what i love about merlin's character is that it's not like he's pretending to be a clumsy fool with an endearing personality, a wicked sense of humor and a problem with authority figures, when he's actually a powerful sorcerer
it's that he is a clumsy fool with an endearing personality, a wicked sense of humor and a problem with authority figures, who is also an immortal magical being, a wise man, a loyal friend and a powerful sorcerer who has killed people and will do it again if necessary
he has allies who kneel before him and friends who make fun of him
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I think it would be insanely funny if after Arthur’s death everyone returns back in time to the place they were the day Merlin arrived in Camelot. But like, everyone thinks they are the only ones who has returned. We see it all from Merlin’s pov, who’s traumatised and wondering why the fuck Arthur is so much sweeter to him this time around and keeps saying ‘thank you’. He wonders why Lancelot shows up earlier, why all of a sudden Gwaine is there three years too early, saying he got hurt in a tavern bawl and needs a physician. He wonders why Leon keeps pretending like he didn’t just accidentally see Merlin do magic. Why Gwen keeps giving him these knowing looks. And why Morgana doesn’t seem as afraid as she used to when she was figuring out that she had magic. Everyone is trying their best to change history for the better, thinking they are alone with this duty... and then one day when uther is dead and they are sitting around the round table, merlin steps forward and is like: ‘I need to confess that I have magic, but also that I have returned from the future.’ And everyone just whips around and is like ‘YOU TOO??!’ And then they realise that they’ve all returned and wasted their time thinking they were alone.
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in the studio job when hardison is talking to both eliot and parker and he says baby and then nate’s like uhhhh who did you just refer to as baby. and then hardison’s like it’s a universal term but he doesn’t really answer the question meaning it was directed towards both eliot and parker. thank you for listening.
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growing up as a cis girl the patriarchy told me “you’re a girl because of the way you were born, there is nothing you can do about this, you have no say in your gender” and i hated being a girl because it wasn’t my choice it was a prison and the trans community told me “you’re a girl because you say so, your view of yourself is the most important thing, if you change your mind that would be ok” and it made me proud to be a girl and feel empowered in my gender and i wasn’t trapped anymore and then terfs come along and tell me “you’re a girl because of the way you were born, there is nothing you can do about this, you have no say in your gender (but like in a woke way)” and they somehow expect me to be on their side?
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forbidden knowledge
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the thing about being a self-professed slut is that people really, really don’t want the details. Bruce Wayne limps into a boardroom at Wayne Enterprises, makes finger guns at Lucius Fox, and loudly says rough night with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.
suddenly no one in that room is pressing him for details. they absolutely don’t want further illustration of whatever encounter Wayne had last night, and that’s exactly why they ignore the clearly broken and taped ribs, the way the limp is a strained ankle and not something else, the puffiness to his nose that suggests someone hit him in the face with a closed fist, multiple times. one look at that suggestive, playboy smile and the rest of the details fade away.
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sometimes i think about gay people who lived centuries ago who thought they were all alone who imagined a world where they could live openly as themselves who met in secret spoke in code defied everything and everyone just to exist and i’m like..i gotta sit down. whew i gotta sit down
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English added by me :)
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I don’t think any movie will make me feel the same ethereal sense of otherworldly sorrow and disembodied awe as that scene in Lord of the Rings where the loyal son is sent off into a doomed battle to please his vindictive father while Pippin sings a mourning song of his people
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I was like 12 and high off this shit
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i think maggie would be the only person in the leverage universe who DOES notice the leverage team members occasionally becoming famous. like she’d tune into the world news and then have to call the team to check if sophie really died in a small european country during a turbulent election. "no but wasn’t my funeral so poignant? they put my face on the $20 note!" okay great glad to know you’re not dead. she watches a game of baseball on TV and just sighs deeply when the camera pans to eliot. next time she sees the team, she compliments his baseball skills. for some reason he mutters something about a sandwich while looking wistfully into the distance.
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I kill you
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the second david job is so funny from maggie’s POV. her deeply suspicious date is wearing her ex husband’s button camera. parked like 10 feet away is a deeply suspicious black van. she opens the van door to her ex husband (moderately drunk), the sheikh’s son who sold the david (with a laptop that was clearly monitoring her conversation), a representative of the vatican (eating gummy bears & shrugging), and the hangar receptionist (also eating gummy bears, not bothered enough to shrug). all sitting crammed in the back of a van looking at her with wide eyes. and the best part is that maggie’s not mad at any of THEM, she doesn’t think that these random people (who she is evidently soon told are internationally wanted criminals) might have manipulated nate into this, or that nate’s gotten himself entangled in something by accident, no. she’s just like "nate what the fuck are you up to now". another day in the life of knowing nathan ford
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Yesterday, one of my preschoolers came up to me very concerned, and said, “Miss ____, this book doesn’t have any pages!”
Now, this kid is only three, and I can’t always understand what he says because he’s still so little. However, he carries himself and has the conversational lilt of an 80-year-old academic, so I absolutely believed him. Also, like any library, not all of our books have been as gently used as one might like, so there’s always a chance that the pages of the book this kid was holding actually had fallen out somewhere, and he was only holding the cover. I hurried over to see if this was the case and he opened the book for me, still very concerned.
He had only opened to the end sheet, that blank page at the front of a book. I turned the page for him to reveal the title page. This look of absolute relief crossed his face and he went, “Oh, silly me. I didn’t look hard enough!”
I love kids.
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A master to his action-hero trainee says, "Your movements are sloppy. You lack awareness of your body when you fight. Your hands move and yet you do not hold them in your mind's eye. Come. We will remedy this."
And then the master paints his trainee's fingernails and orders the trainee to complete a series of complicated tasks without smudging the nail polish.
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Not telling your kid they have a learning disability, chronic illness, mental illness etc. so they can “feel normal” actually does the opposite. They will not feel normal if they do not have the context to understand that their normal will be different from that of their peers.
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A couple years ago, I was staying with a friend for New Year’s and we’d decided to drive down to this adorable strip of locally-owned small business shops and check them out. The bakery was particularly crowded and since I wasn’t planning to buy anything, I waited outside. It’d been snowing, and since moving I’d picked up a “Californian-experiences-true-midwest-winter-for-the-first-time” habit of making at least one (1) tiny snowman every opportunity I get
so I built a little snowman on one of the small tables on this strip. 
after about three minutes of cramming ice together, I hear, “Do you want espresso beans for the eyes?” and I turn around and there’s this gal leaning precariously far out the window of her coffee shop, surrounded by her coworkers, holding out her hand and said espresso beans.
I think of those strangers often. just the thought of them all looking out the window to see this random stranger on the corner in the snow building a tiny snowman and deciding to join in, make it special for no other reason than that they wanted to. people are so, so precious and I’m never going to forget that moment.
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