codexargentum · 2 years
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codexargentum · 2 years
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when the hunter shows up in the wrong show щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
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codexargentum · 2 years
He was still covering his face when he sighed and moved his hands to cup his nose and mouth and stare at a tree. No matter what he did or say, Chris seemed keen on protecting Scott. Where was his justice then? His thirst for blood had been calmed before by being away but now he was back and so was the thirst.
“What he did to me, knowingly may I add, demands justice and no one will give me that but myself.” He still had his doubts about Chris caring about him but he had Juliet to look after. He wished he could send her away somewhere safe. “Why won’t you understand? Why do you defend him so much? He’s as much of a monster as I am!”
Crowley…tell me what I should do.
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“Make it known, bring me justice, and I promise to let him live.” He finally states after some silence. Juliet is clearly displeased at this but he ignores her and lets her quietly growl.
"you made him, peter. he was just a kid & you turned him. you are partly to blame for this, too. you hunted him & scared the living crap out of a kid, then he got the chance to get rid of you. we both know you didn't deserve what happened to you, i know i am to blame, too - i.. i have to live with that, but you decide who you are now. not talia, not the thirst. you decide. are you going to lose your life & friends-" he nodded towards the hellhound at that, "for a jab at revenge? knowing the kid's protected by deaton, your nephew & most of the town?" it would be silly, stupid even.
"you have a chance now, peter. use it wisely." he added, giving the other a nod. "as will i." he would do what he had to to keep him safe here. it was his home after all. the hales had lived in beacon hills before anybody else, long before scott & long before the argents first set foot in this town .. & messed everything up. "i'll do what i can. you have my word." not that it meant much to the wolf as of now, but if he listened closely, he could hear that chris meant it, whole-heartedly.
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codexargentum · 2 years
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Coffee Shop AU: Peter Hale, one of the most successful fantasy authors in the country, loved his profession. It brought fame, wealth, and awards—all of which, he thrived on. The only issue was that writing novels required a certain level of peace and focus that was near impossible to achieve while living in a mansion full of rowdy werewolf pups. He stumbled across the secluded Silver Lining Café by accident, and it turned out to have everything he wanted: fantastic coffee, a quiet atmosphere, and an owner that made Peter’s mouth water and his wolf ready to stake claim.
@alwaysthealpha​ spring bingo: coffee
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codexargentum · 2 years
What is going on with cutting posts?
You may have seen some posts floating around lately about the beta editor and trimming reblogs, and possibly found yourself extremely confused trying to figure out what this tangled web of editors, extensions, and add-ons even means. I’ve been on this site for years, and I still find the whole thing terribly confusing.
So this post is my effort to explain everything – legacy vs beta, New XKit vs XKit Rewritten, editable reblogs vs trim reblogs – everything. This also doubles as a tutorial for the various methods of cutting posts.
Tumblr is in the process of switching to a new post editor that some old users have opted into, while new users have been forced into it.
The old Editable Reblogs extension does not work with this new editor, requiring people to use a new extension called Trim Reblogs.
Trim Reblogs and Editable Reblogs are not compatible. If your partner uses Editable Reblogs, you cannot cut their posts properly using Trim Reblogs (unless you’re willing to do some tedious and frankly unreasonable workarounds).
The only way for everyone in the RPC to cut their posts properly and efficiently is if everyone moves to the new system and uses Trim Reblogs. Clinging to the old system with Editable Reblogs is actively creating issues for the people using the new system – some of whom do not have a choice.
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codexargentum · 2 years
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independent & selective chris argent rp blog, brought to life by melli (she/her, 30). crossovers & aus are welcome. IMs open to all. mature content tagged #nsfw at all times. a/b/o will be tagged #omegaverse. i am slow, but i love u all so come to me & let me love u.
very useful links:
rules / bio / headcanons / wishlist / memes / starter call / interest tracker
feb. 16th 2023 - semi hiatus due to me joining the athos rpg and having a blast. :3
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codexargentum · 2 years
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independent 18+ chris argent role play blog
- crossovers with other fandoms more than welcome 
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codexargentum · 2 years
He snorted at his words. Cared. Did he? No, Chris never cared. All he did was experiment and ditch him when it became too much. Like a duffel bag nobody wanted. That pain from the past remained as a scar, a scar Crowley had begun to heal with his love and now that he was gone…
Peter covered his face wondering why his mind kept going back to Crowley and his demise, his sacrifice that had been in vain and that alone angered him so.
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Chris was right though, if he killed Scott without backup it would become too much to handle, he couldn’t kill an entire pack alone and his only backup was gone. No, he needed friends in the city. Deaton, Deucalion, maybe even Chris. They wouldn’t kill Scott but they would stop him from kicking Peter out or try to because this was his home and ripping him off his own home would be near impossible. “Left behind? I have no one, Christopher, there’s no one to leave behind. I’m the one who was left behind, you got it all wrong. What makes you think I want to even go on? Or that they could kill a hell hound when her hobby used to be laying on the road to make cars and trucks crash while she came back unscathed. She’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before.” It wasn’t a threat but it had felt like one. “I may be backing off for now but not forever, one day his life will be mine.”
“i’m here, aren’t i?” he could’ve left once he confirmed it was just peter returning to beacon hills. but he didn’t. he stayed & still tried to save his life. “i’m trying, peter.” when peter was locked up after chris somewhat resembled the man inside the broken shell, he lost the opportunity to make up for his sins from the past. then he escaped & chris once again didn’t get the chance to apologize, to redeem himself. but now peter was here again & he clearly needed a helping hand. 
“the kanima seemed unbeatable, yet it went down. you know they will find a way if they want to. let’s not let it come to that. you’ll be safe as long as you stay away from him. you have my word.” he’d talk to scott in the morning, let it be known peter was back home & didn’t plan to leave. 
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codexargentum · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
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//first of all, thanks and iluuu. <3
Sacrifice - the Weeknd
Blame - Bastille
Enemy (no rap version) - Imagine Dragons
The Song of the White Wolf - Witcher OST
Castle - Halsey (male version on youtube)
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codexargentum · 2 years
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//hi hello, let’s get some threads going :o
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codexargentum · 2 years
To be honest that could also be the case, but they didn’t know this omega could just be also killing for the fun of it, and he wasn’t going to risk Malia, yes that was probably the only reason he was still helping these people . There was something off as they walked into the forest the scent was al over the place, “ wait…this…this isn’t right…” he made Chris stop “ follow me closely “ he mumbled and started talking towards a specific tree, there was blood, all over it, then on the next one same thing “ there’s been a massacre here…” he glanced at the floor trying to see if he could make out the scene, something there was a crack and he made a instinctive move to protect Chris from whatever was coming. A body, or whatever was left of it suddenly fell from a tree in front of them.
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he trusted peter’s instincts as much as he did his own, so when peter signaled him to stop - he stopped. gun drawn, he glanced around & tried to see what peter saw. or smelled. he was glued to peter’s side, each step taken carefully. “massacre?” chris turned to look at peter, clearly confused, but peter’s sudden move distracted him from everything he might’ve noticed. his heart skipped a beat, his free hand grabbing at peter’s back. “thanks.” yes, the body was a surprise & it was somewhat gross, but he couldn’t help a little smile.
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codexargentum · 2 years
He eyed Chris, his chuckle and his comment felt playful in a good way and it made him want to smile a little but he didn’t. He had died twice now but hadn’t stayed dead, his times in purgatory hadn’t been pleasant though. The first time he was so busy guiding Lydia he could barely remember scraping around purgatory but the second time… that had been rough. Then his demon appeared and saved him from it. And now he was gone, no longer able to help him or save him. He was on his own.
If you don’t do anything reckless felt like a warning from the hunter and not one about Echien exactly but he swore he could hear Crowley in his head telling Chris to back off. Crowley would understand his thirst for blood, would encourage it, would help him. But he wasn’t here and without his help he really couldn’t afford to anger the town’s hunter. He would have to back off for now.
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“You sound like Deaton,” he says rolling his eyes. “Nothing you say will change what I feel about that boy but, fine, I’ll stay away for now. One day, you won’t be there to protect him and then I’ll take his life. Revenge is all I know, is what I was taught, but, what do you know? You never truly cared about me. So don’t speak like you know what Crowley would say, he would encourage my need to kill that boy. You’re just lucky he isn’t around anymore.”
“he’s rubbing off on me, I guess.” deaton was a voice of reason, it was difficult not to take some of that in. chris tried all his life not to be led by his emotions, tried to suppress them ever since he was little.. yet here he was, led by emotions once again & trying to save peter’s life. “that’s..” chris glanced away, hands balled into fists. it wasn’t that easy, or simple. what happened between them was complicated. “i did care, y’know? always have.” slow, slow, breathe. don’t let him hear. “i was a scared boy back then. i didn’t know better than to run.” he made a mistake, he had to live with it.
“just because that’s all you know doesn’t mean it’s right. it’ll never end. you kill scott, they kill your hound, you take one of them down, or two - then you die. what’s left is pain for those who stay behind.” like me. “i know that if you love someone, you want them to live & thrive.” he knew. he also knew that the pain would never quite go away, but it would become more bearable.
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codexargentum · 2 years
//we be working on a promo. last one’s like 2 years old haha. 
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codexargentum · 2 years
Yes, he needed Juliet and Juliet definitely needed him. Without her master… no, he didn’t want to think about it, he was focused on Scott and on Chris’s words. He was surprised the hunter thought he had escaped, he hadn’t investigated further or there hadn’t been evidence left of it but his words made him laugh dryly and maniacally too. “No, Christopher, I didn’t escape. I died and went to purgatory. If I am standing before you alive is because I made a deal with a demon, a demon named… doesn’t matter what he was named but, you really think a hell hound would be magically standing by my side out of nowhere?” He shook his head wanting to growl and break something but remembering Crowley had him hurting. He wasn’t like the others, he had been special. He sat on the stairs of the burnt down house and covered his face lowering his hands against his face as he tried to calm down.
He didn’t want to tell him about Crowley, not yet, maybe not ever. Crowley was his special love and secret. He may have wanted him to live but life was just torturing him right now and it made him tear up and stand up to give him his back. He missed him, missed his caresses and his words.
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“Purgatory…every supernatural creature goes there. No exception. There you have to fight to protect your soul, there’s not a moment’s peace. It’s not fair but since when had things been fair for us supernatural beings? I died, Chris, I died on a cold bed as they experimented on me and my body simply gave up, as my body couldn’t handle any more torture. But Scott knew, of that I am sure. All my sources, all my investigation, every piece of knowledge I gathered of that place and Scott…all of it told me he knew what they were doing there, that that was the reason he was desperate to get his friends out.”
“a demon?” demons were a myth. everybody assumed they existed, but nobody had ever lived to see one, right? maybe they had to update the books a little. hellhounds, demons. “i did ask how you two met.” it wasn’t like chris had ignored the hellhound’s existence. but peter seemed to only want to share his intel very sparsely. “you’re the only person i know who just won’t stay dead.” but it wasn’t a bitter tone, chris was ... chuckling, really. peter had died over & over, but he just wouldn’t stay down. “for what it’s worth, i’m glad you are.” he’d long since got over peter killing kate. he’d loved her dearly, but he also knew what she was capable of & with gerard having always preferred her over chris, he knew she had been a monster in the shape of a human. 
he should’ve killed her when he had the chance, but he was weak. she was his sister after all. gerard was right, chris couldn’t do his duty when it mattered, he was too soft. maybe he was again now, begging peter to stand down so he didn’t have to try kill someone he cared about, again. 
“eichen is no longer active. you’re safe now if.. if you don’t do anything reckless. peter, listen. i know it’s not fair what happened, but killing scott won’t change the past. revenge won’t make the pain go away.” chris knew, oh, he knew. “scott .. turned my wife. you think i didn’t consider revenge? i did. many times. but the truth is nothing i do to him will change what happened. you just throw the rest of your life away. whomever this special person you lost was, i doubt he’d want you to throw your life away.”
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codexargentum · 2 years
“She’s from literal hell. She cannot turn visible but demons can see her.” He himself was working on seeing her on his own way. “She’s nothing like Parrish. She’s a hound from hell, a demon on her own way.” Maybe that will stop him from calling her a mere pet, she was a weapon of destruction that he cared about dearly.
Moving on…
Of course he didn’t know what losing a soulmate felt like. He doubted Victoria had been the one, Chris’s one, but Crowley… Crowley had been his. He felt a knot in his throat and shook his head at the thought. “Thanks.”
The conversation took a sudden turn but he wasn’t going to stop as requested, he wasn’t going to back down. Sadness left as soon as it came. Juliet didn’t need looking after but, could he really leave her alone after losing Crowley? No, absolutely not. That didn’t stop his anger towards Scott though, towards the child that caused his death in such a horrible way and, so, he needed for Chris to see reality. “She doesn’t need looking after, Chris. Scott caused my death, a very painful death let me add, and he knew that was going to happen. For that he deserves to die like minimum. The child knew what was going on in Echien! He knew and threw me there to be tortured to literal death! You have no idea what that was like, what cost me to return to life, to recover from it all, to stop the nightmares!” He was yelling, upset and angry but thinking Chris had known the truth of it all.
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If he was to return to Beacon Hills he would use the chance to exercise his revenge, revenge he hadn’t exercised before because he hadn’t planned on returning here and coming just for that was a waste, now he was tying lose ends. He would make this his home, he would get rid of Scott once and for all, he would lead victory in every battle or die trying. And all with Juliet by his side.
“yet you came here with her by your side to grieve. looks to me like you have & need each other.” hunting scott would be a mistake, it would be an error that would cost them both their lives. but something he said didn’t quite make sense. he was talking about dying at eichen. he was clearly not dead. “wait. when did you die? you escaped eichen. when scott & the others broke lydia out, your cell was open & empty.” chris wasn’t quite sure what to make of all this. peter didn’t need to lie, his hatred for scott didn’t just thrive on eichen, he’d had it long before & it was no secret. so, why the stories? it wasn’t like him. 
“i suppose it’s good eichen is out of business.” it’d been a hard blow, but with all the inmates having been murdered, they closed down the supernatural ward, as fas as chris was told. not that he knew a lot about it. it’d been gerard’s connections & with him out of the picture, eichen was left on its own. “he was a kid, you killed people, you tried to kill him & those he loved. you’re the villain in his story - as he is in yours. one of you has to be the man for it to stop.” or they would keep trying to kill each other over & over. “would your friend want you to die for something that happened so long ago?” this juliet.. hound.. thing seemed to be fond of peter, it stuck by his side after all. 
“suicide is not the answer, peter.” it was that, basically. picking a fight he knew he couldn’t win. “don’t make me do this, please.” chris wouldn’t have a choice, allison wouldn’t let scott get hurt & what did chris have left other than the memory of her? “she died to save his life.” fuck. he didn’t mean to let emotions wash over him, not here - not now. “peter, please. think again. eye for an eye & the world goes blind. you know that.”
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codexargentum · 2 years
Peter looked at him as if Chris was crazy. “Dogs? Are you comparing dogs to Juliet? Do you compare them to Parish too?” He rolled his eyes clearly annoyed with that statement. “She’s smarter than that. I could tell her to go to the nearby gas station and get my a bottle of wine and she would do it.” He crouched in front of her and asked her “Can you read? I wonder if you would be able to read brands.” He asked Juliet, who growled in response but she always growled in response, the trick was in telling a growl from another. “I guess only Crowley could answer that now…” he whispers lowering his gaze. He missed him, missed him so much that it hurt.
Chris and he…they had a complicated history, a painful history he had fought to forget and moved on from and he had succeeded with the help of Crowley without the demon even knowing about it. He should’ve told him, should have told him everything, pour his heart out to his lover, but it was too late now. He was alone with his pain once more and he doubted he’d find someone like Crowley to help him with it but…maybe, perhaps, he could rely on Christopher once more.
“I don’t hate you, Chris,” he starts standing up. “Be a dear and fetch my shirt, darling.” He says to Juliet who, without a sound, moves past him to grab his shirt. Returning moments later with it in her mouth, though all that could be seen was a floating shirt. Peter took it and put it on. He probably smelled like her if another werewolf was to smell him, but he didn’t care. Juliet stayed and he would kill anyone who dared touch her.
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“Let’s say I…found the one and…” he hesitated. He trusted Chris, he was just wounded by him, but, right now? He did needed to talk. Maybe not with many details, but some of it. Get it out of his chest. “That  one person is gone forever, no hopes of me bringing them back.” He shook his head and laughed almost maniacally. “Don’t worry, as soon as I’m done grieving I’m exercising my revenge on Scott. We are not friends, Chris, he and I are enemies. You, of all people, should know what he did to me. He, who claims to be a saint. He will die by my hands.”
“you said dogs don’t understand, but they do.” he didn’t compare anybody to anything, he was just stating facts. “i don’t think she’s like parrish unless she’s got a human form, too.” parrish was practically human & not invisible. “does she... can she turn visible?” it seemed she couldn’t talk, which spoke more towards dog than human. hmm. he could a name from that, crowley. it didn’t ring any bells, must be someone peter met while away. 
chris stopped when peter addressed him, hope flaring up within. maybe he’d still get a chance to make up for his mistakes. he spun back around to watch the floating shirt & it made him smile a little. if an ordinary human witnessed that hellhound floating objects around, they’d think ghosts were haunting beacon hills. though he assumed that would still be a better reason for people to be afraid, other than some monster plague invading their home town. 
peter had every right to hate him, but knowing he didn’t.. despite everything his family had done to him. yeah, it helped ease the guilt somewhat. chris was not his family, not anymore. he tried so hard to do the right thing & it cost him everything he ever cared about. almost everything. chris had been at that point where he thought it didn’t matter if he lived or died, at that same point peter seemed to be at right now. he thought he could get his revenge, fix the issue with kate & lay down his life for the greater good. but that wasn’t how life worked. 
he ran into peter that same night & it woke something within him chris had spent the past twenty years. fate worked in mysterious ways. just like they were destined to meet again now, giving chris the chance to talk some sense into him. peter found.. love? elsewhere? protest died on the hunter’s lips the second it formed & he gave a soft sigh. “i’m sorry you had to go through that. i’m not saying i know how that feels, but.. i’m sorry.” he’d lost a child, knew that pain, but a soulmate? he loved victoria, but she’d been far from ..that. “peter, peter stop. you think your... crowley? would’ve wanted you to die? who will look after her.” pointing at the invisible mass somewhere around peter, “if you get yourself killed?” finding purpose in life again, that was step one after loss. chris had gone through it after allison. “i know you’re angry. i’ve been there. but if you come for scott, everybody will be after you. both of you.” would peter force his hand? they took peter down before, he knew. would he try his luck a third time in the name of revenge? 
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codexargentum · 2 years
“A hell hound, my companion,” he didn’t call Juliet a pet ever because she was more than that. Way more. She was a friend, his only friend. The only being he could rely on blindly. He sounded tired tough, like he had given up, and, honestly, he didn’t have the strength to put on his usual mask to hide what he was feeling. Not like anyone cared about him, only Crowley did and Crowley was gone. So he sighs. “She follows my command, she’s not a dog, she understands what I’m saying. Honestly? She’s just an improvement to this goddamn town. She’ll know before anyone else if there’s a threat incoming and little will stand in the way of a hell hound.”
“Look at her size tough,” he says patting her back so Chris could see her size more or less. “I won’t leave her behind so I’m staying here. This is home anyways. I’ve been cleaning it up, I don’t need more than that.” Here they could run together and train, here he didn’t have to worry about the neighbors, here they were free. The place smelled like fire and smoke but it was home. His last home hadn’t been safe after his lover’s demise and this probably wasn’t safe either but it was safer-ish. Derek had stayed here for a while too, probably for different reasons but the fact remained that these ruins were home and their only memory of their loved ones.
At Chris latest question, he turns his eyes from the invisible creature to the man. Glancing at him momentarily before looking away. “Talk? About what? What’s bothering me? No, thanks. I’ll never show weakness in this town, that’s a clear mistake. I’m fine, I’m alive, aren’t I? That’s enough.” It was enough for him because Crowley was gone, he wasn’t alive anymore and the memory had him wanting to cry again.
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“No, Christopher, I’m staying here. I’ve lost enough, this place is a good reminder. It’s grounding.” He says leaning against a wall which creaks dangerously. He looks up at the stars and feels like crying. Juliet knows, she whines and Peter looks down at her, at where she should be and blindly reaches forward to pet her. “I’ll be fine now.” He tells her.
“dogs understand what you’re saying, too.” not that it made much of a difference, but chris found himself a little speechless finding out that hell had actual hounds who were invisible & massive - not like parrish, who was.. human, mostly. which raised another question: why was he friends with a hellhound ...hound?  chris hadn’t seen peter in years, not since eichen. he heard peter had been a help with the wild hunt, but he didn’t know if that was true. “how did you two meet?” he was truly curious, trying to piece together peter’s life after eichen. of course he knew when peter escaped, they all did. but nobody saw him after that, so it didn’t really matter. 
part of him hoped that peter would come find him, maybe to finish the job... so chris could tell him the truth, about everything. but he didn’t & chris knew he shouldn’t have expected anything else. 
pain wafted off the wolf & chris didn’t need to be a werewolf to know it. he knew pain, he knew loss. if anybody could understand.. it was him. peter was not okay. clearly. “i know i’m the last person you wanna see, or talk to.. but i know loss. if you change your mind, you know where to find me.” chris knew better than to push. he didn’t feel like talking when allison died, either. admittedly, he had nobody to talk to who could grasp the intensity of the pain he felt, but still. 
he eyed the other for a little while longer, observing the exchange between the two. hm. what happened to him? the hunter spun around slowly to leave, the wolf’s last chance to catch him before he left..
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