completebughead · 6 years
what was your fav and least fav bughead moment?
Fave: hmm... maybe when all is well and the couple decide to embark on the serpent life as a team
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least???? hm - i’ll get back to you?
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completebughead · 6 years
What is your favorite animal and why?
thats super tough for me hahah, probably something like... and dont call me out on this.. but i LOVE cows. they are ADORABLE
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completebughead · 6 years
remember when we did this? This was when i discovered my favourite song of all time! so many asks that day! Send me your fave songs and follow the playlist on spotify so we can share it as a big buggie family
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Loving all the songs you guys sent me, so I’m making a Spotify playlist full of the songs you guys introduce me to. And you guys should follow it 💞Keep sending me songs to add to it!
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completebughead · 6 years
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local bughead babe wants some anons/questions to answer because it’s been too long since she chatted with all her followers. what’s new buggies
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completebughead · 6 years
what i like to HEAR.
imagine some more choni scenes
it isn’t hard to do
no need for more varchie sex scenes
we’ve had enough of those too
imagine all the people
living for choni
and youuuuuuuu
you may say that i’m a dreamer
but i’m not the only one
maybe some day, we’ll get some
and riverdale fans will rejoice as one
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completebughead · 6 years
i’ll be honest, i wasn’t entirely happy with the way they just swept under the rug the whole ‘it was tall boy but we killed him’ storyline in the finale, feel like we deserved more of an explanation as an audience
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completebughead · 6 years
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completebughead · 6 years
List of things I don’t want to see in Riverdale Season 3
Alice Crying
Problematic Betty
Hal Cooper
Less exposure of Choni
Northsiders bullying South side
Bughead Break up
Varchie sex
Alice crying
Penny’s face
Hiram manipulating Archie
Alice crying
Alice crying
Uncle Claudius and Cheryl’s mom alive
Cheryl’s in danger
Alice crying
Sad Fp Jones
Taking away the diner from pop tate
Alice crying
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completebughead · 6 years
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completebughead · 6 years
Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.
This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.
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completebughead · 6 years
imagine some more choni scenes
it isn’t hard to do
no need for more varchie sex scenes
we’ve had enough of those too
imagine all the people
living for choni
and youuuuuuuu
you may say that i’m a dreamer
but i’m not the only one
maybe some day, we’ll get some
and riverdale fans will rejoice as one
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completebughead · 6 years
jUGHEAD jones, you better calm it with the angsty teen shit and get it together boy. 
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completebughead · 6 years
hello, i’m in love with you, toni topaz 
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completebughead · 6 years
concept: Alice leaves Hals’ shitty ass and raises Polly, Betty, Chic, and the twins all by herself.
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completebughead · 6 years
where. have. you. been. ????? HALF A SEASON AND HEARD NOTHING FROM YOU!!!!
hellooooooo, i'm so sorry! Honestly, when i first started this blog, i thought i'd end up with like 3 followers, and it be a bit more of a personal kinda blog thing! It blew up as soon as i started it tbh, 3thousand followers in about a month and a half and i really put in every minute i had into it. then came the breaks between season 1 and two, exams seasons, moving to university! it's been hectic, wont lie, i'll try and put more effort in for the second half of season two, sending all my love to those of you who messaged me to see that i'm still alive and kicking.Expect to see more of me.
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completebughead · 6 years
Hello, i wrote something pretty for my friend who was having some anxiety and insomnia, feel free to share <3
For the nights where you find your mind wandering and unable to rest, and for the nights where it all gets a bit overwhelming, find comfort in knowing those around you love and care about you, and that you’re never alone.
Remember to give yourself a break, let the body and mind rest and restore, that the bad days have ends, and the new days, opportunities. Remember that it’s normal to have periods of exhaustion and despair, but that these are merely phases of life, which we all must go through, and support each other with.
Take time to embrace art and music; for centuries people have poured their souls out into their work; find comfort in knowing that people a thousand years before, and a thousand years after us, found a way to express their darkest, and their brightest emotions, so that we live knowing that we are not alone in how we feel.
Invest time in the things that make you feel alive; the things that make your soul sit up and kickstart into gear. Avoid the temptation of relying on the things that make us feel numb; the stuff that dulls our feelings – you will find greater comfort in trying to do the things that make you happy, rather than the things that (briefly) make you forget why you were feeling bad in the first place.
But most importantly, my lovely, remember to put yourself, your happiness, your health, and your wellbeing first. It’s easy to take on other people’s problems and issues to distract ourselves from our own. Put. Yourself. First.  Good things will come from this.
You are greatly loved, dear, love yourself with the same strength that you love others, and you are unstoppable.
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completebughead · 7 years
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White girl VS black Twitter
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