coffeecoffee · 3 years
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
Any minor inconvenience in my life: happens
Me and my sensitive ass:
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
to “newbies” in the ana community:
this is gonna be a long one but if the title applies to you, i IMPLORE you to read the whole thing. if it doesn’t, please reblog. you might save someone from this fucking nightmare.
i found a diary entry on the day that i decided to go on tumblr and search up “thinspo”. i was feeling awful about my body for some time but never really thought about calories or eating less or anything.
i wrote (verbatim): “i don’t want to have an eating disorder or anything, i just want to lose 10lbs”
not even a month later, it was like nothing could stop me from reaching my goal. i kept telling myself i wasn’t in too deep. i ate 500 cals a day and no more. i exercised 300 cals away.
now, the only thing i want is that blissful ignorance. not even thinking twice about my body. not caring what i ate. understanding the boundaries of healthy eating. not feeling faint and dizzy when standing up.
I WISH THAT I HAD SEEN A POST TELLING ME THAT IF YOURE LOOKING AT THINSPO “just to motivate you,” THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF A PROBLEM AND THE START OF A CYCLE YOU WILL REGRET EVER BEGINNING AS SOON AS YOU REALIZE YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER YOUR ADDICTION TO STARVING. at this time in my life i would listen to NOBODY and NO POST could stop me from slowly crawling into the arms of my developing eating disorder. BUT IM BEGGING YOU, IF YOU ARE BEGINNING THIS STRUGGLE, GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL HAVE CONTROL. you see all these posts telling you that over 1,000 calories is disgusting and so on, DO NOT LISTEN. PLEASE! you have no idea how quickly this shit can get in your head. no matter what your intentions for going on the ana tags are, LEAVE THEM NOW IF YOU STILL CAN. LEAVE AND DONT LOOK BACK. OR ELSE YOU WILL END UP DISORDER RIDDEN AND HATING YOURSELF LIKE ME, because once you’ve been here long enough, it doesn’t matter if you hit your UGW or you’re still at your sw; you will always always always see yourself as fat. that is a promise. and it’s disgusting.
this is a dirty, horrible disease that teaches you to hate yourself. it perpetuates symptoms of anxiety and depression and causes thoughts and feelings that you never believed possible in yourself. it destroys your identity, your relationships, you family life, your grades, your ambitions, and your health. if you have a choice not to fall into it, DONT FUCKING DO IT. don’t fucking do it for the love of god.
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
i hate binging.
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
istg my ed is a slut for attention. hear me out. i got a email about ed pills to help treat them so i got curious. so i click on the link and theres this survey about ed stuff, yk like asking me how long its been going on and wtv. then this fact pops up during the survey saying "40% of men by the age of 40 struggle with ed" so i start thinking, wow its so nice to see ppl acknowledge male anas yk. HOWEVER, i got another question about "how often i get hard" so then my brain finally starts thinking HM MAYBE THIS ISNT ABOUT EATING DISORDERS. so i search up ed meaning for men like the dumb bitch that i am and found out the survey was about ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. my brain decided seeing the word ed had to mean eating disorder and it took me a whole fucking survey to find that out. ik eating disorders aren't funny and are very serious illnesses but omfg when i found out i was taking a survey about broken boners it was the funniest shit
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
I saw the hashtag pro ana on tumblr and what I saw...maybe the pro ana community will not agree with me but listen. Any kind of eating disorder is not an identity. It's not. I saw this post where someone said that it's better to resist than regret or some other bullshit. Starving yourself is not healty, it's not good for you and this should be not a lifestyle for you to have.
Look at this:
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Pro bullimia? Pro bullumia? As someone who has had bullimia in the past and suffered really really bad from that, I will say that this feels extremly disrespectfull to me.
This community is filled with positive toxicity. Like: "it doesnt matter if you ate today, youre still part of this", or "dont worry everything will be okay, stay skinny".
I had bullimia in the past and was really underweight. So I know how you feel, you want to be skinny, so that sleeves on blouses are not tight, so that you have skinny fingers, so that you have shoes that dont push on your calves. You want to be skinny, but not being skinny, not being underweight is normal. It's good. It's healthy.
And let me tell you something, anorexia, bullimia and other ed, are not an identity, it is a mental illnes, it's a disorder. You dont see people indetify themself as deppressed. And if you see, that's horrible. It's like: "hey, I identify myself in a constal state of sadness, anger and guilt." It doenst matter if you are overwight, you're still beautiful. It doesnt matter that you will eat, eating is healthy, and you deserve to eat. Your body deserves food and water, it deserves to be loved on no matter what circumstandes.
Please, love your body no matter what and dont starve yourslef. Start with small steps like eating a small breakfast, or eating a few nuts with tea in the morning.
Stay safe, love yourself, love your body) <3
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
tf when you're having a good day, you're under your limit, but now your mom is ordering pizza and it's 7 pm
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
Ok I've always reblogged the warning posts abt ppl posing as 'ana coaches' contacting you, their ultimate intention to get photos of you, but it's never happened to me until now. I think a majority of the community (or at least the part I try to be on) is PRO-RECOVERY AND SELF LOVE. THIS CAN'T POSSIBLY BE SOMEONE WHO WANTS BEST FOR ME/YOU. IGNORE THESE MESSAGES, BLOCK THESE PEOPLE
I posted body checks yesterday (9/3) and recieved both of these shortly after
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"You could be doing so much more than you currently are, need a pro ana encouragement coach?"
That's all they said
I see so many people on my dash struggling and I fucking hate to think that anyone else has been contacted and pressured into doing things they don't want to
I'm of age, my age is in my bio but not everyone puts theirs there, if you're under 18 (or older) please please PLEASE never listen to someone you dont know over the internet when they tell you to do things you don't want to do, they find people who are struggling and weak and easily manipulated its fucking sick. Please share this
BTW. I'm not pro ana (if I havent made that obvious) but I'm gonna use a ton of tags so people see this :/
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
me when im starving but dont wanna gain
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
Reblog if your pro recovery. Whether you’re in it or not
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coffeecoffee · 3 years
Honestly, I’m at my best when my ed is at it’s worst. My room is clean, I dress nice, I wash my face more, I whiten my teeth, I wear makeup, I do my hair. For some reason the only thing that pulls my out of my depression spiral is my ed and the only thing that pulls me out of my ed is my depression. Idk if anyone else feels like that? Idk I just always feel better when I’m losing weight and excersizing and not eating. Idk maybe it’s my body thinks I’m finally being healthy? But I’m not? So… idk, it’s just really weird.
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