codenamelizabeth · 8 years
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(Submission from bleedingcoffee42)
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
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     “And if anything happens to me, I leave               everything I own to Hayate.”
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
//just a PSA, I always read rules/abouts before interacting with other blogs.
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
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“I would ask you the same thing, Colonel, but I’m pretty sure I already know the answer.” Abandoning her post, Riza went to cabinet, mind already set on the tasks for today. Besides, she didn’t want her Colonel to see she was worried about him-- although she was. Even when things were hard, sleeping was a necessary evil. In the end -- she smirked a little to herself as she remembered the paper stuck against Mustang’s face -- sooner or later, sleep always caught up to you.
“I’m sorry for waking you,” her back was still turned to him, expert fingers combing through books of bureaucracy. “If you need to go back to sleep, might I suggest the cough instead?”
     Thankfully he was no heavy sleeper, but it might have      taken  him a few moments longer to process that  the      voice that was waking him was from the conscious w-      orld. And when that realization did hit him,  he shot st-      raight up. Paper sticking comfortably against his face      from  the gracious amount of drool that had  dribbled      onto the sheet.
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     Awake enough to adjust himself–running a hand throu-      gh his hair,  straightening out his wrinkled and slept in      jacket, and pull the paper from his face–he had to look      away before his dark eyed gaze was resting back on h-      is subordinate. 
    “Oh,” clearing his throat quickly,  “Good morning, lieute-      nant. What brings you here so early?”
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
//ahahahahahahahaha remember when scar was a villain??
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
berthold: look after her. my daughter. she's in possession of my research.
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
//hold up berthold. when did you become the moral high ground?
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
//it’s been a year and a half since I finished fmab and I will never be over “when it’s just the two of us the colonel he calls me by my first name, Riza” “so you two are that close, huh?” “I lied.”
Riza, honey, you are a treasure.
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
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My brother keeps a dog. The dog’s name is Natsu.
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
Riza Hawkeye was five when her mother died. An accident. She couldn’t remember much, but she did remember the charred black walls and her father’s cold eyes as he’d torn her world apart. She’d been cooking lunch, he said, when something-- damn Riza’s weak mind, she couldn’t remember what that something had been -- had caught fire. She hadn’t made it. Even at five, Riza knew what that meant. 
Perhaps there was justice in being consumed with mastering the element that had taken his wife’s life-- or maybe it was purely poetic irony. In a way, Riza lost both her parents to the flames. The young girl watched obsession grow within her father, an obsession she tried to sympathize with, even in the days when they had no food and the child was forced to fend entirely for herself. His work was important. His work was for her mother.
Somedays, however, Riza would look into her father’s amber, crazed eyes, and she suddenly wasn’t so sure. She tried to concentrate, running through her mind. What came first: the flames or the obsession? As hard as she tried, Riza couldn’t be sure. All her brightest memories before the accident had been of her mother. But no-- no! What kind of man would put alchemy before the wellbeing of his family? And yet, each day that passed with Berthold locked away and Riza on her own, it became clearer and clearer. Her father was that kind of man. And the possibilities of what that could mean terrified the girl.
Five years after the little house had gone up in flames, a kid by the name of Roy Mustang came knocking on her door. He needed a teacher-- and God knew, Berthold craved a student. He’d tried to teach Riza, but each test to see if she was cut out for alchemy, she had failed. Though she’d never admit it, the failure had been her own choosing. The thought of telling her father that she did not want to learn alchemy was a scarier prospect indeed than him thinking she was not capable. With Roy, that pressure was lifted and the tests ceased to be for the time being. It would be a lie to say the time Roy spent with the Hawkeyes was not been the happiest the family had been since the fire. Berthold was never happier than when he was immersed in the art of alchemy, and with Roy, Riza had someone else talk to. The little house finally felt like a home, again. So how could Riza share her fears with her new friend? How could she admit that the same man who talked and smiled and sometimes, even laughed, was a monster? She couldn’t, not when she felt so secure.
When Roy finished his studies and left, he took that feeling of safety with him.
Once more, her father became focused on nothing but his research. He didn’t sleep most nights and every bite of food he ate, Riza had to physically put in front of him. The only times he’d pay her any attention were the near desperate pleas for her to understand. But she was not an alchemist. Riza Hawkeye had little control in her life, but she could be in command of this. She would never be an alchemist, no matter how many times Berthold stared desperately into her eyes with his matching amber ones, and begged. The answer was always, always no.
Although they shared a home until his death, Riza had not been aware of her father’s growing illness. Ever since she could remember, the man was gaunt and pale, and soon after Roy’s departure, he’d taken to mumbling to himself near constantly, back curled over unintelligible scribbles. Perhaps she should have figured the end was near when late one night, the ghost of a man came into her room, his mumbles alive with an excited tint. It was a night she’d never forget as his alchemy finally did what she’d feared for all these years-- it turned on her, forcing her down and silent as he carved the culmination of years of insanity onto the skin of her back.
What kind of man would put alchemy before the wellbeing of his family?
A monster.
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
//By the time Riza joined the army, she was already quite proficient with a gun. Since her father was a recluse, it had often been on her to provide for the two of them and without a job, her choices were limited. Out of necessity, she’d taken to hunting for food with an old handgun she’d found in her mother’s old belongings. Killing moving targets became a quick skill of hers.
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
Again - YUI
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Opening 1
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
//friendly reminder that the tattoo on riza’s back was most probably definitely not a consensual thing-- so flame alchemy was quite literally a burden she was emotionally and physically forced to carry
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
//*hohenheim dies* *literally chokes on emotions*
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codenamelizabeth · 8 years
“I’m scared.”
“Are you hurt?”
“Are you scared?”
“Is this even legal?”
“Just trust me.”
“We’re locked in!”
“I know what I’m doing.”
“It’s too dark in here.”
“Why are we here?”
“They have a gun…”
“They have a knife…”
“Grab what you need, and let’s go.”
“Be quiet. Don’t let them see you.”
“Choose your victim.”
“We don’t have to do this.”
“They’re coming for us.”
“How do you know how to do that?”
“What the fuck are you doing in here?”
“We’re getting out of here unseen.”
“Something moved over there.”
“Do you have the stuff?”
“So, what’s the plan?”
“It’s not safe here.”
“This is your fault.”
“We’ve gotta go. Now.”
“Hey, how drunk are you?”
“Hey, how high are you?”
“Is that… a dead body?”
“We’re not alone in here…”
“What do you need me to do?”
“It’s not safe here, you should go.”
“I can’t believe you stole that!”
“Hey, stay close to me. Got it?”
“If they catch us, we’re dead.”
“… There’s no signal out here.”
“Where’s the money you owe me?”
“Have you ever done this before?”
“Did you bring what I asked?”
“I saw you steal that…”
“I think I dropped my weapon.”
“This is the last time I ever do this.”
“Shit, the cops are coming!”
“Wait. I think I heard footsteps.”
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“The cops are looking for us.”
“What the fuck is that?!”
“You’re gonna get hurt.”
“Next time, I’ll kill you.”
“It’s my first time doing this.”
“You’re gonna get us caught.”
“You seriously got high without me?”
“You seriously got drunk without me?”
“I’m never doing this with you again.”
“How’d you get all this money?”
“What are you doing out here?”
“What if something goes wrong?”
“I have a bad feeling about this.”
“I’ve never gotten high before…”
“I’ve never gotten drunk before…”
“What the fuck did you do now?”
“Let’s go and do something bad.”
“Whatever it was, it wasn’t human.”
“So are we getting high, or what?”
“I’ll kill the asshole that did this to you.”
“It seems like you’ve done this before.”
“I have to be honest… this car is stolen.”
“What do you mean this isn’t your car?!”
“I shouldn’t have let you talk me into this.”
“What do you mean this isn’t your house?!”
“That’s… a lot of drugs you’ve got there.”
“Please tell me you brought a weapon with you.”
“We don’t have to do this, we can turn around.”
“How much time will they give us if we get caught?”
“Watch the door for me? I’ll be out in five minutes.”
“Maybe it’s the drugs, but I swear I heard someone…”
“This is literally the worst fucking time to hurt your leg!”
“Are you about to go do something illegal? Count me in.”
“The engine is dead and we’re in the middle of nowhere. Fucking great.”
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