coffehousecreations · 3 years
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coffehousecreations · 3 years
Watch Studio Ghibli movies (in English) for free on Archive.org! (Links below, quality varies)
Howl's Moving Castle
Princess Mononoke
The Secret World of Arrietty
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
The Wind Rises
My Neighbor Totoro
Spirited Away
Kiki's Delivery Service
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coffehousecreations · 3 years
i'm obsessed with characters who are like "i'm a self serving piece of shit who never does anything that doesn't benefit me personally, and if anything goes wrong i'm out of there without a single thought about helping anyone else out of danger" *cut to them repeatedly sacrificing their own best interests to help the ragtag crew of misfits they've collected to help them pull off their criminal activities, just random strangers in need of protection, and small animals*
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coffehousecreations · 3 years
"i can fix him" i can chase him with a knife to humble him
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coffehousecreations · 3 years
Writing tip: if you need to provide a lot of worldbuilding information at once, but don’t want a bunch of characters explaining things to each other that they already know, have somebody do something terrible that’s related to the thing you want to explain, then have them morally justify themselves in a way that requires them to explain the thing.
Recognised variants:
The “it’s not what it looks like” explanation
The “I know this looks bad, but let me provide context” runaround
The “outlining the extenuating circumstances” ramble
The “really this is as much your fault as it is mine” reproach
The “it was a hard decision and you should pity me” appeal
The “here’s why I had no choice but to do what I did“ rationalisation
The “I was justified because fuck you“ rant
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coffehousecreations · 3 years
I'm glad that there's still interactions with this blog even tho it's totally dead
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coffehousecreations · 3 years
A witch keeps casting spells on you, to make you more kind or teach you a lesson. She made you poor, changed your sex ,an animal, a ghost, a car, with another look… but every time you adapt to the spell and you manage to live your live very well, without learning anything. The witch hates you
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coffehousecreations · 4 years
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coffehousecreations · 4 years
im just a huge sucker for charismatic villains becoming sort of pseudo good guys and hanging out with the main characters just because a bigger, more serious threat emerges and i dont think it happens enough tbh. especially when they’re still kind of a dick, i just think its a fun trope
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coffehousecreations · 4 years
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More often than not I’ll crack into a sprawling fantasy series and, while I appreciate the luscious descriptions of furniture, landscapes, and clothing, all I’m focused on is that I don’t actually know how this world works. I only know what it looks like.  
Including some functionality to your universe can add to immersion and give your reader a strong foundation on which to build their mental model of your universe. 
You certainly don’t need to use all of these questions! In fact, I recommend against that, as all of these certainly won’t make it into your final draft. I personally find that starting my worldbuilding off with 5 to 10 functional questions helps pave the way for glittery and elaborate aesthetic development later on.
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How is the healthcare funded in your world?
How does healthcare functionally differ between the wealthy and the poor? (i.e. can only the wealthy go to hospitals? do poor families often have to rely on back-alley procedures?)
Where are health centers (i.e. hospitals, small clinics, etc.) organized in your cities?
Does it differ in smaller towns?
How does this affect people’s ability to get healthcare?
Is healthcare magical, and if it is, how does that affect the healthcare system? 
If healing is instantaneous, how does that affect people’s views on injury, illness, and chronic ailments?
If you have both magical and physical healthcare, which one is deemed superior and how does that affect society? 
What illnesses are common in your world? 
How does this affect daily life? 
What do the people in your world think illnesses are? 
Is it a miasma theory? 
Humor theory? 
Do they know about biological viruses and bacteria? 
How does this affect healthcare?
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How do people get water? 
Is the water sanitary and if not, how do they sanitize it?
How does agriculture work? 
Is it large corporations or individual farms?
What sort of agricultural technology exists in your world and how does it affect food production?
Are farmers wealthy or poor?
What sort of natural resources does your world/country(ies) have and how are they obtained?
How does this affect the average wealth of the country?
How does this wealth affect the culture? 
What livestock or beasts of burden are most valued? Least valued? Why?
What is considered a luxury good vs. a regular good?
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What forms of transportation does your world have?
What classes use what forms of transportation?
How far has the average citizen traveled, given your transportation limitations?
Which cities are the most accessible and which are the least? Why?
How do popular transportation methods change how cities/towns are laid out?
Does your world have public transportation? What is it?
Is there a coming-of-age aspect to travel?
Describe your world’s postal system or whatever equivalent there is. 
Who pays for it? 
How reliable is it? 
Are there emergency methods for transporting information?
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How does your world keep time (i.e. watches, sundials, water clock, etc.)?
Does your world have a currency system, barter system, or something else? 
If you have multiple countries, do different currencies have different values across said countries?
How does this affect travel?
Do you have banks in your world and if so, how are they run?
Who owns the banks? Government? Wealthy? How does this affect the economy and/or class system?
How does credit operate in your universe?
Does your world operate more on big corporations or small business? Something in between?
How are workers/labourers treated in your world? 
Are there workers unions and if so, what are common views on unions? 
Describe your tax system. If you don’t have a tax system, explain why and how your world is affected by that. 
Can certain social classes not own property, certain livestock, certain businesses, etc.? Why?
How are business records kept? Are business records kept?
If your world has technology, does your world prioritize developing entertainment tech, communications tech, transportation tech or something else entirely?
What does this say about your world?
How does this affect your economy?
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To the closest approximation, what type of government does your world have? 
How are rulers/presidents/nobles put in place? 
How much power does an individual ruler have? 
Is there a veto process? 
If you have multiple countries, do they have different types of rulers?
Describe any large-scale alliances (i.e. countries, factions, etc.) that are present in your world. 
How did they come about and how are they maintained? 
Are they strained or peaceful? 
How does it affect the greater politics of your world?
Describe how wars are fought both internationally and nationally. 
Do methods of war differ between countries/races? 
What about philosophies about war?
If there is a military, what is its hierarchy structure?
How does the military recruit?
Is the military looked upon favourably in your society?
What weapons are used by each country/type of people during warfare, and how does that affect war strategies?
Describe the sentencing system of your world. 
Is your accused innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?
How are lawbreakers punished? 
If you have prisons, describe how they are organized and run, and who owns them. 
Does differing ownership change how the prisons operate?
What are the major ways in which laws between countries vary? 
Do laws between cities vary? If so, how and why?
How does citizenship work in your world? What rights and privileges do citizens have that others do not? 
Can certain classes or races not become citizens?
Are there certain taboo subjects or opinions that artist/authors/musicians are not allowed to depict (i.e. portraying the official religion in a negative light, explicit sexual material, etc.)? What does this say about your society?
How do people get around these censorship laws?
What is the official hierarchy of duty in your world? (i.e. is family the most important, or patriotism? What about clan?)
How many languages are there in your world, and how many languages share a common origin? 
How many people are multilingual? 
Which language is the most common?
How is multilingualism viewed?
How are different languages viewed? (i.e. is one language ugly/barbaric while another is romantic and sensual?)
Feel free to add your own questions in reblogs or in comments!
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coffehousecreations · 4 years
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It’s here !! The guide for two-legged people who don’t know how to draw wheelchairs !!! 7 pages of infodump ! Disclaimer : I don’t know everything, I have one (1) experience of wheelchair user who used both bad and good chairs, and I share what I learned.
Image description :
1) Calvin in his wheelchair saying “yo” under a huge title “how to draw manual wheelchairs properly by Calvin Arium, a wheelchair user comic artist”.
2) A character says “my character self propels in a chair that was outdated in 1970 lol” Calvin says “so it looks like you two legged people don’t know the difference between an hospital chair and a chair made to be independant” an arrow point the crapppy chair, saying “we never want to see this again”
a bubble says “the hospital chair is extremely unpractical, tough considering it’s cheaper than a good custom chair a lot of us have only this”
3) a character hurt himself trying to reach the wheels of the hospital chair. Several arrows point why the chair is unpractical : “high backrest restrain shoulders movement” “huge armrest restrains wheel access” “separated footrest : amovible, cheap, bulky” “x structure, foldable but heavy” “huge front casters for stability” “heavy wheels”
4) Several arrows point an active wheelchair (the KSL by Küshall) : “usually no armrest” “a low backrest allow more movement” “light, design, ferning expersive” “special cushion to avoind injuries” “knee angle is usually 90°” “one single piece of frame, sometimes entirely welded” “weight : from 4 to 10kg” “often rigid” “center of the wheel is the center of gravity” “higher quality wheels : less spikes”
5) A hand grab different parts of the wheel, pushing harder in the second half. Bubbles says “some have gloves, some don’t. The hand must grab the biggest area possible. Less movement = more energy. This is a common but not only way to push.Calvin is on his back wheels, rolling on grass and dirt bubble says “popping a wheelie is when a wheelchair user rolls on their back wheels to roll on every complicated surface.
6) several drawings illustrate the folding frame, the ergonomic but rigid and expensive backrest, the separated footrest (only for folding frame), the handles, the folding handles, athe amovibles handles, or no handles, the cool fancy loopwheels, the pretty custom colors 
7) More Features ! The fancy rigid-foldable frame, the anti tippers (sometimes used by beginners), the motorization (wheels, smart drive) when propelling yourself is difficult Calvin says “and now vroom vroom motherfuckers”
Consider also supporting me by buying me a coffee on ko-fi : ko-fi.com/calvinarium 
Thanks !
EDIT : Here is a youtube playlist about choosing, cleaning and using active manual wheelchairs in the public space, I learned a lot from those videos when I was a wheelie newbie. (Not sure they’re all captionned tho) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3j9XB2x5HYmZqgLakRCNt_fjsVZjDAkJ
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coffehousecreations · 4 years
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coffehousecreations · 4 years
My favorite quotes from the stream (as I was able to jot them down as they were being said)
Don’t cry because it’s over. Cry because it happened.
What is a graveyard if not humanity’s hall of fame?
It’s like I’m fondling the balls of life.
Choose to spend time on what fulfills you, on what makes you happy… Every second is a chance to turn your life around.
When I die, I want to be an empty shell, having given every part of myself to creating.
The worst part of this was when the boiling hot piss shot out onto my foot.
No, that was pain; this is suffering. (technically from the pee sauna vid but they watched it during the stream it counts)
At the end of the day, you know: pizza’s pizza, piss is piss.
We have experienced something that no human ever has, and that’s incredible.
We’re not just two grown men who drank each other’s piss. We’re two grown men who bathed in each other’s piss.
How you respond to events that are out of your control defines you as a person.
Unus annus dot com: hey hey, wow wow.
I feel like a lot of people will feel lost tomorrow. And that’s okay.
It had to be a piece of us that we put out there… and then let go.
A year is many things to many people. But it is not forever.
“Memento Mori” has two meanings: remember death or remember that you will die, but also remember to live.
Edit: I have been told in the notes that I missed some absolute gems, so here’s a more complete list!
I’d cry myself to sleep if I wasn’t gonna be dead in five and a half hours.
Every second is just another chance to get dick.
Mark: I’ve never been hit by a car before, how do I know I won’t enjoy it? Amy: We could take this out to the parking lot if you want to test it.
I want to be Mr. Hybrid Wellness, now.
We’ve been edging Father Time for a whole year.
A second is nothing. But a second can change someone’s life.
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coffehousecreations · 4 years
If you have five minutes I would encourage you to read The Egg by Andy Weir (author of The Martian and Artemis). It’s totally free and it’s only 3 pages long. It’s about you, who have died and come to meet “God” who teaches you the meaning of life. When I tell you it gave me chills…hooo boy. Please give it a try.
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coffehousecreations · 4 years
Ah yes, the 5 love languages:
touch starved
my parents never told me they are proud of me
i love Stuff
im so fucken tired please god just let me rest for 5 minutes
hey pay attention to me
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coffehousecreations · 4 years
i just think it’s incredible how art can touch people and become facets of their identity... human beings’ capacity for empathy and honest, open understanding is astounding to me sometimes
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coffehousecreations · 4 years
Y'all have to help me this has over 20k veiws and Idk what to do I might have to make a separate blog for this Omg
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