coffee---studies · 5 years
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15.04.19 ✨✨✨
So I've been a little teensy bit busy (okay okay a lot) so not been posting often but since it's Easter hols I thought I'd post
I'm currently revising [a lot] for my A-Levels which are sadly only a month or so away :(
In other news, I've been reading again and this time it's Wuthering Heights! I absolutely love this book it's just great and I'm a sucker for a love triangle lmaoo
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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reminder that this is the last week to enter my holiday giveaway! it’s on my YouTube channel. if you already entered, what’s the 1 item included that you like the most?
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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22.01.19 ✨✨
Biology notes!! Were finishing off muscles at the minute ... It's so boring I can't wait to get back onto the more interesting stuff like homeostasis haha
Currently listening to /// Sherlock (BBC) Soundtrack
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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WayV x Regular MV (2019)
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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TEN — (Regular)’ MV
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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Can’t wait for Devil May Cry 5 to be out! Here’s my tribute to V
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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16.01.19 ✨✨✨
Finally finished mocks!!!! I'm so happy haha I can just forget about them for a while now.
Anyway this is just my psychology homework so nothing special lmao
Currently listening to /// Wake Up Get Out There - Persona 5 Original Soundtrack
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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13.01.19 💌💌
So actually I’ve been really inspired recently so I drew Sehun! I think this one turned out okay tbh, and I really love the DMUMT photo shoots, which I used as a reference
So uhh yeah bitch don’t mind me haha
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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Some thoughts about going into mocks:
Well gals it's that time again: mocks. It's honestly so weird for me because the last time I did this was GCSEs and that feels like sooo long ago 😔. I just can't believe in a few months my A-Levels will be done and then I'm off to university??? It's wild yo.
Anyway I thought I'd share what I'm doing to prepare for mocks (other than crying lmaooo):
1. Staying hydrated
Yeah, yeah, every single studyblr under the earth natters on about this, but for me personally, who has issues with fainting a lot and struggles to maintain sodium levels, this is an absolute must. I don't want to to get up out my desk chair and just pass the frick out you know? It doesn't even have to be like 10 gallons either, I usually drink about 4 glasses a day and that seems to work for me so??? Try it sis 😔👍
2. Setting goals
I'm one of those people that procrastinates a lot, and procrastinates more if I set myself vague to do lists and what not. So for me, I purposely set aside topics I'll go over, and they have to be reasonable for the amount of time I have too, so for instance I'll set idk like Labelling theory content & evaluation for 45 min - 1 hour, and I find I'll stay on track and get more work done than if I set a goal like "revise psychology for an hour"
3. Feeling panicky?
Okay so, we've all done it, we've gotten to That point where we feel like we're drowning in work, nothing is getting done, everything's going wrong and oh no I've just wasted 10 minutes worrying about it when I could have been revising - sound familiar? I used to get this a lot. A LOT. And it really sucks, especially when you let it manifest. So now, when I get those thoughts, I know that's when I've reached my limit, because I'm not focusing and trying to revise would get me more worried and I'd miss information, so now I just take a deep breath, step back, and leave it. Just walk away from my desk either for the rest of the evening or for an hour or so. This way, I can recollect my thoughts but also have some downtime to help me relax.
4. Mix up your revision style ✨✨
Now okay, this might sound like common sense to the majority of people but for people afflicted with dumb bitch disease i.e. Me™ this was such a revelation for me. When I was doing GCSEs I never did any other style of revision other than notes. I'd make notes, then copy them out again, and again, and again. This, although it seemed to pay off for GCSEs, did not fly at college. I found my grades dropping and I wondered for ages why they were, it turned out I wasn't practicing exam technique enough, and that caused the drop. So, although notes helped a lot, you'll probably find you'll be better off if you mix up notes to learn content, practice papers to practice exam technique and flashcards to practice recall - it's really working for me at the minute!
5. Condense your notes!!!!
After studying psychology for a year and a half, we focus on memory for an entire module and we learn about something called cue dependant recall. This is essentially where you remember one thing which suddenly triggers a load of other things related to the first thing. I thought I would apply this to my notes for a more effective revision technique - basically I rewrite detailed notes as concisely as possible, and this way when I learn them I can suddenly remember all the details without memorising the detail word for word (if that makes sense??). I struggled at first to do this in my big notebooks, but if you invest in some little A5 ones, you're kinda forced to write concisely? (Paperchase do hella nice 3 packs that are relatively cheap 😤👌👌✨)
6. Look 👏 after 👏 yourself 👏
You may think that revising for 11 hours straight is Really Productive™ and is a Healthy Study Day™ - well sweetie, it ain't. Take it from me, someone who regularly gets stressed, works 7-9 hours straight and just doesn't eat - it really messes you up, I have deficiencies in important nutrients because of this, and I'm paying for it now with all the supplements I need to take. Also??? It makes you feel tired much faster, which means that information is probably not going in by the last few hours - not a great use of time. So, take breaks (ofc), eat properly, but also don't be afraid to have some time for yourself? Whether that be watching your favourite TV show or reading a really good book, baking, doing a skincare routine, whatever floats your boat - make time for YOU, don't let revision dictate how you should treat yourself and when, because at the end of the day you're going to be taking those exams, and if you're not in top condition, then your exam won't be either.
Woweee so I went on a bit but these are all the things that I try and stick to (we're not all perfect, but that's okay!) And I hope that I can pass on some of this advice to you guys, especially those just getting into proper exams and whatnot. Good luck this year everyone, hope you all get the grades you deserve 💗💗
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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06.01.19 ✨
More chemistry notes about mechanisms....
Ughhhhh so I moved house so I'm super busy annnnnd I've got mocks next week????? Like wow a sis is stressed 😢💅
Currently listening to //// Always Together from the Free! soundtrack
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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04.01.19 ✨✨✨
Happy New Year everyone!!! I've been super busy over Christmas ~ got mocks like next week ugh 😭 but been steadily revising for them so let's hope they go well!!
Chemistry revision because I'm just not that great at it chief 😤 ~ but I'll still try 👍👍
Currently listening to /// Scar on My Pride by Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy XV Original Soundtrack vol. 2
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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Hi! The name’s Nana (she/her) and welcome to The Novelty Notebook! This tumblr is a personal, study and a book blog! I’ve been following the study and book community for about a year now and I finally got up the courage (and stopped procrastinating) and made one myself.
About me:
19 years of fucking up right here!
Community college sophomore
Don’t exactly know what degree I want to pursue but maybe… ¿computer science? maybe
I’m a avid reader, writer, and blogger (links below)
I like to watch anime, movies, and am a professional Netflix marathoner
I love listening to music. It’s where I find much of my writing inspiration
Current classes (Spring 2019):
Art Application
Ancient and Medieval Western Civilization
What to expect:
Not aesthetically pleasing notes and bullet journals. I’m going to keep it real here and say that my study life is messy so that’s what I’m going to post.
Study area pictures
Library pictures
Studyblr and bookblr reposts
Semi-nice looking book posts. Going to really try to photograph nice book pictures and talk about them. Annotated books, comic books, manga will be included.
Book (maybe other media like anime and movies) reviews which will also be posted on my blog
2019 New Year’s Resolutions Blog Post
Studblrs (and grams) I follow:
@studylikegeller @procrastinationlikeapro @ioannastudies @ameistudies @mychemicalstudyblr @prologue-studies @studie-s @made-by-a-student @coffee—studies @stormy-rains
Blog - Instagram - Goodreads - Twitter - Pinterest
Reblog/ like if your an active studyblr or bookblr! I would love to follow more of blogs!
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coffee---studies · 5 years
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ig: booksnjournals
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