cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
being away from the office was always a relief for jaxon van kirk. he loved his family, and he liked the idea of working for a magazine, but he wanted to write… he didn’t want to do all of the business shit that he was stuck doing. so getting out and going to the beach? that was jax’s stress relief every time. “shit, you see those waves?” jax ran a hand through his hair with a smile, holding his board as he watched, “no better way to end the day.” / @cntcrtainmcnt
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Her eyes observed the waves for a moment, clearly showing signs of uncertainty. For some reason, she really thought surfing might be fun to try, but now that she was there... Emely just wasn’t sure anymore. “I guess it’s a good way to end the day when you know what you’re doing.” She commented, now almost regretting her decision to come. “I’ll just end the day in the hospital.”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
( &main verse / @princesscs )
Slouched on the coach, with the TV playing in front of him(although it was on mute), he moved his attention to the other. “Let’s do something today. Anything. I don’t care.” He said, popping some popcorn in his mouth, before he continued speaking. “But I can’t just spend another day doing nothing, and just waiting for my shift to start.”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
( &main verse / @enlighteneds )
Tami looked at her reflection in the mirror for a long moment. Her head was slightly tilted to the side, and it was evident she was in deep thoughts. “I’m just... I’m not sure this is really my style.” It was crazy anyway. She just wanted to look like she could pull off the same style as her sister, something classier, more girly than what she usually wore. But the result was just not what she expected. “I mean, it looks good, I’m just not sure it fits me. You know?”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
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     after a heinous afternoon at the club, rocky barely makes it through the door before melting into a puddle of over-starched fabric and discounted kiehls.  ❛  the last guy who spoke to me like that wound up in pieces at the bottom of the hudson,  ❜  she grumbles, collapsing onto the living room sofa and squishing a throw pillow over her face. wallowing was the number one cause of premature wrinkles, but being talked down to by one-percenters all day demands its toll.  ❛  i’m officially calling out of life. if my boss asks, tell him i died of toxic menstrual cramps. or polio. that’s still a thing, right?  ❜
@cntcrtainmcnt​​ / rocky & amber
When the other walked in, Amber didn’t move from her place on the couch. She just slowly placed a bookmark in her book, and put it down on the table. “I really don’t think cutting down people is a good solution to all your problems.” If anything, cutting down people would just end up bringing more problems. But really, she wasn’t one to speak about such things. “If your boss calls, I’ll make sure to tell him and can go fuck himself with a chainsaw.”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
coming to kola was a definite change for frankie, and she didn’t exactly hate it. what she did hate was trying to fly under the radar while also trying to survive financially. for now, she was working as a receptionist, but she wasn’t happy. she wanted to do something with a bigger paycheck, and she was intrigued by stripping. hell, she knew she looked good, she might as well flaunt it. she would still be under the radar – most of those girls didn’t even use their real names – and she’d be a hell of a lot happier. she couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the blonde who addressed her the moment she went towards the bar, “look, you’re hot and all, but i’m not here to flirt.”
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“Yeah of course. Flirting and looking at stripping women are literally the only reasons come here for. I mean, you’re certainly not here to make friends.” She replied, but couldn’t help but to raise an eyebrow. Oh sure, she wanted to drink alone, but that girl seemed genuine when she said she wasn’t here to flirt, and it did intrigue her. Not to mention, a little compliment never failed to make Alyssa a little more open to conversations. “In any case, if you really aren’t here to flirt, then why are you here?”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
Okay so, classes are starting on Monday, meaning I’ll probs be slower(or faster, it’s also a definite possibility). In any case, I will most likely slow down when it comes to bringing new muses in so hopefully this is my last intro post in a while. If you’d like to plot with any of them, please like this or just message me!
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EDWARD “EDDIE” HALE is a 23 years old CISMALE who looks just like LUKE BENWARD. He has been described as ALTRUISTIC yet SUPERSTITIOUS.
Eddie is the younger brother of Terrence, and from the moment he was born, he was expected to be just as good as his brother was. While he did try to live up to it at first, it also gave him some issues, mostly relating to confidence, since he was always compared to his brother and felt like he wasn’t good enough.
Being 6 years younger, at least, he was mostly the one Hale kid people knew in his school year. During that time, mostly in elementary school, it was a relief, since he had a break of living up to everyone’s expectations.
Then, the closer he got to high school, the more people started to hear about his brother and everything.
All through high school, he tried to just blend in, and not get linked to his brother. By that time, people knew all the things he did, Terrence was basically like a legend in their high school, and Eddie was definitely not the same type of character.
Every single time his brother brought a girlfriend home, he’d end up surprisingly bonding with her, enough to care and try to help them after his brother broke their heart. But he personally didn’t have a girlfriend until the very high of his senior high school year.
By the time he graduated, Terrence had moved out to Kola, looking for good job opportunities. Eddie still doesn’t know what happened in his mind, but at one point, he received a text from his brother asking if he wanted to move in with him in Kola and open a confectionery with him. Since he decided to not go to college and was just working a shit job, Eddie accepted. Not like his relationship with his parents was that good anyway.
So moved to Kola when he was 19, and he lives there in an apartment with his brother. Since he never studied, Terrence thought he’d be better running the front shop, greeting people, selling stuff, managing the employees, while he was working mostly backstore with finance and all that.
Not a day passes without him regretting his decision to move to Kola.
While definitely help you if you’re in trouble, even if he doesn’t know you or won’t get anything out of it.
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STYLES MCKINLEY is a 28 years old CISMALE who looks just like BEAU MIRCHOFF. He has been described as GENEROUS yet SAD.
So Styles. Is. A. Sad. Puppy.
He was the second son, his brother being about 5 years older than him. When he was only 3, his mother passed away. He was told it was a certain disease, but he was never told what.
Anyway, he grew up looking up at his dad and his brother, and never really minded not having a mom. Although after a moment, he started getting upset whenever someone would mention his mom, and then they’d apologize when they learned about her fate. It’s not like he really knew her, and yes, it’s sad, but it’s something he’s gotten over a long time ago.
When he was 12, his father(43) remarried with a woman that was 24. It was... weird to have a step-mom this young, but it was weirder for his brother. Anyway, they already knew the woman, she was their dad’s secretary, and actually babysat both boys when they were a little younger. So she was already well acquainted with the family.
Anyway, a year later, she was caught cheating on her husband with no one else than Styles’ brother. That completely tore the family apart. His dad divorced, his brother was kicked out, and his step mom was fired and he never heard of her again.
And when he started high school, his father(who’d started abusing alcohol) was deemed ot good enough to care for him, so he went to live with his brother(who was now 19 and had a steady job in a restaurant). But that wasn’t the rockiest part of his high school experience.
See, Styles was a rather talented soccer player, and so quite popular. But unlike his friends(who tended to be cruel and manipulative), he was just the most caring person, he just never showed that side often. Or at least, people would mistake him as just another cruel boy.
Anyway. Early in sophomore year, they started picking on this girl, Louise, who was, really, just minding her own business. But they didn’t like that she was never mingling with people, and they really wanted her to like... do it with them. Well, Styles never said anything out loud, but she categorized him as one of them, and he totally gets why, since he never stepped in to stop it. Which he was kind of sad about because if he was honest, she seemed really nice and he thought he could definitely like her.
Well, he did end up stopping them, about a month and a half later. It was a party(which she surprisingly decided to go to), his “friends” had cornered her in a room. He was standing in the back at first, but when he realized what their intention was, he just want ahead and got them, not so pacifially, to leave. That was the beginning of his story with Louise, and honestly the end of his popularity(and soccer career, since he quit, refusing to play with such jerks).
At first, Louise and him were distant, mostly because he was grumpy he went from everything to nothing, but he quickly warmed up. And that was the beginning of a wonderful love story that would’ve lasted for ages, had it not been a horrible diagnosis.
It was during senior year, she was getting sicker and sicker, so she went to the doctors. And when she got her results, she was devastated. So was Styles, when he learned she had cancer, and it wasn’t an early stage, and it was almost terminal.
Well, anyway, they decided it wouldn’t stop them. The next year, while she was transferred to a better hospital and he decided he would go into medicine in a close by hospital, they did the most impulsive thing either have ever done, and they got married. She just wanted to live as much as she could, before it was too late.
She was strong, lasted for a very long time, but the more time passed, the more they realized the day was going to come. Louise passed away 3 years ago, when they were 25. Styles was devastated, but at least, he knew she had a good life. She had the life she wanted.
So he kind of knew he wouldn’t be able to stay in that town much longer after her death, so he decided to head back to Kola. He’s now a resident in oncology, and his biggest dream would be to help cancer patients.
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TAMI SULLIVAN is a 20 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like SHANNON PURSER. She has been described as MAGNANIMOUS yet SELF CONSCIOUS.
Tami is the youngest sister of a pageant queen who went out to become a model. She was originally expected to also follow in those steps, but she had no interest in beauty contest, and much prefers imaginary worlds.
While her sister would always be out partying with friends, Tami would just stay home and read books after books. Literally never stopped, it’s all she did. So while she wasn’t so good in classes such as sciences or maths, she was skilled in English or Literature classes.
So she’s not really popular? Never has been? But she’s also got a bunch of friends. You know how it is, unpopular kids tend to bond together, and they nearly always have more genuine friends than popular kids. So she’s really happy being unpopular but with real friends.
She’s currently studying to become an editor, since she loves reading and it would be a perfect job for her. She would totally write her own stories, but she’s just lacking a little in the imagination skill.
While she lives well being unpopular, constantly being compared to her model sister has given her body issues. She knows all shapes are pretty, curves are pretty, people tell her she’s pretty, but it’s sometimes just really hard to believe when you’re sister is tall and skinny and poses on magazine covers.
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TERRENCE HALE is a 29 years old CISMALE who looks just like GLEN POWELL. She has been described as AESTHETIC yet COCKY.
Born from two overachiever parents, Terrence was expected to do good. And while he had an immense ego and self-confidence, he was also surprisingly smart. So of course, when his brother was born, he was taken as a model.
To not look like a complete nerd, Terrence acted like a real brat in school, hanging with the popular kids. Hell, he was one of the most popular kid out there. He just made sure to study double the amount at home so his grades would stay up.
Definitely did a lot of shit, dated countless girls(often now more than a few days), did all kind of crazy dares, which ended up getting him suspended quite a few times, but also gave him a name in the school, which would end up lasting for years.
Once he graduated high school, he went on to study accounting in Kola University, keeping up the same game he played all through school, aka he was a frat boy who acted like he gave no shit about classes, but definitely had the best grades in the class.
After graduating, he didn’t really know what he wanted to do. He knew he would never go home, somehow being far from his parents felt good, so he just looked around for jobs, but nothing really interested him.
Until he was binge-watching all of the Harry Potter movies, with a gigantic bowl of candies. He then realized there weren’t that many confectioneries in Kola, and that was definitely something the town needed more. (he might have been high when that happened...)
It was really on an impulse that Terrence looked around for a place to rent, to found one, and called Eddie to know if he wanted to join. Honestly, that confectionery was going to happen whether he said yes or no, but he definitely wanted his brother to be a part of it. He was just always close to him, and he knew he was most likely looking out for a good opportunity career-wish.
The confectionery, called Candy Hale, was opened about 4 years ago, and its popularity keeps only increasing. Terrence mostly works the accounts, but he also doesn’t mind helping up front if needed.
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
     A wave of nostalgia hits her as soon as she walks into the shop. She used to be able to spend hours in a store like this – picking out a ball or two to take home to practice with, trying on new cleats, but now, it’s just a reminder of what she’s lost. Get in and get out quickly – that’s her gameplan. “Excuse me,” she says, walking up to the nearest employee, “could you mind helping me pick out a pair of cleats. Size 8 and a half. One of the girls I coach doesn’t really have the money for a new pair right now – & hers are way too worn down to play in.” 
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Soccer was easily the best thing to make her act nicer towards people, and added to what the woman was doing, she could help but smile when she turned. Somehow, it reminded her of her own self, as a kid, sometimes unable to afford new equipment. “That’s really nice of you to get her a new pair.” Emma commented, although a frown formed on her face. The other one seemed oddly familiar, although she couldn’t quite put her finger on where she could’ve seen her. “I think I’ve still got a model from last year in that size, 50% off. And I’ve got a few more models of this year.”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
zoe’s wince was unavoidable when she saw the bruising under ethan’s eye. she’d been there before, and she knew how not fun the whole… getting beat up thing was, and she knew that ethan was used to it, but it didn’t mean zoe was okay with it. “doesn’t make it any better.” she retorted, moving toward him and taking the ice and gently applying it to his eye. “did you make the first move?”
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He gave a small wince when he felt the ice again. The cold feeling was something he’d never get used to, even if he did end up needing that ice nearly every single week. “It’ll heal fast. And it’s not a hindrance. It’s really fine.” He said, but waited before answering her question, searching for the best reply. “No... well, yes, but only physically. They were looking to get hit.”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
❝ good morning. ❞ she says, smile on her face. she lifts her hands, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. she’s probably got to get going soon. her father had a late shift, and she’ll have to be back home before him if she wants to keep up appearances. despite being an adult, she still likes for him to think that she follows his rules. after all, she is living under his roof. ❝ have you been up long? ❞
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Seeing as she was awake now, he moved a little closer, just to give a light kiss on top of her forehead, letting his head rest back on the pillow afterward. “Doesn’t feel like long enough.” He would’ve wanted this moment to last much, much longer, but he knew all good things had to end. “Do you really have to go, though? Can’t you just tell him you were at a friend’s, or something?”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
“we’re not open yet.” brandon’s response was immediate as he sat at his restaurant’s bar hunched over a menu that was a work in progress. “and if you’re here for the interviews… they aren’t until tomorrow.” never having run his own restaurant before, brandon had no idea what to expect, well, not entirely. he’d seen restaurants open, but he’d never done it himself. “so is there something i can help you with because if not… there’s the door.” he hadn’t looked up once throughout the conversation, but he couldn’t be bothered. / @cntcrtainmcnt
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When she moved back to Kola, Anna never expected he would later come to the same town as her. Talk about coincidence. Actually, she only recently realized he was in Kola, when she saw an ad about a soon to be open restaurant. Just a little digging was enough to find out it was his restaurant. That was only a few days ago, and now she was already there. To say she was impulsive would be an understatement. She didn’t think it through when she left, and she certainly didn’t think it through when she decided to come over. “Oh, I’ve already got a job. I was just hoping we could... talk?” Anna replied, staying in the doorway, a small smile on her lips.
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
well, at least it wasn’t anyone he’d slept with. that would have been awkward. he’d gotten good at ghosting people. he raises an eyebrow. ❝ move my stuff? i’m waiting for someone. didn’t you know you need a reservation? you just tryin’ to crash people’s evenings tonight? ❞ 
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Janice gave him a small eye roll, taking the seat anyway(part of her was suspiciously doubting he was the one crashing her night now). “And I already reserved months ago. Just ask at the reception desk, they just told me this is my table.”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
And the last 5 girls from my new batch! Those were characters who already had connections or a backstory that was already set(except like one), but they’re definitely open for more plots! So please like or message me if you’d love plots with them!
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ANNA TAYLOR is a 32 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like EMILIA CLARKE. She has been described as FAIR yet BLUNT.
Anna was an only child for the first 13 years of her life. And she was happy with that. But when her baby sister arrived, she was even happier. But it didn’t last for long.
Not even a year later, Anna was playing on the front yard with her sister. Her mother just went inside for a moment, going to the bathroom, but it was a moment too long. With the mother gone, a man approached them. Of course, she’d been warned not to talk to strangers, so she panicked. She picked up her sister, planning to just walk inside. In a split moment to look back and see if the man was following her, Anna tripped, causing her sister to hit her head on the ground.
Of course, the cries of both children were loud enough for the mother to run outside, and take the baby to the hospital. Doctors tried their best, but the trauma caused by the fall was too great, and they couldn’t save her sister. Since then, she’s been blaming herself for her sister’s death.
After that, Anna was always a little less joyful. She grew to be happy again, but she wasn’t exactly the same as she was before. Ans she knew she couldn’t stay in Kola while she still remembered the scene perfectly. So after graduating, she was accepted at Columbia University and moved there, only coming back to Kola once a year during the holidays.
She graduated in Education before going to Teachers College for a Master of Education. While she couldn’t forget what happened with her sister, she still wanted to work with kids, she wanted to teach them, and nothing would stop her.
Around the time she graduated with her Master was when she met Brandon. She’d gotten a part time job in a high school was now seeing someone, and it seemed like she was finally pushing the accident in the back of her head. Even after she fell pregnant,she thought it was all good now.
But it wasn’t until she gave birth, until she held that tiny little girl, that the memory came back. She suddenly felt like she wouldn’t be a good mother, she’d just hurt the child. She was heartbroken, leaving the child behind, but she couldn’t stay and be a source of danger. So she left the girl with Brandon and ran back to Kola.
Why Kola? Because having a child made her realize she needed to deal with the problem, instead of ignoring it. Of course, she hasn’t told anyone about her baby, and only her therapist knows about that. She’s been working with that therapist ever since she came back now, and she is starting to feel much better now.
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CATHERINE WOLFE is a 30 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like LEIGHTON MEESTER. She has been described as METICULOUS yet DESTRUCTIVE.
Eldest of two girls, Catherine was always competitive with her sister, even if they were 4 years apart. She wanted to be the heiress of their dad’s company, she believed it was a right for her since she was older than her sister.
But it ended up being more than just at home, she was always in competition with other girls at school. She wanted the best grades, the best clothes, the best friends, everything. In the end, she never really had friends, at least, not good real genuine friends. 
But in the end, all of her hard work wasn’t enough, her sister still surpassed her, and she was the one to have the reins of the company once their dad would retire.
That was the one thing Cathy wanted more than anything, but she couldn’t have it. She decided not to throw a tantrum about it(although she probably did in private, with her friends) and just tried to find a career path, something to make her father proud. She was good with social events, she had quite a lot of money, and her social network was incredible. So she just started hosting events to help different organizations. 
Through the years, her network has only increased, and her schedule is now almost always full, apart from the few days she gets off. While her dad believes she could’ve done something more, he is still proud she managed to get this successful in that field without his help.
It was around the beginning of her career that Cathy met a boy, and the whole love story followed. They were good together, people told them every single day. Despite people wanting them to just marry already and get children, they both wanted to take it slow, and it took years before he proposed.
They were engaged by the time he got into an accident. It left him handicapped(I am leaving this open, so whoever applies for him can just decide what it was, or if they want something else than an accident to have happened or anything I’m 100% cool) and feeling like he wasn’t good enough. It didn’t change her feelings, but no matter how many times she told him, he still broke off the engagement.
Still, she’s a headstrong bitch, 200% not over it, so she’s working her butt not only at work, but also to make him understand she still loves him. Definitely not letting go so easily.
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EMELY LINDNER is a 31 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like ALEXANDRA DADDARIO. She has been described as LOVEABLE yet JEALOUS.
Emely was born in Austria, to a pastry chef and a school teacher. They weren’t fortunate, but since she was an only child, they were able to give her a good life.
Despite being an only child and loving interactions, she didn’t mind not having siblings, she made up for it with all the friends she made. She’s always been a very social kid.
When she was 5, her father was showing clear signs of displeasure in his marriage, and ended up having an adventure with an American who was there on a work visa. It resulted in the girl falling pregnant, although she didn’t tell Emely’s dad until she was back in America and was close to giving birth. 
While her dad never told her mom about the child, she did know he cheated, and it lead to a divorce. To cope with it, Emely just started dancing. The stress of her familial situations was obviously affecting her so her parents agreed to sign her up for ballet.
She soon grew to love it, and worked her ass off to make it as a ballerina. And she did make it, dancing with the professionals back home in Austria. But tragedy struck and forced her to move out.
She was 20, peak of her career, when her parents, who had met to discuss Emely’s current career and try to learn to be on better terms, were caught in a fire. They were in a café, and didn’t have time to make it out.
So she had to go through all of her parents’ stuff, and that’s when she found letters her dad had been sending, and receiving, from his family in America. She had nothing in Austria anymore, except her growing career. But dancing was something she could do in America, could she?
It was an impulsive choice when she moved over to Kola to find her half-sister. But she was the only blood relative she had, having never met her aunts, uncles or grandparents. And while she did find her sister, work was different.
She had to go to many auditions, and was denied for almost all of them. She was barely lucky enough to find a job to teach ballet to kids, but it seemed like no one wanted her as an actual dancer.
But the tables turned a year later. She’d been invited to audition again, and gave her best for it. And while she didn’t make it, again, she caught the attention of an agent that was at the venue of the audition. He said he was seaking new models and when he first saw her, she was exactly what he was looking for.
It’s not what she wanted for in life, but the salary could certainly be better than a ballet teacher. She still kept teaching for a bit, but after 2 years, it wasn’t necessary anymore.
She’s definitely not one of those big names in the modeling industry, but those who know enough definitely recognize her, if not her name, they recognize her face.
She still dances, of course, sometimes renting a dance room just for herself. When she moves to a new house, she plans to transform the basement into a whole dance studio and might consider giving some private lessons there.
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LENA DAVIES is a 36 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like OLIVIA MUNN. She has been described as TOLERANT yet DESTRUCTIVE.
Lena was the eldest of two, and unlike her brother, who was clearly talented in sports, she had no aim in life. She went to classes, made friends, went to parties, but she never enjoyed any of it. She just had no goals.
While her brother went off to become a professional tennis player, she just decided to go in management in college. Not because she loved it, but she figured she’d be good at that.
While she didn’t fail any class, she didn’t graduate with outstanding grades either. She was just average, and it was fine by her.
It was sometimes during that time that she met him, and it just quickly turned into young love. He was easily the first person she loved, and the first thing she was ever passionate about.
Of course, when they decided to open a restaurant, she was all in, taking in the role of floor manager. For some time, it was a successful business/relationship partnership, but soon enough, it fell apart.
She still doesn’t know what exactly happened, why they fell apart, but they did. There was just no love between them anymore. But the restaurant was all they had, so despite the split, they still found themselves forced to work with each other.
She partially blames the split on herself. She knows she’s a very destructive person, every good thing she ever had in life, she made a point to destroy it. And since this relationship was the best thing she’s ever had, she constantly blames herself.
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TIERRA CHADWIN is a 30 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like ROSE LESLIE. She has been described as INVULNERABLE yet VENAL.
Tierra didn’t always grow up corrupted. She was actually a really lovely child, being outgoing and making friends fast. It just all changed when school started. 
Tierra and her cousins had been close and best friends since birth, they were hoping it would stay like this forever. But come school, her cousin got popular really fast, and Tierra was just... kind of forgotten. She had friends, but now she didn’t run in the same groups as her cousin, and she felt like she didn’t matter.
That changed again when high school arrived. Of course, she wasn’t best friend with her cousin anymore, but at home, they were still close, they still talked about more personal issues. And that was valuable to some people. Some other students, mostly guys, were ready to pay for some of her cousin’s secrets.
She was, of course, uncertain at first, but when she realized just how much money she could make? She started selling secrets. Those activities lead her to create some sort of network with other students, although they tried to remain subtle about their connection with her.
After high school, Tierra left Kola to study in Pharmacology, and only came back after graduating. With her grades, she easily found a job in pharmacy, and got promoted over and over until the owner retired, and she inherited from the pharmacy.
It was a few months after she came back that she stumbled on some student she sold secrets to in high school. One thing lead to another, and they mentioned needed some prescribed drugs but not being able to get a prescription. Then it kind of came naturally, and Tierra started selling drugs, overpriced, to people without prescriptions. Of course, she kept those dealings secrets, and if anything were to be found, she knew she had enough contacts to protect herself.
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
Posting intros for 5 of my new girls now, and I’ll post the others tonight. I don’t believe any of those have any connections yet, and there’s a bunch of wc I want for them(which will be sent to the main later one) but feel free to like this or message me if you want plots with them!
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BEATRIZ OLIVEIRA is a 36 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like MORENA BACCARIN. She has been described as CLEVER yet ERRATIC.
Beatriz was born the youngest of two, having an older brother. Jose was four years older, and her best friend. Literally. They’d do everything together, and even if they had other friends, none were as close as they were to each other.
Beatriz had always been a very talented and artistic person. She actually wanted to become an artist, but was continuously told it was hard to live off an artist salary and it took a lot to actually make it, so she started thinking about other options.
When she was 16, Jose started hanging around with a bunch of thugs. Neither of the siblings knew yet, but they were part of a gang, and soon enough, both would be drawn into that life too.
Jose was the first to join the gang, obviously. And it was the only secret he tried to keep from his sister. Of course, she knew something was off, so she followed him and discovered the truth. At the time, she was 19 and interning with a tattoo artist.
A year later, now trained enough to become a tattoo artist on her own, Beatriz started taking a few jobs. And it was then Jose told her he might have a better job for her.
She’s never fully joined the gang, as in she’s not doing any crimes(not really) but in exchange of her becoming kind of the “official” tattoo artist for them, they would pay her a shop. Her own shop. So she accepted. Now most of her clients are gang members, but she is also open to the wide public.
Honestly, her life was going well, but 5 years later, her brother was killed in a shooting. She was destroyed, of course, but it also made her understand just how dangerous that kind of life was. 
Although she couldn’t just walk away from it, they gave her everything. Instead, she’s asked to be trained. Not to kill people, not take on jobs or anything. Just to defend herself. Since then, she’s been hiding guns in a few different places, just in case.
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JASMINE WRIGHT is a 31 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like BLAKE LIVELY. She has been described as BENEVOLENT yet ABSENT-MINDED.
Jasmine was raised to fame right from birth. Her parents were both famous, an actor and a model, and had a very open life with the public. She was barely taken out from the hospital and there were already pictures of her baby self in magazines.
She grew up in the medias’ eyes, nearly followed around by cameras and paparazzi. By the time she was 12, she’d already done a couple of modeling jobs for children’s companies.
She had her real breakthrough at 15, when she started getting bigger contracts. And since she was always homeschooled, to make sure she could sign for all the contracts she wanted, said contracts kept getting bogger and bigger.
By 20, she was already a well known name, and was starting to get asked to take on a few walk on roles in movies and TV shows. It was around that time she met a nice actor, and they quickly started dating.
They had a small break of two months when she was 22, but it took no time before they got back together. And the medias made sure to cover all of that split.
At 23, he proposed to her, and they married the next year, in Santorini.
Since then, she’d been slowing down on jobs, and now is only rarely accepting a contract. She much prefers to just travel with him and follow him on his jobs, or stay home and host charity events.
Speaking of, both being generous, they hold many charity events for different organizations, and she always makes sure to be the best dressed.
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JESSICA LAYTON is a 33 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like OLIVIA WILDE. She has been described as INCISIVE yet FLAMBOYANT.
Jessica’s mom divorced her dad when she was only 2. Soon after, her dad started being in and out of jail, while her mom would date bad man after bad man. Horrible childhood, no money, no future.
Since they were struggling to pay rent, Jess started taking on odd jobs when she was 15 to help her mom. It really barely helped, and while she wanted to study in medicine, she knew it wouldn’t happen. Even with a scholarship, which she sadly didn’t have the grades for, it would be too much for them.
So instead, at 18, she took on a full time job as a barista. 3 years later, she was promoted as assistant-manager. It was going slightly better. And with her mom deciding to focus on her career instead of men, money was getting better.
She’d barely been raised to assistant-manager when she met a rich and powerful man. She didn’t care he was older than her, what she saw was an opportunity. And since he seemed very interested in her, she just jumped on the occasion.
Turned out, after a few dates, he was more than just an opportunity, and she actually started to like him, much to the displeasure of other people. She didn’t listen to them, particularly not when he asked to marry him and she said yes.
Since marrying, she’s quit her job at the coffee shop, and now mostly just act as a socialite. Since she’s never had this much money before, she tends to enjoy showing it off.
Definitely sends money to her mom, most likely paid her a brand new apartment.
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LAURENCE JUNEAU is a 35 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like BRYCE DALLAS HOWARD. She has been described as PLANFUL yet GULLIBLE.
Laurence’s mom was a French singer, and her father was a French Canadian barman. They met while she was doing a tour in Canada. She’d stopped, with bodyguards of course, at a bar, and it just so happened to be where he worked. It instantly clicked, and they started dating not long after. Which, of course, her entourage didn’t approve of.
When her career started becoming promising in the USA, the couple moved to Kola and settled there. While she was working on her career, he opened a bar, which quickly gained immense popularity, thanks to her. It was around that time she announced she was pregnant, and then, Laurence came.
She was a happy child, always knowing she was privileged due to her mother’s fame. But she always made sure to not show off, and try to be friends, genuine friends.
Laurence always had a real interest in fashion, and it only increased when her mother presented her her stylist, at 16. She started taking classes with the stylist after school, and decided she was going to start her own brand. At 20, she already had a brand name, and a first collection. Her mother’s fame did help a little, but she didn’t sell as much as she expected.
And then, a year later, an accident happened. While coming back from vacation in the South, her parents’ plane crashed. No one on the plane survived. And she inherited everything.
She was destroyed, of course, and took a long time out of everything. Friends would come, feed her, see if she was okay. And then one day, she got a notification. Someone wanted to buy one of her dresses, but it’d been sold out. It made her realize she still had that, and she decided to focus on it.
Rebranding her line, calling it Pluie d’Étoiles(after her mother’s most popular song), Laurence opened a boutique, and started promoting like crazy. Soon enough, the name of her mother and the now wider variety of clothes brought more people, bringing her little boutique to one of the most successful shops in Kola.
Since then, she’s bought a few more locations, not just in Kola, but in nearby areas as well. There is now a Pluie d’Étoiles boutique in most big towns of California, and even in smaller places.
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WILLA ZHAO is a 34 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like KRISTIN KREUK. She has been described as ROMANTIC yet TACTLESS.
An only child, Willa was only 4 when she witnessed her parents’ murder. The case was never closed, the culprits never found, but she still remembers that day clearly.
While she spent nearly 10 years in an orphanage, she spent the next 4 in a foster family. And it was then that she found her calling. Both her foster parents loved helping, the mother being a nurse and the father a police officer.
So after graduating high school, Willa decided to study to become a detective. She was good, probably the best of her class, but she had one motivation: settle her parents’ case.
She was spotted by the FBI rather quickly, and proposed to train and work with them instead of just taking a detective’s job. Of course, she accepted. 
While it was harder there, Willa was still a very good student, finishing in the bests of her class.
She was originally located in the NYC branch, but was transferred to Kola about 5 years ago.
She’s just a hopeless romantic who’s eager to find out who killed her parents.
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
(closed starter | @cntcrtainmcnt) 
margo had been planning the party for weeks. why this one was so difficult she would probably never know. it was just that the host was very strict and it was very um hard to make things perfect. the party was a little under a week away so it was time to make sure the menu was perfect and that preparation was well underway. 
margo walked to the restaurant and specifically requested to talk to mitch. not only because she trusted him the most, but she wanted to set him and asia up. they were so perfect for each other. sure mitch didn’t know her plans, but that was fine. she hopped up on a stole and waited for him to come out from the back. 
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The restaurant had been rather slow that day - blame it on the Holidays, people were too broke to eat out now. So when one of his coworkers came to tell him Margo was there, there was nothing keeping him in the kitchen. Not like they had any rush that day, he could take a small break.
“You know, you’ve been coming here so often, they actually think we’re dating now.” Was the first thing he said when he walked out from the back. Walking over to take the seat in front of her, there was a big smile on his face. “How crazy is that?”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
@cntcrtainmcnt (closed starter for Kieran)
Aoife pushed open the door of the bar and stepped inside. It was a seedy place, popular with the members of Irish mafia in Kola. She went there often. If anybody asked questions, her answer was always that she was meeting with a client. It was a plausible excuse, and was occasionally the truth.
Glancing around, she spotted Kieran sitting at a table. She walked over to him and slid into the seat across from him. “How’s it going, Doyle?” she asked him. As she did, a barmaid approached to take her order. She ordered a whisky. Then, glancing at the man across from her, she said “What are you drinking?” She was in a good mood, having won a case that day, and figured she’d buy him a round to celebrate.
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His back was comfortably resting against his chair, eyes fixated on his almost empty glass, which was loosely gripped by one of his hands. He’d be there almost every night - unless he had another job to do that night. But it wasn’t the case, and he barely looked up when Aoife came. He expected the other to be her, not that many people actually talked to him on purpose. 
“Had to study the body of a cop. And a dismembered Russian mafioso. I’d say it’s going pretty well.” Not everyone understood his actual love of death, or fascination with it. But it was fine, he didn’t expect people to. And around most regular citizens, he’d try to keep it more discreet, but around others like him? He had no trouble speaking about it. He stopped talking when the barmaid came, only then looking up from his glass to look at her. “Gin. Just the usual.” He replied.
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
◤      CAUTIOUS —– her planner was full of sticky notes and highlighted marks, she maneuvered around the small obstacles with her orange colored post it, moving the date from tuesday to sunday. “ sheesh. ” her fingers tapped on her cheek, eyes searching fruitlessly for chucks of empty time in her january schedule. it felt like she needed to schedule BREATHING at this point. “i think febuary is going to be wonderful. january’s over rated anyway. ” it would be warmer then, that was certain. mckenna wasn’t completely sure how the weather was going to effect her busy schedule, but she could hope.    ◢  @cntcrtainmcnt
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Sandy barely even had to glance at the schedule on her phone to know February was going to be terrible. Not that she could tell anyone, but she already had two different shootings scheduled that month, for two completely different movies. She was just thankful neither were big roles, or she would crack. “Oh no, February’s going to be horrible for me.” She replied with a small shake of her head. “But definitely, January’s overrated. It’s just... it’s just the first month of a new year, it’s really not going to change someone’s life around because we changed year.” Not that she was against resolutions or changes, but she personally believed those could be done at any time of the year. 
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