is the bluest depths of the sky. It
is the spans of lively desert. It
is the sharp caws of crows gathering on a pine tree in the suburbs. It
is the mid-afternoon sun in early August.
is the stone picked up off the ground, chosen out of dozens. It
is the jingle of collected can tabs on a carabiner. It
is the smell of sagebrush and rain. It
is the furry little jumping spider that sits with you a while.
is the big armchair in the back corner of a local library. It
is the warmth of a mug of apple cider. It
is the beating heart of the city, humming through the streets. It
is the heavy jacket, worn and patched and repaired.
It means no disrespect
when you say It properly.
So would you, perhaps, consider
that "It" could be me?
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consistent-scribbles · 4 months
taking pictures
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experimenting with angles and composition a bit, really just having fun noticing features around me
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consistent-scribbles · 4 months
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i have committed an art
drew a lovely spider i saw in my backyard, still needs some touchups to look it's best but i do like it at its current stage
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consistent-scribbles · 4 months
everyone saying "art doesn't need to be perfect" hasn't taken into account the art monster, the monster that comes and kills you if art doesn't look exactly like it did in your head
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consistent-scribbles · 4 months
lesbab snail
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inspired by this post
not shaded because i didn't wanna(and because i had exactly 5 colors to work with while already trying something new), my forays into digital art on my phone continue
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consistent-scribbles · 4 months
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a nice photo i just shot, maybe itcs low effort but whatever i like it
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consistent-scribbles · 4 months
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prompt from a friend, shoutout to @mayhem-moth for this wonderful mental image
i made the wooly chafer beetle and the cards fly because i didn't wanna deal with physics, sue me
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consistent-scribbles · 4 months
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literally just a page of doodles but it counts because it's more than what ive been doing. did a little shading and perspective practice at least
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consistent-scribbles · 7 months
lunchtime napkin art
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going with a mix of gash in reality/crossing a threshold themes. really needed color on this one but oh well it is what it is
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consistent-scribbles · 7 months
class (not)doodles
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no references, mostly just fidgeting and keeping myself awake
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consistent-scribbles · 8 months
did an art trade w/ my little sisters
five min, then we switch, repeat until done (at both sketching and coloring phases)
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this was my result. gorgeous, isn't it?
i got a total of 10min with this don't judge
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consistent-scribbles · 8 months
i did make this last week i swear
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still a wip but creepie crechur. did this like Tu-Wed last week but forgot this blog existed. also the pictures are in a weird order it wouldn't let me change
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consistent-scribbles · 8 months
space hole with colors
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left is unedited, right has filters to make it look slightly better. i used my sketchbook to make a sticker and i cut it out, so i wanted to do something with the back. the pencils look really light next to the black even though i was pushing hard and did so many layers it was having trouble adhering to the paper. also need to work on even coverage. also not horrible for no sketch color work, but i need to blend more. I don't like this piece but it's the practice that matters.
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consistent-scribbles · 8 months
intro post
art sideblog of @goblinofthelaboratory
I am giving myself a challenge to upload some piece of art in any medium(media i enjoy using include pencil, marker, watercolors, textiles, collage, and photography; but i'd like to try more) every week.
i will post every saturday
*posts will be by the end of my saturdays
ive been inactive for a while but im coming back with a vengeance cmon art is going to happen
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