clxrkegriffins · 4 years
reviving this blog for the first time in over a year to say fuck, and i cannot stress this enough, bob morley and eliza taylor
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
Hiatus?? :( do you know when you’ll come back?
gotta be 100% real and say that the chances of me returning to this blog are like slim to none at this point. i loved my time in the clexa fandom so much but i’m at the point where i just like. don’t care anymore. i’m over it, ya know? i never thought i’d reach this point but i have and honestly it feels great to not still be hung up over them. not that there’s anything wrong with people still loving and stanning them, obviously! but it’s been so long and i’ve moved onto other things. i haven’t had motivation to edit them since like... the beginning of last year and i can’t see that ever changing. i thought taking a hiatus would maybe rekindle my interest, but it didn’t. so yeah if anyone wants to follow me on my new blog then just message me!! semicontroversial but it’s taylor swift related lmao so i understand if you don’t wanna follow that
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
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PHOTO | New photos of Eliza Taylor from last year’s #NYCC - taken by Maarten de Boer
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
I miss your posts😓 Do you still consider yourself part of the Clexa fandom?
i’m sorry anon. if i’m being real i guess i kinda just don’t really feel like i’m a part of the fandom anymore. i haven’t consistently posted content since 2017 and i have so little inspiration these days. i still love clexa but it’s hard ya know? i admire people who are still able to post fic and fanart and edits even after all this time and i wish i had the motivation, especially because i said i’d start posting again, but i just don’t. i feel really guilty about it because i still have requests i’ve never done and i said i’d start posting my fics but...... i don’t know if i ever will. my hard drive crashed so i lost all my t100 episodes for making gifs a few months ago, and since then i haven’t bothered to redownload them because i just like. haven’t felt like it. anyway yeah i wish it wasn’t the case but these days i’m mostly on another blog where i dedicate my time to investigating whether or not taylor swift is gay lmao. this blog will always be here and who knows, maybe someday i’ll get that burst of inspiration i need. but i guess right now i’m just on an indefinite hiatus
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
if anyone wants to rec me your favourite canonverse clexa fics, please send me a message or ask if you want to!! the only canonverse fic i’ve ever read was this heart fossilized and silent and i really want to try some others but i’m not sure where to start
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
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AU -  Lexa opens her eyes and there’s Anya’s face looking down on her, smiling. And Lexa doesn’t know what to say but Anya just laughs and says, “Did you really stop an entire war just to impress a girl?” And Lexa just smiles, because what a girl she was. - allltheinternets
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
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Clexa looking into each other’s eyes in season 2.
“Look into my eyes and hear what I’m not saying, for my eyes speak louder than my voice ever will.”
Part 1
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
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I miss them. (x)
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
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“A single piece of the universe”
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
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The actual convention content I am here for.
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
I’m over Clexa
April fools! I’m not over them. I’m never gonna be over them. They will haunt me eternally. Bye
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
I completely forgot to mention that while i was waiting to get into wc, not the flop panel, just the actual building, a woman in front of me started talking to me about fandom shit and yada yada yada when she found out I liked clexa she said she never watched the show but that she was good friends with one of the writers (javi!) And she was telling me in detail how hard he tried to get jason not to go through w the lexa bs and like in case you and i needed another reason to hate rotenhell today there you go…
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
15, 22
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
easily my senior year of high school. i had been accepted to my top choice university which relieved a massive amount of stress, i was graduating soon, i basically spent all of my free time with my best friends. every single day was fun- we used to skip class to get ice cream and go to the beach (stay in school kids), we’d drive around and play car tag with our other friends, we’d have sleepovers, go to parties, go camping on the weekends. not to be one of those “high school is the best time of your life” people, because i definitely do not think that, but my senior year was amazing. i just remember being so stress free and i was always having fun. i was 17/18, almost through with my teen years, but for the first time i really felt like i could just be a teenager and live in the moment and it was definitely the most content i’ve ever been
22: Talk about your worst fear.
i am terrified of the ocean. no idea where this fear came from lol like i’ve never lived anywhere near the ocean, but the thought of swimming in it or even being on a boat just freaks me out. it’s not so much sharks or anything like that (which are definitely still scary tho), but it’s more the thought of being in the middle of open water so far away from any land that scares me. also just the fact that we only know like 5% of the ocean and we know more about space than part of our own planet like… hard no from me
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
#1 and #29
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
i’m really not a movie person at alllll, but if i had to pick a favourite it’d be love simon. the first time i watched it was in the theatre with my best friend and i was really excited to finally see a romantic comedy with a gay character. i remember being like absolutely shook by the part where his mom is like “you get to exhale now simon” or whatever it is she says. anyway yeah i loved it a lot and it really stuck with me after seeing it for the first time!!
29: Talk about what turns you on.
the combination of dark hair and green eyes, nice collarbones, confidence 
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clxrkegriffins · 5 years
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Clexa AU: In those happy, quiet moments.
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