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taking a moment to relax after a long day of being good at his job
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post order 66 codywan on tatooine !! and they’re happy !! (there is the tiniest bit of angst. but mostly they’re happy. or getting somewhere close to it)
don’t ask me for the context of this because i do not know. i just wanted to write it <3
Obi-Wan’s voice floated past his shoulder, light as the sand but infinitely softer, “Oh, Cody.”
He wondered if he could have smiled, yet his face felt numb and somewhere beyond him, “Is it that bad?”
Obi-Wan’s answering laugh was wry, it sounded as if it hurt, and Cody’s already aching body cried out in sympathy. The feeling sat deep within his chest, the pain of his body for a moment fading in comparison to the mournful feeling that echoed in his heart. Obi-Wan was a different man now, in so many ways. Most of all, he was now perhaps more honest. He did not attempt to reshape himself, to hide behind a mask as blatantly as he had used to. Instead, Cody heard his pain now, knew that the cause of it was his own.  
“It’s bad, my dear.” He sighed, as if it pained him to admit as such, “I am sorry.”
Cody laughed, he hoped not cruelly, but rather in stark disbelief. “You’ve nothing to be sorry for.”
There was quiet for a moment as Obi-Wan began to wrap the wounds on his back in bandages, hands careful against the broken skin. Cody kept his body carefully still, did not allow himself to hiss in pain.
“I’m sorry I haven’t got any bacta.” Obi-Wan paused, perhaps hoping that Cody would accept the diversion. He was not, Cody supposed, a truly different man. When he remained silent, Obi-Wan continued, “I could have found you sooner, should have sensed you were alive.” In a way he had not before, he spoke with regret heavy upon his tongue.
“How?” It came out harsher than he’d intended, and at Obi-Wan’s quiet intake of breath his chest ached. “It’s just -- How could you have known? Force, I barely knew I was alive for five years.” Somewhere the emotion he’d felt fell away, leaving him with only a sense of cold numbness. Softly, he cursed, feeling sick deep in his stomach. “Force. Obi-Wan --”
“I know, darling.” Another moment of silence, “I’m sorry.”
Cody barely heard him, his mind made numb again by horror, “Five years.” If his voice had been louder, it might have wavered; yet as it was his words were barely audible, too quiet, even, to shake. He’d known logically, of course, just how long had been taken from him, but until this point it hadn’t truly hit him. Before this point, he had been running, fighting just to survive, but now at last he’d stopped. A choking sob fell from him, and he moved to cover his mouth, as if to stop the horror from escaping.
“Cody,” Then Obi-Wan was on his knees in front of him, a gentle hand fluttering past his face. “Darling, you’re here now. You escaped.”
He swallowed a gasping sob, leaning in desperately towards the touch. Obi-Wan caught his face in both hands, guiding their foreheads together.
“Breath, my darling.”
Another sob. It shattered as it left his body, a cracked noise as it escaped into the little space between them. On his third attempt, Cody managed a steady breath and Obi-Wan hummed contentedly.
“There you are.” He brought his hand a little lower to cradle Cody’s chin, smiling softly at him, then ran his thumb across Cody’s cheek. In response a little broken noise escaped his throat. He drew in another shuddering gasp. “You’re okay, darling.”
Cody nodded slowly, as if the action alone would give him time to believe Obi-Wan’s words. It wouldn’t be yet, he knew, but as he breathed in slowly, he wondered if eventually it might be.
He exhaled.
At some point he hadn’t noticed, his hands had found their way to Obi-Wan’s shoulders so that his fingers dug into the flesh in a way he was sure was painful. He swallowed the brief flutter of dread that again his body had moved without his mind. Then, remembering himself, he murmured a quiet apology and loosened his grip.
“You’ve nothing to apologise for.”
The hand not cradling his face shifted and in response Cody reached up and curled his own around it, entwining their fingers in a way that made him ache. Obi-Wan exhaled softly, and just for a moment Cody’s whole being seemed to freeze, to shudder, and then at last relax.
He curled his other hand around Obi-Wan’s neck, every movement gentle, slow. It was if he was watching two versions of himself split apart; the Cody of before who did not know his name, only cold plastoid beneath his hands, and the Cody now, who breathed in time with the pulse of another.
Obi-Wan looked up at him with a question in his eyes.
In answer Cody kissed him.
It was only a brief thing, a little, desperate touch. As if, after all this time, this was all they had ever dared to imagine they could have.
Now, though. Cody breathed in time with the rise and fall of Obi-Wan’s chest. He kissed him again.
It was soft and gentle and warm. It was the hum of a lamp set low for hours against a dark night, the steady warmth of the sun against the back of his neck, the slow curling of embers as they died and grew again. Somewhere between one breath and the next the Cody of after shifted more fully into focus.
Even when they moved apart, they remained close, sharing each shuddering breath. Stars, pulled into one another’s orbit.
For a moment there was only breath, gentle against his cheek.
Then, “I’ve missed you.” Cody swallowed; his throat ached with the motion. Then, he said what he had not been able to all those years ago, a familiar refrain at last given words. “I love you.”
“Oh, darling.” Obi-Wan moved as if to kiss him again, paused, their noses brushing. “I love you too.”
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having thoughts about these old men again, but I think i need a silly modern codywan actor!au for a peace of mind
i have a vision. and it might be one the stupidest things I've come up with in a while,, but the scenario goes like this:
Ben Kenobi and Satine Kryze are famous for doing romcoms together, but they're not actually in love outside of acting, yet the whole world seems to think so (they're besties though, who absolutely support each other). They are once again casted in another romcom, but this time, rising actor from Kamino, Cody Fett, is cast to play as Satine's second love interest thats infinitely better than the first but always destined to lose, because the plot of the film has a love triangle.
Shenanigans ensues, and frankly, Ben knows he's falling hard for his co-star, and it's definitely not Satine, but the thing is, he's absolutely certain that Cody is smittened for Satine (spoilers: he isn't, and Obi-Wan couldn't have been more wrong in his life).
So, it's up to Satine to actually do something about these two idiots.
Plus points if:
• everyone's included in the cast
• Bail is the director (he's so tired)
• anakin and padmé are the other pairing of the film. Married irl and have their shit together
• palps is that one character who randomly dies with no explanation (makes me giggle when movies do that)
• bad batch should be technical crew for the film production
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obi-wan: good morning, cody!
cody, looking over at the clock: correct.
obi-wan: :(
cody: good morning, ner cyare.
obi-wan, beaming: it is, isn't it?
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messy sketch from valentine's day I did while trying a different brush than the one I normally use 💗
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Wip of a fic i read where chip cody gets lightsaber
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This one comes to y'all based on @dontbelasagnax 's fic yellow tulips (go read it)
Phone wallpaper sized versions below cut if you want them 💛
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Absolute masterpiece i made a few days ago. My magnum opus right there.
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made a sad obitine post, what about a sad codywan one?
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not a Jedi but he’ll kick your ass like one
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it’s Going Insane About Cody hours
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Ship or not, I think they deserve to be domestic and talk shit.
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Mando dads!au
or I’m convinced Cody would have been such a good dad and Cal would have been an amazing big brother that would have healed with Obi-wan in his life and then eventually called Cody buir by accident bc the twins do
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Snippet of the Multiverse AU that takes place not long after this scene. I wrote it nearly a year ago but I felt like sharing it now. Please enjoy ☺️
Cody suppressed a flinch when a container of rehydrated food clattered on the small table in front of him. Then another was set down on the opposite side as Kote sat across from him.
Kote had removed his vambraces sometime between shoving Cody on his current seat and bringing the meal over. But Cody knew better than to think that granted any sort of evening out the playing field, so to speak. For one, he was still cuffed. Secondly, Kote remained armed with blasters at his hips and blades tucked away who-knows-where.
So… yeah, no, Cody’s chances of incapacitating him were slim to none. It wouldn’t be worth the effort.
Kote pointed his spork at Cody, somehow brandishing it like a weapon. “Eat.”
Cody gave him a flat look while holding up his cuffed hands, spreading his fingers and wiggling them with fake enthusiasm.
Kote returned the stare, raising one brow. “I don’t see the problem.”
Resisting the urge to huff, Cody let his hands drop back on his lap. “I would like to not be treated like a prisoner.”
“You are a prisoner.”
“Because you refuse to let me go.”
“That’s kind of the point. Now,” Kote reached over and nudged Cody’s tray with his spork. “Eat.”
Cody looked down at the food, his nose scrunching up and lips pressing together in a small frown. It looked marginally more appetizing than the usual GAR issued slop, but that could be his stomach talking. Cody isn’t sure when exactly was the last time he ate. Definitely before dimension jumping, when he had first meal in the mess with Ghost. But that had been hours before he got flung into a portal, and then he was knocked unconscious shortly after for an unclear amount of time.
A waft of the food’s scent found its way into his nostrils, and he clenched his fists when his stomach gurgled out loud in the quiet room. Little traitor.
“By the Ka’ra,” Kote muttered, rubbing his nose bridge. He leaned back against his seat, left arm resting across the top. “We do have a carbon freezer on this ship if you would prefer the full experience.”
Didn’t that sound promising.
“I literally have no value to you,” Cody said, keeping his voice low and steady. “Not here. Not in this universe.”
Kote tilted his head, eyes roving somewhere above Cody. “If that’s what you think.”
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winged stewjoni folks au where obiwan’s wings keep doing the courting thing @ cody in spite of his best efforts to, Not do That
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Y'all liked my art for some reason??? Like, thank you so much but ??????? Holy shit?????
Anyways, here are some other doodles I drew for the Codywan fandom i think you might like. Not much but wel... it is waht it is.
This one is based on a post that said something about codywan being the cool uncles Leia could have a tea party with. IF YOU FIND IT PLEASE TAG THEM! I CAN'T FIND IT AND IT KILLS ME!!!
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And now just some good old Codywan smooches!
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a random cody portrait for no reason other than i luv him
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