rwylm-things · 22 days
Penance [6]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader
Words: 12,153
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, a little bit of angst, fluff, mentions of death, canon violence
Summary: ❝Thesus: Stop. Give me your hand. I am your friend. Herakles: I fear to stain your clothes with blood. Thesus: Stain them. I don’t care.❞
It’s been a month and a half since Crane’s reign of terror was stopped, leaving Gotham to finally return to normal. But, what is normal? After everything Jason and you have been through, it seems normal might be some unobtainable dream state. But that’s not going to stop either of you from trying and maybe, you’ll get lucky in the end. At the end of it, the two of you have suffered enough, right?
A/N: We're getting into a little bit more fluff for a bit after this!! lol You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary  and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
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You're on your side facing Jason as your hand laces through his white streak of hair. Jason's eyes look up, watching the strands fall back onto his forehead before he scrucnhes his nose at you and takes your hand in his. His fingers interlace with yours before he kisses the top of your hand.
He thinks of what life could have been like had he hadn't gone to Crane. It's a bit funny because Jason didn't think too much about a life after the manor. Not far into the future but it was always looked at as more of a backup plan. Bruce would inevitably get tired of him and Jason would need a plan to survive. His plans were never anything more than survival-based. But, he has his hand in yours and you're giving him this look that makes him want to melt into his sheets. And he thinks about what it could be like now if you can keep this up, talk it out eventually.
You let him think about a possible future that is not survival-based. Instead, he thinks about fixing up the place and you helping in exchange for some food -- which you would have done anyway. And you'd bring him food on your nights off and he'd bring you food. You'd be a team again. He thinks about being able to come home to you every single night and that very thought makes him feel alive again.
You smile softly at him while Jason finds a yawn fighting its way to the surface.
"Sleep." You whisper to him as your eyes look over his face. "I'll be here when you wake up."
"You sure?" Jason asks, his voice already drenched with sleep.
He doesn't want to sleep. He rarely ever wants to sleep but tonight it's because tomorrow will come and he has no clue where you will stand in the morning light. He just wants to be here but sleep is calling and it always came so easy with you beside him.
You nod your head. "You still get nightmares?" You ask softly. "Especially after what happened tonight?" Jason's eyes dodge to your hands before he nods and looks back to you. "Get some sleep then, Jay." You press a kiss to his forehead. "I promise I'll be here when you wake up. And if you have a nightmare, I'll wake you up, promise."
"Thanks." Jason says softly, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you into him.
Jason falls asleep pretty quickly so after half an hour, you slither out of his grasp and get out of bed. You kind of just left Tim so you want to check on him. But, you won't just leave Jason high and dry. You take his phone and call him on Facetime with yours. You prop his phone up to overlook his bed just so you can keep an eye on him. If you know anything about Jason's sleeping patterns, it's that he will have some sort of nightmare tonight and you'll run right back here.
You make your way back to Jason's training room where you find Tim seated at the table. Tim is facing the board where Jason has some of the equations for Shimmer's heist written. He seems to be in thought but you interrupt anyway.
"Hey." You greet with a half-smile.
"Hey." Tim greets, his smile warm.
"What're you doing?" You ask as you take a seat next to him and set your phone up to lean against a stack of books Jason has on the table so you can see your screen. Tim looks over his shoulder, watching you and you raise a brow. He knows for sure you and Jason are just weird.
"Thinking how I'm gonna get that guy." Tim lets out a sigh.
You nod softly. "You'll get him, we'll help." You offer him a bit of reassurance.
"Thanks, I appreciate it." Tim shakes his head before he turns to face the table. He points at your screen. "What's that about?"
You let out a sigh with the shake of your head, seeing Jason perfectly still on his bed. "If you tell anyone, I will kill you." You threaten and something about it almost makes Tim think you might be serious.
If it were anyone else, you would never admit to anything. If it were almost anyone else, you would have just stayed with Jason but it's Tim. And Tim is the new Robin. Being a vigilante is cool and all, real rewarding and Tim can see the physical scars. He literally died. You know he understands the weight and the consequences but he has not seen the emotional and mental side of being a vigilante. Of being Robin. Maybe he needs to know in order to be prepared so he can reach out for help.
"I won't." Tim assures you.
"I'm only telling you this because you're the new Robin and I think it's important that you know some of that shit that will come with it. I don't expect it to change your mind or anything like that. I just want you to be prepared because Dick wasn't and Jason wasn't." You explain while Tim's face contorts into worry. "He's having a bad night and he has nightmares from everything that's happened, even before he died. It's rough, ya know? So, uh, wanted to check on you but I promised him I'd be there when he woke up. If he has a nightmare, I gotta be there." You shrug a shoulder. "So, I called myself on FaceTime."
Tim lets out a soft laugh. "What are you gonna do when he notices the call?" Tim asks.
"I'm gonna delete the call log, of course." You let out a laugh. "He doesn't need to know."
Tim's smile falls and he'd have never guessed Jason was having a difficult time. Tim doesn't know him well but Jason seems okay to him. "Is it that bad?"
You shrug because honestly...you don't know. You just started talking again. You hate that you don't know. "Guess so." You finally answer. "Uh, with, uh, not talking...I-I don't know." Your brows pull together. "I mean, he died and was thrown into Red Hood and Scarecrow. It was probably terrifying. I'm sure he's processing it but it's been a while." You pull in a breath as you tug the sleeves of your hoodie over your hands.
"I'm sorry you guys haven't talked." Tim says quietly.
"Yeah..." You swallow thickly. "Look, Tim, you're gonna be a great Robin." You offer him a sad smile. "But, I'm telling you this because you're my friend and I saw Dick before he found Nightmare and I saw Jason as Robin and after. Don't let becoming Robin take over your life. You are Tim Drake first. It'll destroy you and your life if you let it consume you. It's awesome and it's cool but be careful."
"It's kind of the coolest thing though. I wanted to be Robin and I chose it." Tim explains. "I'll be fine." Tim says it with confidence and it feels like you're being stabbed.
"You will be. I'm just saying. You gotta let it go sometimes." You nod softly. "Jason let it become this...part of him and without it, he felt like he wasn't anything. Part of that is always going to be on Bruce. And part of that is just...Jason. But...it got him killed so I just...you're gonna be great but don't let it be everything because it'll destroy you." You suck in a breath before you glance to your phone.
He's not going to be Jason. He's learned from watching Dick and Jason and he won't be them. He respects them both and he looks up to them but going after the Joker alone was a horrible decision. It was reckless, thoughtless. Tim won't do that. But, his heart aches for you knowing you're only warning him because of your point of view. Now, he understands what Jason meant by you having a bad opinion of Robin. Robin to you is covered in blood.
Tim nods with understanding. "I won't." Tim promises you. "Can't believe he was really killed." Tim shakes his head softly. "He was Robin, I mean." Tim pauses for a second. "And then Dick." He shakes his head.
"Yeah, me either." You let out a sigh before you move your hair over your shoulder, still damp from the shower.
"Think he'll be okay? Honestly." Tim asks.
"Yeah." You suck in a deep breath. "He'll be okay one day but until then, I'll be here looking after him just to make sure." You regret not being here for him before.
You know Jason has had Bruce. You're still not thrilled with him but...Jason always looked up to him and it's not really your business. You know Jason has Gar and Molly and Dick to talk to. But, you regret not being one of the people he could lean on. You know it's for the best because you can't balance your own trauma and his all the time and he understands. But, you regret it anyway.
"Can I ask you something?" Tim asks bluntly.
"Sure?" You raise a brow at him.
"What's going on with you guys?" Tim questions, gaining the smallest smile that almost turns a little cheeky. You shake your head at him once before your brows tug together. "I'm just asking...you two seem..." Tim pauses, eyes looking to the ceiling and then back to you. "Normal?"
You let out a snort before it turns into a groan. "Yeah...feels kind of normal in a way. I don't know." You shrug. "Thought time would, uh, fix it, I guess. So, we're just...trying to be friends now." You can't help but feel like those words don't seem quite right.
"Oh? Just friends?" Tim mocks you as he glances to your phone.
"Yes." You groan. "It's a thing, I don't know. He's still sorting his shit out, clearly." You blink at Tim. "And so am I...and I'm...a little bit still mad at him and myself so..." You suck in a breath. "Until I can get the fuck over it, friends."
It's easier to tell Tim because he has no loyalty to Jason. Tim doesn't even really know him. Telling Molly almost feels like you're dragging her into your drama and that's not fair. Molly is both of your friends and you've both put her in the middle enough. The same goes for Gar. It feels like you'd be putting Gar in the middle and he'll say he understands but it wasn't really Jason. That doesn't make any of it better.
"What're you mad at him for?" Tim asks.
"Fucking all of it." You let out a scoff as you shrug your shoulders. "We were supposed to be a team and he didn't tell me any of it. I fucking get it, right? Because if he told me, I'd talk him out of it or I'd join him. Or it'd be him confirming to himself that he's not good enough or something. Like I fucking get why he didn't tell me. And I know he did not go out and die on purpose but I'm still so mad because..." You grind your teeth."It was fucking stupid." You huff. "I mean he's smart as hell and...then he just...did that. Like did he not learn from Deathstroke and Dr. Light how this ends?" You can feel the burning start behind your eyes while you bite it back. "It was selfish of him to go off on his own knowing what could happen." You shake your head.
"I don't think he meant for it to be selfish though." Tim offers. "He did know what he was doing." Tim tries his best to offer something in response. "It was the Joker, greater good kind of thing."
"The Joker was not greater good. He did it to prove a point to Bruce." You bite back because you'd love if that were Jason's motive but you know it wasn't. It was always about Bruce and Dick. "I know." You let out a bitter laugh. "I know he wasn't doing it to be selfish which is why I feel guilty for being mad. I know he didn't mean to be selfish or leave me behind or hurt me or die or hurt anyone. I know. But that doesn't make it hurt any less." You roll your eyes. "I'm not...like...furious just...mad sometimes because it still hurts." You confess softly while your eyes go back to your phone.
You forgive him. Every day you forgive him. It's not all that. It's just that it hurts. It hurts thinking about everything that happened. You're the one that ends up feeling selfish, as if this is not your trauma to grieve over because he's alive. It feels like it belongs to Jason and it's not your place so then you feel more guilty and it turns to anger. You have so much hurt and you have no idea where to put it.
"Do think you can forgive him then?" Tim asks. "I mean, he did try to kill like all of you and...everything." Tim clears his throat. "He seems like he's been trying to come back from that."
"I do." You answer simply. "I forgave the second it all happened because Jason Todd is never malicious unwarranted. He's kind and has a heart of gold. It just hurts. It's the realization that what we do is dangerous. We go out every night and we intentionally put ourselves in front of bullets and bombs and knives. And it fucking hurts knowing one of us will not come home one day. And I'm so fucking mad at him for dying. Even if that's not fair to him. So, I forgive him. It just hurts." You shake your head. "So, I chose space."
"What's worse then?" Tim asks. "Thinking one of you won't make it out one day and not talking or actually spending your time together and working it out?" He asks it on purpose because your reason, to him, sounds like a load of bullshit.
Your eyes narrow slightly at him. "I know." You groan. "I know."
"So, instead of telling me this shit that contradicts itself over and over, why didn't you call him? Why are you sitting here with me and not with him?" Tim shakes his head and cuts you off before you can answer. "You were all upset that day at Excellent Gotham because he wasn't answering his phone. It just sounds like a waste of time to me." Tim's voice grows a little bitter as he glances to your phone.
You know damn well part of Tim's impatience is Bernard. Tim's boyfriend is in a coma meanwhile Jason got brought back to life and the two of you chose not to talk despite it all. It does seem very unfair.
"Sorry." You say quietly. "We're, uh...we'll figure it out. There's no way I could go back to not talking to him." You nod at Tim softly. "I'm sorry about Bernard."
"I hope you guys figure it out soon. Everyone agrees, too, by the way." Tim lets out a soft chuckle earning a subtle smile from you. "Just...I wish I had even one extra day with Bernard if we can't figure it out and I don't think I need to be telling you that."
It is really stupid. You know that and you have a feeling Jason does, too. One day just turns into forty-five. Time keeps moving even when it feels like your own world has stopped completely.
"Yeah." You let out a soft sigh.
"How do you deal with this?" Tim questions. "Seeing him like this and getting hurt? I keep thinking about Bernard, worried about him all the time and not knowing what to do. It's hard seeing him like that and...I know he's freaked about me out there."
Seeing each other hurt is arguably the hardest part. There's never anything either one of you can do about it. But, that's just part of the job. You think it's easier for you because even if you think you'd undo it all if given the chance, you still put on the suit every night, too. It's a choice today and you do it anyway. The point is that you choose Jason and he chooses you. Everything in between doesn't really matter at the end of the day and that includes seeing each other hurt and being completely helpless.
"I choose him and he chooses me." You state as if the answer were obvious.
"What does that mean?"
"I mean we choose each other. I am here because I choose him and he'd have kicked me out a long time ago if he didn't choose me, too. Seeing someone you care about hurt all the time fucking sucks. It hurts and you're worried but it's something that they do. It means something to them so even though it sucks, you choose them. Choosing them means choosing the pain that tags along with it." You explain simply. "I know that's....ironic given our current state but, uh, that's the answer. I still choose him even when he is being an asshole." You say but there's a fond smile coming to your lips. "Even when he's training himself into the ground. And I know he chooses me. We choose each other and that makes it easier."
"I choose Bernard but I don't know if he's going to choose me after this." Tim confesses as you watch the defeat wash over his face. "I think it might get too hard for him."
"He knows you're a Titan and he does know what comes along with the whole vigilante thing." You offer with kindness. "I think he knows what he's getting into." You let out a soft laugh. "And it's gonna be hard." You widen your eyes at him. "You'll come home covered in blood and bruises one day and he'll clean you up but even if he brushes it off, you'll be able to tell he's worried about you."
"He didn't think I was ready."
"You weren't." You chortle. "You're lucky we found you. You'd be dead again if not." You nod your head.
"I'm not that bad." Tim groans.
"I could disarm you in less than five seconds and Jason could kill you in under one." You deadpan.
"Okay maybe I need a little help." Tim chuckles softly.
"You'll figure it out and Bernard sounds great anyway. It'll be hard for both of you but like...it's also the easiest thing I've ever done. So, you'll figure it out." You assure him.
"Yeah..." Tim lets out a sigh. "He is pretty great."
"Bring him to Gotham when you fix him. I'd love to meet him." You smile widely.
"Please, don't hurt him." Tim blinks at you.
"I won't." You cackle. "Unless he's actually like a shit person then I'll be obligated." You tease Tim.
"Thanks." Tim rolls his eyes back. "You should get back to Jason. I'm fine. Thanks for checking on me and talking." Tim nods his head a few times as he gestures towards your phone.
"Yeah." You sigh before you get to your feet, grabbing your phone. "Thanks for the talk, too, by the way." You offer him a gentle smile. "Get some sleep, Tim. Got more training and shit to do tomorrow." You scrunch your nose as you head for the door.
"Goodnight." Tim nods softly at you.
"Goodnight, Tim."
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Jason wakes up early in the morning, the sun peaking through the blinds of his bedroom. His arm is wrapped around your shoulders as your head is rested on his chest. A tender smile pulls at his lips and he's shocked he didn't have a nightmare. He swears, this time, it's because you were here. Despite his hatred for being exposed, you have always made him feel more comfortable. Jason is capable of taking care of himself and he's proven that time and time again but when he's alone, when he's with others, he doesn't feel safe.
The first thing Jason does whenever encountering another person, even just walking past them on a street, is look for a weapon of some sort. Jason knows every entrance and exit of every building he's ever going into with a thought-out escape plan and a backup plan just in case. He doesn't like his back to windows or doors, hates turning his back to other people. Being killed has skyrocketed his paranoia and that seeps into his dreams and his sleep. But, with you, he doesn't feel that sense of paranoia.
You're always on guard, too. Jason's always noticed it. You sit at the far booth at Excellent Gotham because you don't like people sitting behind you. You always kept two knives in your nightstand drawer and hid a few around the room Jason is sure you don't realize he knew about. Something about you always being on guard, makes him not feel so alone in it. Different experiences but same responses. Jason can handle himself just fine but with you around, he knows you'd come between him and anything and everything that ever even looked at him funny. He hates that part but it does make him feel safer. Two against one. Unbeatable force. Just him and you.
You stir awake slowly. Whenever you're worried about him because he's having a hard night, you don't sleep as heavy. You're always on guard for him. Your eyes peek open before you look up to him. He gives you this awkward smile that makes your stomach twist.
"Morning." Jason's morning voice hits your ears and you want him to talk forever.
"Morning." You echo.
"Thanks for staying." Jasn's voice is quiet as his fingers trace lightly over your t-shirt-covered shoulder.
You hum softly, a tender smile tugging at your lips. Your eyes close as you snuggle closer to his chest. "I'll always stay if you ask."
Jason pulls you closer to him and he almost kisses the top of your head but that's not his place. The reality is that he knows last night was probably a one-time thing. You can't go from not speaking to suddenly fixing it all in one night. It just doesn't work that way and as much as he hates the whole talking thing, there's a lot you would have to talk about beforehand. He worries that talk would change your mind if you wanted this to go somewhere. So, he just holds you close to him and lives in this moment, cherishing it for all it's worth.
Your thumb runs over his side softly as you process your conversation with Tim from the night before. There's a lot you left out in the conversation. It's not as easy as just blurting out that you love him and it's the easiest thing you've ever done. Things are complicated now. Everything is tangled in hurt. There was something so special about the night before with Jason and it felt like it should. Just him and you, there for each other no matter what. You think it may have healed a part of your soul. Molly asked if you were done punishing yourself and you are not but...maybe it can be a start because for some reason, he forgives you.
"I'm sorry." You whisper.
Jason's brows pull together as he looks down to you. "For what?"
"Everything." You say, making sure to not look up to him.
"I don't..." Jason pauses. "What do you mean?" Jason questions.
"Stuff with Crane, not calling."
"It's okay." Jason says immediately, not sure what you're so sorry for when it comes to Crane. "Not really your fault."
You finally look up to him. "I wasn't all that right though." You admit. "I hurt you and I just...I'm sorry, Jay."
"It's okay." Jason assures you.
In Jason's mind, you don't have anything to apologize for. Everything you did, you did for him. You did it to protect him, to help him. If it weren't for Jason's decisions, none of it would have happened. He hopes you aren't beating yourself up too much over this. You don't deserve it.
"We'll figure it out, right?" You ask, making sure you're on the same page without having to ask anything else.
Jason nods with a smile. "Yeah, we usually do."
You give him a tender smile. "Good, cause, uh, it'd be nice to get...back to something." You pull in a breath and you watch as Jason's face relaxes.
"Would be." Jason offers you grin. "You and me?"
"You and me." You beam back at him before Jason pulls you into him once more.
Jason chuckles softly. "Well, we should probably get up then." Jason states. "Got a plan for the day."
"Which is?" You ask without making an attempt to get up.
"Let the group find me." Jason states casually.
Your eyes close for a second before you push off of his chest to sit all the way up. You blink at him a few times, waiting and hoping for the punchline to leave his mouth. Unfortunately, Jason just blinks back at you.
"That sounds fucking stupid." You scoff, almost certain he's lost his mind again.
"Thank you." Jason quips back. "We throw Tim to the wolves, watch from the shadows." Jason says it so casually as if this is something he does all the time.
"Uh-huh." You nod your head. "And hope he improved?"
"You know he has." Jason quips back. "We train a bit, get ready to patrol again, and kind of set him up to work on his own here before we leave. He's gotta learn to do it on his own before we send him back and he's gonna go back tomorrow." Jason explains his side as he sits up, resting his hands behind him.
"No, yeah, no I agree." You nod. You hate the idea, especially since Jason is already paranoid. Letting Shimmer's gang find him sets off a major red flag but you figure you'll go along with it for now. "Alright, follow your lead."
The two of you get up and get dressed before you head down to the training room where you find Tim, you starting to wonder if he ever sleeps. Though, if he doesn't, you can't say you blame him. Worrying can be a bit tiring but it has a habit of keeping people wide awake. The three of you get your breakfast going, this time just a few bowls of cereal with coffee. Once everyone is done with your food, the three of you get ready for training.
You start how you did before, Jason taking the first round which naturally led Tim to get hit in the face and knocked down more than a few times but Tim always gets right back up. You take the second turn and something similar happens but Tim is able to stay on his feet longer and he's able to block more. He's improving and quickly.
After a few rounds of sparing, Jason gets Tim connected to some weights to try and tug them while he tries to reach Jason. Tim ends up falling backwards while Jason and you laugh and then you take a turn. You work on weapon work for another hour after that, split between his staff and knife/blade throwing. Tim much prefers his staff but he does as told and his aim really isn't bad. Once you're done there, you go back to sparring for another hour, this time, the three of you against each other.
Jason attacks Tim first as you go for Jason and then once Tim fends off Jason, he goes for you. The three of you split your time trying to get the others down. Tim finds his footing a bit better this time, choosing to focus most of his attention on you at first. He only uses defence against Jason figuring you aren't a better fighter, you'll be easier to get down even with your clairvoyance. Tim's been mentally taking notes of everything Jason does in order to beat you and he applies to his fighting. It takes Tim a little while but he's able to grab your arm just as you come for him and he flips you onto the ground. He's back on his feet in seconds before Jason can make his move.
You move yourself to the side and you watch, happy with your friend. You easily could have gotten back up, you could have turned the tables on him but the point is that he got you down and now he just needs to get there with Jason. And then Jason gets Tim down and offers Tim a hand. Jason being Jason, doesn't let go of Tim's hand once Tim is on his feet. Instead, Jason twists Tim's arm behind his back and Tim lets out a yell before Tim punches Jason in the face, sending Jason's head back and loosening his grip just enough for Tim to get free. Tim twists Jason's arm behind his back and just as Jason goes to elbow him in the face, Tim blocks him and flips Jason onto his back. Before Tim can land the lasting punch, Jason throws Tim off to the side and gets to his knee. The two of them match their positions, breathing heavily while you clap softly.
"Look at you, Tim!" You cheer.
Jason looks behind Tim to you and offers you a gentle glare before he gets to his feet, Tim following immediately, unsure if they're still sparring. "Good." Jason nods at him with sincerity. "Now that you're warmed up, suit up and meet us downstairs." Jason states as he turns his back to start leaving the room.
You get to your feet to start following Jason.
"Suit up?" Tim questions as you walk past him.
"You're Robin, aren't you?" You quip as you put a hand on his shoulder.
"So, suit up." You shrug your shoulders before spinning on your heels and following Jason out.
You and Jason meet back in his room, Jason already grabbing his gear by the time you get there.
"He alright?" Jason asks, not looking over his shoulder.
"Yeah." You laugh softly. "He did pretty well, I think." You grab your case with your suit against the wall.
"Guess we'll find out. They should be here soon."
"I still think this is stupid, Jay." You warn him. "What're you gonna do now that they know where you live? Does that not seem like a flaw in your plan?"
Jason looks over his shoulder and raises his brows at you. "Nope."
To Jason, it doesn't really matter. Shimmer's gang has been relocating every few days, constantly staying on the move now that they know Red Hood is after them. Jason could track them down but he's been a little busy lately and this way is easier. This way, they come right to him, thinking they've outsmarted the Red Hood. They'll come in all confident, Tim will get some training, and Jason will kill them anyway. It's a win for everyone.
"Ah," You nod your head, finally putting the pieces together. "You know, if Tim knew, he would not be happy and neither would Dick."
Jason turns around fully, his gear in hand. "What? You suddenly get a fucking moral compass or some shit?"
"No." You let out a scoff. "I'm just saying." You shrug. "You lure them here to train Tim and then you kill them after." You think that's also dumb. Dick is gonna be pissed and Tim will be mad. Maybe keeping the peace while Tim is still in town is a good idea.
"Was going to anyway." Jason shrugs his shoulders.
"Obviously." You scoff again.
Of all people, Jason didn't expect you to give him a hard time about it. You share the same moral compass. Jason knows the reason you're the vigilante you are today is because you were thrown to the wolves. Between Deathstroke and Cadmus breaking into the tower, the stuff with Jerry, you had to do it on your own. Jason had to do it on his own and so did Dick and Bruce. Sometimes, that's how it has to be done and he expects you to understand even if you don't agree with the method. If Tim knows you're going to be there to bail him out, he'll never understand the gravity of anything.
Jason doesn't want another Robin killed either.
"Look, he's not gonna know unless you tell him." Jason scoffs back. "And didn't you involve Gar? You didn't seem to give a fuck then."
"That was different." You huff with the roll of your eyes.
"Because you did it and I'm doing it. But, I'm doing it to train Tim and make sure he doesn't get himself killed." Jason grinds his teeth and he's not entirely sure why this is even annoying him but it is. Maybe the paranoia and anxiety of this situation is starting to chew at him.
You nod your head, looking to the floor, realizing why. "No." You look back to him. "Jay, he's not you." You suck in a breath.
You think about how Tim would never go after the Joker by himself and he wouldn't go to Crane. You think about how Tim does have the Titans on his side and he has since day one, unlike Jason. Unlike Jason, Tim has a whole team to back him. Tim has a lot to prove but it's different. You think his differences from Jason and Dick will save his life.
"I mean that just because it happened to you, doesn't mean it'll happen to him." Your voice is small as your eyes finally meet his.
"Our job is to make sure it doesn't." Jason nods his head once. "Look, I'll call Babs, have her to take care of 'em just until Tim's outta town."
You nod in agreement. "That's a far better plan. Not sure what you'll do about Shimmer knowing where you live."
"I'll handle it."
"Mhm." You hum, unconvinced.
"Don't worry so fucking much." Jason offers you a grin, earning him an eye roll.
"Stop making me worry." You raise your brows at him.
You turn around and head for the bathroom down the hall to change, leaving Jason to change on his own. In all fairness, he really didn't think too much about how it would affect Tim if he knew what Jason's plan was anyway. The end result would be the same regardless. Jason has enough faith in Tim for this to go in his favor. He didn't think it would matter too much but it does. He knows eventually him and Dick will butt heads again over this, hopefully, it'll blow over again. He knows him and Bruce will always be at odds with it. It's just complicated and he wishes it weren't.
You and Jason meet in the hallway, Tim already downstairs. The two of you head for the stairwell and lean against the wall to watch the show.
"Security alert." The computer calls from the speakers, gaining Tim's attention. "Permiter intrusion." The computer says while Tim walks over to the laptop on the counter.
"There's the asshole." A man states once inside the building. "Get him."
Two men and two woman charge Tim from the front just as Tim pulls out his staff but before he gets it ready, another man comes up from behind him and attacks him, shoving him to the ground.
"Shimmer sends her regards." The man behind Tim states.
Right before the man can land a kick to Tim's head, Tim spins around and gets up to his feet. Tim blocks and gets a few hits in quickly but three of them jump him and he gets down on the ground. You take a step forward before Jason grabs your arm, shaking his head at you. You widen your eyes at him but Jason keeps his grip.
Tim gets back on his feet as they keep attacking him but then, Tim lands a solid hit to one of them. And then another and another one. He picks up some of the stuff on the floor and uses them as weapons to keep his distance from them. They're still able to get him on the ground again but this time, Tim does a better job at fending them off until he's back on his feet.
He uses a chair as a weapon this time, he uses it to pin one of the men to the wall while he punches one of the women until she backs away. Tim focuses on the man against the wall and he gets him down. The last man is quick though and he grabs Tim. Tim tries to fight him off but the man grabs Tim by the neck and picks him up, pinning him against the wall while he tries to strangle him. You try to help again but Jason lightly pulls you back and shakes his head.
"He's fine." He whispers. "You can't bail him out."
"He's being strangled." You whisper through gritted teeth.
"Give him a minute." Jason urges, nodding his head towards Tim just as Tim grabs the lightbulb from above him and smashes it on the man's head, sending him to the ground.
Tim pulls himself up using the counter but before he can catch his breath, the last woman grabs Tim and pulls him back before smashing him against the counter. Tim grabs the laptop this time and uses it to finish off the last two people. He gets them both down quickly but with a lot of effort. Jason smiles at you before he lets you go.
"Told you." Jason states before he starts walking down the stairs
"Uh-huh." You nod your head before you roll your eyes as you follow him, feeling relieved Jason was right.
"Hey." Jason calls as him and you make your way to Tim. "You owe me a new laptop." Jason points at Tim, still closing the distance between them. "The dustbuster I'll forget about cause it was broken anyways."
"You were watching and didn't help?!" Tim looks at the two of you, still catching his breath and very clearly unhappy.
"Actually, I'm surprised it took Shimmer's gang this long to get here after I let them triangulate my location." Jason states as he walks past Tim, looking around at the people knocked out on the floor.
"Let them?!" Tim questions, still very annoyed and even feeling a little betrayed. He could been seriously hurt or worse!
Jason turns around. "You learn by doing." Jason states, closing the distance between them. "Not being coddled." Jason sticks out his hand, shaking Tim's. "You're welcome." Jason states before he walks past Tim. "Nicely done." Jason calls from further down the hallway.
"Thanks." Tim states before he looks to you. "Is he always like that?"
You laugh softly before you nod your head. "You get used to him." You give a soft smile. "You did well though."
"I got my ass kicked. They could have killed me."
"Oh, we were watching the entire time. Actually," You state. "I wanted to jump in but Jason stopped me. He was right, ya know? You can handle yourself." You beam at him. "You're gonna be a great Robin, Tim." You say as you start walking past him. "Come on, we got your guy to find." You call before Tim is quick behind you, feeling confident in his role as Robin.
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The three of you get back a few hours later, Tim a little defeated with not finding Venta but in good spirits overall. Being able to fight off Shimmer's gang has proven to do a lot for his confidence. He was able to fight off four people all by himself which is something he could not have done a few days ago. And his interrogation skills have also gotten significantly better. Jason has actually enjoyed watching him grow.
It's different seeing someone else in the suit. Growing up, he got to see Dick be Robin and that was cool enough. A kid got to go out with Batman and kick ass. But, Dick was always...unobtainable. How he carried himself as Robin, the flips, his fighting, everything he did was always so perfect. It was different because he was the first and he set such a high standard. Jason got to fill that role and he knows he was good at it. Different than Dick, but good. Suddenly, Robin wasn't unobtainable, he was real and tangible. Now, though, with Tim, Jason is seeing everything he failed at as Robin and how he got in his own way.
If Jason were set up like this, he would have been livid. He would have put up hell and not listened. He would have gotten in his own way to not learn anything because he knew best and no one believed he was good enough. It would take a few days alone for him to be able to swallow his own pride and get over it. Tim though, he just...listens. He takes notes and he works relentlessly. He's incredibly smart, too which is going to benefit him. Over the last few days, any bit of jealousy or bitterness Jason was biting down has vanished.
Tim's going to be a better Robin.
Once the three of you get changed, Jason lets Tim know it's probably best he head out. Apparently, Dick texted him and he needs him back in Metropolis by tomorrow. So, the three of you get everything squared away and head down the hallway.
"Sorry I gotta kick you out." Jason states. "I have a rule about new Robins, five days max." Jason states as you finish your walk down the first flight of stairs, stopping on the landing to the next.
"It's all good." Tim says with a kindness in his voice. "I gotta get back anyway. Check on my boyfriend." Tim states as he stands by the stairs, Jason leaning against the railing while you stand right beside him.
"If we hear about your guy Venta, we'll hit you." Jason states. "Sorry, it was a bust."
"Yeah, sorry, it really sucks." You add in.
"I'm glad I came." Tim states, closing some of the distance between him and Jason. "I got to meet the great Red Hood." Tim says, lightly poking Jason's chest with the name.
Jason lets out a chuckle. "Was I on your fucking bucket list?"
"Kind of. Yeah." Tim chuckles sheepishly. "And I got to work with Bluejay, finally."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." You widen your eyes. "Not the first time."
"That was different." Tim chuckles.
"Well, good luck in Metropolis." Jason states. "And if shit hits the fan, just hide behind Raven and Starfire."
"Got it." Tim nods his head before he heads down them.
Jason and you start to make your way back from you came before Jason takes out a set of keys. "Enjoy the ride home." Jason states, tossing them over the railing, Tim catching them.
"Be safe and don't do anything stupid." You warn with a cheeky smile before you and Jason walk off.
The two of you get back to the training room, silence filling the air while Jason grabs a beer for himself and a blue Gatorade for you. You both stand in front of the board with the ciphers while Jason shakes his head.
Jason pulls out his phone before he presses Dick's contact. He sends Dick to speakerphone.
"How'd it go?" Dick asks without even a hello.
"Sending him back to you in one piece." Jason says.
"Didn't suspect a thing and he did great." You add in.
"Hope you didn't go too easy on him." Dick says.
"Don't worry, we didn't." Jason states. "And, Dick," Jason pauses, glacing to you and then back to the whiteboard. "He'll be a better Robin than me." Jason states before hanging up the phone and taking a drink of his beer before he walks off to the computers.
"Think he'll be a better Robin than you?" You question as you follow Jason over to the monitors before you take a seat, the Gatorade starting to sweat in your hands.
Jason sits beside you. "Don't you?"
You let out a sigh. "I don't know." You shrug. "He'll be incredible, like you just different."
Jason lets out a chuckle. "Right." Jason takes another drink as the room falls silent.
Tim is gone. He's officially going back to Metropolis which means it's up to you and Jaosn to keep talking on your own accord. You agreed to and you want to, it's just that, now it feels a little weird. You both have no obligation to hang out or talk again. You're living separate lives for the first time in a year. Neither of you like it too much, it just feels like you're fumbling over your own feet and neither of you have any idea what you're supposed to do. It was so much easier before you dated because at least you didn't know. You both had nothing to lose but now it feels like everything is on the line. All of your feelings were broadcast to each other and you saw each other for who you really are. You can't unsee it. It's weird trying to figure out where you're supposed to go from here.
You have to talk.
Jason clears his throat. "So..."
"So..." You echo, keeping your stare forward.
"Should we, uh, talk about last night?" Jason rips the bandaid off, hating the words as they leave his lips.
"Oh, uh, yeah, okay." You nod your head, sucking in a breath before you crack open the seal of the Gatorade. "W-what's, uh, what's up?"
Jason was hoping, you'd pick up the conversation even though he's the one that started it. He talked to Leslie about this and then he thought about it and regretted it all day. But, she had some advice and words of wisdom for him and he can't help but shake the thought that she's probably right. That is her job. If Jason doesn't want to be where he was two months ago, he needs to get help and he needs to actually accept it when it is given to him even if it's like swallowing glass.
"I, uh, just...we're good, right?" Jason asks.
"Yeah?" You furrow your brows at him.
Before, he was so ready to date you. It was easy. You were already basically dating and the more he thinks about the time you had, the more he realizes, you were dating before you were dating. You took your time to build a friendship and be comfortable in that before you got together. Yes, you both should have worked on all of your trauma first but it was comforting. It felt like you were both ready for something and you were, even if it didn't work out the first time. But, this time, it doesn't feel that way.
You're sitting here in silence because there's too much between you. Jason is still doing a lot of work to become someone he can live with. He's still trying to cope with everything that has happened. It's not him self-sabotaging this time. Leslie said if he's thinking this hard about it and he doesn't feel like he's ready, maybe he's not. Even if all he wants is you all the time. It wouldn't be fair to either of you if he's not ready.
Jason lets out a groan before he runs a hand through he white streak of hair. "I'm not ready for anything. I'm sorry." Jason blurts it out before he can back out.
Your heart plummets to your feet as a lump shoots up to your throat. You aren't either and you don't think you want anything now but it hurts.
"Oh, yeah." You nod quickly. "Me either." You nod in agreement. "It's just...still a lot to deal with. One time thing, last night."
"Yeah." Jason nods his head in agreement but he doesn't want you to pull away. He knows you better than anyone and he knows you want to. He sees it across your face, he could see it all week. He gets why everyone is worried about you. "You can say no." Jason starts, earning your full attention. "Do you just...wanna go back to before?" Jason asks softly. "Like fuck it, friends and still fuck with each other, ya know? Before it all went to shit and we just see where it goes again?" Jason takes a sip of his beer, trying to run the nerves from his shoulders. "Could've worked last time."
The lump in your throat starts to disappear as the weight starts to lift from your chest. "Yeah, yeah, I don't know if we could be friends any other way anyway." You smile softly. "And seeing where it goes would be nice." You feel your cheek start to warm.
"Yeah, guess we just can't help it, huh?" Jason chuckles, looking to the beer bottle in his hands.
"Reflex." You chuckle quietly. "Funny though, cause uh, this is like the third time we've agreed to be friends, Jay." You scrunch your nose at him. "In one way or another."
"Yeah." Jason gives you an awkward chuckle. "I wasn't sure what that meant to you."
"Me either." You admit with a laugh. "Just like before I guess." You roll your shoulders.
"Good cause I really don't think I could help it." Jason flashes you a quick smirk.
"That's because you're a shithead." You beam at him.
"Wouldn't have me any other way, babe." Jason quips back.
"Nope." You agree before you take a drink of the Gatorade. You pull out your phone, checking the time. "Well, I have to go, actually." You say softly as you get up.
"Molly?" Jason asks.
"No, actually." You shake your head. "Just...some stuff." You roll your shoulders.
Jason nods once, offering a raised brow. "Fucking ominous all of a sudden."
"Worried about me, Jay?" You quip with a cheeky grin.
"Maybe." Jason states but he doesn't match you with a grin or smirk this time.
"I'm fine. It's nothing. I'll text you though?" You offer with hopeful eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, alright." Jason shakes his head, deciding to bite the bullet. He doesn't want to be guessing when you'll meet up again. "You busy tomorrow?"
You feel a rush of heat spread across your cheeks. "If you count my usual run to Excellent Gotham and a movie with Molly, nope." You let out a soft laugh. "Why?"
"You're right, place is kind of a mess." Jason looks around and he's leaning his elbow back against the desk, trying his hardest to play it cool.
You see right through him. Something about Jason is despite his charisma, he can be really bad at trying to play cool. Half the time he just looks awkward and out of place. Somehow though, you find it that much more endearing.
"It is a mess." You nod in agreement.
"Wanna help me out with that?" Jason gives you a cheeky smile.
"You want me to help you clean with our renewed friendship?" You gasp, dramatically clutching your heart. "I feel so used!"
"Shut the fuck up." Jason groans, leaning forward before he lets out a laugh. "Come on, could be fun. Help me fix up the place."
"Dunno, Jay. Why would I wanna help?" You cross your arms but the corners of your mouth are tugged into a smile.
Jason knows he's won.
"Your track record says you'll be here more than you're home. Might as well help." Jason quips back.
He hopes you keep the same track record.
You laugh because you know he's probably right. You hope he's right.
"That's sounding more like an offer to come over whenever I want." You raise with the raise of your brows.
Jason shrugs softly. "Help me fix it up and you get a key and a code."
Your heart skips a beat as you look to your shoes, a smile splitting your face. "Fine." You look back at him as you roll your eyes sarcastically. "I guess you've convinced me."
Jason holds his head with pride as if it was some tough argument he won. "Text you the time then, we gotta get some supplies."
"Yeah, like a few gallons of bleach and home defense. I've seen like ten spiders and I'm not staying here anymore until they are dead." You gesture the Gatorade at him before you take another drink.
"Saw a centipede earlier." Jason lets out a chortle.
You shutter at the very thought. "I'm going the fuck home. You better find that thing and kill it so fucking help me. If I see one of those, I'm done."
Jason gives off this hearty laugh that you swear you can feel in your bloodstream. "You walk in front of fucking knives for fun, babe. A centipede?"
"First of all, knives don't have those fucking creepy legs, Jason." You say with a straight face. "If a meta shows up and they're like a centipede in any way, I will move out of the fucking city I'm so fucking serious. I would rather live in Central City or Metropolis." You nod your head quickly, your skin crawling the more you think about it.
"That's really impressive." Jason continues to laugh. "I'll find the centipedes." Jason assures you as he laughs. Your eyes dart around the room, now feeling uneasy. "You're looking for one now aren't you?"
"So fucking done. I'm going home. Text me what time." You wave your hand, nearly high-tailing it out of the room.
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On the way home, you take a detour to pick up food for you and Molly. When you get home, Molly is just entering the kitchen wearing a soft smile. The two of you greet each other before you go off to wash up and Molly gets the table ready, the takeout from Batburger laid out on your respective spots.
"How'd it go?" Molly asks as soon as you enter the kitchen.
"Good. Tim can fend for himself now. Took out some of Shimmer's gang and now he's on his way back to Metropolis." You explain before you pull out your chair and take your seat.
"Really?" Molly chimes. "I knew you guys could train him."
"We did, too but thank you." You laugh softly as you unwrap your food. "Hopefully, it'll work out. I guess things are getting a bit messy? Dick didn't elaborate too much." You explain.
"What about Gar?" Molly asks.
"Didn't talk to him? Why? Did he say something to you?" You raise a brow of concern at Molly before you take your phone from your pocket to double-check you don't have a message from anyone concerning Gar.
"No." Molly shakes her head, not sure if she's supposed to tell you everything about The Red. "Just curious."
You eye Molly carefully while Molly diverts her attention to her fries. There's a lot to discuss when it comes to Tim and his training if Molly is really curious. There's a lot to discuss over everything that's happened the last few days that does not involve Gar. The more you think about it, the more you're realizing Molly has been talking to him more than you have over the last week.
You narrow your eyes at Molly as your brows furrow. "So...you're asking me if Gar elaborated on the shitshow or if Dick said anything about Gar? Because we both know those are wildly different questions." You pose.
"Both, I guess." Molly picks up a fry, trying to play it casual.
"No, Dick not mention Gar. It was a pretty quick call about Tim. And I have not talked to Gar over the last two days." You finish. "You talk to Gar more than I do though so...?" You let out a soft laugh as you eat.
"What?" Molly snaps her attention to you. "I do not." Molly's cheeks burn as she looks back to her food.
You let out a snort. "Yeah, you do." You nod as you point a fry at Molly. "You're always talking to him."
"How would you even know?" Molly snips. "Wait, did he say something?!" Molly's eyes widen as she leans in. You nod your head with a knowing grin and Molly's face deflates. "I do not."
You snicker softly. "Whatever you say." You roll your eyes with a smile. "He okay?"
"Yeah, he's okay. I was just wondering." Molly shrugs as she eats a fry, hoping you now drop it entirely.
"Right, okay." You laugh softly. "Something going on? You're acting kind of weird."
"No." Molly answers shortly. "I was just curious." Molly nods her head at you. "Anyway," Molly chooses to switch the subject herself, knowing the second she brings up Jason, you will drop it. "You and Jason?"
You glare softly at Molly before you roll your shoulders and look back to your food. "Made out last night."
Molly nods. "Of course you did."
"Okay fuck you." You scoff.
"Did you really not see that coming?" Molly questions.
"No..." You answer, paritally lying.
"Right, you told me the whole rundown of you two managed to fall into a relationship together. The only people who are going to be surprised by this turn of events is you two. Honestly," Molly states casually. "I'm surprised you didn't sleep with him."
Your jaw hangs ajar as your brows furrow. "Fucking ow." You huff even though Molly probably has some sort of point.
Molly laughs loudly. "It's true!" Molly defends. "So, let me guess." Molly starts as you wave haphazardly at her. "You two did not talk but you did agree to be friends." Molly explains earning herself a displeased nod from you. "But."
"Oh, there's a but!" You say dramatically.
"Isn't there always?" Molly quips. "But, friends for you two does not mean what it means to literally every other sane person on the planet. So, I bet this will keep happening until you manage to fall into another relationship."
You blink at her. "Well..." You try to find the right words because no part of what Molly is saying isn't true.
You all but agreed that's basically what'll end up happening. You're starting to wonder if giving Molly the full play-by-play was a good idea. Maybe you should just bring Gar up again.
"You could just have the conversation." Molly suggests.
"Fuck that." You scoff before you laugh. "We did kind of talk?" You state. "He's not ready for anything and that's fine." You ramble. "I'm not either."
Molly lets out a sigh. "Why not?" She asks because you've never given her a clear answer on why you've avoided Jason over the last month. "I know you guys went through some traumatic stuff but what's holding you, specifically, back? You seem happy hanging out with him again."
You pick at your food. If you tell Molly, Molly will tell you it's ridiculous. A part of you knows it is but it's how you feel. It's hard to even put it all into words because it always boils down to guilt and regret. Everything else just piles onto it and it gives you more reasons to run even if that's not entirely fair. But, maybe part of your problem is that you don't tell anyone.
"Ya know, uh, he was the first person that, uh, made me not feel so alone after my mom died." You confess. "I had you at first." You add on quickly. "But...you didn't really get it then. He did. He wasn't someone I could disappoint because he got it and he was willing to just...be there."
Molly sighs softly. "Yeah, Jason is a pretty understanding person when people give him the chance to be."
"Yeah..." You shrug. "So, uh, I know that I made him feel the same way but then...I did leave him alone. He had Crane and that was it but he didn't really have him, right? Because Crane was sending him into withdrawal and holding him captive. And manipulating him and everything. I left and he was alone." You pause for a few seconds. "I don't think he deserves someone who leaves." You state. "It's what I do and you know that so don't try and make me feel better about it. I get freaked so I run."
"That's not what happened though." Molly defends.
"Isn't it?" You scoff. "He was on the brink of fuck knows what and I left. I can try to convince myself all I want that it was for his own good but what if it wasn't? What if I didn't wanna find him fucking dead somewhere again?"
"That has never been your reason. You did the right thing. It was your decision to leave that snapped some sense into him."
"I don't know." You shake your head with a defeated sigh. "I just wish we could go back to being who were then, before it all. Last night, it felt like we were those people again. It was the first night in months I didn't feel like the world was crumbling under my feet." Your voice goes small as you look to your half-eaten meal.
"You can be those people. You can talk, you've done it before. What is the worst thing that's going to happen if you tell him what you just told me?"
"He says it back." You answer without hesitation.
"What?" Molly shakes her head in confusion. "Why would that be bad? Don't you want him--"
"I gotta go." You shake your head as you stand up abruptly. "We're friends and we agreed that we're just going to go back to how it was before and see where it goes. We always functioned better that way. It's fine." You toss your half-eaten meal into the bag.
"Y/n." Molly calls softly. "What is going on with you?"
"Nothing. I just...he seems good besides last night. That's all that really matters to me." You say with a soft nod. "I'll be back. I gotta do something and then patrol, so I'll call you when I need you." You grab your case and head for the door.
"Come on, don't go." Molly calls but you ignore her as you open the door. "Y/n." Molly calls more sternly this time, watching the door stutter before it finally shuts on your way out. Molly lets out a groan and you're going to hate her for it, but she pulls out her phone anyway.
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Jason is seated at the table in a room he plans to make into a kitchen, cleaning his guns. There's something calming about it. He concentrates on it and it lets him clear his head in the same way some people find jigsaw puzzles calming. It's a good thing to decompress after the last few days. Tim is a little exhausting with all of his excitement, something Jason does not blame him for at all. And then everything with you has left his head a little fuzzy.
His phone vibrates against the table, Jason glancing at it to see Molly's name on the screen.
"Hey." Jason answers as he puts Molly on speaker.
"Are you busy?"
Jason looks to his guns across the table and then to his phone. "Not really. Why? What's up?"
"Can you do me a favor?" Molly asks and Jason can hear the concern and hesitance in her voice.
"Sure?" Jason questions as his heart starts to sink. "What is it?"
"Can you find her for me?" Molly asks with a weary tone.
"Why?" Jason freezes immediately, not liking the idea.
What if you were kidnapped on your way home? Everything was going well and you really didn't seem weird when you left. It's been a few hours now and Jason is certain Molly would have called sooner had she not heard from you. Jason tries his best to not immediately jump into a tailspin of panic.
"She's up to something and she will not tell me a damn thing. She goes out a few nights a week before patrol, shutting her phone and everything off so I can't track her. She just left." Molly explains, pushing her own guilt of invading your privacy away.
"Are you asking me to stalk my ex-girlfriend?" Jason asks, knowing this a bad idea but relieved you haven't been kidnapped.
Jason knows if Molly is asking, she has a reason to be worried. He's heard it from all of their friends. They're worried and he doesn't know why. But, Jason also set up a line he doesn't really want to cross just because you're being weird. You're secretive. Those two things don't seem to be things Molly should be worried about.
"No...just...okay kind of." Molly groans. "Come on, Jason. I'm worried and she won't tell me what's going on."
Jason sighs, deciding to hear Molly's side. "Why did she leave?" Jason asks. "What'd she say? She's a creature of habit."
"That she had to go. She had to do something before patrol." Molly answers. "She kind of does that. We'll be talking and then when she doesn't want to talk, she just...leaves." Molly omits the conversation topic.
"Sounds like her." Jason answers, trying not to get too worried.
"I know you're worried, too." Molly states. "You said you were that first night she stayed with you."
Jason texted Molly after you all got back, letting her know you were all fine but he was worried. He didn't know what was going on with you and he thought it was just him being worried because a roof fell on you. But, Molly wasn't real assuring in her texts.
"Fine but if she starts bitching, you gotta deal with it. I'm not taking the heat from her because she's pissed I found her. You check the zoo?" Jason finishes up with the gun he was working on before he stands up and gets moving.
"Of course, I did. She's not there or the theater. Or Harbor. I don't know where she goes."
"I'll go find her. I'll let you know when I find her." Jason says.
"Thank you. I owe you."
"Yeah." Jason says before he hangs up.
The last thing he wants to do is invade your privacy when you're finally on good terms. But, Molly doesn't worry for nothing. As much as he hates her worrying, and he says he's fine, Molly worries for good reason, especially after everything. And Jason knows there's something going on.
You have never been a very good liar when it comes to him. Truthfully, a part of him thought finding out the truth would just be too painful because for all he knows, there's someone else. That could have been a reason for your weirdness but after last night, that kind of gets thrown to the wasteside. That leaves Jason on the same page as Molly. Worried.
Once Jason is in his gear, he heads out to look for you. He checks the usual spots first and then he checks his. You aren't at either of them which Jason is now finding to be weird. Like he told Molly, you're a creature of habit, you go to the same places. If you want to be alone, you're always at these places. So, Jason calls Barbara and asks about the case you're working, to see if there's a sort of safe house they're keeping some of the women. Barbara is able to offer him an address you might be. Unfortunately, you aren't there either.
A part of Jason actually thinks about tracking you but this isn't an emergency. This is possibly them just being really paranoid. It's been a few hours and it's just getting more and more tempting. Jason decides that if he doesn't hear anything from either you or Molly by the end of patrol tonight, he'll track you. You don't normally miss patrol according to Molly which means if you miss tonight, that's reason enough for an emergency.
It gets closer and closer to the time Jason normally starts patrolling and he's yet to find you. To say he's starting to worry would be an understatement. But, then, he hears yelling coming from an alley nearby. And he swears the yelling sounds like it's coming from you. Jason jumps to the next roof to get a look into the alley only to finally find you. But, there's a man, maybe two hundred pounds, over six feet just towering over you, screaming. Jason's blood boils as he uses his grabbling hook to quietly get himself down.
"Do you have any idea who you're fucking with, kid?" The man yells.
You let out a crackle. "Do you?" You quip back, blinking up at him.
The man pulls back his fist just as he feels metal pressing the back of his head. "Touch her and I'll blow your brains out." Jason's voice is disguised through the modulator.
The man opens his fist, surrendering his hands. He lets out a laugh. "The Red Hood."
Jason pushes the gun further into his man's head, causing him to look down.
"I got it, Red." You say with the roll of your eyes.
"Looked like it." Jason quips with sarcasm. "Get the fuck out of here before I change my mind." Jason yanks the man by the collar of his shirt, tossing him backwards.
He doesn't look scared as he looks up to Jason, fully covered in the Red Hood gear. Instead, he just calmly gets up, taking a long stare at the two of you before he walks casually down the alley. Jason and you both find it a bit odd but it's Gotham so you both brush it off.
"What are you doing?" Jason asks, glad you can't hear the worry in his voice.
"What are you doing?" You ask back, avoiding the question.
"Asked you first." Jason fires back with a single nod of his head.
"Walking?" You quip back.
"With him?!"
"What?" You scoff. "Ew, no. He fucking cornered me." You roll your eyes in disgust. "Your turn."
No part of Jason believes you for a second. Jason is starting to think Molly is valid in her concern because not only do you not lie to him but you also wouldn't shut off your phone just for walking. Jason is starting to worry he might be the one having to talk you off of a ledge.
"Molly was worried." Jason confesses.
"She sent you?!" You seeth as your blood starts to boil.
Living with Molly was supposed to be convenient for the both of you. It's cheaper and safer, it's supposed to be fun. Involving Molly was supposed to be a way to keep her close and safe rather than her going off on her own. But, you're standing here feeling betrayed and you're questioning if any of it was the right decision. She sent Jason because Jason is actually good at locating people who don't want to be found and Molly knows you aren't going to chew out Jason for it. The whole thing makes you that much more annoyed.
"She was worried. I didn't track you or anything, I told her you were probably fine, alright?" Jason tries to ease your annoyance. He'd be annoyed, too if it were him.
"I can handle myself." You snip as you cross your arms.
"I know." Jason shrugs. "Look, whatever the hell you're up to, you don't have to do it alone." Jason tries to offer some sort of reason, hoping you'll give him some clue to what you've actually been doing.
You want to be mad but you don't blame Jason. If it were him, you'd be doing the same thing. "Just...I'm okay, alright? Thank you for checking and dealing with him. I'm fine though."
"You sure? She sounded pretty worried." Jason shifts his weight to his left leg.
"I think she's talking to Gar." You blurt, partially to deflect and partially because you do think that has something to do with it.
Jason shakes his head quickly, his brows furrow under the helmet. Molly and Gar? "Like....talking?"
"Yeah!" You yell.
"When the fuck did that happen?"
"I don't know." You shrug your shoulders. "But you know, he's got that whole Red thing going on with the visions and stuff. And now the Brother Blood shit, I think she's worried about him and her worry is spilling over."
Jason nods his head, not buying it. This is one of those deflective tactics you love to do when you don't want to talk. "Bullshit."
"She has a reason to be worried but you don't want us to know." Jason states.
"No. I think that's it." You shrug your shoulders and it's not a full lie. You do actually think that's why Molly is being so paranoid, even if she should be.
"Look, just be careful, alright?" Jason asks, knowing he's not going to get any real answer from you right now. He figures he'll try again later when you're in a better mood, when you haven't been completely blindsided.
"I will." You nod your head softly.
Jason shakes his head, not feeling any bit of his worry ease. "Hey, you wanna patrol tonight?" Jason asks. "Together?"
"Really?" You ask as your eyes soften with the request, even if you don't think it's a coincidence he's asking when he's worried.
"I mean your nagging is fucking annoying but you're alright company." Jason shrugs one shoulder.
"Fuck you."
"Maybe after." Jason quips back.
You let out a laugh. "Alright, fine, you've sold me." You roll your eyes. "I've got my case hidden at the usual place."
"Course you." Jason chuckles. "Bike there, too?"
"It is." You nod your head.
"Come on." Jason jerks his head down the alley. "Mine's a block away, I'll take you."
"Thank you, Red." You beam up to him.
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Tag List: @fairyofshampoo // @italiana-20 // @jasontoddsmentaldisorders // @purplerose291 // @lovelessamai //
@makaelaseresin // @lenidaslenchen // @mayfieldss // @ghostkingblake // @im-done-with-this-im-out //
@velvetskies // @lilylovelyxo // @cryinghotmesss // @yesimwriting // @vivian-555 //
@stainedstardom // @baebeepeach // @legend-o-zelda // @harleycao //  @somehow-lovable-trash  // 
@xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx // @deyja-the-duck // @jasontoddslover // @captainmarvels-blog // @totallynotkaibiased //
@scarlovesyou // @whydoyoucare866 // @littlemeowmeow1000 // @ginger24880 // @urmomsgayforme5 //
@septixtrash // @kplatzman // @killxz // @lovefks // @laurelthesimp //
@strawberryforks // @mxtokko // @kolpvii // @adorabluesposts // @jasontoddthings //
@bbiaa420 // @todorokiskitten // @krishavania
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rwylm-things · 27 days
☆ you bewitched me
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Jason Todd x GN!singer
Jason knew that he should keep his distance, but he cant help but fall of Gotham’s most beloved singer. part 1
Jason was currently on patrol with Nightwing, jumping and running between rooftops.
“You seem pretty hyper today” Nightwing commented as he landed beside Jason on the edge of a building.
Jason rolled his eyes under his helmet.
Dick often teased him whenever he was in a particularly good mood. And today, he was very much in a good mood.
“Shut up” he retorted back at him. “I’m just on a good roll today, is all.
“Are you going to go see your girlfriend again after patrol?” Dick asked, grinning as he eyed Jason’s happy demeanor.
Jason glanced over at Dick. He had to resist the urge to just smack the grin right off his face.
“None of your business” Jason grumbled, keeping his eyes focused on the city below.
“Who’s your girlfriend?” you peeked from behind.
Jason whirled around, his heart nearly jumping out of his chest.
His eyes widened as he saw you standing behind him. His mind was going crazy wondering how in the world you’d snuck up on him like that.
Meanwhile Dick was just laughing maniacally beside him, completely amused by Jason’s reaction to your surprise appearance.
Jason had to resist the urge to glare at Dick.
He focused his eyes on you, who was looking at him with a cheeky grin.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“Was on patrol and wanted to see you boys.” you answered.
Dick chuckled again. “You just wanted to see this one” he said, gesturing at Jason.
Jason was about to snap at Dick but managed to hold himself back.
“Oh,” you frowned, “guilty as charged.” you joked back.
Jason could feel his cheeks heat up a bit as you admitted it.
He glanced over at Dick to see if he was going to say anything and thankfully he didn’t.
He turned back to you, trying to act casual. “You couldn’t have waited until we got back to the Bat-Cave?” he asked, crossing his arms.
You crossed your arms “Came all the way to find at least one of you then you want me out?” you huffed “Okay, I see.”
Jason couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at your little act.
“Don’t put words in my mouth” he said, a bit amused. “I didn’t say I wanted you out, I just said that you could’ve waited instead of sneaking up on me” he replied.
Dick was watching the whole interaction and found it absolutely hilarious. He could clearly see that Jason was trying so hard to act like his usual grumpy self, but failing miserably.
Jason glanced over at Dick who was clearly trying to hold back another laugh. He was getting fed up with how amused he was getting by the whole situation.
He let out a small huff before looking back at you. “Look, you’re here already so you might as well just hang out with us until patrol’s done” he said.
You unfolded your arms “Sweet.” you moved to look at the city down below.
Jason kept his eyes on you as you walked closer to the edge.
He kept a close eye on you, as usual, making sure you didn’t accidentally do anything stupid.
Jason had no doubt that you were a great vigilante. He had seen firsthand how strong and smart you were during patrols.
But there was also another side of you that Jason adored just as much.
He loved watching you perform.
He didn’t know how you managed to perform in front of large crowds or how you were able to do it so confidently and effortlessly.
He couldn’t relate to that at all, he hated having the spotlight on him.
But you? You were completely in your element while you were on stage.
The bat-family was gathered together in the audience, watching as you performed on stage.
Steph and Duke were fangirling over you, while Babs and Cass were all smiles and singing along to the songs they knew. Tim was tapping along to the beat while Dick enthusiastically sang along to the lyrics.
Even Damian was somewhat enjoying the show, even if he was trying hard to hide it.
Jason’s eyes were still glued to you as you continued performing.
He felt a slight nudge and he glanced over at Dick.
“What?” he grumbled.
“Earth to Jason,” Dick said with a smirk. “You’re completely drooling!”
Jason quickly snapped out of it and realized he’s been openly staring at you this whole time.
He felt his cheeks heat up as he quickly looked away.
“I’m not drooling” he mumbled.
Dick heard this time and time again.
“Yeah, and you’re not in love with her either, right?”
Jason rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath.
He knew Dick already knew about his feelings for you (almost everyone did), but he still hated dealing with his teasing. But at the same time he didn’t mind.
“Shut up.” he hissed.
You tapped your mic then strummed your guitar “Okay, I haven’t released this song on any platforms. But I figured I’m going to sing it here first before I release it.” you told the crowd.
The crowd cheered as you announced a new unreleased song.
As you strummed your guitar, Jason recognized it a bit. As you sang, he definitely knew where this came from.
He knew this song, you had sung it to him before.
He felt his heart thump in his chest as he listened to you sing, singing the very same lyrics you sang to him in the privacy of your apartment.
Jason couldn’t believe you were actually singing the song you sung to him all those months ago.
The memory of your late night singing session in your apartment was still fresh in his mind. He could still recall the warm and intimate atmosphere, as you sang so softly just for him.
He couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his chest as he thought back to that moment.
As you stopped the song you smiled at the crowd. “Um, I wrote that for a friend.” you nervously chuckled as you scan at the VIP area up above where the bat-family was.
The crowd cheered and applauded as you finished the song.
Jason’s heart beat faster as he heard you say it was written for a friend.
He knew damn well it was for him. You didn’t sing those lyrics for no reason.
The rest of the bat-family was glancing around at each other, clearly all knowing you were talking about Jason.
Dick was grinning widely, obviously enjoying Jason’s reactions.
Jason just sat silently, trying to maintain his stoic demeanor but failing miserably as his cheeks turned slightly red.
He could feel everyone’s eyes on him, and he knew they were all enjoying this moment a bit too much.
“What?” He looked at his family.
His family members all had amused smiles on their faces.
Dick was still grinning, while Steph and Duke were both squealing loudly. Babs had a knowing smirk, and Damian even had a tiny bit of a smirk on his face.
“Yeah, yeah laugh it up” he muttered, folding his arms and looking away.
The bat-family made their way backstage, eager to see you and congratulate you on your performance.
As they made their way deeper backstage, they eventually found you talking to the stage crew and the backup dancers.
As soon as you saw the bat-family approaching, you brightened up immediately.
You hugged all of them but noticed that Jason wasn’t there.
“Where’s Jay? you asked “I’m right here,” a voice said from behind you.
Jason suddenly appeared from behind you which made you jump a bit.
You turned your head with a smile and immediately pulled him in a hug.
His arms automatically wrapped around your back, pulling you closer to him.
He tried to play it cool and act nonchalant, but he couldn’t help the small smile that formed on his lips as he held you.
“Ah- Jason, wait I can’t breathe!” you wheezed.
Jason didn’t realize he was hugging you so tightly until you spoke up.
He immediately loosened his grip, but still held you close to him.
“Sorry” he mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed that he was getting so affectionate in front of his family.
You let go of his grasp and faced everyone “Why don’t we all go eat somewhere?” you said as you specifically eyed Bruce.
Bruce, on the other hand, let out a small sigh, realizing there was no way he could say no to you.
"Alright, where do you want to go?" he asked, everyone started brainstorming.
The bat-family members all started throwing out different ideas
“Thai food..
“Burger place.”
Jason stood silently, just watching his family members all debate where to eat.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly overwhelmed by the different suggestions.
“How about we let Jason decide?” Dick says.
Oh, great.
All eyes turn to Jason as they try to convince Jason to choose their option.
“Jason say steak please.” you pleaded.
Jason felt all eyes on him, everyone eager for him to make a decision.
He heard your pleading tone as you begged for him to choose steak, and the way you said his name sent a small flutter to his heart.
“Steak” he finally said, the word slipping out of his mouth without even thinking twice.
Everyone let out a mix of groans and cheers.
Bruce looked relieved that a decision had finally been made, while Damian just rolled his eyes.
“All of you are like children.” Damian says.
Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to Months.
Jason had come to look forward to your constant presence in his life. From your regular hangouts to your late night phone calls and everything in between, he craved it all.
Jason found it harder and harder to deny his feelings for you, but he still somehow managed to keep it under wraps.
He knew his family members were getting fed up with him holding back, especially Dick and Tim.
They both kept pestering him, saying how painfully obvious it was that he was completely smitten with you. But Jason just brushed them off, pretending like he didn’t know what they were talking about.
You were walking in the batcave then saw the three of them talking about…. you.
You hid behind a wall listening in.
“Why can’t you just tell her?” Tim asks as he crosses his arms.
Jason grumbled a bit as Tim asked him the same question again.
“Because,” he replied, “It’s not that simple. Do you think dating a star is gonna be easy?”
“You’re just making excuses, Jay” Dick chimed in. “You know they like you, so why are you holding back?”
Jason grumbled, feeling frustrated as he knew he couldn’t deny what they were saying.
“I just can’t, okay?” he snapped back. “It’s not that easy to just confess to someone like them.”
You felt your heart sink a bit as you heard Jason's words.
You couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that. Was the idea of confessing to you really something that he thought was so impossible?.
“Why does it have to be so complicated?” he asked. “You like them, they like you. It’s not rocket science, just ask them out.”
“It’s not that simple,” Jason mumbled, folding his arms. “They’re a star in the industry, they could’ve had anyone they wanted. Why the hell would they want me?”
He felt like he wasn’t good enough for you, that he wasn’t worthy of your time and love. He was worried that his own issues and past baggage would only drag you down and make your life worse.
“I don’t want them to love me, I’m not someone worth wanting.” Jason said.
Jason’s words were completely contradictory to his own thoughts and feelings.
Deep down, he knew that he desperately wanted your love and affection. He longed to be with you, to hold you, to love you.
But his own self-doubt and insecurity kept him from accepting or even acknowledging his own feelings.
His words punched you in the gut, your eyes clouded with pain as you clenched your fist.
Tim’s eyes widened as he saw you around the corner.
Both Jason and Dick turned around, following Tim's gaze and freezing as they saw you standing there.
Jason's face paled as he realized you had been eavesdropping on their conversation.
You were still reeling from what you had overheard, your heart aching at Jason's words about not wanting your love.
Feeling overwhelmed, you stormed out of the batcave, leaving the three men speechless and stunned.
Eventually, Jason snapped out of his frozen state and began running towards the entrance of the batcave.
Dick and Tim both watched him go, knowing that he was going after you.
Soon enough, he found you in the gardens outside the manor, sitting on a bench with your head buried in your hands.
He cleared his throat, trying to get your attention.
"Hey," he mumbled softly, taking a seat on the bench next to you.
“Gah!” you exclaimed, surprised by his presence.
Jason flinched as you exclaimed in surprise, not meaning to startle you so much.
“Sorry.” he apologized softly, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
You looked at him then softened “It’s okay.” you said as you pulled your legs to your chest.
He knew it was his fault for making you feel like this, and he hated himself for it.
The two of you stayed silent for a while.
He knew it was his fault for making you feel like this, and he hated himself for it.
He took a deep breath, knowing he owed you an apology.
“Listen, about what you overheard-” he began.
“So, everything I did was all just casual to you?” you cut him off.
Jason looked taken aback by your question.
“No, no, it wasn’t casual” he protested, shaking his head. “I genuinely enjoyed every moment I spent with you. You don’t have any idea how much I-” he cut himself off, suddenly feeling too embarrassed to finish his sentence.
“Jason, I tried to give away my schedule just to hang out with you. I wrote songs for you. I gave you presents just to show how much I care. I tried to show you that I loved you, but you wouldn't let me that’s why I didn’t say anything.” you said
“But, I wasn’t too sure if you actually didn’t want my love so I just waited till you said something.” you looked at his gaze.
Jason was speechless as he listened to your words.
He felt a pang of guilt in his heart as he realized the extent to which you had gone to show him your feelings.
He had been so focused on hiding his own feelings that he hadn't been able to appreciate all the gestures and efforts you had made to show him how much you cared.
He stared back at your gaze, his expression unreadable.
“I know I’m affectionate to my friends, but it’s different with you Jay.” you looked away, staring at the red flowers in front of you.
“If you want me to stop loving you just.. say the word.”
Jason's heart skipped a beat as he listened to your words.
He knew he should say the word, should tell you to stop loving him. It would be the easy thing to do, the logical thing.
But the words just wouldn’t come out of his mouth.
"I…. I can't," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't ask you to do that."
Your head turned to him “What?” you blinked.
Jason avoided your gaze, feeling conflicted and vulnerable.
"I can't ask you to stop loving me... because I don't want you to," he admitted softly.
He knew he was risking everything by admitting his feelings like this, but he couldn't hold back anymore.
He took a deep breath, gathering all his courage to continue.
"The truth is, I’ve been a complete dumbass for months," he said, finally looking back at you.
"Every time you tried to show me how you felt, I just couldn't accept it. I was scared, okay? I didn’t think I was worth your time or your love. So I kept pushing you away, pretending like I didn't care."
For a moment, you just stared at him. Then you felt your body move towards him as your arms pulled him in a warm hug.
Jason was taken by surprise but he immediately wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tight.
He buried his face in your shoulder, feeling an overwhelming mix of emotions.
All the tension and guilt he had felt for months slowly began to melt away as he held onto you.
"I’m sorry" he mumbled against your skin. "I'm sorry for being an idiot. For making you doubt how I feel about you."
Your hand slowly caressed his hair “It’s okay, I’ll always forgive you either way.” you softly replied, trying to soothe him.
He looked into your eyes, searching for any signs of doubt. But all he saw was sincerity and love.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and he felt a warmth spread throughout his chest.
Your hand moved up to cup his cheeks when you saw his smile “There’s my Jason.”
He leaned into your touch, feeling a sense of comfort and peace wash over him. "Yeah, I'm still me," he said softly, his eyes locked with yours.
He gently placed his hand over yours, holding it against his face, feeling the warmth from your touch.
"I'm sorry for being such a dumbass," he mumbled, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "I won't push you away again, I promise."
"I just.... I’m not good at talking about my feelings, y'know?" he added, "But I'll try, for you. I’ll try my best to show you how much you mean to me."
Your expression softens “And I’ll give you everything I have.”
Jason felt his heart melt as your expression softened and you spoke those words.
He felt undeserving, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but believe you.
He leaned his forehead against yours, "You already have my everything," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
Jason's lips met yours in a soft, gentle kiss.
When he started dating you, he felt more at peace.
Though he often hung out with you, this was different. Everything felt so intimate and lovely.
He’s usually composed, that is until he touches you and he can't pretend he loses himself again.
You made him a sappy, stupid something out of him. The kind he swore he’ll never be. He feels awake inside a dream.
Jason couldn’t believe the effect you had on him. He had never thought he could feel this way about someone, so vulnerable and exposed.
He used to pride himself on his stoicism, his ability to maintain control. But when he was with you, all of that went out the window.
He found himself craving your touch, your attention, your love. He was like a man possessed, completely bewitched by you.
But Jason especially loved your voice, he could listen to you sing for hours on end.
There was something about the way you sang that captivated him. Your voice, your expression, the way you poured your heart and soul into every lyric.
He loved watching you perform on stage, seeing you shine and shine, but he had to admit that he loved it even more when you sang for him alone.
Those moments, when it was just the two of you, felt like a secret little world that only they shared.
He loved how, after each and every song, you would turn to him with a smile, seeking his approval and praise.
He would shower you with compliments and applause, telling you how beautiful you sounded and how privileged he felt to be the one to witness your talent.
But sometimes, he preferred to show you how he felt. He would pull you into his arms, holding you close and kissing you deeply, hoping to convey all his appreciation and love through his actions.
He wanted to do more than just say it. He wanted to show you how much he loved hearing you sing.
He would pull you into his arms, holding you tightly against his chest, his head resting on your shoulder.
"Sing for me again," he’d murmur, his lips pressing against your neck.
Jason was not one to broadcast his relationship with you to the world.
He liked to keep things between the two of you as private as possible.
He was protective and territorial, and didn’t like the idea of other people knowing intimate details about his life, especially when it came to you.
Your life was constantly put under a microscope, with fans and paparazzi following your every move.
You didn't want that kind of attention to affect your relationship with Jason.
You wanted to keep him away from the public eye, to protect him from the spotlight and the scrutiny that came with it.
But that didn't stop you from longing to tell people that he was yours.
Jason would often feel embarrassed when you would brag about him to the bat-fam or your friends.
He wasn't used to being talked about in that way, and he didn't like being the center of attention.
He would often stand there, trying his best to keep a straight face, while secretly enjoying hearing you talk about how awesome and amazing he was.
The bat-fam found it all too easy to tease Jason, and they often did so, much to his annoyance.
However, they quickly discovered that it was practically impossible to tease you.
You rarely got flustered or fazed by their taunts, and it drove them insane.
Jason would sit back and watch, feeling a mix of admiration and amusement as you effortlessly shut down any attempts to poke fun at you.
Jason's eyes eventually settled on the shelves, where a collection of vinyl records were neatly displayed.
He walked over, taking a closer look at the records. Some of them were of your own albums, but there were also records from other artists that you seemed to enjoy.
He picked up one of your albums, admiring the cover and running his fingers over the title.
As Jason browsed through your collection, he noticed the wide range of genres.
There was pop, rock, jazz, R&B, country, even classical. It was clear that you had a taste for variety.
He picked up a jazz record and held it up "Who knew you were such a fan of jazz?"
You were sitting in an armchair, your guitar on your lap as you strummed a soft melody.
You looked up as Jason spoke, a small smile playing at your lips.
"You don’t know this but I’m a sucker for Jazz.” you replied.
He let out a soft scoff at your response. "I’m learning more and more about you every day," he said.
“The more you know.” you said, taking the record from him.
Jason watched as you took the record from him and opened your record player, placing the vinyl on it.
The music filled the room, a smooth and sultry jazz melody that oozed with elegance and charm.
You turned back at him, then you had an idea “Hey, dance with me.” you offered your hand.
He took your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, a smile playing at his lips. "Alright, I'll dance with you.”
Jason treasured every single moment he spent with you.
He adored the way you held his hand, the way you looked at him with those sparkling eyes, the way your laughter would ring out like music to his ears.
He loved the way you would pull him close, the way you would sing for him, the way you would kiss him as if you couldn’t get enough of him.
And in those moments, everything else faded away. There was only you, and him, and the love they shared. He was bewitched.
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rwylm-things · 28 days
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𝙞 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙛𝙞𝙭 𝙝𝙞𝙢 (𝙣𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙞 𝙘𝙖𝙣)
- 𝙟𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙙/𝙛𝙚𝙢!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
warnings: smoking/drinking, injury, guns, blood, talks of religion???? idrk… for the sake of the story, let’s pretend jason has a little smokey-smoke from time to time, mkay?
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In the dimly lit and ever crowded bar, you watched with vigilant eyes as he brought the cigarette to his mouth. Watched the way he inhaled deeply and then exhaled the cloud which billowed out like a freight train through a small town. He had always had such a way with his words and his movements, it was hard to take your eyes off of him. To everyone else he was simply a reckless, loud and occasionally obnoxious man, with his crude jokes and blasé attitude wrapped in a leather jacket.
“Bit of a head case, ain’t he?” The woman sat next to you had leaned over, her tone of voice laced with judgment.
You chuckled and leaned back over, whispering, “Well, I am biased, he’s my man.”
You saw her shake her head and heard the quiet mumbling to the person next to her, picking up the small uttering of “God help her.”
Your good lord doesn’t need to lift a finger, you thought to yourself, coy grin splayed across your face, “Don’t worry, I can fix him.” She raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing your statement, “No really, I can.” You smiled, before returning your gaze to Jason, not noticing the judgemental look the woman and her friend had shot your way, thinking you yourself must be crazy too. And only I can.
“Ready, babe?” He asked, hand finding yours in the darkness. You nodded and he led you outside where he placed a helmet on your head, giving you a lopsided grin as he secured it, before climbing onto his bike. You followed suit, and wrapped your arms around his waist, beneath his jacket just as he liked. As you were on your journey back home, you saw the glint in his eyes appear as he raised his hands from the hike handles, lifting them up in the air and letting out a loud yell of excitement. You smiled and gently and slowly pushed his arms back down, burying your face into his back and reveling in the moment with him.
Up in your apartment, wrapped up in your sheets that had found themselves entangled around both you and Jason, you gazed lovingly into his captivating eyes. His hand, warm and so calloused from his pistol softly traced hearts on your face. You kissed him softly, hands roaming up to his hair and running your fingers through it.
He was a perfect case for my certain skill set. After all, you thought, he had a halo of the highest grade, he just hadn’t met you yet.
“What’s running through that pretty little head of yours?” He asked, voice low.
“Just thinking, I can show you heaven..” You leaned up close to his ear to whisper, watching as his skin rose with goosebumps. You pressed a finger against his lips as his face neared closer to yours and spoke softly “If you’ll be an angel, all mine.” You winked as he grinned slyly, leaning in again before his phone rang, signifying a request for his presence somewhere else in Gotham. He groaned and gave you a quick peck as you watched him put on his red hood attire. He sauntered over to your window and pushed up the screen before sitting in the frame, body halfway out and looked back to you.
“Be careful, please.” You pleaded, mind already filling with the worst scenarios.
“Always. I’ll be back soon, and we can pick this up again. I’m not done with you.” He spoke as a promise, before sending you a wink of his own and climbing down. You watched as he climbed onto his bike before returning your attention to your room. Looking around, you noticed he’d left one of his guns on your nightstand. I can handle a dangerous man. You said to yourself.
Later, a little while after you had made a cup of warm tea and settled in with your latest read, a loud and familiar thump thump! came from your window.
“It’s open.” You replied lazily. In came Jason, in all his glory, complete with a dazed look in his eye and marks that definitely were not there before painted on his body. It took you a second before realizing there was also a steady stream of blood running down his side. You gasped before rushing to his aid with a med kit. It took you awhile, the job not completed without a few winces and grunts, as well as some tears, although the last were from you, before he was all patched up.
“You said you were gonna be careful.” You reminded him, twirling a strand of his white hair around your finger softly. “I know babe. I’m sorry.” He apologized, “I’ll go lighter next time.” He told you, but the playful grin across his face told you he was not even considering it. You sighed and let your head fall onto his shoulder, exhausted.
I can fix him, no really I can. You reminded yourself again, thinking back to those ladies in the bar before letting reality creep in, like a dying wave across your feet at a beach’s shore. Woah maybe I can’t.
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did we like? first time writing for Jason.
let me know your thoughts 🤍
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rwylm-things · 29 days
At Least I’m Not Alone at the Wake
jason todd x fem!reader
aka how jason feels safe even when he feels like he’s dying
HEY today we’re going to play a game where we practice reblogging fics: if you read this and like it—reblog!! lets try to get a 100:100 reblog:like ratio ie, if you like and dont reblog i might block bc im getting sick of the lack of decorum
warnings: angst w comfort throughout
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It took less than thirty seconds for the silence of the night to drift into sounds of shrieks echoing off the buildings along the street. The sharp contrast had you and Jason bolting upright on the couch, ears on alert. It only took a few seconds more of listening for you to realize you’re not hearing shouting—it’s laughter. Maniacal, uncontrolled laughter. 
There’s a beat as you both freeze upon the implication, the unsettling realization dropping in on you. You barely have a moment to process it before Jason’s pushing up from the couch and heading towards the bathroom.
“Close the window,” he grumbles.
You blink as you register his words before jumping up to do as told, quickly sliding the frame shut and locking it. He returns soon with an armful of towels in hand, and you stand back as he stuffs a couple along the window sill with rough movements. He goes throughout the apartment, doing the same to the other windows. He rounds back to the living room window, looking down at the street with a heavy look on his face. 
You trust that the towels will do their job in preventing the laughing gas from getting in the apartment, but they’re unable to block out the bellows of hysteria.
He backs away from the window, letting the living room wall hold his weight. You both listen to the harrowing echoes with still bodies. 
You watch him, waiting for a reaction. You don’t mean to, but you know you’re looking at him like he’s a loaded spring. You try not to, you know how much he hates how his family does that to him, but fuck, it’s hard not to worry about him. .
When Joker incidents have come up, they’ve usually been something you’re able to ignore or even get ahead of and drive out of the city. But this is raucous and chaotic, clearly enough to shut down the city from the inside. Besides, Jason would be booking it out of here if he thought there was any chance of a clean getaway in this.
But you know he’s got no interest in inserting himself in anything Joker related, especially something so destabilizing. But, while  you know Jason’s family cares about him, of course they do, but you’ve noticed they sometimes put Gotham’s needs first and his second. So the severity of this attack is concerning for you for two reasons.
“Will they…” you shuffle, “Will they need you?”
He’s quick to answer, voice firm. “No.” A long moment passes before he adds on, quieter, “They won’t want me out there.”
You nod to yourself, trying to relax your body. You being on edge isn’t going to help him.
You watch as his head thumps against the wall, eyes squeezed shut. He’s tough—you know he’s tough. He can withstand a hell of a lot more than you’ll probably ever even know. But even for Gotham, this is a lot. And even for someone who hasn’t been through what Jason has, the ringing repetitions of laughter are maddening. You wonder if this is what the Joker hears in his head. You wonder if this is what Jason heard.
The intensity of the laughing increases, more people likely becoming exposed to the gas. You think you can hear it in one of your neighbor’s apartments too.
He thumps his head against the drywall again, hands clenching at his sides. It takes one more forceful thud for you to move over to him, cradling your hand to the side of his head, holding him still. He lets you, though he still doesn’t open his eyes.
“Jay,” you say softly, stroking his hair. “Let’s take a shower, yeah?” Normally you’d try for a bath to calm him instead but you hope the waterfall from the shower might be enough to drown out the noise.
He takes a second to respond, letting your hand bear the weight of his head. “Yeah.”
His voice is splintered though, and his shoulders droop as he stands up fully. He waits to move until you start to lead him, flinching at every spike of laughter. You reach back and take his hand, giving it two squeezes. He squeezes your hand back but doesn’t loosen his grip.
As you enter the bathroom he wastes no time getting straight to the shower nozzle and turning it on. You press the door shut behind you, sealing out a decent portion of the chaos. You decide against turning the overhead light on, opting instead to let the small pink-shaded lamp provide a warm glow that you can easily maneuver throughout the shadows in. You figure he needs a more tranquil atmosphere than the harsh white light the bathroom ceiling can provide.
You turn to him in time to catch him pulling his shirt up harshly, movements jerked and impatient.
You place a gentle hand on his forearm, “Hey.”
He pauses his actions, eyes on the floor.
You don’t say anything else, but he understands your objection regardless. You remove your touch and he peels his shirt off slower, kinder to himself. 
You wait to make sure he continues this method with the rest of his clothes before you start to remove yours.
The downpour of water on the tiles does it’s intended job in creating your own little sanctum away from the noise. You climb into the shower after him, standing in the stray mist sprays that made their way past him. The bits of water that do manage their way to you are hot—not scalding, but hot enough that you know his chest is going to start getting numb very soon standing in front of the stream like this. 
You trace lines over the muscles of his back, outlining them and every little indent of a scar. When you run out of canvas on his back you move onto his arms, right then left.
It’s not until you trace down his wrist that you realize his head is angled down. You don’t need to be standing in front of him to know that his focus is zeroed in on his scar and you’re not sure how long it's been that way. Too long, in any case.
“Jay,” you say so softly that the water nearly drowns you out. “Will you look at me, please?”
He does turn to you, slowly, but he doesn’t look up.
You hold his face in your hands, nudging him to look up at you. He looks tired, drained. 
You know he has to hear that laughter in a different way than you do. It’s uncomfortable and frightening for you, but for him, it’s layers upon layers of the sound he heard while he was being beaten to death. And even beyond that horrible trauma, the reminder of it brings forth every memory of what happened afterwards, not to mention the heavy baggage you know he feels over being here at all. And you can see it all mulling behind his eyes.
“You know I love you,” you tell him with sincerity. His gaze stays heavy and you can tell it’s a struggle for him to hold the eye contact.
You lean up to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, catching his bottom lip slightly. Your next kiss meets his lips fully. You have to push up on your toes a little bit but he does the work of meeting you halfway. It’s a slow, intimate exchange, as fluid and serene as breathing.
“I love all of you,” you murmur against his lips. You let your hands fall to his chest, resting as gently as they can over his pecs. “Everything about you.”
You kiss the top of his Y scar, trailing down soft pecks to where it forks off. You feel his shoulders sag a bit, tension forcing its way out of him. You lean down to continue your kisses down the vertical line marking his abdomen, your hands lightly following in your wake.
He says your name painfully, like he’s begging you to stop. You’ll give him partial reprieve, taking his hands in yours and kissing his scarred knuckles. It’s his instinct to push affection away, you know that, but you also know that he needs it. That’s why he doesn’t stop you now—he knows he needs it—it’s just a lot for him all at once, emotionally. Which is why he gives no warning before he picks you up by your thighs and pulls you close. 
He’s got you a full head higher than him and he uses the difference to hide his face in your neck. Sometimes he feels like that’s the only place he can go. He maneuvers you around so your back is pressed up against the wall as you hold each other tight.
You stay in there like that until the water runs cold, and then some. You have to nudge him a bit into setting you back down then, but he does, letting you collect and wrap the both of you in towels. The second the water turns off you can hear the cackling through the walls. 
As you return to the bedroom, he only bothers to pull on a pair of boxers before collapsing his weight onto the mattress. The lack of layers won’t help him any, but you know why he did it.
He can’t always look after himself the way he should—he disregards his own needs and has trouble even thinking of what could help him. You’ve developed a mind for it though—for him—and you know that being exposed and vulnerable like this isn’t going to help him calm down. He prefers being covered up when he’s stressed, it gives him more security, you think.
You open up the dresser and dig through for his most comfortable hoodie and sweatpants. He takes them from you, but he looks remiss at the thought of exerting anymore energy right now, so you help him tug on the clothes, successfully blocking out the now icy air from the AC. 
Once he’s fully clothed he pulls you forward to sit on his lap. You stumble a bit on the way but he compensates by holding you very tight, not giving your body any option to fall. His grip on you tells you that he’s not concerned with you getting dressed too, which you’re perfectly willing to oblige.
You have to force him to let you break away a little bit so you can reach over to the nightstand and grab your phone and earbuds.
“Movie or music?”
He doesn’t say anything, only nods his head once at the end of your sentence. You take that to mean music and open up your playlist on your phone, handing him the headphones.
There’s a harsh spike in the hysterics outside, mixed with what sounds like screams, and it has Jason flinching hard. You think you can see tears welled in his eyes as he fumbles to get the headphones in his ears. He takes the phone from you and picks the first song he sees and turns the volume up, up, up.
You shift yourself around so that you’re laying back against the pillows, giving him room to lay down over your legs, wrapping his arms around your waist with a firm grip. You pull the hood up over his head, but keep your hands woven underneath, threading through his hair. 
His cheek mushes against your bare stomach, and with the way he’s laying, you’re sure the earbuds are digging uncomfortably into his ear. He makes no effort to move in any case. You can hear the song playing word for word, and while the noise exposure concerns you, if there was ever a time to let it go, it would be now.
You’re both wrapped up nicely in the blankets and you can only see the tip of his nose and a few strands of ivory hair strewn past his forehead. Despite all the snug layers, he shakes a bit under your touch.
He falls asleep before the problem outside gets wrapped up, and you turn down the music. Not all the way, just enough that he can rest in peace. 
After a while the giggles die down and aside from a few first responder sirens, things get quiet again. About twenty minutes later, Nightwing ducks in through your window and scares the hell out of you. The interaction does not, however, wake Jason up, which is how you know tonight took a very heavy toll on him.
Even though the lights aren’t on in your bedroom you slide down from the pillows a bit more and let the blanket and Jason drown your chest out from visibility.
Nightwing gives you a silent, if not awkward, wave and scans over Jason. Even in the dark can see the worry in his eyes. He looks back up at you and throws up a questioning thumbs up with a tilt of his head.
You nod and he nods back slowly as he takes one more look at his brother before hopping out the window.
You peer down at Jason and brush his curls back gently. His hold on you tightens just a bit as he turns in his sleep.
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reblog or get out seriously
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rwylm-things · 29 days
Hello everyone
I am Nour from Gaza
.I need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and the lives of my children
I'm asking for a small donation of $25 from each person. $35 will save my children from death and help me cover expenses and rebuild.
Through the link (please see my CV) https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-nour-and-his-family-escape-the-war-in-gaza
My account has been verified by @90-ghost
Nour, we are with you no matter what happens and please those who read this, share and donate.
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rwylm-things · 1 month
in the buff | jason todd
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Summary: The one where you learn firsthand that Jason Todd sleeps in the nude.
Pairing: Jason Todd x gn!reader 
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings/tags: best friend jason, awkwardness, nudity, reader hardcore thirsting over jaytodd, love confessions, humor (attempts at it, anyway), silliness. inspired by this post!
the divider
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There's been a huge (blessed) development in the drug ring case that you and Jason are working on. You can hardly sleep now.
Normally, you'd call or text Jason, even though he's usually already in the know. It's possible that you just like having an excuse to call him, but who can confirm such a thing?
But it's late, probably too late to call, considering Jason doesn't answer his phone unless it's pinged directly to his helmet after a certain time, courtesy of his family being "a buncha jackasses" (his words, obviously).
But maybe it's not too late for a visit. After all, Jason patrols late, and has insane insomnia. He very well could be awake at this late hour. And he's never minded you dropping by before.
In truth, you haven't seen Jason in a few days and you feel restless now when you go longer than a day without seeing each other. You're not quite sure why that is.
So here you are, disabling the window alarm on Jason's apartment. Partly for a case, partly for your own benefit.
It takes a few minutes but you manage to open the window without anyone calling the police or whacking you with a broom. You slide open the window mostly soundlessly. Then you wait. The room remains dark and quiet.
You're pretty proud of yourself actually. It's not that you're green when it comes to spycraft, but you're certainly no Batman.
Still, you've managed to sneak into Jason's apartment without waking him. The Red Hood. You peek in to check if he's really asleep.
And he is, dark hair stark against the white pillow. It sticks out in messy tufts. You can't see past Jason's neck and his freckled arms, illuminated by the orange streetlight outside. You put your laptop bag on the floor.
He's sleeping on his stomach, facing away from you, but you're very endeared by how he's curled up under his sheet, hands tucked under his pillow. If you went really close to his face, you could count his eyelashes. Jason has such pretty eyelashes.
That's a perfectly normal thought to have about your best friend, right? Boys have pretty eyelashes. You're just making an observation.
You're bewildered by how cold the room is, surprised that Jason can withstand such a temperature. Maybe it's a Pit thing.
You watch him for a moment longer. Guilt pools in your gut. Are you really going to wake him when he's probably just gone to bed in the last hour? It takes Jason so long to fall asleep, you know that.
No, you should let him sleep. You can work on the case in the morning.
You bend down to get your laptop bag. In that time, the light flicks on.
You flinch, turn around, and find yourself staring down the barrel of a gun.
Said gun is held by an extremely naked Jason Todd.
"Oh my God!" you say at the same time Jason realizes his mistake.
"What the fuck!" he shouts, grabbing a pillow to cover himself.
But not before you get an eyeful of your best friend's, er, weaponry.
"Why are you naked?" you shout, gaze darting everywhere. Good Lord, it's seared into your retinas. You're never getting the image of Jason's dick out of your brain.
"Why are you in my apartment?" Jason snaps back.
"No, my question is way more urgent," you say.
"No the hell it's not! You broke in! I'm allowed to be naked in my apartment!"
"Okay. Alright. I came because there's been a development in our case. I thought we could work on it together but when I realized you were asleep for real, I decided to leave."
Jason rolls his eyes. "You know I'm a light sleeper. I just went to bed. I was up late.”
Realization strikes you. Could it be...?
"Oh my God. Do you have someone here?" you ask, voice sinking to a whisper.
"I have you here," Jason says irritably.
"No, like—" You make a hole with one hand and stick a finger into it. "Y'know..."
"Jesus, no!" Jason's face twists in disgust. "C'mon!"
"Okay, chill out, Jay-Jay. It'd be fine if you did. I can keep a secret," you say, shrugging. People have sex. You know that. You've never thought about Jason having sex, but you suppose it's possible. Why not? Just because you've never had sex and you always hoped that Jason would be your first doesn't mean that he would. If he's moved on in his life, then you should too.
Jason scoffs. "Yeah, okay. You think anybody would get into bed with a headcase like me?"
Hope rekindles. You're not behind. Jason's right there with you, virginity firmly intact.
He puts the safety back on the gun, squishing the pillow against himself with his elbow. You watch in fascination at his multitasking. Jason starts to turn around to put the gun behind the headboard before clearly thinking twice about mooning you.
"So... why are you naked?" you ask, respectfully keeping your eyes north of the equator.
"If you must know, I sleep in the nude. Now turn around."
You don't turn around. "In the nude?"
Jason's eye twitches. "Yes, nude. It's better for your body and it's more comfortable and I don't—"
You pull a face. "Who says in the nude? How old are you, a hundred?"
"That's what you're harping on?" Jason asks. "You broke into my apartment!"
You hold up a finger. "I didn't break in, I disarmed the alarm like you taught me."
"Yeah, which was only for emergencies. This isn't an emergency. Now turn around!"
So you turn around. You hear the pillow fall and the image returns. You recite the alphabet backwards. When that doesn't work, you think about the time you helped Jason on a mission in the sewers and couldn't get the smell out of your suit for a week.
Yeah, that'll do it. You shudder.
"Can't believe you just broke in," he mumbles. "Raised in a fuckin' barn, swear to God."
"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm truly, honestly sorry, Jaybee. From the bottom of my heart. Can I look now?"
"If you dare."
"Are you decent?" you ask.
"Too easy of a joke," he says. "Yeah, the jewels are covered."
You turn slowly. Jason's got red (ha) boxers on, so you turn all the way.
Huh. Well.
You've never really thought much about what Jason's got going on underneath his armor. Certainly, you've assumed that he's got a good physique and a lot of stamina, considering what he does. You've always assumed that. But Jason's Jason. Your best friend, Jason. Your best friend, Jason, who came back really tall, yeah, and with a deep voice and a super pretty face...
Well, anyway. He's Jason. That's all.
But now? Now you get to look in depth, and... whoa.
Jason's broad, stocky, heavily muscled with a soft layer of fat on top. His arms are huge, hands proportionally big. His pecs are full with pink nipples the same shade as his lips. That's a fact you're never forgetting. Your belly flutters.
Okay, what the fuck! No. This is peak creepy behavior, leering at your best friend like this, even if he does have shoulders you could sink your teeth into and thighs you'd happily get crushed between. No! Bad.
...You look some more. He's covered in scars. This is the first time you've seen his autopsy scar in person. It's white, noticeable but healed, like most of his scars. There's a dusting of dark hair from his chest to his belly button. It thickens as it dips beneath his—
Mm, nope. Not thinking about that again.
Your eyes dart back to his face.
"Are you listening to me?" he asks, forehead crinkled.
"What? Yes. Sorry. Yes." Your cheeks burn.
Something crosses Jason's face, too quick for you to read. But then his expression stones over. He glances at the dresser across from the bed.
"If you gimme a sec, I'll put a shirt on so y'won't have to look at all this," he says, gesturing roughly to his body.
You blink, lost in Jasonland. "Huh?"
"I know the scars are pretty gnarly. Lemme find a shirt."
Jason goes to the dresser and digs through the top drawer. His wide back is strung tight with tension, you can tell. You hurry to him, blocking the drawer with your arm. Jason looks at you, brows rising.
"Can I help you?" he asks.
Words. You remember words, don't you?
You haven't been physically close to Jason in a long time. He smells like soap and detergent and is all-encompassing. Your brain feels like slush. Don't stare at his pecs.
"I didn't—I'm not grossed out by your scars, Jason," you finally manage to say.
Jason raises an eyebrow. "Sure. You're just grossed out by everything else about me." He sighs wearily, like he's practiced this speech every night in the mirror. "Look, it's fine. I know I'm really—"
"No, it's not fine! I can't bear having you think I'm repulsed by your body, Jason. That's just not true," you say.
"Well, you were starin' pretty hard, so—"
"But it wasn't—I wasn't staring in disgust, I was—I..."
Jason crosses his arms. His pecs are pushed up as he does so. His stomach looks so soft. But you know he's strong. Way stronger than you. Strong enough to wield his strength against you, if you wanted him to. Strong enough to be gentle with you, too.
You wonder if he's still ticklish.
"You're doin' it again!" Jason says, and this time he really does look hurt. Fuck. Fuck! You're a shitty best friend.
"No!" You lock eyes with him. "No, no! I mean, yes, I was looking at you. But I wasn't looking in a bad, judgy way. I was, uh, taking in your physique. Because you have a... a very nice body. I've never seen you without clothes so I was looking at you. Sorry."
Yeah, you'll just go die in a hole after this.
Jason squints at you for a long moment. You start to shift in place. Sweat beads on your forehead. You lick your lips, hoping Jason can hear your honesty.
"Are you messin' with me?"
"Huh?" You shake your head. "No, why would I—"
"You're really telling me that you find this," Jason gestures to his body, "Good looking?"
This is worse than any physical torture. You'd prefer Batman beating you up on a roof to being here.
You rub your temple, cheeks aflame. "Oh my God. Yes, Jason, you're a good looking guy. Can we move on?"
"No, 'cause I think you're lyin', and I don't like it. You're always honest with me."
"I am being honest," you say, suddenly more annoyed than anything. Because what the fuck? "Are you kidding me? There's a whole forum dedicated to the Red Hood and how much people want you to step on them. And that's without seeing your face! I have eyes, Jason, of course I find you attractive."
And that should be the end of it. Jason's already slack-jawed like a dead fish. But no, you keep going.
"You make me nervous and I thought I had a lid on it because we knew each other as kids but it's becoming clear that I very much don't, and that probably has to do with the fact that you're the only guy I've been close to, and I never got over you. And now I'm gonna go drown myself in the Hudson. Good night."
You go to slip out the window. Maybe it'll shut on your head and knock you out. That would be a divine gift.
It doesn't, though. The universe isn't so kind. Instead, Jason catches your arm and keeps you rooted to your spot. His hand is cold. You wonder if the rest of him is warm.
"Wait, wait. Just hang on."
You groan. "Dude, I'm fucking mortified over the last five minutes. Please let me keep some of my dignity," you say without looking at him.
"Now when have I ever done that?" You can hear the smile in his voice.
And suddenly, the miserable reality of never being more than friends with Jason Todd comes crashing down. It's too late. You've always been too late.
You sag in his grip.
"We can just forget this ever happened," you say quietly. "Chalk it up to idiocy."
"Mm, yeah, we could. 'Cept I don't think you're an idiot. And I want you to hear what I have t'say first. Will ya look at me?"
Mopily, you look at him. His hand drops.
"You've never slept naked," you say before he can get a word out. "That's new. Otherwise, I would've known, and then I would've used the door."
Jason rolls his eyes. "Can I speak?"
You cross your arms. "Yeah, okay."
"First of all, I don't think it's necessary for me to disclose that I sleep in the nude." You open your mouth to argue. "But I know it was a mistake. I'm not mad about that. Okay?"
You nod. "Okay."
"I won't lie and say I'm not surprised at your... reaction. I don't really... I've never... I'm not Dick or Bruce, y'know? I wasn't told my whole life what a handsome boy I am. And dying and returning didn't really help with that stuff either."
"I think you're handsome, Jason," you say quietly. "Honest."
He coughs and looks away, a tiny blush on his cheeks. "Yeah, uh, think you've made that pretty clear. For the record, I think you're really beautiful. Always thought so."
Your eyes widen. "Really?"
"Well, yeah. I mean... yeah."
"You're just saying that 'cause I saw your vein cane," you say, grinning.
"Don't call it that."
"How about—"
You're both quiet.
"How 'bout pork swor—"
You smile, eyes squinty. Jason glares.
"Don't nickname my thing," he says.
You nod solemnly. "You're right. It's your thing. You should choose its name."
He shakes his head. "Sucha weirdo."
"Hey, I've never been with a guy. I don't know the rules of thing-naming."
Jason tilts his head. "Never?"
You shrug. "Never found anyone I liked enough, I guess. I've pretty much had my heart set on you, Jason."
His face softens. "Oh."
"Well, uh, me too," he says. "You're it for me, honey. I just never... I mean, really, I never thought it would actually happen with you. Not then, not now."
"Huh. You really should've flashed me earlier. We could've sped things up exponentially."
"Yeah, why didn't I think of that," Jason says dryly.
"Dunno! We all know you're more than a pretty face."
His face reddens. You grin.
"Are you shy?" you ask, dancing on your toes.
"No. Shut up."
"You're shy! I make Jason Todd shy! Oh, this is wonderful. I should break into your apartment regularly."
"It's just new for me!" he says. "Lea' me alone."
You cozy up to him, confidence renewed by the mutual confession. You wrap your arms around his neck. Jason looks at you, hands slowly coming to rest on your waist. The rest of him is warm.
"Just teasing you, Jaybee," you say.
"Hmm." He slowly nudges your cheek with his nose. "Like y'always do?"
"Like I always do," you say sweetly. "But for the record, if we ever share a bed in the future, you're gonna have to keep the soldier in his tent."
Jason lets go of you, exasperated. "Oh, for—y'know what? Your visitation privileges are revoked. Get outta my apartment."
You put on the saddest face you can muster. "You're kicking me out? Into the cold?"
"It's eighty degrees."
You sigh loudly. "Okay, fine. Date tomorrow?"
"Seriously?" Jason asks, sounding genuinely surprised.
"Seriously! Why wouldn't I be serious?"
"You really wanna date me?"
"Never been more sure of anything in my life."
Jason's relief is palpable and bittersweet. You'll spend the rest of your days letting him know just how spectacular he and his pectorals are.
"Okay," he says, shy again. You don't tease him this time.
"Great!" You close the distance between you and peck him on the cheek. His blinks in surprise.
"I'll give you a proper kiss on our date," you say, winking. "Bye, Jasey-Daisy."
"Bye, honey. Don't break into anyone else's apartment on your way home."
"Never," you say, climbing out the window. "You're the only one for me, Toddy!"
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rwylm-things · 2 months
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The situation in Venezuela is not easy at all, Tumblr friends.
My compatriots are fighting to assert our votes that on July 28 were ridiculed by a disastrous and dictatorial government. At the time I write this, a social outbreak may take place. Many in the country suffer from a shortage of water, domestic gas, electricity and many in their homes do not have internet service. The salaries are miserable and the elderly are humiliated with starvation pensions. You would help my country a lot by reblogging this post, I truly appreciate it. God bless you and take care of us all.
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rwylm-things · 2 months
Help for Venezuela. REBLOG PLEASE.
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Help me spread the word about what is happening in my country.I don't want to cry anymore thinking about what is going to happen to my family, or my friends. Many in my generation have committed suicide due to the desperation of the current crisis, others have left their university careers to go to work at an early age for a starvation wage. Please, I just want to stop suffering, I don't want to cry anymore, I just want a normal adolescence for all young people. My people need FREEDOM.
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rwylm-things · 2 months
Princess Treatment | Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
↳ Pairing : TitansDC!Jason Todd x shy!Reader
↳ Rating :  E
↳ Summary : After losing a bet, Jason is at your beck and call for the rest of the year. Pt. 2 of Wildcard
↳ W.C : ~5k
↳ Tags + Warnings: references to the previous fic, banter, oral (female receiving), face-sitting, grinding, shyish!reader x tsundereish!jason, reader wears glasses, jason is still a kind of dickhead but less of the dick and more of the giving head, once again side characters are there (rachel, rose, gar, conner, and dickkory)  
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“Y’know if you wanted DoorDash, there’s a little something called ‘the App Store’. Just thought you might like to know.” 
You glanced up from the book you were reading on your bed and, sure enough, there was a certain messy-haired boy glowering back at you, hand stuffed in one pocket with the other cradling a plastic bag full of your Bat Burger order.
He unceremoniously plopped the bag on the desk by your bed.
“And why would I do that, when I have you?” You said simply trying to emulate Rose’s confident way of speech.
You sat up, closing your book to examine the plastic bag. It had been a week since you, Rachel, and Rose had all agreed on the terms of your agreement. The boys—Jason, Conner, and Gar had all lost a bet over Game Night, and as one does, had to bear the consequences of being the girls’ gophers, or as Rose liked to call it “errand bitches”, for the next three months. 
Thanks to Game Night, Jason was your gopher. That night had been the first night you’d spoken at length to Jason other than greetings or pleasantries. While Rachel and Rose had readily accepted their new positions of power, it was almost daunting for you to tell the King of Back-Sass himself what to do.
You started small at first, asking him for simple things like opening jars or reaching high places. It wasn’t until Conner and Gar had seen how sparingly you were ordering him around that they started to complain. 
“If they see Jason barely doing anything, then they’re not gonna listen to us Y/N. And then the whole integrity of the bet gets thrown off. What’s gonna be the point of making bets in the first place if we don’t follow through?” Rachel hissed at you between sparring trainings.
It was agreed that any time you were near Dick (or any other older Titan for that matter) that the agreement was off. If Dick had caught any whiff of the bet, he’d probably ban Game Night—or worse, lecture them on how divisions on the basis of gender would erode teamwork on the field and blah blah blah.
From then on, you agreed to give Jason more orders. Or at least, the illusion of keeping him busy so Rachel and Rose would get off your back. Making Jason your personal UberEats seemed to do the trick. And it actually worked for a few days until… it didn’t. 
You opened the bag and wrinkled your nose at the half-eaten Bat Burger and a handful of fries. You didn’t get mad, you rarely ever did, but this was certainly annoying. 
“Jason,” You said giving him a withering look.
“What? You should be glad I saved you some. Besides, princess,” He said sarcastically, "You can’t just be eating anything. I’m testing for poison.” He reached into the bag and snatched a single fry. He took a bite and chewed for a moment thoughtfully. “Yep, all clear. Anything else you need?”
Jason was clearly testing your patience, pushing your buttons and the limits of your authority. At this rate, the few days he actually listened to you seemed too good to be true.
“No, just—I don’t need anything.” You cursed yourself for stammering and felt yourself fluster seeing his smug face. “Can you please just leave?” You got up from the bed to shoo him away.
“You’re not really good at this are you?” He snorted, dodging your lunge at him to leave the room. 
“That’s not how this works.” You took a breath to compose yourself and adjusted your glasses from falling off your nose. “We have an agreement that you follow my orders. And I just ordered you to do something, so you can go now.”
“Yea, I understand that perfectly fine.” He crossed his arms and tilted his head as if in pity. “It’s just… you’re not good at it.” He laughed again. 
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t need to be good at it if that’s what was agreed.” He was implying you were meek, and maybe that was true, but that wasn’t even the whole point of the agreement. Leave it to Jason to be difficult about something as simple as this.
“I get that but, at least make it believable. You know, ‘cuz then maybe I’d actually be inclined to play along.”
You shot him a weirded out look under his scrutiny. “You’re unbelievable. I’ll leave.” You made a move for the door but Jason quickly stepped in the way. Annoying.
“I’m serious, I swear. Why do you think we all listen to Dick?”
“We listen to Dick. You’re the one that doesn’t.”
He grinned. “Ok, fair enough. But, why do you all listen to Dick?”
“I don’t know, maybe because he’s a good leader?” You threw up your hands in exasperation. “What’s your point, Jason? You’re starting to sound like him.”
“Ok first, I’m disgusted you’d even say that. And second, my point is Dick doesn’t say ‘can you please leave?’ He doesn’t ask. He either tells you or makes you.”
You stared blankly at him, but he seemed eager to make a point. “You want me to act like Dick? That way you’ll listen to me?”
“Well, no ‘cuz that wouldn’t really work, remember?” The corner of his mouth quirked up. He was all too happy to get on your nerves now. “What I’m saying is you need to Make. Me. Listen.” He leaned in a little bit, letting his voice lower as he emphasized the words.
How're you a virgin when you're takin' my cock this good, hm?
“Ugh.” You shuddered, his voice by your ear involuntarily taking you back to that night you both seemed to pretend never happened. You pushed him away, having grown tired of his smug face. When you stepped towards the door again, he rushed over and closed it shut. “Oh for God’s sake.”
You tried to step around him to no avail. 
“Move.” You glowered.
Jason's eyebrows raised slightly, almost impressed. “Acceptable.” He stepped aside to let you pass. 
As you walked through the hallway, you could hear Jason’s soft footsteps behind you.
You whipped around. “Stop following me.”
“I’m not ‘following you’, there’s only one hallway. If anything you’re in my way.” He shrugged. The look on his face bore no emotion but you swore you could see amusement twinkle in his eye.
Just ahead, Dick was walking in your direction sipping on a steaming mug of coffee. 
“Y/N, Jason! Glad to see you two getting along.”
Your frustration dissipated at the sight of the chipper man. On the field, he was as serious as can be, but off the field, he was as intimidating as a substitute teacher. 
You and Dick’s eyes both followed after Jason, who hadn’t bothered to stop and say hello. The elder brother only shook his head with a good-natured sigh and returned his attention back to you.
“I’ve noticed you warming up to everyone lately. With the other girls, I mean. You, Rose, and Rachel really seem to be a good team, especially during our practices. Even Jason is playing nice with the others. He can be a bit abrasive sometimes but these days, I can see he’s making progress with teamwork too.”
“Thanks uh- I guess it’s all thanks to you. Game Nights really helped us to get closer.” 
“Glad to hear it.” He patted you on the shoulder and turned the corner to the computer room.
When you walked into the living room, you heard everyone exhale in relief. 
“What?” You looked around quizzically. Game Night Crew had gathered again on the couches, this time—thankfully—fully clothed.
“We thought you were Grayson,” Rose called from the couch. “He almost caught us the first time.”
Caught? Doing what?
You weren’t entirely prepared for what you saw but Rose and Rachel were concentrating hard on painting Conner and Gar’s nails.
“Are you completely sure this is vegan?”
“Yes, now hold still.” Rose admonished Gar, applying another coat with professional precision.
Rachel looked up from her handiwork with Conner’s hand. She wordlessly tossed a look from you to Jason who was currently looking more interested in whatever was in the fridge than at the group in the living room. Her face clearly read, make him do something now. You sent her back a look that read, fine.
You cleared your throat. “Jason.” You tried to muster up as much authority as you could. Knowing what you knew now, you knew he wouldn’t budge at the slightest tremor of your voice.
“Hn.” Was his only response, but at least you knew you caught his attention. When he turned, you locked eyes on his. “Come here, ple—I mean. Come here.”
You watched him crack a smile. He closed the refrigerator door and ambled over. So far so good.
He didn’t seem to register anyone else in the room. He only tilted his head, waiting for the next direction.
“Sit down.”
He paused as if contemplating whether or not to answer to an instruction one gave a dog thinly veiled as an order. Even so, he sat. Well, that was easy enough, you thought to yourself. It was almost comical to see him be so obedient.
“Give me your hand.” You primed.
You could see his hesitation as you reached for the nearest nail polish bottle, but it was erased as soon as you met his gaze again. 
“That’s… not my color.”
“Of course.” You picked up a burgundy red. “How could I forget?”
He sneered at your teasing but still allowed your light hold under the palm of his hand.
“Why does he get a choice and we don’t?” Gar pouted, looking longingly at a green bottle of nail polish
“I kinda like the black.” Conner shrugged and gave his other unpolished hand to Rachel.
“You can never go wrong with black.” Rachel agreed.
Jason grimaced as he watched the polish coat his nail. It was wholly apparent that under any other circumstance, he would’ve never allowed you to do this, but you were thankful that he liked to keep whatever honor he had to words. Under the agreement and as long as you spoke to him with confidence, he would listen.
The next week Dick had decided that based on the success of Game Night with team morale, an outing would be another great chance for the younger members of the team to get closer. That’s why you were now sitting at the beach and squinting the sun out of your eyes. 
You had volunteered to watch everyone’s stuff while they explored the bordering pier. Jason had practically disappeared the moment his flip-flops hit the sand.
It was nice to be out just to be out, not in the field on a mission. Titan’s tower felt like one giant bubble and it was easy to forget that there was life outside being a hero. 
You settled into people-watching as you waited for the rest of the group to return. There was a group of teens playing volleyball by the net, a family of three showing their toddler how to make a sandcastle, and couples—lots of couples. 
“You not gonna go to the pier?”
You were in the middle of gazing wistfully at a couple that was sharing their ice cream when you felt a shadow over you.
“I’m watching everyone’s stuff until they get back.” You squinted up at him. Even with your hat on, it was an incredibly bright summer day.
Jason plopped down on the beach towel next to you. He was wearing swim trunks and an unbuttoned linen shirt which didn’t do much to hide the lean cuts of muscle on his abdomen. Judging by his damp curls, he had just returned from a swim in the ocean.
“I can watch,” He jutted his chin in the direction of the pier. “You should go.”
“Maybe in a little bit.” You dug your feet into the sand, feeling the warmth tingle your toes. You didn’t feel like leaving your spot just yet.
He reached behind you for his towel and bent a bit over to muss his hair dry. You were close enough to feel the tiny droplets of water tickle your skin.
“Do you have to do that right next to me?” You said, not incredibly annoyed though—the water felt cool. It was enough to make you want to go for a swim to cool down too.
“Sorry,” he said a bit sheepishly, peeking up at you from beneath the towel. His hair, now much drier and fluffed, made him look somewhat like a puppy. Cute.
You gave him a small smile before returning your attention to the ebbing and receding of the ocean tide.
“Got a lot on your mind?” 
You quickly broke your stare from the water to see that Jason was still looking at up you, eyebrow cocked in curiosity. It was the look he gave you that always made you think he didn’t quite get you. A fascinated look that made you feel like you were another species under his gaze.
“I was just thinking it’s nice to take a break and be normal for a change.”
“Like,” you gestured vaguely around the beach. “Everyone here. No missions, no bad guys. Normal.”
“Yea, hanging out?” he snorted, “We do that all the time.”
Jason had been a cape since before you’d even met Dick and the rest of the group. You were still getting used to your new way of life. He was either being willfully obtuse or he really just didn’t understand you at all. You and Jason were opposites after all. Your quiet and shy often clashed with his bold and boisterous.
“I don’t mean just hanging out, I mean other stuff too.”
The couple you had seen earlier caught your eye again. They were now sitting on a beach towel further ahead of where you were. They looked like they were in their own world, nudging each other playfully in laughter. If you hadn’t joined the Titans what would you be doing now?
He followed your line of sight, gazing silently at the couple for a moment before flickering his eyes away to the water.
“We could do other stuff.”  
You expected him to be smirking at you like he usually did when he teased or made a joke, but he wasn’t looking at you anymore. When you glanced at him you could see a faint flush on his cheeks. Probably from the heat.
You shook your head, realizing what you implied and trying now to take it back. “I didn’t mean with you, I mean with regular people.”
“What? Like it makes a difference?”
“Well, yea fundamentally. Gar can turn into animals, Rachel has a demon trapped inside her, Rose can’t die, Conner is Superboy. You’re...”
He frowned at your pause. “Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.”
You let out a laugh, happy that you’d annoyed him for a change.
“Well, by your logic,” he began, pointedly ignoring your laughter, “then we’re the most normal Titans here.”
He had a point. You didn’t have any special powers either but Dick had taken you in just the same.
“If you want to be a regular person for a day, I guess, now’s as good a time as any.” He shrugged noncommittally as he rose from his spot on the sand. Jason took your wrist and gently pulled you on your feet. “C’mon, before they get here.”
You furrowed your brow, worried about your unguarded post but you were relieved that Game Night crew were already on their way back.
You heard them before you could fully spot them. Conner and Gar had been happily chatting away at the head of the group. Rachel and Rose were holding prizes from the boardwalk games. Dick and Kory, being the ones that drove you here, rounded out the back of the small crowd. Kory seemed to have found delight in the terrestrial delicacy, cotton candy.
After having guided you through the throngs of pedestrians to the main attractions, he released his hold on your wrist and gestured around theatrically as he spoke, "Now we’re just two regular people at the boardwalk. There’s the very normal Ferris Wheel, normal Whack-a-Mole, normal churros gotta love those—”
“I get it,” you laughed cutting him off before he could rattle on everything within visible range around you.
"Nah, I don't think you do, but you're lucky you have me to show you. Watch this."
You shot him a skeptical look and followed after to a target shot game booth. Arrays of red targets were displayed in rows while giant stuffed animals hung along the back wall.
"Which one you want?" He pulled out a few bills to hand the attendant and passed you a few of the colorful balls for you to play a round too.
You pointed at a giant brown teddy bear hanging by its ears.
Thwack. Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.
One by one the targets fell in succession. He held the last ball in his hand and after a moment of thought, lobbed it lightly askew and letting it fall short of any target.
He gave you a smug smile and collected the teddy bear before handing it off to you.
"You call that normal?" You said incredulously, but still accepting the bear in your arms.
"What? I missed that last one."
"Sure." Jason was nothing if not terrifyingly accurate.
You played a few more games, amassing a trove of arcade treasures for each other, both of you trying your best not to be too good at the games. As you ventured down the boardwalk, you couldn't help but find your eyes linger on the young couples that surrounded you.
"When you said 'other stuff' earlier, you meant like dating stuff, right?" He said innocently between bites of funnel cake. You had decided to rest and were currently sitting down in a shaded food court, stuffed animals in tow.
You contemplated denying it but saw no reason to keep it from him. This revelation being objectively less embarrassing than the time you revealed you were still a virgin during a round of “Never Have I Ever.”
Taking your silence as an answer, he continued. "Well, since we're still doing normal shit we could try that."
You tried not to gape at him. “T-then we’d just be faking it. It wouldn’t be real...”
“So? How would you know real from fake if you've never dated anyone before?"
“Where did you get that from? I never said I didn’t date anyone before.”
“W-well I just assumed since—"
“I’ve been on dates, Jason. I’ve just never had sex.” You retorted.
“Well, Technically. We kinda, y’know..."
You don't know how fucking pretty you look with my cock in your mouth, Y/N
You pursed your lips, mind flashing to his moans, him begging you to put your mouth on him, the sloppy makeout session with him after he'd punished his cock down your throat. That’s the whole reason you guys were even talking this much now. The bet. 
This is the first time you addressed that sexcapade since it happened and it's just been this weird tension ever since. It was the elephant-sized weirdness in the room, whenever you guys were around each other. You wondered faintly if Rachel and Rose were having the same issues after that night too.
"But if you don’t want to…"
"I-Oh,” He stammered as if he hadn’t thought that far ahead. “Ok...um what do you want me to do?" He rubbed the back of his neck, this time the tips of his ears tinged a faint pink.
“I don’t know." You felt yourself blush, "Act like you like me.”
He blinked back his surprise, bemused. “And what would that entail exactly?”
“You know what it entails.” You scoffed, exasperated.
“Not really no. I wouldn’t know something like that.” He recovered the annoying twinkle he usually carried in his eyes.
“I’d rather not do this if you’re going to make fun of me.”
“I’m joking. You mean act like your boyfriend and whatnot. I got it.”
In one swift motion, he leaned in closer and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. The powdered sugar was still sweet on his tongue but as quickly as it started, you could already feel him pulling away.
"W-why did you do that? At least warn me first.”
"'Cuz that’s not what boyfriends do.
“Are you the boyfriend expert now?”
“I happen to be,” He smirked. "You got a little something." He swiped his thumb at what was most likely some leftover sugar at the corner of your mouth and brought it to his lips to taste.
The ride back home was not totally uncomfortable, but it was still awkward. Jason appeared to be unfazed, joking and laughing with the boys like nothing happened. You tried your best to match his nonchalance, but given the curious looks Rachel kept throwing the both of you, you'd failed.
Jason confused you. One moment it seemed like he liked you, and the next he would act like he barely knew you. You hated it. And to avoid the sting of another unrequited crush, you didn't ask anything of him for a few days, Game Night Bet be damned.
You had been reading a book on one of those rare free-schedule days when a light knock came at your door. When you opened it, Jason was on the other side holding a brown paper bag. You eyed the Bat Burger bag first, and then the boy holding it warily.
“I didn't order anything."
With all the missions and trouble in the city, everyone gradually stopped doing the bet thing anyway.
He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. “I owe you. For last time."
“Oh. um. Ok, I guess.” You took the bag from him and set it down at your desk. You figured that would be the end of the conversation but he remained at your doorway appearing to look like he wanted to say something else. You paused, waiting for him to speak and when he didn't, you moved to close the door again.
“W-wait! I… I’m giving you a warning this time.”
Then it finally clicked.
“Is… that ok?”
There was a slight worry in his gaze as if he was unsure you'd say yes. You felt something in your stomach flip, words got caught in your throat and you could only give him a small nod.
Upon your approval he stepped in closer, eyes dropping languidly from yours down to your lips. He carefully slid your glasses off his face, folding them neatly on the desk. You felt his hands pull you in by the hip to press your body against him. This time when he kissed you, it wasn't the same as when you were at the beach. It was slower, deliberate. Like he had been building up to this very moment.
You closed the door behind you as the kisses became more wanton and his hands began to roam grasping at your waist and hips, kneading handfuls of your ass beneath your skirt. You loved how he felt pressed against you, sturdy and strong. It wasn't long before you stumbled backward onto the bed and found yourself under him.
"What? Am I too loud?" His brow furrowed in worry when he felt your kisses subside. "I’ll be quieter."
"No, it's not that," you laughed a bit. He did have a habit of making tiny moans through kisses. But you gave him an extra peck on the lips for reassurance. "It’s just...You’re doing this because you want to right?"
“Not even gonna lie, I wanted to do this since the day you showed up.” His smile was bashful, like he just admitted a secret.
The guy you've liked since you joined the Titans had been thinking about you the same way? You thought back to the times you interacted. Jason's attention to you always came in the form of teasing but the weirdness after Game Night and the beach only served to confuse you more.
“Well, you did a shit job of showing it.” You pouted, adjusting your position beneath him to slide your shirt off.
“That’s only ‘cuz I thought you hated me." He sat up a bit to take his own shirt off before returning to plant kisses across your body.
“Ok, hate is a strong word.”
“You’re not denying it.” You could feel him smiling against your skin.
“More like minor dislike. But that’s only because I thought you didn’t like me.”
“I’m sorry." He murmured kissing your jaw, then down your neck. "I think pretty girls make my brain stop working. But I can make it up to you." He slid a hand underneath your unclasped bra and thumbed over the nipple. You let out a small gasp of air. “D'you want me to?”
You nodded, meeting his eyes. 
“Use your words.”
“I want you to-oh fuck." Before you could even finish your sentence, his mouth had replaced his hand on your breast. He made sure to keep his eyes on you as he sucked and made warm licks at one breast, making sure to keep the other occupied with his hand.
In any other circumstance, he would never have missed the chance to tease you about your new choice of vocabulary, but he had a different kind of teasing in mind. He had removed his mouth from your breast and was now kissing up your inner thigh, rubbing his thumb in gentle circles over your panties.
“You’re so fucking wet."
He pulled down your panties and worked one finger and then two until his fingers were squelching in and out of your pussy. You'd masturbated before—maybe even masturbated to the fantasy of him fingering you too—but it was nothing like this. His hands were much bigger and roughened by years of combat on and off the field. It was better than you could’ve imagined yourself
“Can I taste it?” He asked, voice hoarse with need. Like if you’d denied him, you might as well have denied a desperately thirsty man water.
Before you could even reply, he replaced his fingers with his mouth. He laved at your entrance, relishing in your whimpering his name and your tangling your fingers through his hair. Jason might've loved a good blowjob, but he practically worshiped pussy. Every suck and kiss of your folds was accompanied by his pretty moans.
It was at this point where you felt yourself hurtling towards climax, but before you could get your much-needed release, you felt the warmth from his mouth leave you.
“Please...your mouth,” was all you could say upon regaining lucidity.
“What'd I say about saying please?” He rubbed a knuckle against your mound; You tried desperately to grind on it.
"J-jason," You whined, squirming under him in impatience. He seemed to enjoy watching you writhe to the same degree he loved to annoy you.
Make. Me. Listen.
Technically the bet was still in effect. As long as you spoke to him with confidence, he would listen, right? You sat up, pushing him onto his back to straddle him. His eyes widened, flashing equal parts in anticipation and welcomed confusion as he ran his hands along your thighs and you could feel his length underneath you. You would take care of that later, but for now, you had your own needs to fulfill.
Jason attempted to meet your lips again, but you only pushed him back to the bed again.
"I… want to cum," You declared simply, trying your best to be confident.
"Yea?" He grinned. "I can help you with that. You gonna sit on my face or do you need to ask for permission?"
"No, just—it’s embarrassing," You said almost breaking character. Almost.
He rolled his eyes. "If y'wanna cum, you're gonna need to come closer."
You crawled over him, tentatively hovering above his face scared to accidentally crush him. Once you got into position, he pressed you down resuming his kisses and licks, moaning as he lapped from underneath you.
"Oh fu—I'm gonna cum," you whimpered unconsciously fisting his hair as you ground against him, using his face shamelessly to ride out your orgasm.
When you sat back on his lap, you felt something under some wetness under you. Had he cum just from eating you out?
"Be honest.” Jason was now catching breath, face glistening with your juices, with a dumb smile playing on his pink and swollen lips.
The pure sight of him—messy and pussy drunk—was enough to make you want to sit on his face again.
“You really did wanna fuck me so bad at Game Night.”
"You’re so full of it." You shook your head, humored. Leave it to Jason to crack a joke post-coital. Not that he wasn't incorrect.
“I'm so flattered you hump your pillow at night and think of me. Since you were riding me like one."
"Are you forgetting that you’re the one that lost the bet? I still have a good two months on you."
"Is that supposed to scare me?" He whispered absently rubbing circles into your hip with his thumb.
"Yes, it should. I can make your life hell."
"Oh really?" His eyes flickered from your lips and back up to your face. That seemed like a risk he was willing to take. From your seat on his lap, you could feel him growing hard again beneath you.
"Yes, really. I was going easy on you."
"You do realize you can’t make me do anything I wouldn’t want to do myself.”
"What about the DoorDash?"
"Well, I ate some of it."
"And the nail polish?"
"I happen to like that color."
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes, it seemed he had an answer for everything and his smile was growing wider to match every smartass retort.
"Just get over here." You missed the feel of his lips on yours already.
Finding no answer for that, he could only let out a laugh, "Yes, ma’am."
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©️ blackreaderfics // dividers by cafekitsune & poison-aesthetics
383 notes · View notes
rwylm-things · 3 months
Author’s note : I’m lowkey geeking that I just wrote that !! Ok ok sorry I’m dramatic and cringe. Basically I would just like to preface a few things. This fic is very unfinished, I wrote it a while ago and don’t know if I’ll ever finish. I’ve always wanted to dip my toe into creative writing but always been to scared of…..sucking? This definitely sucks though.
Despite that I read someone say on here that your first writing is going to be bad. So here it is; my god awful Jason fic. What better way to start my journey of writing than fan fiction (please be nice I’m sensitive)
Jason Todd x reader
Warnings : suggestive language
Word Count : 763
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You immediately braced your legs for the jump out of your seat. The ancient wheels on the chair create an uncomfortable squeak. You don’t pause to cringe at the awful sound, instead waving bye to your co-workers and making your way out the door. It had been a long day. Slow, but long. You had been laser focused on the minuscule arm that counted the final hour of the shift. As your legs hurriedly moved towards the car you could feel the tiredness seep through your bones. This particular shift had started in the earliest hours of the morning, as you start the engine your eyes drift up to the colors in the sky meshing together to create an orange hue. You let a hefty sigh leave your lips. The more thought put into it, the more excitement your mind created surrounding the prospect of taking a hot shower, watching some trash tv, and falling asleep on the couch. Smiling contently to yourself, you rush home.
Well. That was the plan. It really was.
You just may have forgotten to calculate for one important factor.
Red Hood.
Red Hood, who you may or may not have started a situationship with after he had saved your life last year. Your vehicle had been in the shop and you narrowly missed the bus for that night. Despite the fact that you’d been living in Gotham for up to a year at that point, you still took your chance and walked home from work. However, luck had never really been on your side. This was an event he would continuously criticize over the next year.
‘no concept of personal security’
‘no awareness about what's going on around you’
‘if I hadn’t been there…’
‘blah blah blah blah blah’
On one hand, you found it annoying that he really believed you couldn't take care of yourself. On the other hand, the delusional part, you relished in the thought of him giving a shit about what happens to you. To be frank, maybe situationship was the wrong word. Although you two were definitely not in a relationship. If you ever did come up with some miraculous courage, you would question the status between the two of you.
You seriously doubted that he would ever commit to a relationship. While he never specifically stated it, you knew. Despite the moments of softness he would spare, ones you would deny sent a fuzzy warmth into your head. Still, it was clear what he wanted from you.
You couldn't say friends with benefits either, that would insinuate that you two were friends. That would insinuate that you know more about him other than, he likes to be on top and has daddy issues.
Anyway, not the point.
Red Hood.
Red Hood, who was casually leaning against the marble countertops when you twisted the doorknob and stepped in. His helmet hung from his fingertips, leaving his face covered in only a black domino mask.
Red Hood.
Red Hood, who currently had you pressed deeply into the couch, leaving no room between your bodies. His full lips pressed harshly against your own, his tongue seeking entrance into your mouth. Once you slightly parted your lips, his tongue began dancing with yours, fighting for dominance.
He always won.
“You taste like cherry.”
This was the first he spoke since you had entered the apartment.
“I-” you paused as he began suckling on your neck,
“I ate a blow for lunch. Well actually I ate like six. This nice old lady I helped today gave me a jumbo bag. Don’t ask me why she just carried that around because I don’t know and I wasn’t about to ask. I know that I'm not supposed to be taking candy from strangers but like she was really nice and I was starving. Now that I think about it, I probably ate like ten.”
You rambled quickly, sounding almost breathless from his lips on your neck. You swear you felt him smile against your skin.
Meeting with him always gave you a rush of adrenaline. Meeting with him always created a very specific feeling you swore you could feel run through your veins. Knowing the hands that were gently caressing your upper torso were the same that ruthlessly pummeled the worst of Gotham. Maybe you were messed up, but hey, maybe that's what drew you two together.
That being said, you were tired.
As he moved to kiss further into the crook of your neck, you rested your eyes for a split second.
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rwylm-things · 3 months
Hello sanne! I have a request, if it inspires you: what about reader who's been hurt and has amnesia when they wake up. And Jason is there and reader gets all flustered because pretty boy alert!! Pretty boy is speaking gently to them!! And in actuality Jason and reader are together. I hope that made sense 😭 love your writing so so much!!
this is such a sweet request!
jason todd x gn!reader. tw medical setting, reader is on pain meds and has been in an accident, major major fluff, established relationship.
The first thing you notice is that your mouth tastes... not good.
You try to swallow and clear out the taste. All that happens is a useless smack of your tongue. Your throat is too dry for any swallowing to happen.
"...been out for about twelve hours. Yeah, I've been here the whole time."
You're pretty sure that you know that voice. You're drawing a blank on that voice's name, but you swear you know the voice.
"They're awake. Yeah, bye."
It's deep and warm and soft and yes. You definitely know the voice.
Okay. Time to try opening your eyes.
You do so with substantial effort. Your vision is bleary. All you can make out are blobs of gray. You've got a lot of eye boogies in your eyes. You can feel them.
But you're not really sure about where your hands are at this moment in time, so the eye boogies will have to camp out for a little longer.
"Hey." The bed shifts. That warm voice gets closer. "Hey, hey. Y'thirsty?"
A straw taps your lips. You clumsily take it and drink until it gurgles and there's no more water.
"Yeah, I'll bet you're thirsty. Want more?"
A cool, rough hand pets your forehead. Oh, that's nice. That's very nice. The bedside manner in this hospital is impeccable. A little forward, but you don't mind. The voice and his hand are both very polite.
Time to try to actually see some shit. You hone in on your vision, putting every iota of brainpower into processing what your eyes are telling your brain.
A figure. A man. Huzzah!
Oh. Oh, wow. A very beautiful man. A big, hulking, beautiful man.
He's young, boyishly handsome. His eyes are bright. A scar is etched from the top of his right temple to his lip. There's a white streak in his dark hair. Is that a trend now? You can't remember.
"Where 'm I?" you ask.
"You're in the Batcave. How much do you remember, honey?" the gorgeous, beautiful, dreamboat nurse asks.
Well, you remember being in a car, and then being ejected from that car, and then hot, blinding pain, and then... waking up.
"Car accident?" you manage.
Pretty Nurse nods. Is he a nurse? He looks more like a biker, with his leather jacket and empty holsters. He looks like he could pin you down with one arm and—
Whoa. Chill.
"Yeah, kinda. There was an explosion. You hit your head pretty hard." He strokes the back of your head, frowning. "How do you feel?"
You feel like your head feels like an anvil has been tied to it. But it's okay, because look at this biker-nurse! Wowza!
He takes your hand (you have hands! Huzzah!) and strokes your knuckles with his thumb, which is fine, actually, because he has really nice eyes. You want to tell him.
"You h've nice eyes," you say.
Pretty Nurse blinks, looking startled. His cheeks go a little pink. "Oh. Um, thanks, baby. Y'sweet."
Baby? Do you really have that much rizz as a medical patient? You can't imagine how irresistible you must be when you haven't been in an explosion.
But then everything shatters when you look down and see a silver band on his hand. What the shit! He's married? Or engaged, at least. Son of a biscuit.
And he's flirting with you? What a pig!
You snatch your hand back, suddenly sour. Pretty Nurse raises his eyebrows.
"What's a'matter?"
"You have a ring," you say, voice dripping in contempt.
"I—" He looks down. "Uh, well, yeah. I do."
Devastating. "If you're taken, you shouldn't be flirting with me, jerk."
He squints. "Wh—oh. Oh. Huh."
Pretty Biker Nurse looks like you've just said something funny. You don't see what's so funny about infidelity. May God strike him down!
He smiles coyly. "D'you know who I am, sweetheart?"
"Yes," you say, glowering. "Y'just a no-good philanderer who should be ashamed of hi'self. Don't care how handsome you are; I won't enter your web of lies!"
He laughs, bright and sweet. Damn him! You need a different nurse. This one is the epitome of temptation.
"Oh, baby. Oh, you're too cute. Can I take your hand?"
"Not if you're gonna flirt more," you say, lifting your chin. "Dirtbag."
"Your moral code is incredible, honey. Good to know I'll never have anything to worry about, though I never doubted you. Can I show you something, though?"
He lifts your hand and on your finger is a gold band. More delicately shaped than his ring, but similar.
"Oh my God," you say, panic growing. "I'm cheating on my husband."
He laughs louder this time. "Your fiancé, actually. Wedding isn't till August. And no, honeylove. You're not cheatin', 'cause I'm right here."
He leans in and kisses your forehead. Your hackles raise for a moment until... wait...
"You're my fiancé?" you ask, eyes huge.
He smiles shyly. "In the flesh. Y'remember my name?"
You feel like it's a J name. "J..."
"Jason," he says gently. "Yeah, wow. They got you on some pretty strong meds, huh? Leslie said you should start to remember more stuff in a day."
Jason. Pretty Biker Nurse Jason. Holy moly. He's engaged to you? About to marry you?
"You are so pretty," you blurt.
That makes Jason more shy. He smiles like he's done something he's not supposed to do. "Not as pretty as you, honey pie."
"No, you're... I mean, wow. Sorry I called you a jerk. How did I get with you? That's crazy. You're fine as hell."
Jason snorts, wide shoulders shaking. His cheeks are red. "Jesus, you're shameless."
Well, yeah. You're still not sure this isn't a dream. You have to let your fiancé know exactly what you think about him.
You prepare to tell him something smooth and romantic. Something about how kissable he looks.
"Y'look like a sexy biker."
Hm. Not exactly what you had in mind. Your brain feels like a blue raspberry slushie.
Jason grins. "Oh, yeah? That why you been starin' at me? Didn't know you had a thing for bikers. You're terrified of going on my motorcycle."
How does he know that? It's true; you like bikers from afar but you're not about to get on a death machine, thanks.
"You can rev my engine," you say, head slumping against the pillow.
"Oh my God," Jason says, clearly delighted. "Don't think I've ever seen this reaction to pain meds."
"Can't believe we're engaged," you say again. "How'd we even meet?"
"Well, I'm a vigilante of sorts, and the first time we met was after I saved you from a mugging. And then we kinda just... kept running into each other. You bought me coffee without realizing who I was. And we, uh, fell in love. As people do."
"You proposed to me in Spain," you say suddenly, the memory rushing back. "You... you wanted to prove you wouldn't put work above us."
Jason nods, lacing your and his fingers together. "Yeah, that's right. Three weeks in Spain." He pulls out his phone and shows you the lockscreen. It's of you two. Jason has sunglasses on. You're smiling. You can't remember ever smiling like that before.
Tears suddenly spring to your eyes, emotion smacking into you like an eighteen-wheeler. Jason leans in, concerned.
"Baby? Hey, what's wrong? Something hurts?" he asks, inspecting your head.
Your mouth quivers. "You... you love me so much."
Jason stops, tilting his head. "I... uh, yeah. 'Course I do. You're the person I love the most in the world."
That makes you cry, tears running down your cheeks. Jason's eyes widen in alarm.
"Sweetheart? What's—hey, it's okay. Why're y'crying, huh?"
He brushes your tears away with his thumbs, cradling your face. You sniffle.
"I'm s-sorry I called you a dirtbag," you blubber. "Y'not a dirtbag. You love me so much."
"Oh-ho, oh, honey. Baby, you've been unconscious for twelve hours. You're under heavy medication. I know you didn't recognize me, it's okay. Trust me, I've been called far worse," Jason says tenderly.
Dear God, you're a beast. What kind of person doesn't recognize their own fiancé?! You cry harder.
"I should've remembered you! I'm a bad fiancé," you wail.
"Aw, sweetheart. No, no, it's okay. C'mere."
Jason scoots you over slightly and pulls you into his arms. You cry into his shoulder, slobbering all over his sexy biker jacket. He rubs circles on your back.
"You're really cute and nice and I'm glad y'marrying me," you say, muffled in his shoulder.
Jason hums, the sound vibrating through you. "I'm really happy to be marrying you, sweetheart. You rock my world."
You sniff. "Really?"
"Mmhm." Jason kisses the side of your neck. "How 'bout you sleep a little more, hm? I bet you're exhausted."
Now that he mentions it, you do feel pretty worn-out. Especially after crying. And almost getting blown up.
"Will you be here when I wake up?"
"Absolutely, honey. I swear."
Jason eases you onto your back. Your eyes are beginning to feel heavy.
"Sleep, beautiful. I'll be here when you wake up."
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rwylm-things · 3 months
fanfics are the reason my vocabulary is so fantastic 🤝
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rwylm-things · 3 months
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rwylm-things · 3 months
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Jason is certain that he is meant to help others, not just as a vigilante but also as some sort of twisted cupid. He thinks he is meant to only watch other fall in love and never find his forever and always, however after buying Lian some flowers for her birthday and a sucession of events envolving soulmates, he can't get the flower shop girl out of his head. Y/N thinks that the Red Hood is so hopeless in love with his soulmate but why does this fact bothers her so much? Why she wanted to be the center of his affaction? After months helping the vigilante, she meets her soulmate, Jason, but she can't forget the Red Hood. How will she deal with all those new and complicated emotions?
Warnings: SMUT! Canon-divergent, violence, foul lingauge, jelousy, complicated feelings, angst, fluffly, miscominucation, slow burn, injuries, kidnaping, paranoia and more to be added.
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rwylm-things · 4 months
Vote for online matchup pls and thank you
Another poll for you to decide my fic update or not. Feel free to ask for snippets if you’d like
(It’s the tenth doctor if anyone was curious)
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rwylm-things · 4 months
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader Summary:❝Thesus: Stop. Give me your hand. I am your friend. Herakles: I fear to stain your clothes with blood. Thesus: Stain them. I don't care. It’s been a month and a half since Crane’s reign of terror was stopped, leaving Gotham to finally return to normal. But, what is normal? After everything Jason and you have been through, it seems normal might be some unobtainable dream state. But that’s not going to stop either of you from trying and maybe, you’ll get lucky in the end. At the end of it, the two of you have suffered enough, right? Right? teaser | Chapter 1 coming May 31 tag list | series masterlist | full masterlist | listen to the full playlist on spotify
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Penance - Holding Absence
"I am enough to feel happiness and love. It's hard to say out loud, "I deserve to be happy now". Well, I deserve to be happy now."
2. All That I Can Give - The Plot In You
"Stay for me. Wait for me. Bleed and break for me. I'll give the world somehow. (I won't let you down)."
3. On Purpose - Nurko, Rylan James
"So, I'm gonna love you on purpose and give you every piece of me and diving deeper than the surface cause all I ever wanna be is someone you can lean on when you feel alone. There is no distance that I wouldn't go. You can count on me to put the work in. I'll make mistakes, I won't be perfect but I'm gonna love you on purpose."
4. Broken Ones - Illenium, Anna Clendening
"Cause everyone falls so hard and everything falls apart. But we know we still got heart. Here's to the broken ones."
5. Please, Just Breathe - Written By Wolves
"Please, just breathe. I think I saw a look in your eye the last time that we spoke and you said goodbye. It's been stuck on repeat in my mind."
6. Only Us - DYLN
"There is only us, no one else. I keep your head above the water. You make my fears get smaller. There is only us, nothing else."
7. Another You - Of Mice & Men
"Say anything, say anything. Say anything that can make this all okay. Take it away, take it away. Take away all of this emptiness I feel cause I will never find another, I may never find myself. I will never find another you."
8. Celebration Song - Holding Absence
"I know that years from now when my final flame runs out, I'll be a grain of sand running through a stranger's hand but right now I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm alive, I lived to see today. I lost so much along the way and that's fine cause I'm alive. I've been so hurt for so long."
9. Somebody's Someone - Ryan Carter
"All I ever wanted to know was what it feels like to be somebody's everything like you were to me. Give me half of you. You took all of me. You took everything."
10. In A Perfect World - Dean Lewis, Julia Michaels
"Baby, I said it, you're so scared of regretting something before you can even regret it and we could be great, and it would be great if you'd let it but you leave when it gets too good. You (I) leave when it gets too good. In a perfect world, I am here with you and I kiss you slow in a dim lit room. When you ask me if I love you, I say, "I do". I'm not running from my problems, and I'm not running from you."
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rwylm-things · 4 months
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