compulsivleyboring · 5 years
labeled this one chart 2 :)
Do you know those time where you can look at a person and see there purest form of emotion. Usually I find that, seeing this isn’t always that easy. Not every emotion can be seen as absolute as other. But I can see that emotion in its purest form on my mother. It’s not always but it’s too often than others. I see it when she looks at me sometime. When she talks about my sister. When she talks about the family. A emotion so bare, so ugly, I wish I could unsee it sometimes. I don’t think it about it much because my heart begins to feels heavy to an unhealthy point. But at times when your faced to face with it, it can’t be be ignored and your left with feeling empty, at lost for words, sorrow for this person, and most of all, at fault. I’m looking at her now. Into her deep old women eyes and the emotion I see, one which I can’t unsee is misery. My mother is miserable. I can see it, feel it, but I don’t know how to change it.
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compulsivleyboring · 5 years
Old entree (chapt1)
Some days feel much more lonely than others. The sun can be out, with the damn birds filtering out the silence and it can still be one the loneliest days. Days like those, days like this, like today, I can stop myself from wondering when life will stop feeling so damn lonely. I’m not depressed, but I do find myself feeling quietly sad. I know that might sound crazy, but I really think I’m depressed, I think that I think a lot and that my thoughts that know one else can see or hear make me sad. Quietly sad because no one else could feel the sadness of my thoughts with me.
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compulsivleyboring · 5 years
Hi again to my listeners. I recently rediscovered this account I guess I made in 2017 and I think I will now continue making mini journal entrees now in 2019, almost 2020. I’ve always wanted to start a blog, ever since I learned what a blog was. I guess with New Years coming up my New Years resolution will be to try to keep up as much as possible with updating this account. Hopefully I’ll have a lot to say, and will get to relive my 20′s by reading back my past entrees. <3 Tenzin :)
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compulsivleyboring · 7 years
November 19, 2017
It’s the end of another weekend. Had the chance to spend the weekend with my close friends who I haven’t seen in awhile because their in college. No matter how hard I pretend that things are the same, I can’t help but to realize that I have been proven wrong. 
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