taken out of your care with a single owl, if you release that information, correct?" Dumbledore said calmly causing Terrence to growl which in turn caused a huge bolt of lightning to strike just outside the window to Dumbledore's office which left a huge fissure and scorch mark on the ground.
"Terrence I believe you should go and sort yourself out before visiting Harry." Dumbledore said trying to dismiss Terrence from his presence preferably before more lightning happens. The Animagus growled in anger. "Remember Dumbledore the blood of countless families and your sister is on your hands." Terrence said Dumbledore's face paled slightly as he remembered what happened to his younger sister. "Even if you didn't kill her. You're still responsible for Ariana's death." Terrence said before leaving the office and taking a walk in order to calm down. Dumbledore sat there in his office before getting the pensieve out in order to take his own trip into his memories.
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clovergirl18 · 4 years
Chapter 18: Qudditch
It has been 3 weeks since Terrence and Dumbledore had their meeting and since he visited in Sirius in Azkaban. Terrence had been doing some digging into the files of the Hogwarts staff when he wasn't busy doing paper work and attending meetings in the magical crimes investigations wing of the ministry.
Granted he was the only person in that division which did mean he's been caught sleeping on the job on more than one occasion by Umbridge. He on more than one occasion used his own brand of magic to give Umbridge a good zap. Terrence had discovered that Snape was an exdeatheater and that Dumbledore had been best friends with Grindewald.
He of course was now using his connections with the Hogwarts ghosts in order to keep an eye on Harry and his pets. Soon the first Qudditch match of the season arrived. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. The whole school was buzzing with excitement and Harry was nervous since he was the youngest person on the pitch. He also knew that those of his pets that could fly wouldn't be aloud to be on the pitch along with his other pets.
Terrence sat down in the stands next to Dumbledore. "Terrence what are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked in surprise. "I'm here to support my foster son. Also as his legal guardian it's my job to make sure he stays safe and as the official representative of the division of magical crime investigation it's also my job to make sure that a certain former deatheater doesn't try to kill him in a radical display of loyalty to He-who-must-not-be-named." Terrence said being upfront about why he was there.
Dumbledore didn't say anything in response. "Some people make foolish choices when they are young Smith. Yourself included." Snape said barely even glancing at Terrence who rolled his eyes at this. "Don't roll your eyes at me, Animagus." Snape said having seen Terrence roll his eyes. Terrence looked a little on edge. He hoped no one had overheard what Snape had said. It thankfully didn't look like anyone had overheard.
Soon the game started and it was going really well. Terrence was practically howling his cheers for Harry. The young wizard saw his guardian in the stands and give a little wave before going back to searching for the snitch. Halfway through the game however something odd began to happen.
Harry's broom began shaking and trying to buck Harry off. Terrence saw what was happening and would have acted if he hadn't felt something blocking his magic. Suddenly Harry fell off his broom. Fred and George would've caught him when a pale green blur rushed passed and caught Harry instead. As it turns out the blur was Ren.
The dwarf dragon had caught Harry with his paw like front feet and had basically cradled Harry with all four limbs, tucked his head in along with his tail, and wrapped his wings tightly around Harry and himself basically turning into a ball and crashed into the pitch. Terrence nearly strangled Dumbledore but was held back by a few teachers. It was also during those few seconds that Hermione in possibly an attempt to become Harry's friend again set Snape's robes on fire causing him to jump up and knock professor Quirel over.
Several people tried to get near Ren as his protective instinct kicked in and he stood over Harry, who had fainted, and was growling, roaring, hissing and flapping his wings at anyone who got too close. Terrence saw that the normally hidden spines along Ren's back and tail were raised, a warning that he was about to breath fire. Terrence disappeared and reappeared in a burst of electricity. He basically threw himself on to Ren and was manually keeping his mouth closed so a student wouldn't get burned. Naru and the others rushed over they knew that Ren's instinct was blocking them from communicating with him.
"Easy Ren. Harry's ok! No need for fire!" Terrence said with a stranded voice since Ren was trying to get free. "Must protect Harry!" Was the only thing going through the dwarf dragon's mind. Harry began coming too long enough to hug Ren "I'm ok." Harry muttered before passing out again only this time it was a stress related fever. Ren gently lifted Harry and placed him on his back before heading to the castle and the hospital wing with the others following him. Terrence and everyone else were in a slightly confused state.
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